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Thursday, December 12, 2013, 14:21 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | T2 suck tube active/contaminated water removal | Removed "suck tube" filled with
active/contaminated water from top of 1A
beam line blocks to meson extension hall |
Monday, January 30, 2017, 12:01 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | T2 leak check with vac group | Week
of Jan 23 to 27:
Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:10 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | T2 area uncovering | Started to uncover and create work space
around T2 M9 area, setup is mostly complete.
Some misc items to be craned into position. |
Friday, February 17, 2017, 13:33 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | T2 M9 vacuum | Leak checked the blank off at T2 M9 exit
port with Dimo Y. and Edi D.V. (Vac Group)
and they confirm it is leak tight. Blank |
Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 08:59 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T2 M9 off beamline activities | Yesterday:
Did vacuum testing on MK2 8"
indium blank off; installed w/indium on test |
Thursday, April 11, 2013, 15:43 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | T2 M9 exit port temporary shielding | Installed shielding stand (TSH0094) for
T2 M9 exit port as per drawing TSH0095; three
steel blocks in total were lowered into the |
10x |
Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 16:41 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 exit port blank off | Blanked off T2 M9 exit port with indium
seal blank off.
Friday, August 07, 2020, 16:18 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 exit port and B1 flange cleaning | Today we attempted to scrape remnant indium
from T2 M9 exit port and clean B1 knife flange
for the new magnet. Report of todays activities |
Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 16:07 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 area work | 1) Block and bridge setup is mostly complete
for T2 M9 sighting job. Waiting on approving
drawing TB22322 in order to continue with |
Wednesday, February 01, 2017, 15:34 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | T2 M9 Setup | Finished setting up work area around T2
M9 front end.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 16:08 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | T2 M9 2015 vs 2017 comparison | Attached a quick comparison of M9 exit
port flanges WRT indium remnants: looks roughly
the same. Will attempt to install blanking |
Thursday, February 05, 2015, 16:06 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 Q1Q2 blank off work | Work continues on T1 M13Q1 joint:
- Discovered some sort of vacuum
box brace restricting the collapse of the |
Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 16:15 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 Q1Q2 blank off work | RH beam line work for UCN continues at
- Attempted to scrape t1 flange, |
Friday, February 06, 2015, 16:01 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work | T1 M13Q1Q2 work continued:
- Removed T1 Q1 indium seal ring,
collapsed center vacuum box bellows using |
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 16:46 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work | work continues on T1 M13 area for UCN.
- He leak checked T1 M13Q1 joint
(sealed with rubber) and surrounding uncovered |
Thursday, February 12, 2015, 14:29 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work | Removed M13 B1 magnet from beam line without
issues, Q2 vacuum box is covered with bag
and vacuum box "extended" with |
Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 14:57 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work | Blanking plate with indium between T1 and
M13Q1 flange has been installed, joint will
be He leak checked tomorrow. Vac group informs |
Friday, February 03, 2017, 14:57 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | Removing shield blocks and leak check results. | Removed temporary shielding blocks from
M9 hole and placed in temporary bunker. Capped
with 18' shielding block. Blank off ready |
Friday, March 01, 2013, 15:28 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | Radadioactive Waste Pit Organizing | Successfully stacked old m20 q2 q2 magnet
assembly on top of old M9 Q1 Q2 magnet and
M11 septum magnet. See photos. |
Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 15:28 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | Q15 repair | Beamlines has changed out another 2 insulators
on Q15 after discovering two additional leaks.
Insulators #2 & #4 were replaced. One |