Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Beamlines, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 17:19, Ron Kuramoto, Primary Beamlines, Development, 4VQ3 Removal IMG_1893.JPGIMG_1893.JPGIMG_1899.JPGIMG_1902.JPGIMG_1907.JPG
 On 8March2016, under W/P C2016-03-08-2, 4VQ3 was lifted out of BL4V with the vault orbit crane where it was first weighed then lifted onto the
RH flat deck rail dolly.  It was then moved into the RH basement where it was surveyed before lifting it up onto the Red wagon cart in the RH loading
bay.  It was then pulled to the Meson Hall loading bay by fork lift where and then over the Cycloton vault to the top of the E-Hall roof beams under
Entry  Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 17:57, Ron Kuramoto, Primary Beamlines, Development, 4VQ1&Q2 Removal 13x
 On 14March2016, 4VQ1&Q2 were removed from BL4V and lowered into the Vault basement B3 level where they were stored in the south west corner
on their respective wood pallets.  The hot ends of both magnets were place against the west wall.  4VQ2 was lifted out first and moved temporarily
downstream where it was separated from its magnet stand. Q2 was then craned into the basement where it was tipped 45o to lay on the flat side
Entry  Tuesday, April 16, 2019, 11:19, Ron Kuramoto, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1AQ14 B/L Flange Broken Thermocouple 1AQ14_FlgTC1_7Mar2019.jpeg1AQ14_FlgTC2__7Mar2019.jpeg1AQ14_FlgTC3_7Mar2019.jpeg
On March 7,2019 the Thermocouple (TC) cable which monitors the temperature of the 1AQ14 B/L vacuum joint was broken when the iron shield block (Triumf Dwg
D-3237 aka M8 Tongue block) was restored on the east of the T2 Monolyth. See attached photos.  This TC (Omega #KTSS-116U-144) is attached to the 1AQ14
Indium ring seal (Triumf Ref Dwg TBP0372D) and should be replaced the next time this B/L joint is serviced.
The Controls Group has noted on the CCSC2,
Entry  Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 16:29, Keith C Ng, M20, Repair, m20 q1 q2 repair P1010986.JPG
Warm cell reconfigured for water leak repair at coil termination. Radiation surveys done. M20 Q1 ready for  removal of insulators.
Attached photo of warm cell as of Tuesday morning.
Entry  Thursday, February 16, 2012, 08:08, Keith C Ng, M20, Repair, m20 q1 q2 repair P1020003.JPGP1020001.JPG
Insulators # 6,7,8 removed from Q1 headers late afternoon by C Ballard. Ready for removal and re-brazing of #7 joint some time today.
Entry  Thursday, February 16, 2012, 16:22, Keith C Ng, M20, Repair, m20 q1 q2 repair IMG_2545.JPGP1020013.JPGP1020028.JPG
Old #7 coil fitting removed, replaced and re-brazed today by M Good. Insulators ready to go back on to magnet coils to be pressure checked.
Image    P1020013.JPG shows #7 coil fitting before removal. Heat shielding in the form of small aluminum sheets were installed to protect the magnet
and electrical wiring. 
Entry  Friday, February 17, 2012, 15:35, Keith C Ng, M20, Repair, m20 q1 q2 repair P1020033.JPGP1020037.JPGP1020038.JPGP1020035.JPGP1020031.JPG
Reinstalled ceramic insulators #6 7 8 to Q1 magnet by C Ballard. #6 and 8 went on with no issues. The copper tubing on insulator #7 had to be bent to
match the new position of the re-brazed #7 fitting. This may have been due to the removal of the inner and outer conductors (the two copper plates that
clamp the two coils together) during yesterdays repair which shifted the position of the coil. See photos.
Entry  Thursday, March 01, 2012, 16:01, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 2C Rad Hard Valve Replacement 
4" indium flanges at the 2C rad hard valve were cleaned of the remaining indium by C. Ballard. Both upstream and down stream flanges were done,
ready for installation of new valve.
Entry  Thursday, October 11, 2012, 16:40, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, m9 t2 joint repair 20121011_RH1_01_0357.JPG20121011_RH1_02_0367.JPG20121011_RH1_02_0362.JPG20121011_RH1_02_0363.JPG
Bridge setup complete; Noticed 12 x 3 x 3 block when placed on top of several other blocks rocked when placed down.
Took initial photos of joint: west side approximately 0.05" to 0.06" gap, east side 0.20" to 0.220" gap. Joint appears to be
Entry  Friday, October 12, 2012, 15:12, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 Joint Repair cont. 20121012_RH2_01_0002.JPG20121012_RH2_01_0004.JPG
Joint repair continues.
Leak Check:
Entry  Monday, October 15, 2012, 17:03, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 joint repair cont. 
- Removed pins and removed indium through ring. Joint fully open at 14.5 to 15 turns of retraction mechanism.
- Did initial video inspection of T2 and Q1 flanges, some residual indium on knife surfaces, did initial scraping of T2 flange. (see videos on
Entry  Thursday, October 18, 2012, 08:26, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 joint repair cont. 
Installed indium blank off at M9 T2 joint and pumped down at 15:20 to 15:45 overnight. 1ACG7 (T2 vacuum pressure) reads between 6.0E-3mT and 2.0E-2
mT as of 8:15 today.
Entry  Thursday, October 18, 2012, 16:28, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 joint repair cont. T2_Remote_Leak_Check.PDF20121018_m9q2_waterleak.jpg
Completed leak check of M9 T2 area: joint(s) are He leak tight. Remote He lines checked as well, see attached.
Entry  Friday, October 19, 2012, 16:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 Joint Repair cont. 20121019_RH1_01_0081.JPG20121019_RH1_01_0082.JPG20121019_RH2_02_0004.JPG
Cleaned up work site and removed extraneous poles and tooling. Radioactive parts stored in lead flask now located on TNF.
- Two pins, an RH bullet bolt and indium ring (tb22148) were put into lead flask for storage, flask now located on TNF.
Entry  Monday, October 22, 2012, 15:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 clean up and shield restoration 20121022_RH1_02_0092.JPG20121022_RH1_02_0081.JPG20121022_RH1_02_0082.JPG
Restoring shielding at M9 T2 area and cleaning up RH setup.
Entry  Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 11:53, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 blank off complete 201211_m9t2repair.xlsx
Shielding around m9 t2 restored as of 11:45, vacuum levels still the same since 19 October.
- Work permit returned.
- A dose record of the job is attached as a spread sheet. Total dose for all workers is 1.89 mSv for the job.
Entry  Friday, January 11, 2013, 15:44, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1AVA8 valve o ring replacement 
Assisted vacuum group with removing 1AVA8:
- uncovered valve area and set up remote handling bridge over valve.
- shut off pneumatic supply to valve to render valve in mid position (shut off valve in 1A tunnel). disconnected electrical services and air supply
Entry  Monday, January 14, 2013, 16:36, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1AVA8 valve o ring replacement 
continued with o ring replacement, replaced all relevant o ring seals on valve (valve body seal and actuator arm dynamic seals).
- valve re installed and services reconnected.
- valve cycled and checked; valve, limit switches ok.
Entry  Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 16:37, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1AVA8 valve o ring replacement 
Job completed today and shielding block over valve restored.
- He leak checked valve and accessible up stream joints, no leaks found.
- J McKinnon checked power supplies for nearby steering magnets before and after covering valve. supplies working ok.
Entry  Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 17:03, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair 
Moved 18' blocks away from triplet area in preparation for uncovering triplet. Plastic laid down up stream of t2 target station for short term storage
of 6' layered blocks.
Entry  Friday, January 18, 2013, 14:40, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair 20130118_tripletrepair_RHB_5431-web_m.jpg
Completed uncovering shielding and RH setup over 1A Q14 triplet area, see photo for RH setup.
Entry  Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 16:02, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair 20130122_tripletrepair_IMG_0018_webm.jpg
1.5 day work delay due to plant group unavailable on the 21st of January. Gardner air compressor was being moved.
Entry  Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 15:51, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 20130123_tripletrepair_P1020666.JPG20130123_tripletrepair_P1020664.JPG20130123_tripletrepair_P1020669.JPG
Continued work on finding ground fault in 1A triplet magnets;
D. Preddy connected ohmeters to 1AQ14 & 15 power supplies with power leads disconnected. Ohmmeters were connected from magnet power leads to
Entry  Thursday, January 24, 2013, 17:05, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 20130124_tripletrepair_IMG_0047.JPG20130122_tripletrepair_IMG_0011.JPG20130124_tripletrepair_IMG_0040.JPG
Continued with work on finding ground fault on 1A triplet;
Uncovered Q15 & 16 to 1AS1 area. See photo below for setup.
Entry  Friday, January 25, 2013, 15:15, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 20130125_tripletrepair_IMG_0071.JPG20130125_tripletrepair_IMG_0067.JPG
Today: Uncovered 1A triplet cable chase and reconfigured shielding. D. Preddy will continue with diagnosing ground fault on Monday.
Entry  Monday, January 28, 2013, 16:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 6x
Rad survey map from last Friday (25 January) here.
Found exposed thermal switch cable in triplet service chase.
Entry  Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 16:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 
Restored shielding over 1A triplet chase.
Uncovered Q16 and set up RH bridge with lead blankets over Q16. 
Entry  Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 16:46, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 20130130_tripletrepair_P1020683.JPG20130130_tripletrepair_IMG_0123.JPG20130130_tripletrepair_P1020686.JPG20130130_tripletrepair_IMG_0118.JPG20130130_tripletrepair_P1020697.JPG
Cut and removed asymmetric steering cables from Q14 and 16, cables are no longer resting on magnet power bus bars.
Cut short sections left on magnet and connector block. North connector block left in place. Short cable section on magnet insulated with fiber
Entry  Friday, February 01, 2013, 14:15, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2; storage pit assessment 20130201_radwastepit_P1020704.JPG20130201_radwastepit_P1020720.JPG20130201_radwastepit_P1020736.JPG20130201_radwastepit_RHB_5449.JPG
Uncovered radioactive waste storage pit to see contents. Assessing viability of moving contents inside to facilitate storage of M9 Q1 Q2 magnet. See
below for some photos.
Entry  Monday, February 04, 2013, 16:04, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 20130204_tripletrepair_IMG_0129.JPG20130204_tripletrepair_IMG_0130.JPG20130204_tripletrepair_IMG_0132.JPG20130204_tripletrepair_IMG_0134.JPG20130204_tripletrepair_IMG_0133.JPG
Restored 1A triplet shielding and removed RH shielding.
1. Moved severed asymmetric steering cable on Q14 so as not to touch the coils underneath and the cover plate above it.
Entry  Tuesday, February 05, 2013, 16:12, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) (Completed) 
Today: D. Preddy completed another power test on 1A Q14, 15, 16 after all iron/steel shielding was restored. Magnet power and steering supplies were
checked and O.K.ed. R. Kuramoto deems triplet repair job completed.
Entry  Wednesday, February 06, 2013, 16:33, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, t2 monolith measurements 20130206_t2alignmeas_IMG_0140.JPG20130206_t2alignmeas_IMG_0139.JPG
Beam lines took measurements of top of T2 using Leica Total Station. Required no crane activities over 1A blocks.
Entry  Thursday, February 07, 2013, 16:02, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, site prepration 20130207_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0155.JPG20130207_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0162.JPG20130207_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0165.JPG20130207_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0154.JPG20130207_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0157.JPG
Started work on removing M9 Q1 Q2 magnets; area clean up and preparation, removing shielding above Q1 and Q2 and remote handling setup over magnet (moving
Entry  Friday, February 08, 2013, 15:31, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, site prepration 20130208_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0172.JPG20130208_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0174.JPG20130208_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0175.JPG
Completed remote handling/shielding setup over T2 M9, see photos for setup.
- Rad levels at 16' above Q2 were 1.2 mSv/h. Shielding was built up to 20' level, same as the opposite side to minimize exposure.
Entry  Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 15:49, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation 
Local and remote leak checks on M9 T2 area were done today to confirm leak; Leak was still present at T2 M9 joint. M9 Q1 and Q2 power supply leads were
disconnected (C. Yee). Next task is to find the ground fault on the Q1 magnet.
Indium one piece blank off plate (TB22267) for blanking off assembly (TB22265) was submitted into shop today.
Entry  Thursday, February 14, 2013, 15:43, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation 20130214_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0179.JPG20130214_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0177.JPG20130214_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0187.JPG20130214_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0181.JPG20130214_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0185.JPG
Removed 8" rubber test rings from M9 T2 joint. Rings moved to RH warm cell. Radiation levels were 70 µSv on contact 1.7 µSv @ 1/2 m.
Entry  Friday, February 15, 2013, 14:29, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation 20130215_m9q1q2remove_P1020780.JPG20130215_m9q1q2remove_P1020778.JPG20130215_m9q1q2remove_P1020781.JPG
Beam lines group purged M9 Q1 Q2 magnets and water lines in preparation of disconnecting water services to those magnets, done in morning.
- Note: Q15 protueus paddle wheel was replaced after finding it was worn
Entry  Monday, February 18, 2013, 16:24, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, electrical and water disconnected 20130218_m9q1q2remove_P1020787.JPG20130218_m9q1q2remove_P1020786.JPG20130218_m9q1q2remove_P1020788.JPG
Today, re-arranged electrical wiring on Q1 Q2 magnet away from Q2 indium joint. Cable bundles were bundled as neatly as possible.
- One of the klixon thermal switch wires broke off while the cable bundles were being organized. See photo.
Entry  Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 16:46, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation 20130219_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0206.JPG
Determined M9 Q2 service stand supply connector was slowly leaking.
- Ball valve to the supply was leaking through allowing trace amounts of water through.
- System was bled again and pressure relieved, leak appears to have stopped.
Entry  Thursday, February 21, 2013, 17:02, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, joint dissassembly 
CUALCW system water loss was not from 1A triplet. Q15 Q16 held static  pressure at 90 psi since 9 am until 17:00. Holding with very minimal  change in
pressure. Q14 reading 64 psi as of 17:00. D. Preddy informs all other systems leak tight.
Entry  Friday, February 22, 2013, 17:27, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, Q2 joint dissassembly 20130222_m9q1q2remove_P1020840.JPG20130222_m9q1q2remove_P1020832.JPG20130222_m9q1q2remove_P1020831.JPG
M9 Q2 15" pin drive was removed and disconnected.
- Pin drive retention screw had to be completely removed to be able to remove pin drive completely.
- Had to make tools to remove pin drive and retention screw, see photos.
Entry  Monday, February 25, 2013, 16:37, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, Q2 seal disassembly 7x
Removed Q2 15" indium seal ring, discovered seal contained rubber on both sides instead of indium.
- Some kind of oil residue seen at the bottom of the sealing ring and inside of the Q2 vacuum box. (Note: Oil residue was from downstream vacuum
roughing pumps. They were connected when T2 M9 joint was leaking. Oil got into the vacuum pump back streamed into the beam line.)
Entry  Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 16:15, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, rad waste pit prep 
Radioactive waste pit uncovered, red barrel with unknown contents taken out for assessment. R. Ralea from RPG determined barrel was too active to be
removed from pit and therefore replaced into storage pit.
M. Kinakin took the aluminum samples from the two indium test rings and the stainless steel bolt taken from Q1 for analysis. Will return the stainless
Entry  Friday, March 01, 2013, 15:28, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, Radadioactive Waste Pit Organizing 20130301_radwastepit_P1020865.JPG20130301_radwastepit_P1020869.JPG20130301_radwastepit_P1020873.JPG
Successfully stacked old m20 q2 q2 magnet assembly on top of old M9 Q1 Q2 magnet and M11 septum magnet. See photos.
- Done to create room for current m9 Q1,2 magnet.
- Used 6' remote handling bridge on north end of open pit for shielding.
Entry  Monday, March 04, 2013, 16:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation 6x
Preparing for M9 Q1,2 move:
1. Re-arranged/organized cables on top of magnet.
Entry  Tuesday, March 05, 2013, 14:15, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 Q1, 2 removal 7x
Removed M9 Q1 Q2 from beam line 1A via crane and transferred from beam line to radiation waste storage.
Magnet craned out of position in front of T2 monolith and then placed into bunker next to work site.
- Bunker pre-lined with plastic enough to envelope magnet.
Entry  Thursday, March 07, 2013, 08:35, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 flange blank off 
Work on blank off of M9 T2 started: Cleared away blocks making up bagging bunker. R. Kuramoto took some initial photos of the M9 T2 area post Q1Q2 removal;
See Remote Handling network drive for photos.
G. Morris posted photos of M9 Q1Q2 just after removal from beam line 1A. Click here for link: http://trshare.triumf.ca/~gmorris/BL1A/M9/2013.3.5/
Entry  Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 16:33, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 T2 flange blank off, preparation  
Scraped M9 T2 flange, removed what little indium was left on flange.
- Completed two passes, some indium still remains on flange. R. Kuramoto deems this sufficient for now.
- Scraping tool did not fit properly over flange, was forced into place and had to be pried off when scraping finished.
Entry  Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 16:21, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, M9 T2 blanking off preparation  
1. Re-scraped M9 T2 flange after reviewing video of flange.
- Some indium remains on inside of counter bore of flange, indium hard to remove due to current tooling.
Entry  Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 08:59, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T2 M9 off beamline activities 
Did vacuum testing on MK2 8" indium blank off; installed w/indium on test stand and put under vacuum.
- After 1 turn on spring eye nuts, a soft vacuum seal was achieved but the throttle valve (old leak detector) could not be opened. Spring eye nuts
Entry  Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 09:04, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 Q1Q2 void inspection 20130325_t2m9q1q2void_RHB_5726.JPG20130325_t2m9q1q2void_RHB_5728.JPG20130325_t2m9q1q2void_RHB_5742.JPG
Yesterday: did visual, video inspection and still imaging of T2 M9 Q1Q2 void. G. Morris came down to work site for visual inspection, noticed and was
concerned about a few of the shielding blocks that were "contacting" the T2 monolith. Of note are the known "crumbling blocks" directly
North and West of the T2 monolith and the pointy shielding block (2MB2, DWG# D-3399) North of the monolith which sits on top of a crumbling block. It was
Entry  Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 16:41, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, T2 M9 exit port blank off 20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5782.JPG20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5783.JPG20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5784.JPG20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5785.JPG
Blanked off T2 M9 exit port with indium seal blank off.
1. Removed temporary rubber blank off from T2 flange.
Entry  Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 16:20, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 flange blank off 
Continued with work on T2 M9 exit port and area; Vacuum started after 13:00 hours (due to vacuum pump issues at T2). He leak checked flange at 14:30,
determined to be He leak tight. Vacuum pressure as of 14:45 in T2 volume (1ACG7) was at 36mT.
Entry  Thursday, April 11, 2013, 15:43, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, T2 M9 exit port temporary shielding 10x
Installed shielding stand (TSH0094) for T2 M9 exit port as per drawing TSH0095; three steel blocks in total were lowered into the T2 M9 void. See photos.
Started to tear down RH  setup after shielding was lowered into place.
Entry  Thursday, December 12, 2013, 14:21, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, T2 suck tube active/contaminated water removal 
Removed "suck tube" filled with active/contaminated water from top of 1A beam line blocks to meson extension hall warm cell lab. Highest activity
recorded was measured at 22mSv on contact, 2000µSv @ 1/2 m. Tube was bagged and craned over to warm cell lab for temporary storage and will be dealt
with at a later date. See work permit  2013-12-12-2 for more details.
Entry  Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 11:00, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1VQ4 & 1VQ6 beamtube removal (WR #2686) 
Disconnected and removed beam tube from 1VQ4, 5, 6.  

- Q6 end had transition end removed with pin drive driven into the retracted position and left behind but indium joint was still intact.
Entry  Friday, January 23, 2015, 15:21, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1VQ4 joint section (WR #2686)  20150123_ucnbuild_IMG_1197.JPG20150123_ucnbuild_IMG_1202.JPG20150123_ucnbuild_IMG_1205.JPG20150123_ucnbuild_IMG_1207.JPG20150123_ucnbuild_IMG_1209.JPG
1VQ4 & 1VQ6 beamtube was installed by UCN group. RH provisonally installed aluminum indium carrier ring with no indium into joint space with clamping
collar and pin drive. Joint is currently connected but not vacuum tight. Joint will be sealed with indium at a later date, tbd.
Entry  Tuesday, February 03, 2015, 16:35, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, UCN T1 shutdown work INBOX)3363.jpegINBOX)33632.jpeg
RH bridge has been set up over T1 to Q1Q2 area, see images for radiation survey of work area. Joint is still intact, work will commence tomorrow.

Entry  Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 16:12, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, UCN T1 shutdown work 
UCN T1 work continues:
- Retracted Q1 T1 pindrive, took 34.5 turns. Pins left bolted to T1 monument.
Entry  Thursday, February 05, 2015, 16:06, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 Q1Q2 blank off work 20150205_ucnbuild_IMG_1229.JPG20150205_ucnbuild_IMG_1228.JPG20150205_ucnbuild_IMG_1225.JPG0temp_bellowsblocker.JPG
Work continues on T1 M13Q1 joint:
- Discovered some sort of vacuum box brace restricting the collapse of the vacuum box when the air cylinders were actuated. Upon closer observation
the air cylinders appear to work, unsure if the "retract" and "extend" port markings work as labeled.
Entry  Friday, February 06, 2015, 16:01, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work 20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1242.JPG20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1241.JPG20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1238.JPG20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1236.JPG
T1 M13Q1Q2 work continued:
- Removed T1 Q1 indium seal ring, collapsed center vacuum box bellows using pneumatic cylinders. The bellows restraint was able to be rotated slightly
so that the cylinders could be retracted. The brace/restraint bar could only be rotated until the bar made contact with the electrical connectors on Q1.
Entry  Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 16:15, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 Q1Q2 blank off work 20150210_ucnbuild_IMG_1244.JPGvlcsnap-00014.jpg
RH beam line work for UCN continues at T1.
- Attempted to scrape t1 flange, narrow scraping tool does not fit into space because of the headers on the water system of the magnet. Decided
to continue installing blanking plate with rubber anyway.
Entry  Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 16:46, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work vlcsnap-00010.jpgvlcsnap-00013.jpg20150211_ucnbuild_IMG_1258.JPG20150211_ucnbuild_IMG_1253.JPG
work continues on T1 M13 area for UCN.
- He leak checked T1 M13Q1 joint (sealed with rubber) and surrounding uncovered area, no leaks found.
- Moved back B1 jaws box enough to clear the spring eyes on the Q2 vacuum box.
Entry  Thursday, February 12, 2015, 14:29, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work 20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1266.JPG20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1268.JPG20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1271.JPG20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1275.JPG
Removed M13 B1 magnet from beam line without issues, Q2 vacuum box is covered with bag and vacuum box "extended" with air off. Field is now
3000uSv @ 1/2m from the open vacuum box where B1 magnet was.
Entry  Friday, February 13, 2015, 15:10, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, IVM3-IVQ4 indium joint section (WR #2686) 20150213_ucnbuild_IMG_1304.JPG20150213_ucnbuild_IMG_1305.JPG20150213_ucnbuild_IMG_1308.JPG
Installed 4" indium seal at 1VM3 to IVQ4. No real problems with installation.
Entry  Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 16:02, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 vacuum box anchor (part of UCN work) 
The replacement pin drive anchor (see TB22300) for M13 Q1Q2 vacuum box lowered into initial position. The original B1 base plate was able to rock when
weight was placed upon it; A concrete block was used to counterweight the base while the new pin drive was being installed. The pindrive has not been adjusted
into final position.
Entry  Friday, February 20, 2015, 16:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 vacuum box anchor (part of UCN work) 
Installed Q1Q2 pin drive and attempted to align it to the vacuum box. Spent majority of the day trying to align the pin drive/anchor.
- Pneumatic drive does not actuate smoothly, appears to be binding/catching, possibly due to some kind of misalignment, issues with the pneumatics.
A 1" space between T1 and Q1 flanges has been set but has a slight taper, starting 1" wide on the north east side tapering down by ~1/16 (to
Entry  Monday, February 23, 2015, 15:57, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 blank off (part of UCN work) 
"Hector" shield block installed into place, Q1Q2 Vacuum box still actuates normally. It does not appear that the position of the pin drive
has shifted. Some additional shielding steel is to be placed on top of the shield block once RH setup is removed.
Remote handling equipment installed around T1 ready to install indium blanking plate between T1 and M13Q1.
Entry  Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 14:57, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work 20150225_vlcsnap00010.jpg
Blanking plate with indium between T1 and M13Q1 flange has been installed, joint will be He leak checked tomorrow. Vac group informs that pumping of
T1 volume will start this afternoon going over night.
- The spring eyes on Q2 vacuum box are ~0.2" above the pin supports, the gap changes by 0.05" between open and closed positions.
Entry  Thursday, February 26, 2015, 16:22, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 blank off (part of UCN work) 
He leak checked T1M13Q1 joint, is leak tight.
 - Detected a small leak in nearby M15 slits box. 4.3x10E-9 atm cc/sec was highest leak rate recorded (Vac group says is small leak, okay
to run).
Entry  Thursday, March 05, 2015, 08:42, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1AT1 area water leak fixes 11x
1) Quick connect fittings on the rotary collimator were leaking (the two red collared fittings in photo below).
Entry  Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:10, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, T2 area uncovering 
Started to uncover and create work space around T2 M9 area, setup is mostly complete. Some misc items to be craned into position. RH set up is mostly
to do He leak checking of 1A beamline due to vacuum leak somewhere in the area around T2, bridge on B1 side of M9 has not been set yet.
Entry  Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 16:07, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, T2 M9 area work 
1) Block and bridge setup is mostly complete for T2 M9 sighting job. Waiting on approving drawing TB22322 in order to continue with installing sighting
2) He leak checked upstream of T2 and surrounding area. Appears to be a small leak at the M9T2 exit port through the blanking plate seal. Mode
Entry  Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 08:27, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 20150407_m9t2_P1030233.JPG
Work completed for Thursday:
1) Shielding filler blocks removed from M9Q1Q2 hole. Highest field was 5mSv/h coming from TSH0081 on the end facing the monolith. Blocks and frame
had 1000-1200 CPM of contamination.
Entry  Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 16:09, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 
work to prepare for installation of alignment jigs on T2M9 and M9B1 continues:
1) Vented T2 volume and removed M9 blanking plate. Volume was not fully vented so plate was stuck and had to be pried off slightly. Around 2 turns
of the nuts were required to undo the spring eyes, this is likely less than the total number of turns that were used to tighten the assembly since the
Entry  Wednesday, April 08, 2015, 14:18, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 12x
1) Visual inspection of T2 M9 flange: no obvious indium deposits on T2 flange knife edge seen, left over indium from before 2013 is still present on
counter bore. See screen captures. Screen captures show state of flange after removing blanking plate, no cleaning was performed after removal.
Entry  Thursday, April 09, 2015, 17:20, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 20150409_m9t2_P1030246.JPG20150409_m9t2_P1030251.JPG20150409_m9t2_P1030256.JPG20150409_m9t2_P1030248.JPG
1) Vented T2 and removed rubber seal blanking plate, vacuum level appeared to be at normal operating ranges prior to the indium seal developing a small
2) Removed B1 dust cover, cover was stuck to B1 flange due to oil residue. Oil residue is believed to be from a vacuum pump being turned on in
Entry  Friday, April 10, 2015, 16:25, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 
Continued with installation of target jigs:
1) Craned in equipment for alignment group.
2) Attempted to install target jig over B1 flange;
Entry  Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 08:31, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 20150414_m9t2_P1030289.JPG20150414_m9t2_P1030290.JPG20150414_m9t2_P1030295.JPG20150414_m9t2_P1030297.JPG
1) Addressed mounting issue with the 15" alignment jig: removed material from the spring eye to make the hole from 1" to 0.75" when
bottomed out. This would cause the spring eye and mounting eyelets on B1 to have 0.226" of starting overlap, vs the original 0.024" negative
Entry  Thursday, April 16, 2015, 09:17, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 9x
Yesterday (Apr 15):
1) Installed TB22265 on to M9 exit port at 18:48 with no vacuum and left over night. Done per 2013 installation procedure (1.5 turns of the preload
nut, after pins are engaged and springs are at free length)
Entry  Friday, April 17, 2015, 15:11, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 6x
Today: Restored filler shielding in T2 M9 Q1Q2 hole.
- Blocks marked with beam direction on this installation. Active faces point toward target monument.
Entry  Friday, January 29, 2016, 17:08, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 4VVR1 Removal 
Disconnected and removed 4VVR1 gate valve and removed from beamline.
- Pin drives removed and stored in bags near by
Entry  Friday, February 05, 2016, 08:48, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 4VVR1 Removal 
Returned work permit C2016-01-27-2 due to tank lid being raised and elevated fields make the work area un-favourable to work in. Work will resume to
blank off the combination magnet flange when the tank lid is closed in March.
Tasks remaining:
Entry  Thursday, February 18, 2016, 16:34, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, Vault beam line 4V disassembly 
Disconnected all 4V beamline joints. Parts for indium joints removed except for the Q1 to downstream monitor box and monitor upstream to Q2 due to access
issues (no space for ingress). Removed pin drive and collars currently piled on top of the beam line stands near the concrete shielding block on the north
side of the vault. These need to be sorted for storage as waste or spares. Indium ring carriers were all bagged and left in the area waiting for a storage
Entry  Friday, February 19, 2016, 14:03, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, 4V CM1 blanking 20160219_beamline4v_P1030499.JPG
Continued with work blanking off CM1 flange.
- Placed lead shot on left and right side of the CM1 flange to lower fields. No significant change, went from 2.8 mSv to 1.9-2 mSv.
- Inspected indium flange, some residue on 3 and 9 (left and right) clock sides of knife flange. No significant indium stuck on, some small cleanup
Entry  Monday, February 22, 2016, 16:09, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, 4V CM1 blanking 20160222_beamline4v_P1030502.JPG20160222_beamline4v_P1030511.JPG20160222_beamline4v_P1030505.JPG20160223_4VCM1_blank_off_inspection_report.pdf
Rolled indium into new blanking plate turned down to 5.550". Dry fit with no indium
ok. Assembled hook eyes from the previous blank off plate (removed from the slits box?). Used the same 20.5 mm spring compression (1.5 turns of the nut
Entry  Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:05, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, vault beamline 4 disassembly 
Attempted to remove RH parts between Q1, 2 and monitor vacuum box. Removed Q1 to monitor
box parts, could not remove monitor to Q2 parts, pin drive and indium ring are stuck in place. Indium joint is severed however. Collar was removed.
Entry  Thursday, March 31, 2016, 15:32, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, 1VM3 to 1VQ4 joint. 
Re-installed indium vacuum joint for 1VQ4, routing installation. R. Kuramoto sprayed silicone grease on to the threads and bushings on pin drive. Drove
down tapererd pins and stopped 1/16" short of old marker markings.  RK. Commented on the drive screw bending under load, reversed drive 1/2 turn
to relieve the stress on the screw.
Entry  Monday, January 30, 2017, 12:01, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 leak check with vac group 
Week of Jan 23 to 27:
- Uncovered shielding around T2 M9 area.
Entry  Wednesday, February 01, 2017, 15:34, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 Setup t2m920170201_143714_1032.jpg
Finished setting up work area around T2 M9 front end.
Entry  Friday, February 03, 2017, 14:57, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, Removing shield blocks and leak check results. t2m920170203_140114_0604.jpgt2m920170203_120314_0686.jpgLocal_leak_check_Jan_27_2017.pdf
Removed temporary shielding blocks from M9 hole and placed in temporary bunker. Capped with 18' shielding block. Blank off ready to be removed and target
jigs ready to be installed, weather permitting.
Raw leak check results from vacuum group attached as pdf.
Entry  Tuesday, February 07, 2017, 15:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 job 20170207_rh_shutdown_log.pdf
 - Removed blank off from t2 m9 port, had to pry off with screw driver via spring ears. Clean removal it seems.
- Blank off is 200 uSv @ .5 m, 5000 CPM above bg.
- looks like 2 knife steps all around with oozing on the left and right, 0 and 180 deg
Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 16:14, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 alignment 20170209_t2m9alignment_P1030588.JPG20170209_t2m9alignment_P1030586.JPG
Prepared m9 and b1 flanges for accepting their target jigs. The target jigs need to be reset by alignment group, 15" was bumped and 8" lost
2 of the target balls into the beam line. Reflector balls were recovered with a magnet on a stick, contaminated with 250 CPM, need alignment group to decontaminate
and clean them before use and reset the two jigs.
Entry  Friday, February 10, 2017, 15:53, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 job 20170210_t2m9alignment_P1030604.JPG
Installed all jigs and Alignment group did their shoots successfully. Used individual pins on the 15" target jig and worked ok. 8" target jig
has some previously undiscovered issues from the previous shoot from 2015 but did not affect this shoot.
Entry  Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 16:08, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 2015 vs 2017 comparison 20170214_t2m9alignmentflangecomparison.pdf
Attached a quick comparison of M9 exit port flanges WRT indium remnants: looks roughly the same. Will attempt to install blanking plate tomorrow morning.
Entry  Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 15:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 blank off 20170215_shutdown_log_photos.pdf
Installed the blank off on the T2 M9 exit port:
Blank off 2013 installation procedure: 2.5 turns of the preload nut, after pins
are engaged and springs are at free length.
Entry  Friday, February 17, 2017, 13:33, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 vacuum 
Leak checked the blank off at T2 M9 exit port with Dimo Y. and Edi D.V. (Vac Group) and they confirm it is leak tight. Blank off installed on the 15th,
pumping started on morning of the 16th and leak checked today in the morning on the 17th.
Starting to clean up work area.
Entry  Monday, February 20, 2017, 15:58, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 job wrap up 20170220_t2m9alignment_P1030616.JPG20170220_t2m9alignment_P1030621.JPG
Restored shielding to T2 M9 void, blocks seem more crooked compared to previous years.
Entry  Wednesday, March 08, 2017, 16:05, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, collimator joint repair t2m920170308_114226_1136.jpgt2m920170308_151426_1438.jpg
Started uncovering the area above the T2 to Q13 joint:
Entry  Thursday, March 16, 2017, 15:50, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, collimator b transition to t2 20170316_collimatorb_RHB_8023.JPG20170316_collimatorb_RHB_8025.JPG
On Monday found leaking joint was the ring directly downstream of T2. Vacuum group has been spraying Vacseal (http://www.vacseal.net/Pages/default.aspx)
sealant over the last 3 days attempting to get it in between the flanges and have partial vacuum to draw in the fluid. Seven sprays have been completed
as of March 16th.
Entry  Thursday, July 27, 2017, 09:02, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, test 
Entry  Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 15:44, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1AQ15 insulator repair vlcsnap-00001.jpgvlcsnap-00002.jpg20180123_1aq15repair_P1030875.JPG20180123_1aq15repair_P1030880.JPG
Assisted beamlines in replacing 2 insulators on 1A Q15 magnet. #10 and #14 insulators were found to be leaking at the ceramic, where the stainless steel
fitting joins the insulator. They were both replaced. During re-installation of the #10 ceramic, the VCR coil termination broke off the coil end and a
new one with updated design (see TBP0379) had to be soldered back in its place. The original SS fittings are deemed to have problems in their construction
Entry  Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 15:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, Q15 repair 
Beamlines has changed out another 2 insulators on Q15 after discovering two additional leaks. Insulators #2 & #4 were replaced. One of them failed
on installation (broken ceramic?)  and was replaced by another stocked replacement. Magnet was pressure tested and now enegerized as part of power
testing. Doug P. expects repairs to be complete and to cover up the area by tomorrow.
Entry  Thursday, February 01, 2018, 15:44, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, q15 repair 
Correction that all supply side (even numbered insulators) ceramic insulators on Q15 have been replaced with new old stock insulators as of today. Beamlines
finds no power or water issues. Expected to cover up tomorrow moving on to the Q12 and Q13 magnet area next week. 
Entry  Monday, February 05, 2018, 15:40, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A Q15 repair. 20180205_1aq15repair_P1030889.JPG
1.) Completed covering up 1A Q15.
2.) RH flask currently contains the 8 insulators removed from Q15. 3.6 mSv/h on contact, 40-60 uSv/h @ .5 m. Double bagged. Bag exterior was swiped
clean, inside was not checked (didn’t want to breach interior bag just to swipe components).
Entry  Wednesday, February 14, 2018, 10:36, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1a q12 q13 P1030907.JPG
Uncovered and placed bridges for 1a q12 q13 for doug's re cabling work. See WP C2018-02-13-2: work
Entry  Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 15:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Standard Operation, m9 alignment work dms.jpg
Set up shielding canyon for M9 laser tracker job.
Entry  Thursday, March 15, 2018, 15:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, m9 t2 alignment job 
Blank off removed this morning, video recorded the T2 flange,B1 flange and B1 vacuum box interior. Blank off is 150 uSv/h @ .5m, 3 mSv/h on contact at
the spring eye ears. Not swiped yet, not tagged. Currently tucked between an 18' shield block and the ME27 block.
Waiting for beam lines to install the target spheres on the target jigs, expecting to install them tomorrow.
Entry  Friday, March 16, 2018, 13:39, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, t2 m9 port inspection 2018_t2m9flangeinspection2.jpg2017_t2m9flangeinspection.jpg
Video imaged T2 port post blank off removal, looks roughly the same as last year. Knife edge looks clean.

Attached composite photo of flange face, ring is a stand off to maintain focus distance to camera. Also attached partial composite image of 2017
Entry  Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 15:22, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, t2 m9 laser tracker jigs 20180321_t2m9_P1030966.JPG20180321_t2m9_P1030967.JPG20180321_t2m9_P1030968.JPG
Installed the remaining laser tracker jigs for beam lines. No issues. Made sure 8" target the mounting poles did not interfere with each other and
pin drive was engaged with no issues.
Entry  Monday, March 26, 2018, 15:57, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, t2 m9 laser tracker alignment 
Removed all Leica tracker targets from M9 pit, I will proceed with blanking off T2 exit port sometime this week. Alignment group has taken possession
of their laser equipment and the target jigs.
Entry  Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 15:08, Keith C Ng, M9, Standard Operation, t2 m9 port blank off 20180327_t2m9_P1030978.JPG20180327_t2m9_P1030979.JPG
1. Blank off installed
11:40      with Dan McDonald, east spring ear looks 'deeper" than west.
- Reused all hardware from last install, most active hardware was around
Entry  Thursday, March 29, 2018, 15:15, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, t2 m9 port blank off 
Today leak checked the M9 exit port with Edi and we found no leaks. The usual delayed helium response in the M20/Collimator B/ M8(?) area is still persistent,
however Edi says the vacuum level at T2 is the same as before.
Shielding should be restored next week.
Entry  Thursday, April 25, 2019, 11:13, Keith C Ng, M20, Repair, M20 Q2 repair notes 2019_shutdown_m20_q2_repair_notes.pdf
See attached scan for repair notes regarding M20 Q2 during the 2019 winter shutdown. The repair method for M20 Q2 was instigated by Doug Preddy and Beamlines
group. Cooling line was blanked off during the 2019 winter shutdown in order to keep the M20 beamline running without removing the magnet and doing a complete
repair on the leaking coil. 
Entry  Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 14:56, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, M9 B1 seal notes from 1988 m9_b1_seal_deans_notes_page_1.pdfM9_B1_seal_Deans_Notes_Page_2.pdf
 Found original installation notes for the initial installation of M9 Q1Q2 generation 2 in 1988.

Dated May 17th there is a notation that the 15 inch indium ring was loaded with "Gummy Mag". Note that the rationale for using an elastomer
Entry  Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 14:37, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Standard Operation, lead pig radiation survey 
Surveyed contents of storage flask located at TNF. The lid was lifted off roughly 12" up and a pole monitor was swept over the opening. The fields
of the combined items in the flask were 9.84 mSv/h at 12-24". Extrapolated, the field is approximately 3.7 mSv/h at 1/2 m. 
Entry  Thursday, October 24, 2019, 14:41, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, annotated drawing of 1A Q15 cooling headers  tbp0425d_revB_acad-magnetinsulatortopheaderassembly_w-repairannotations.pdf
Annotated drawing of TBP0425D attempting to capture the repairs of 1A Q15 triplet magnet ceramic insulator/coils over the years.

Note that the file contains embedded comments visible only if opening the file in adobe acrobat reader.
Entry  Monday, February 24, 2020, 15:13, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, m9 q1q2 repair laser tracker shoot 20200224_m9project_P1040686.JPG20200224_m9project_P1040688.JPG
Beamlines shot the position of the M9 T2 port and B1 flange for setting the M9 test stand flanges
today. We removed the target jigs after this was done.
Entry  Friday, March 06, 2020, 13:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 B1 moved to warm cell 2020_M9_B1_field_survey_out_of_channel.pdf
 The M9 B1 was removed from the M9 channel surveyed and moved to the remote handling warm cell for refurbishment.
The warm cell is currently locked. Remote Handling should be contacted if access is needed to B1.
A field map of B1 is attached as a pdf file.
Entry  Thursday, March 19, 2020, 15:42, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, Vault beamline beam position monitor 
The Beam Position Monitor between 1VB1 and 1VM3 has been installed. The indium joints are leak tight, however the V flanges are leaking slightly. The
leak is small enough to still be able to run beam.
Entry  Friday, August 07, 2020, 16:18, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, T2 M9 exit port and B1 flange cleaning Cleaning_the_flanges.pdf
Today we attempted to scrape remnant indium from T2 M9 exit port and clean B1 knife flange for the new magnet. Report of todays activities attached to
the elog.
Entry  Monday, August 10, 2020, 16:08, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, M9 Q1Q2 magnet assembly installed in pit RHB_9237.JPG20200810_indiumringinspectionreport.pdf
The M9 Q1Q2 magnet assembly was installed in the M9 beam line today. 
Attached to elog is an inspection report of the indium ring that will be used in the M9 T2 Q1 joint.
Entry  Friday, March 18, 2022, 12:12, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, q15 repair tbp0425d_revB_acad-magnetinsulatortopheaderassembly_w-2022_repairannotations.pdfInkedRH1_0044_LI.jpgRH1_0046.jpgRH1_0050.jpgRH1_0049.jpg
 beamlines replaced leaking insulator on q15, circuit #4. See updated pdf for replacement part and location.
Entry  Friday, May 06, 2022, 11:27, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Standard Operation, 4V CM1 RH joint install 2022_4v_cm1_rh_joint_install.pdf
 2022 Apr 28 to 29:
Installed a new remote handling 4" indium joint for new beamline 4 north section. Issues were encountered in clearance between the downstream
steering magnet and the compression collar of the joint. Joint installation itself went smoothly. 
Entry  Thursday, June 30, 2011, 16:58, John Wong, Primary Beamlines, Repair, blah blah blah 
Entry  Thursday, May 24, 2012, 18:59, Grant Minor, M20, Repair, M20 front-end leak vacuum check T2/Q1/Q2/Scraper 6x




Entry  Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 19:47, Grant Minor, M9, Repair, Inspection of failed double-indium thru-ring TB22148 TB22148_thru_ring_inspT2_15oct2012.pdfTB22148_thru_ring_inspQ1_15oct2012.pdf
See inspection notes attached for failed M9T2 double-indium thru-ring TB22148, inspected on Oct 15th 2012.
Ring was approximately 3 mSv/hr on contact and 100 uSv/hr at 0.5 m.
Total dose accumulated during inspection on dosimeter 122 was 0.1 mSv
Entry  Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 19:50, Grant Minor, M9, Repair, M9T2 Joint Repair - Status Update 16 Oct 2012 M9T2_Joint_Repair_-_Status_Update_16_Oct_2012.pdf
See attached.
Entry  Friday, October 19, 2012, 18:21, Grant Minor, M9, Development, 8" double-ring test samples of EPDM and BUNA-N (Nitrile) BC_RUBBER_SUPPLY_PS_VA-B18799.pdf20121019_RH2_02_0025.JPG20121019_RH2_02_0027.JPG20121019_RH2_02_0029.JPG20121019_RH2_02_0031.JPG
Today I picked up two 2FT x 4Ft x 0.125" thick strips of stock EPDM and BUNA-N (Nitrile) material from BC Rubber Supply.  A copy of the Packing
Slip is attached.  Here is the information from the Sample Sheet:
ELOG V2.9.2-2455