Blanked off T2 M9 exit port with indium seal blank off.
1. Removed temporary rubber blank off from T2 flange.
2. Installed indium blank off TB22267, assembly TB22265 into exit port.
- Blank off installed at 2.5 turns past finger tight, finger tight defined as when springs are captive but still at free length with flange pins installed.
- Finger tight position set on test jig and removed before installing into beamline (backed off 0.5 turns to enable installation of flange pins)
- Blank off installed using the same parameters as testing, tightening spring nuts 0.5 turns alternating East then West West then East (*2012 May 2, KN) until reaching 2.5 turns.
- Installation finished 14:23, installation took 0.5 hours.
- See photos for final installation
3. Leak check of blank off and installation of shielding blocks to follow |