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Message ID: 30     Entry time: Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 16:46
Author: Keith C Ng 
Category: Primary Beamlines 
Type: Repair 
Subject: 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 

Cut and removed asymmetric steering cables from Q14 and 16, cables are no longer resting on magnet power bus bars.


Cut short sections left on magnet and connector block. North connector block left in place. Short cable section on magnet insulated with fiber glass insulation, see photo.

- J. Mckinnon severed cables and removed unused sections. Accumulated dose for job: 0.27 mSv.

- Respirator cartridge dropped into beam line trench, see photo (on top right corner of Q14 magnet photo).

- Rad fields were the same as before. See previous survey maps for levels. Q14 rad levels, Q15 rad levels, Q16 rad levels.



Photos of Q15 before and after cable removed, note bus bars at top of photo.



D. Preddy performed power test, ground fault persists at same resistance (magnets now at 250 Ohm Q14, 3.5 kOhm Q15). Doug deems it okay to run triplet in this state.


No water was found on magnets during final inspection. All three magnets were uncovered and visually checked for water before replacing dust covers.

- Booster pump was running.

- Q15 & 16 shield blocks back in place.

- Q14 left uncovered at this time, remote handling bridge still present in area. Shielding still needs to be fully restored.

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