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Thursday, March 22, 2012, 13:58 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Cooling | T1 Package Water Leak - Update | Vacuum group pumped down on the T1
& T2 volumes (because there is no cold
trap on the T1 pump) for approximately 1 |
Friday, March 23, 2012, 14:50 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1 Target Leak - Update | The T1-MK2 target was transferred from
the beam line to the hot cell. Water
was seen in the bottom of the target pipe |
Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 13:14 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | Water removal from T1 monolith | All water was removed from the base of
the target hole in the T1 monolith using
a suction tube device and wypalls. Video |
Monday, April 02, 2012, 15:18 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1-MK1 Installed in Beam Line | The T1-MK1 target was transferred
from the storage pit to the beam line. Services
were hooked up and the cooling package was |
Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 15:55 |
Isaac Earle | Maintenance | Target 1 | Target | T1 Ladder Position Look-up Tables Updated | Graham Waters has activated the appropriate
target ladder position look-up tables for
the T1-MK1 target which was installed in |
Thursday, April 05, 2012, 12:14 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1 & T2 Profile Monitors | Controls Group replaced the wiring and
wire harness for the profile monitor limit
switches on T2. The monitor was actuated |
Thursday, April 05, 2012, 15:22 |
Isaac Earle | Maintenance | Target 1 | Target | T1 & T2 Profile and Protect "Blip" Test | Diagnostics group completed their
"blip" signal response tests on
the T1 and T2 profile and protect monitors. |
Monday, April 23, 2012, 09:55 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | Hot Cell Manipulator Broken Cable | While working on the leak repair
of the T1-MK2 target in the hot cell on Friday
April 20th, a cable snapped on the slave |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 15:39 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | West Side Manipulator Removed from Hot Cell | The west side manipulator was removed
from the hot cell using the new manipulator
removal frame. The operation went smoothly |
Wednesday, June 06, 2012, 08:48 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | Manipulator Repair Complete | Repair of the west side hot cell
manipulator was completed and the manipulator
was re-installed into the hot cell. No |
Thursday, June 07, 2012, 18:08 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | Hot Cell Manipulator Broken Tape | A tape snapped on the west side manipulator
today while working on the T1-MK2 target
repair. The tape travels through to |
Friday, June 08, 2012, 16:52 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | Broken Manipulator Tape Update | The broken tape on the west side
hot cell manipulator was found to be one
of two "Z motion slave tapes". |
Friday, June 08, 2012, 17:01 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1-MK2 Leak Repair Update | A leak check was performed on the
T1-MK2 target in the hot cell today and confirmed
successful leak-free installation of the |
Monday, June 18, 2012, 16:27 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1-MK2 Profile and Protect Monitor Electronics Check | Bill Rawnsley and Mike Russell performed
a 'blip' test on the T1-MK2 profile monitor
and protect monitors today. A possible |
Friday, June 22, 2012, 13:48 |
Isaac Earle | Development | Target 1 | Cooling | T1 & T2 Expansion Tank Level Sensor Recording Enabled | Mike Mouat enabled recording for T1 and
T2 expansion tank warning and trip level
sensors on XTPAGE/XSTRIP. |
Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 09:05 |
Isaac Earle | Maintenance | Target 1 | Cooling | T1 & T2 Target Water Flow Transducers Serviced | The target water outlet flow transducers
on the T1 and T2 cooling packages were serviced
(new shaft, paddle wheel, & o-ring) to |
Friday, June 29, 2012, 14:18 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | Manipulator Repair Complete | Repair of the west side hot cell
manipulator was completed and the manipulator
was re-installed into the cell. The |
Friday, July 06, 2012, 16:03 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1-MK2 Target Repair Complete | Target elevation measurements and
beam spot plots were completed on the T1-MK2
target and the target is now fully repaired |
Monday, July 09, 2012, 17:17 |
Isaac Earle | Standard Operation | Target 1 | Target | BL1A Start-Up Prep | - T1 & T2 targets switched to
"remote" control
- Both target ladders were moved |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 17:51 |
Isaac Earle | Repair | Target 1 | Target | T1 Target Swap | BL1A was started yesterday and brought
up to 10 |