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Message ID: 52     Entry time: Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 08:59
Author: Keith C Ng 
Category: Primary Beamlines 
Type: Development 
Subject: T2 M9 off beamline activities 


Did vacuum testing on MK2 8" indium blank off; installed w/indium on test stand and put under vacuum.

- After 1 turn on spring eye nuts, a soft vacuum seal was achieved but the throttle valve (old leak detector) could not be opened. Spring eye nuts were turned in half turn increments.

- A dial indicator placed on the left of the test jig showed 0.010" movement of the blank off plate within 2 minutes after vacuum was started, after 1 one turn was applied on each spring eye nut. Under vacuum this increased to 0.015" after 5 minutes.

- It was noted that the KF40 flange on the test jig contained a pinhole leak therefore threw off the results. The indium seal appeared to be vacuum leak tight (due to no or low response) when He was applied in close proximity to the flange. The KF side had an immediate response to He.


T2 M9 volume was pumped out by E. Dalla Valle.

- Done in place of actual He leak testing of rubber blank off plate.

- E. D. V. noted that the vacuum level achieved was better than the indium seal used at T2 M9. He feels there is nothing wrong with the flange due to the vacuum level.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455