1) Addressed mounting issue with the 15" alignment jig: removed material from the spring eye to make the hole from 1" to 0.75" when bottomed out. This would cause the spring eye and mounting eyelets on B1 to have 0.226" of starting overlap, vs the original 0.024" negative overlap previously seen.
2) M9B1 15" pin drive was removed along with the securing bolt. The bearing block on the pin drive had seized up and could not be rotated. It was decided to remove the screw drive from the pins and drive down the pin assembly in a manner similar to installing the 8" target. Installation of the 15" jig will continue today.
1) installed 15" and 8" sighting jigs, Beamlines group completed multiple passes for measurements. 15" pin drive was installed without the drive mechanism which was seized, pins were slipped into place (same procedure as 8" rubber seal blanking plate).
2) Reinstalled dust cover on to B1 flange, wiped off vacuum pump (?) oil from inner side of cover with acetone. Also wiped B1 flange with acetone + lint free cloth. The inner surface of the B1 flange and knife edge will need to be cleaned with specialized tooling.
![20150414_m9t2_P1030289.JPG](150414_164025/20150414_m9t2_P1030289.JPG?lb=RH-Beamlines&thumb=1) ![20150414_m9t2_P1030290.JPG](150414_164051/20150414_m9t2_P1030290.JPG?lb=RH-Beamlines&thumb=1)
3) 15" pin drive was replaced as follows: Seized screw drive was partially re-threaded into the taper pins, pins were lowered into place into receiving holes and the hook block that locates the pin drive was re-engaged. The pin drive securing bolt was left out. Not that this particular pin drive is not to be used in the future, high field parts were replaced for storage purposes.
![20150414_m9t2_P1030295.JPG](150414_164126/20150414_m9t2_P1030295.JPG?lb=RH-Beamlines&thumb=1) ![20150414_m9t2_P1030297.JPG](150414_164152/20150414_m9t2_P1030297.JPG?lb=RH-Beamlines&thumb=1)