Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ARIEL, Page 3 of 5  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 16:14, Isaac Earle, 100KW Beam Dump, Development, Testing EHD water leak detectors 9x

The following work was completed today on the EHD water leak sensors:

  • Mike Vogel installed a 1/4" copper tube which leads from the east side of the EHDT shielding down to the catch tray below the water blocks.  This can be used for future testing of the in-tray sensors without removing the shield blocks.  It may also be possible to test the other sensors if enough water is poured into the tray for it to overflow and eventually get them wet.  The routing of the copper tube is not expected to interfere with the vertical shield plug
  • Ray Mendoza re-located the SMT circuit boards to a rack on the north wall of the E-Hall, east of the concrete shield wall.  The push-connect terminal on one board was damaged, so there is currently no electronics installed for EHD:LEAK06  (After various debugging over the last couple weeks it was eventually determined that the previous problems with these sensors was caused by a shared power source for the relays and the sensors themselves.  Ray installed a dedicated 9V power supply for the sensors, with 24V supply to the relays still coming from the PLC)
  • We swapped the wiring of two of the sensors so that LEAK01 and LEKA02 are the strips located in the tray as specified in interlock spec Document-112445 (see below for details of final installation)
    • Inside tray east side sensor is cable #4, wired to EHD:LEAK01
    • Inside tray west side sensor is cable #2, wired to EHD:LEAK02
    • Outside tray east side sensor is cable #3, wired to EHD:LEAK03
    • Outside tray west side sensor is cable #1, wired to EHD:LEAK04
  • After the wiring was completed we shorted across each sensor in the junction box near the beam dump.  EHD:LEAK01 through LEAK05 responded as expected



  • Water was poured into the 1/4" copper tube to test the sensor strips in the tray.  After approximately 50mL sensor #2 triggered, and #1 triggered after approximately 100mL total.  Both sensors were still in alarm 5 minutes later.






  • Water was applied to sensor #3 (outside tray, east side) using a snake camera with plastic tube attached.  Approximately 50mL was applied;  The sensor triggered once after a small amount of water reached the strip, came out of alarm, then went back into alarm when more water was applied.  It stayed in alarm for approximately 1 minute then cleared



  • EHD:LEAK04 (outside tray west side) was triggered by pouring water onto the ground in the general area of the sensor (direct application with the snake camera was not possible). 125mL was initially poured which did not trigger the sensor.  An additional 125mL was applied which triggered it.  More water was added to the LEAK03 sensor to confirm that the system behaves properly with all 4 sensors in alarm




  •  Air was forced down towards the sensors using a shop-vac hooked up in reverse.  LEAK03 and LEAK04 cleared within a couple minutes.  LEAK01 and LEAK02 cleared in approximately 2 hours.




Entry  Monday, January 25, 2016, 13:20, Allon Messenberg, T-Hall Crane, Maintenance, Possible oil leak 20160122_161849.jpg20160122_161830.jpg20160125_100929.jpg

Two small (approx. 5 cm across) puddles of green fluid were discovered on the floor, directly below the crane trolley.  The hook block was lowered and inspected.  No fluid found on hook block.
The plant group (Neil Wong) was notified and asked to schedule an inspection when the maintenance crew is on site to inspect the ISAC target hall crane.

The crane bridge and trolley were moved to another position on Friday evening and parked over the weekend.  The floor directly below the crane trolley was inspected on Monday morning.  Three very small (1-3cm diameter) puddles of green fluid were found.

Entry  Thursday, October 17, 2024, 11:34, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Development, Tarping completed on hot cell roof 90ab24ac-d55b-43ac-8630-02cd9ca2df85.jpgIMG_0325.JPEGIMG_0326.JPEG

Two tarps were installed above the hot cell roof to protect against concrete dust while testing in the hot cell.

Zip ties were used to hook the tarp onto tubing brackets on the back wall.

Entry  Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 15:38, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Standard Operation, APTW Front End Moved into Hot Cell 23x

The APTW front end was moved into the hot cell, on the lift table, following procedures outlined in Document-244862.

The mock-up frame was transferred from the east turntable to the west turntable above the front end. The east turntable is covered with the aluminum plate. During covering we accidentally broke the o-ring for the turntable plate flange. The new o-ring seal should be made ~1" longer in circumference to avoid difficulties with seating in the o-ring groove.

When we attempted to move the front-end with the manipulator, we noticed that the front end tended to carry on sliding down the slope of the hot cell (see TRI-DN-23-20 / Document-238536). The manipulators were subsequently unable to arrest the front end, likely because they cannot apply a load towards the CG of the front end. Therefore, for heavy-duty jigs in the hot cell it is advisable to avoid using wheels/rollers that allow the heavy assemblies to move freely on the lift table.


UPDATE Nov 21, 2024

  • FE attachment related tests completed:
    • replacement of shim plates
    • mock-up alignment of FE with shield plug (adjustment made in person, hot cell operator instruct and give direction with remote camera views
  • Difficulties encountered:
    • keeping track of which hole/screws are seen by the cameras during alignment was difficult for the operator
    • shim plate awkward to handle if not familiar
    • incompatible coupling screw and nut threads (M24 course vs fine threads) prevent completion of coupling and uncoupling tests
    • 'loose' service tray requires separate alignment check when raising the FE with the lift table
  • Lessons learned:
    • shim plate replacement easier if FE is semi-attached (screw lifts FE, leaving small gap for shim plate to be inserted)
    • need a cover plate to prevent dropping shim plate and associated screws
    • rotation clearance of FE checked, will clear
    • need to also check service tray alignment when raising
    • magnetic cameras would be beneficial for this operation
  • Follow up items:
    • crane-based positioning of FE for replacement to be tested after concrete pours/hand-testing/when APTW is exchanged for AETE.
    • future design of protective covering when performing shim plate removal
    • optionally implement magnetic camera array to check hole alignment by looking directly at the holes

At end of shift, mock up and FE was separated, markings made on floor to specify where FE needs to be to couple.


UPDATE Nov 25, 2024

Replacement nuts arrived (M24x3) for the coupling screws. Tests were completed to try and couple/uncouple the front end to the cart/mock up.

  • For taking the FE on/off the cart the cart should be able to rotate with the FE so that we can secure the coupling screws.
  • For dropping the FE off from the shield plug, we should make use of the alignment features (cup and cones), once screws are undone and the FE rests on the cones on the cart, it should be secured.
  • If markings on floor is made to assist with alignment, we need to do two sets; one for unloaded cart, one for loaded cart, this is because the lift table will tilt differently when there is a load.
  • The threads on the coupling screws are fine threaded in the real case, there is a slight concern with cross-threading when turning them onto the nuts remotely (from above).
  • Existing camera views sufficient to check for clearance between coupling plates and FE structures.
  • To allow the FE to guide freely into the alignment features (cup/cone), it may be a good idea to still use the air skates, but supplement it with structural 'stopping' features to keep it from rolling off the table.


UPDATE Nov 26, 2024

We returned the front-end to the cart to allow the shield-plug mock up to be rotated by the target hall crane (turntable still not functioning as of this date).

During this operation we noticed that the front end did not fully return to the alignment cones on the cart (see images), somehow the contact pad screws made contact first, and so the two-faced alignment cone did not come into contact.

For the real support frame we should use a minimal number of contact points. Also,more clearance at the coupling screws between the cart to the front end should be added.


UPDATE Nov 27, 2024

We rotated the mock-up frame manually to have the HTV side face the hot cell window. During which the o-ring fell and we decided to cut it for convenience, this should be replaced with an equivalent o-ring but made ~1" longer in circumference.


UPDATE Nov 28, 2024

Today we attempted to re-couple the front end to the mock up frame in the orientation where the HTV faces the hot cell window. The misalignment between the FE on the cart to the mock-up frame is worse in this orientation than in the previous (90 CCW facing down). There was approximately a 1" gap difference between the opposite ended screws. Factors contributing to the misalignment include uneven seating of the FE onto the bosch frame and uneven 'brake' engagement on the bosch frame wheels. During the attachment process the the screws had to be tightened very unevenly, with the HTV side being tightened far more than the extraction electrode side.

Additionally, the service tray shifted significantly from handling in the previous days and it was difficult to align the locating pins/cylinders. This further complicated the coupling process, in the future the service tray attachment should be made a separate operation to the process of coupling the  FE to the shield plug.

Under these conditions, during tightening, the inner screw at the HTV-side somehow jammed against the nut and the nut conversely jammed into the bracket. Subsequently, that screw could not be tightened further and required great difficulty to be removed, even after removing the bracket. In the aftermath, the nut bracket became forced apart (see picture) and the threads on the screw deformed beyond use. This is a critical failure mode for this coupling system. Note that the screw was hand started onto the nuts on the brackets prior to fully tightening the screws.

We believe the factors contributing to this failure include:

  1. bracket gap being too large and allows the nut to wedge itself during tightening,
  2. screw threads not being hardened/of proper grade,
  3. tightening the screws too unevenly and sharply (too large turns per-screw when bringing the FE up, 1/2-1 turn) / allowing some screws being slack,
  4. high misalignment (pitch and roll) between the FE plate and the mock-up frame,
  5. the brackets not being able to accommodate the observed misalignment,
  6. hole for screw is ~short and creates possibility for jamming when there is misalignment (pitch and roll),
  7. aligning the service tray locating features while aligning the screw holes for the FE coupling was difficult,
  8. possibly the extra lead in (chamfer) on the coupling screws is excessive and a non-standard design, which may cause problems starting the nut, likely a standard chamfer on the end of a standard screw would be sufficient for this operation

In the real operation, the long length of the screw will help prevent this failure from happening but some things to keep in mind/improve on would be:

  1. bracket re-design to use standard wrench/nut gaps to avoid nut jamming
  2. use hardened threads
  3. try to see if no-lead in/chamfer/using standard screw profiles is sufficient
  4. re-design the coupling system to not require a nut at the bottom and avoid cross-threading/thread jamming in the hot cell (move threads and nuts all above the FE assembly)
  5. extra: the screw should not be fine threaded in the real case to avoid cross threading
  6. minimize misalignment when trying to couple in the future (rotate turntable to minimum misalignment orientation)
  7. tighten the screws more incrementally to have them go together evenly, don't allow screws to be fully slack if possible to prevent jamming
  8. fully remove the service tray and attach only after the FE is attached

Of the above recommendations we strongly recommend re-designing the nut bracket - even when coupling was smooth (without misalignment) the nuts made a visible dent onto the bracket at the highest point (see image). A smaller gap (standard wrench gap) would prevent such a mark from forming.

We replaced the deformed screw with a standard (off the shelf) one to keep the FE secure to the mock-up.

We also noted after completing coupling that the extraction electrode, farthest out screw had damaged threads (see image).

It is recommended to perform repeated coupling/decoupling operations in the hot cell after some process/design changes are made/implemented to work out any possible failure modes with this operation.




Entry  Wednesday, November 27, 2024, 18:38, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Standard Operation, APTW Front End Electrical Cable Replacement Testing 19x

November 27, 2024

Testing completed:

  • Removal and re-insertion of 2x multi-pin coupling cable for HTV (see pictures, left most and right most, middle had no wire at the time).
  • Tested using 'wire' method to pull cable once removed back through the original path.
  • Test without rotating table, on cart, some obstruction that does not reflect reality in operation, rotated cart by hand, will require rotation during operation.


  • Right connector has wires come across and may interfere with the middle connector, will require removal of multiple connectors to exchange one depending on configuration.
  • Locating pins on high voltage multi-pin connector needs to be short for voltage bias reasons.
  • Right-most black multi-pin cylindrical connector has higher risk of machined block end catching when fishing from the HTV side.


  • May be a good idea to add a holder connector to go into the multi-pins and give the manipulators a better grip for handling. Directly grabbing on the cylinder of the multi-pin connector is ok though.
  • Some strain relief at the machined connector blocs (service tray side) will help prevent damage during wire replacement/routing.
  • Possibly re-route some of the electrical connectors to the back side of the HTV column for easier access and shorter length.
  • Will need chart mapping where the cables go and indexing different connections for future hot cell work (will be updated on SW model).
  • Locking pins on multi-pin connectors can be removed and replaced manually with the manipulator.
  • Adding a 'slippy' sheath onto the replacement cable for routing and to prevent catching would be a good idea in the future.


Dec 02, 2024

Testing completed:

  • Removal and re-insertion of 1x ceramic-ended wires specifically the one obstructed by the gas line on the right side of the HTV connection array as viewed from the hot cell window.
  • Removal and re-insertion of main multi-pin connector cable bundle from the HVFT connector array on the service tray.
  • Removal and re-insertion of the gas line obstructing the right-side ceramic electrical connectors << very difficult/impossible to do (recommend modifications + tooling).


  • Electrical wires/connectors generally straightforward to exchange.
  • Plastic/ceramic components on connectors are easy to damage during exchange operation.
  • Most connectors require the metal/cylindrical bits to be 'grabbed' by the manipulators if no custom tool is used
  • Rectangular multi-pin connector bracket if single is difficult to return to slot since not supported on both sides
  • Need documentation/reference material to make sure connectors get returned to where they need to be
  • Screws on connector are deep into the FE assembly, creates viewing difficulty
  • Cameras hard to use for these screws because of beam dump being highly active when FE is in operation
  • Ceramic (mass marker) connectors fine to grab on the conductor part
  • When trying to re-align the ceramic bodies to line up the screw holes, found that it was really easy to damage/break the ceramics, avoid using hard tooling/manipulators on the ceramic parts
  • Plastic components on multi-pin rectangular brackets got damaged after handling with manipulators
  • Full sized pin detent tool not compatible with smaller pins, should make smaller sized pin detent tool, smallest clearance found on HVFT side of multi-pin connector bundle
  • Routing HVFT side of multi-pin bundle through wires poses risk of damaging exposed pins


  • Should buy longer bits/ends for torque control tool to get better view angles on screws.
  • Maybe captive screw for the gas is a good idea to prevent the screw from dropping.
  • Torque tool should be set properly (torque and rotation rate) before performing screw exchanges involving the HTV connectors on the front end
  • Return of the gas line (on bracket) to its location on the FE is difficult, suggested modifications include:
    • Changing orientation of cutout on bracket to let stainless bent/welded tube to be returned separate from the bracket.
    • Changing screws for the stainless part on the gas line to be standard size (M6) for hot cell exchange operations.
    • Changing the unused screw hole on the FE to be pinned and allow for better alignment of the bracket onto the FE
    • Removing burr on sheet metal part on hose/wire opening at the bottom to prevent the braided hose from catching.
  • Should make a rotator tool (3D printed) to help adjust the ceramic end of the mass marker connector and have the screw hole and thread aligned
  • Maybe plastic covers for water/gas connectors to prevent scratching of outer surface
  • Make smaller pin detent tool or settle for old tool already made
  • Possibly design cover to protect exposed pins on multi-pin bundle during replacement


Dec 12, 2024:

Testing completed:

  • Tested removal and return of the gas line obstructing some ceramic electrical cables on the right side of the HTV connector array on the front end, now with 6mm pin (McMaster 97493A162) threaded into the previously unused hole to help guide the previously  unused hole to help guide the bracket.


  • Chad Fisher commented that even without the pin it should be possible to complete the removal and return operation if a 3D printed (soft )tool is made to grab onto the tubes and guide it with the bracket into the alignment hole/slot.
  • Old recommendations still stand though + maybe make the pin longer/custom with more lead in.


  • Remove the retaining tab at the bottom to allow the hose to be positioned more freely.
  • De-burr the sheet metal part to prevent catching on the braided hose.


Entry  Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 11:45, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Development, APTW Front End Service Tray and Associated Component Testing 16x

Dec 10, 2024

Testing completed:
 - Used hydraulic scissor jack cart to test raising/lowering service tray onto front-end, with only manipulators, placement of jack table done by hand because it isn't freely moving on the plane of the lift table.
 - Removal and insertion of the center post pin with indirect view to FE.
 - Application and removal of VCR gaskets on HVFT water connection array with 3D printed tool, only for 1/2" size (service tray side of VCR joints).
 - Checking whether the VCR joints can be done up with the service tray 'lifted' (not fully connected but the screws on the HVFT bracket are slid onto their slots)

 - Lift table slope creates some difficulty bringing the service tray up.
 - Effective misalignment of service tray changes with the degree in which it is 'brought up' because the ribbon connectors start to compress and exert load, tipping the service tray. There isn't a 'CG' that we can place the table under which will balance the service tray throughout the attachment operation.
 - Service tray is large and will not be fully supported by the base jig without custom jig on top.
 - Using a clamped piece of 2x4 wood on the jack cart worked to increase the supported region during testing, something similar with the base jig may work.
 - The service tray needs to be brought up such that the HVFT is ~1" from being fully engaged before the screws on the bracket can be upturned and start to engage. Likely the bus bar connectors will have started engaging before this is achieved (bus bar connectors roughly 2" in depth), this can create complications because the loading on the base jig will be really uneven at that point.
 - The pin for the center post can be easier to handle if we added a handle or an extender. A makeshift handle was made using tape and scrap U-channel nearby.
 - We managed to remove and attach the pin with the HTV table facing East using a remote camera view, but in practice it would be ideal if we could rotate the front end with service tray supported by some jig between orientations where the HVFT and center post are more easily accessed. This will require the ribbons and the alignment cylinders on the HVFT to transmit some force onto the lift table to overcome any friction the base jig may have on the lift table during rotation.
 - With the brackets on the HVFT on, we were able to start and even tighten the VCR joint closest to the corner bracket (using low clearance wrench, no photo).
 - Difficult to get at all brackets on HVFT and do up, will need cameras irrespective of the orientation, did not do up the bracket yet so we don't know how careful we need to be when inching each up and establishing the HVFT connection.
 - Difficult to get at and rotate screws on HVFT bracket, with torque tool due to proximity with HVFT structure, a longer bit on the torque tool will be beneficial. Note, using an Allen key with the manipulator gripper is difficult because of the same issue.
 - VCR wrenches slippery without catching features, will add pin for better grip
 - If 'fence' on HVFT for water lines is taken off it is quite easy to loose track of where the lines are supposed to return to, should have markings/labels for where the water lines need to return.
 - HTV side ribbons bend inward instead of outward.

Recommendations/follow up items/questions + answers as appropriate:
 - Consider adding grabbing features and an extender attachment for the center post pin: (Dec 16, 2024) Michael agreed to cut the tab and cross-pin the center post pin to match the HTV water connector pins.
 - Can we change the screws used on the HVFT bracket to be longer so it can engaging before the bus bars? (Dec 16, 2024) Michael will look into.
 - Can we add a lip to the HVFT top brackets to keep the screws in place and not fall out during tightening? (Dec 16, 2024) Michael will look into.
 - Consider more items that may help simplify the brackets on the HVFT
 - Is it possible to re-orient the center post holes to be toward the HVFT instead of aligned with the HTV platform axis, this may avoid the need for re-orienting the FE when raising/lowering the service tray. (Dec 16, 2024) Michael will look into.
 - Need to capture effect of bus bars connection in future testing. (Dec 16, 2024) Albert will design and send something to the shop to work with Phoenix's mock up.
 - Need to repeat service tray testing with base jig.
 - Check if ribbons are bending in the right direction. (Dec 16, 2024) Yes.
 - Perform full service tray coupling with actual machined brackets to inform coupling operation (3D printed brackets currently not strong enough and deflect unrealistically).(Dec 16, 2024) received spares from Michael.
 - Need modification to wrench to prevent slippage. (Dec 16, 2024) Albert and Aaron working on this (will simply add cross-pin)
 - VCR gasket tool for smaller size VCR's to be made.(Dec 16, 2024) Chad to do.
 - Real deal VCR gasket tools to be made out of soft metal to prevent scratching sealing surfaces in operation
 - If not possible to do with base jig, possibly a suspended plate with turnbuckles instead will be sufficient to support the service tray during attachment/removal operations. (Dec 16, 2024) Discussed with Michael the possibility of changing the HVFT 'cables' to threaded rod to also facilitate ejection of the service tray on the HVFT side (necessary to disconnect bus bar connections).



Entry  Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 12:57, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Development, APTW Front End HTV Water Connector Exchange Testing Screenshot_2025-01-15_121632.pngJan15.pdf

The four water connections on the front end plate of the APTW that will connect to the HTV were tested for replacement with the manipulators:

  • The pin on these connectors were fairly easy to remove and replace with the old pin detent tool.
  • The horizontal VCR joint on the DRIVE BEAM CONE (ATA3674) could be undone with the manipulator and standard wrenches, it is advisable to use 'semi-closed' wrenches on the nut to prevent it from dropping when torquing or undoing the joint.
  • Of the four water lines, only the top line could be taken out and returned by hand, testing with manipulator still to be done.
    • It would be nice for this top most line to have a clamp or something to keep the VCR nut on the bottom U-bend from falling.
  • The second line from the top interferes with the bus bar when trying to be removed by hand.
  • The second line from the bottom has a VCR connection obstructed by the same bus bar when trying to remove by hand.
  • The bottom line catches on the other lines when trying to remove by hand, the other lines likely need to be removed first to allow this line to be exchanged.
  • is the intent for the bus bar need to be removed to exchange these lines?

 Testing will resume in the following week for these water lines.


Entry  Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 12:57, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Development, APTW Front End HTV Water Connector Exchange Testing Screenshot_2025-01-15_121632.pngJan15_FE_Plate_Water_Lines.pdfJan23_FE_Plate_Water_Lines.pdf

The four water connections on the front end plate of the APTW that will connect to the HTV were tested for replacement with the manipulators:

  • The pin on these connectors were fairly easy to remove and replace with the old pin detent tool.
  • The pin detent tool could also be used to manipulate the water lines while protecting the sealing face.
  • The horizontal VCR joint on the DRIVE BEAM CONE (ATA3674) could be undone with the manipulator and standard wrenches, it is advisable to use 'semi-closed' wrenches on the nut to prevent it from dropping when torquing or undoing the joint.
  • Of the four water lines, only the top line could be taken out and returned by hand, testing with manipulator still to be done.
    • It would be nice for this top most line to have a clamp or something to keep the VCR nut on the bottom U-bend from falling.
  • The second line from the top interferes with the bus bar when trying to be removed by hand.
  • The second line from the bottom has a VCR connection obstructed by the same bus bar when trying to remove by hand.
  • The bottom line catches on the other lines when trying to remove by hand, the other lines likely need to be removed first to allow this line to be exchanged.
  • is the intent for the bus bar need to be removed to exchange these lines?
  • The VCR nuts on the water lines located by the bottom of the bus bars will require the turntable to be raised most of the way up to access with the manipulators.

 Testing will resume in the following week for these water lines.


UPDATE Jan 23, 2024:

We tried to exchange the for water connections on the front end plate again, but this time with the rear busbars removed (by hand, did not have time to test by manipulators):

  • Notes on rear busbar removal:
    • top array of 3 screws should be reachable by the torque tool
    • side screw that fastens the sheet metal peice should also be reachable by the torque tool but with a relatively short attachment
    • optimally, the module would be raised pary-way on the turntable to reach these screws
    • we can keep the busbar attached to the flexible connector at the bottom
    • damage to flexible connector should not happen under normal circumstances, unless something heavy gets dropped onto it from a height
  • General notes on VCR joints on flexible lines:
    • Ideally the male VCR are captured so we can tighten with just 1 manipulator/wrench, particularly those in the cramped spaces behind the FE plate
    • Having the male VCR end at least welded will help make starting the VCR nuts easier, if not, will need to hold it with another wrench
    • May be not a good idea to use side-load gaskets as they fall out more easily and can bridge potential gabs in high voltage carrying conductors
  • Notes on replacement of lines with bus bar undone and rear VCR's undone:
    • Top line can be removed and returned with manipulators without other lines being removed, as with previous testing, a clamp or other feature to keep the VCR nut from falling down the 'U' will help. Also, it would be recommended to not return the pin detent before doing up the VCR in the rear when returning to give the line more adjustment.
    • Second to bottom line is replaceable with the manipulators without other lines being removed.
    • Second to top line interferes slightly with a rigid tube line, it is possible to adjust the bend slightly so no interference is encountered when removing/installing, removal of the line with pin detent tool not possible because the tool interferes with the HTV carriage post, soft cover for direct grabbing with manipulator recommended,
      • The VCR nut for this line is positioned in a way that makes it difficult to get a wrench on and tighten, we only have around 30 degrees of rotation, and the male side is floating which requires another wrench to hold it in place. starting the nut difficult because the line tends to come together misaligned. re-doing VCR accomplished buy quite difficult due to interference and double-wrench operation.
      • Having the detent pin on the HTV end of the water line out helps with establishing the VCR joint for this line.
      • Use of side-load style gasket not encouraged here because there is a strong tendency for the gasket to slip out and fall into the HTV carriage sliding faces and other crevasses in the FE assembly
    • Bottom line requires top line to be removed for replacement with manipulators.
      • having a string on the removed line may help route the new line into place
      • there is a tendency for the line to catch on screws, shoulders, etc. when returned, good camera angles will help
      • the slot on the FE plate for this line does not have much lead in and tends to cause the line to catch, a bit particular when returning
  • Replacement of the VCR's will be tested in the coming session alongside replacing other braided lines in the FE assembly.


Entry  Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 13:09, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Repair, West turntable festooning pillar and cable damage IMG_0973.JPEG

Some issues were encountered with the turntable controls on the west hot cell, as a result the festooning post for the turntable was damaged. While the post was out of commission, the turntable was operated without actively monitoring the top of the hot cell and some cables ended up catching on the limit sensors, causing some slight fraying. The cables were duct-taped to prevent shorting for now but should be inspected and replaced accordingly in the future. We should also check that the sensor bracket did not move from where itshould be.

Entry  Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 13:23, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Development, APTW Front End Power Busbars Stabuli Connector Exchange Jan_15_Stabuli.pdf

We successfully performed a removal and replacement of a power busbar stabuli connector on the front end plate where the HTV connects to:

  • The middle-lower connector was tested as the others are more straightforward to work with.
  • It may be a good idea to use a 3D printed jig to wedge into the connectors without damaging the flexures/pins.
  • A longer hex bit on the hot cell torque tool would greatly help this operation.
  • Even without special tooling the bottom connector returned and mated back onto the locating features relatively easily with just the manipulators.
  • Longer hex bits purchased, 3D printed too left for future.
  • Screws and washers are effectively captive in the connectors which helps
Entry  Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 13:52, Albert Kong, Hot Cell 1, Development, APTW Front End VCR Gasket Selection IMG_0960.JPEG

Today RH (CF and AK) agreed upon using the following style of gaskets for the ARIEL front ends:

  • All metal rings to be used to avoid plastic retaining rings deteriorating due to radiation and leaving bits stuck in the nuts
  • Parker style (4 VGR-SS and 8 VGR-SS) gaskets for all VCR joints, except
  • For the piston module and hanging water line VCR joints (found in the 'back', these should use SwageLok side-load gaskets (SS-4-VCR-2-ZC-VS and SS-8-VCR-2-ZC-VS)
    • The primary reasons for which are clearance issues to fit normal loading VCR tools in these joints.
Entry  Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 10:31, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Repair, 900VFD Encoder Board Replacement IMG_20191106_140016.jpgIMG_20191106_153311.jpgIMG_20191112_114042.jpgHoist_Sync_3.jpgHoist_Sync_5.jpg
An issue arose in which the ARIEL crane hoist could not be moved. It was determined that the East and West drums were out of synchronization (by more than 0.2 m, which the limit) and the encoder board inside the 900VFD had failed.

Summary: The synchronization and encoder board issues were resolved, and the crane is now functional. The root cause of both of these issues is unknown.

The following is a timeline of events for record, in case a similar issue arises again:

Nov 6:

- Crane hoist not working
- Contact was made to COH to initiate troubleshooting
- Faults were observed: Drive fault for 700VFD, Drive fault for 900VFD and 900VFD not ready, Main Hoist Drum East and West Absolute Encoders Position Difference
- Logging in to the HMI as a maintenance user and viewing hoist feedback showed that: East drum absolute and incremental encoders agree with each other, West drum absolute and incremental encoders agree with each other, West drum and East drum encoder values do NOT agree with each other (approx 0.22 m difference, the threshold for faulting is 0.2 m)

Nov 12:

- Crane hoist mode was switched to operate only the East drum independently, and adjust it so that the encoder readout on the HMI of the difference between East and West drums was approximately 0... the red X indicators changed to a green checkmark, and the encoder difference fault was eliminated
- An attempt was made to operate both drums simultaneously again, but the drive faults persisted... contact was made to COH for further troubleshooting
- Hugo from COH suggested moving the encoder board within the VFD from 900VFD to 700VFD, to see if the "drive not ready" fault followed the board, to narrow down the issue. This swap was made, and it was determined that the issue was in fact due to a faulty encoder board. The VFD itself displayed fault code 4030 (Enc 1 open wire). A replacement as well as a spare were ordered (Allen Bradley 20-750-DENC-1).

Nov 18:

- The encoder board within 700VFD was replaced with a new one (this is the one that was previously in 900VFD)
- The fault messages were eliminated, and both drums could be run independently and simultaneously

Nov 19:

- Thomas Kauss, Travis Cave, and Adam Newsome tested the crane to verify functionality and check for synchronization of drums
- The drums are synchronized, as described in the operator's manual (visual verification of tick marks on hoists, 17 turns of rope when at upper limit)
- The crane was run to its upper limit and down a few times, and the hoists were observed: nothing out of the ordinary was noted
Entry  Thursday, February 13, 2020, 08:51, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Standard Operation, Remote mode door limit switch bypass 

The non-existent safety limit switch for the target hall door which prevents remote motion has been bypassed in the crane PLC control panel to allow for remote operation of the crane. This will be un-bypassed when a switch is installed. Specifically, a jumper was placed from terminal 18001 to 20121 and 20141 which will enable the hall lock safety relays 2012SR and 2014SR. The crane is currently operational in both local and remote mode.

Entry  Friday, July 03, 2020, 15:43, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Repair, North Aux Hoist: West Travel Motion Failure IMG_20200703_150700.jpg

An issue was observed in which the North Aux hoist failed to travel West when commanded to, but the East motion was functioning. The North Aux hoist Trolley was stuck in a position up against the East wall.

Present during troubleshooting: Adam N, Maico D, Tom K, Allon M, Travis C

After troubleshooting, it was determined that:

  • There were no fault messages on the HMI display relating to this issue
  • The HMI indicated "Bridge Not in North Limit and/or Auxiliary Trolley North Not in East or West Limit" - the Bridge was not in the north limit as described, and this message implies the PLC thought the North Aux hoist was somewhere along the middle of its travel
  • The West run signal was reaching the remote receiver from the crane pendant
  • The West and East run signals were correctly reaching their respective input pins on the VFD (DI1, DI2)... upon swapping wires and commanding it to run East, the West direction still did not function
  • The VFD was displaying the correct output frequency information on its display when commanded to run East, but not west
  • The limit switch was not related to this issue

Upon swapping out the VFD with the working one from the South Aux hoist, the North Aux hoist Trolley was able to move both East and West, as normal. It was therefore determined that the VFD had failed and must be replaced.


Current state of system as of July 3, 2020:

  • The North Aux hoist is fully functioning (contains VFD from South one)
  • The South Aux hoist is disabled (no VFD, breakers shut off)
  • The North Aux hoist limit switch flag has been temporarily bypassed to allow for crane work in the target hall (not a safety issue - extended bumpers are installed and the regular bridge limit switches are functioning normally... this is only to allow the bridge to run its full length of travel when the North Aux hoist is at its fully East position)


Next steps:

  • Adam Newsome requested quote for replacement drive (Delta Electronics TDN007E1100WM0) - will advise when replacement arrives
  • Install replacement drive into South Aux hoist upon arrival (note: check EMC level modification)
  • Verify entire system functioning as normal
  • Reinstall North Aux hoist limit switch flag


Entry  Wednesday, September 09, 2020, 10:51, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Repair, North Aux Hoist Replacement (followup on E-Log 44) 

See E-Log 44 for details on North Aux Hoist failure.

A replacement VFD was ordered by Adam Newsome and installed by Tom Kauss.

Adam and Tom replaced the VFD in the South Aux hoist (which had been relocated to the North Aux hoist). The original braking resistor was used. No functionality changes to the system.

Both Aux hoists were tested: E/W travel, up/down travel. Each hoist is functioning correctly. E/W speeds were compared between the two hoists and found to be the same (~14 Hz for slow speed, ~95 Hz for fast speed).

The replacement job is complete and the issue outlined in E-Log 44 is resolved, although the original cause for failure has not been determined.

Current state of system as of Sept 9, 2020:

  • The North Aux hoist is fully functioning (contains original VFD from South one)
  • The South Aux hoist is fully functioning (contains newly replaced VFD with original braking resistor)
  • The North Aux hoist limit switch flag has been temporarily bypassed to allow for crane work in the target hall (not a safety issue - extended bumpers are installed and the regular bridge limit switches are functioning normally... this is only to allow the bridge to run its full length of travel when the North Aux hoist is at its fully East position)

Next steps:

  • Reinstall North Aux hoist limit switch flag (TBD when Target Hall installation work is done)
Entry  Wednesday, September 15, 2021, 15:10, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Maintenance, Hoist Broken Fault (actually: cable wrap issue) 

A fault occurred which presented as "114. Main Hoist Cable Broken (3200PX)". This occurred when a SEG block was suspended approximately 1 m off the ground.

Upon inspection, it was determined that the cable was in fact not broken, but wrapped around itself. There are no guides, and it is possible for the cable to double wrap if loaded in an usual fashion. This condition triggered the "Hoist Rocker Switch 1" sensor, 3200PX. The sensor is not visible or accessible from ground level, and could not be inspected, but it was confirmed that there was no 24 VDC PLC input at 30000EA:I.Data[7].0, as would be expected under normal operating conditions.

To rectify the issue:

  • The sensor was bypassed in the control panel by connecting wire 32001 directly to 24 VDC after confirming that there would be no adverse affects from doing this.
  • With careful supervision, the load was lowered, while watching the cabling.
  • The load was removed from the crane.
  • The hoist was then lowered to its extreme lower limit, and the cable unwrapped itself naturally as it was being lowered.
  • The sensor bypass was removed.
  • The sensor began functioning normally again when the wrapping issue was resolved.
  • The hoist was raised and lowered multiple times to confirm the cable wrapping issue was no longer present.

The crane is returned to its normally functioning state. Operators will keep a lookout for any more issues relating to the hoist cable. The crane will be inspected on Sept. 22, 2021.

Entry  Thursday, September 16, 2021, 09:37, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Maintenance, Bridge Encoder Homing PXL_20210916_161245978.jpgPXL_20210916_161205277.jpg

The bridge motion was slowed due to encoder homing issue. It is likely that the problem which occurred yesterday caused an velocity fault (mismatch between encoder speed and commanded speed), which unlatches the homing status for the bridge motion axis.

When the bridge was in the southmost position (bumper pressed against wall), the position readback was: 0.353 m, encoder count = 5164003.

The bridge was moved to the "zero position" as indicated on the remote display - the tick was aligned with the zero.

The encoder was homed at this position. The home position readback was: 0.356 m, encoder count = 5164447. Note that this position is in alignment with the measuring tape zero mark, not pressed up against the wall.


The bridge was run to its full extreme positions in either direction to confirm proper slowdown and stopping behaviour. It appears to be functioning normally again.

Entry  Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 11:01, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Repair, Load Cell - Not Functioning 

The load cell which is located on the crane itself to display the load to operators was reported not working during the week of November 15. It is planned to investigate on Nov. 25 and this e-log will be updated with the status.


Edit (2022-02-02): the load cell is functioning again. No changes were made.

Entry  Thursday, January 06, 2022, 10:46, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Development, Modification of South Limits Untitled_picture.png

Edit: as of May 30, 2022, the modification has been reversed, and the crane is functioning normally as per the manufacturer's limits. 


Modifications have been made to the crane to allow for the South Aux Hoist to reach closer to the South wall during the ARIEL Hot Cell installation period. These modifications are temporary, and were considered to be a safer and simpler alternative to the modification proposed by the hot cell contractor workers, which involved installing a sort of come-along on the wall and pulling the hoist closer to obtain the desired reach. The following modifications were made:

  1. Removal of the bumpers on the south side (T. Kauss). There are no bumpers on the South side of the crane’s bridge currently.
  1. Modification of the PLC program to reduce the software limit by approximately 4 inches (A. Newsome). The previous soft limit was set at 0.36 m and it was reduced to 0.26 m (~3.9 inch reduction).


 These changes have been tested – the crane stops in the expected position. However, it is very close to the wall now. If you are using the crane anywhere near the South wall: exercise extreme caution. The crane automatically slows down when approaching the South wall, and there is plenty of time for the operator to react and further slow the motion by only holding the joystick down at about 20% speed. I strongly recommend operating at about 20% speed when close to the wall (on top of the automatic speed reduction I mentioned).  

  • These changes are based on Work Permit A2022-01-06-1
  • Changes have been noted in the crane’s logbook

See attached screenshot of PLC program indicating that the new limit has been reached.

Contact me (Adam Newsome) for more detailed information.

Entry  Tuesday, February 01, 2022, 08:29, Adam Newsome, T-Hall Crane, Repair, North Aux Hoist - West Motion Failure 

An issue was observed in which the North Aux hoist failed to travel West when commanded to, but the East motion was functioning. The up/down motion was also functioning. The North Aux Hoist Trolley failed during regular usage, seemingly randomly, when it was about 70% towards the West end of travel. Note that the West motion VFD inside the North Aux Hoist is the one previously taken from the South Aux Hoist (the same issue with the North Aux Hoist was observed last year, and the VFD was swapped, and a new one was installed in the South Aux Hoist).


A replacement VFD (Delta TDN007E1100WM0) will be ordered and installed, and this e-log will be updated.

Edit 2022-03-15: the replacement VFD has been installed and the system is operational. See e-log 52.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455