Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Beamlines, Page 3 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thursday, December 12, 2013, 14:21, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, T2 suck tube active/contaminated water removal 

Removed "suck tube" filled with active/contaminated water from top of 1A beam line blocks to meson extension hall warm cell lab. Highest activity recorded was measured at 22mSv on contact, 2000µSv @ 1/2 m. Tube was bagged and craned over to warm cell lab for temporary storage and will be dealt with at a later date. See work permit 2013-12-12-2 for more details.

Entry  Monday, January 30, 2017, 12:01, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 leak check with vac group 

Week of Jan 23 to 27:


- Uncovered shielding around T2 M9 area.

- Initially set up remote handling bridge thing but stopped because of the stacked 12 x 2 x 3 blocks, looks precariously tall, wobbly. Suggested to postpone leak checking work and configure bridge to a more usual setup for safety.

 - Moved some bridges around, put some lights in cable tray area.

- Beamlines tied in M9 floor markings to the meson hall grid on the 18th

- Beamlines tied in B1 alignment to meson hall grid on 26th

- He leak checked around T2 area with Dimo and Edi, nothing found. Suspicious leak at M20 scraper area but cannot rule out drift toward the collimator joint. Will need to reassess later on in the shutdown when we go to that area.

- Doug and electricians looked around the cable tray feeding to M9, via tunnel and mezzanine.

Entry  Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:10, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, T2 area uncovering 

Started to uncover and create work space around T2 M9 area, setup is mostly complete. Some misc items to be craned into position. RH set up is mostly to do He leak checking of 1A beamline due to vacuum leak somewhere in the area around T2, bridge on B1 side of M9 has not been set yet.

Entry  Friday, February 17, 2017, 13:33, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 vacuum 

Leak checked the blank off at T2 M9 exit port with Dimo Y. and Edi D.V. (Vac Group) and they confirm it is leak tight. Blank off installed on the 15th, pumping started on morning of the 16th and leak checked today in the morning on the 17th.

Starting to clean up work area.

Entry  Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 08:59, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T2 M9 off beamline activities 


Did vacuum testing on MK2 8" indium blank off; installed w/indium on test stand and put under vacuum.

- After 1 turn on spring eye nuts, a soft vacuum seal was achieved but the throttle valve (old leak detector) could not be opened. Spring eye nuts were turned in half turn increments.

- A dial indicator placed on the left of the test jig showed 0.010" movement of the blank off plate within 2 minutes after vacuum was started, after 1 one turn was applied on each spring eye nut. Under vacuum this increased to 0.015" after 5 minutes.

- It was noted that the KF40 flange on the test jig contained a pinhole leak therefore threw off the results. The indium seal appeared to be vacuum leak tight (due to no or low response) when He was applied in close proximity to the flange. The KF side had an immediate response to He.


T2 M9 volume was pumped out by E. Dalla Valle.

- Done in place of actual He leak testing of rubber blank off plate.

- E. D. V. noted that the vacuum level achieved was better than the indium seal used at T2 M9. He feels there is nothing wrong with the flange due to the vacuum level.

Entry  Thursday, April 11, 2013, 15:43, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, T2 M9 exit port temporary shielding 10x

Installed shielding stand (TSH0094) for T2 M9 exit port as per drawing TSH0095; three steel blocks in total were lowered into the T2 M9 void. See photos. Started to tear down RH  setup after shielding was lowered into place.



TSH0081 and TSH0083 were put into the void along with another unspecified steel block, see photos for details. Pictured below is shielding stand and block TSH0081 installed in place.



Pictured below is TSH0083 and a steel shielding block installed in place. The steel grey block will retain its lift eyes (ie. left in block to be covered up). Top steel block is not specified in TSH0095 and will have to be updated in that drawing to reflect changes.



Before the RH setup was torn down photos of the spring eye gaps were shot from above, see photos for details.

- Pictured on left is the East spring eye, on right is West spring eye. Last photo is of the blank off its installed in place.


Entry  Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 16:41, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, T2 M9 exit port blank off 20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5782.JPG20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5783.JPG20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5784.JPG20130409_t2m9blankoff_RHB_5785.JPG

Blanked off T2 M9 exit port with indium seal blank off.


1. Removed temporary rubber blank off from T2 flange.


2. Installed indium blank off TB22267, assembly TB22265 into exit port.

- Blank off installed at 2.5 turns past finger tight, finger tight defined as when springs are captive but still at free length with flange pins installed.

- Finger tight position set on test jig and removed before installing into beamline (backed off 0.5 turns to enable installation of flange pins)

- Blank off installed using the same parameters as testing, tightening spring nuts 0.5 turns alternating East then West West then East (*2012 May 2, KN) until reaching 2.5 turns.

- Installation finished 14:23, installation took 0.5 hours.

- See photos for final installation





3. Leak check of blank off and installation of shielding blocks to follow

Entry  Friday, August 07, 2020, 16:18, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, T2 M9 exit port and B1 flange cleaning Cleaning_the_flanges.pdf

Today we attempted to scrape remnant indium from T2 M9 exit port and clean B1 knife flange for the new magnet. Report of todays activities attached to the elog.

Entry  Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 16:07, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, T2 M9 area work 

1) Block and bridge setup is mostly complete for T2 M9 sighting job. Waiting on approving drawing TB22322 in order to continue with installing sighting equipment.

2) He leak checked upstream of T2 and surrounding area. Appears to be a small leak at the M9T2 exit port through the blanking plate seal. Mode of failure undetermined at this time. Leak does not impact operation of beam line 1A according to vacuum group.

Entry  Wednesday, February 01, 2017, 15:34, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 Setup t2m920170201_143714_1032.jpg

Finished setting up work area around T2 M9 front end.


Entry  Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 16:08, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 2015 vs 2017 comparison 20170214_t2m9alignmentflangecomparison.pdf

Attached a quick comparison of M9 exit port flanges WRT indium remnants: looks roughly the same. Will attempt to install blanking plate tomorrow morning.

Entry  Thursday, February 05, 2015, 16:06, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 Q1Q2 blank off work 20150205_ucnbuild_IMG_1229.JPG20150205_ucnbuild_IMG_1228.JPG20150205_ucnbuild_IMG_1225.JPG0temp_bellowsblocker.JPG

Work continues on T1 M13Q1 joint:

- Discovered some sort of vacuum box brace restricting the collapse of the vacuum box when the air cylinders were actuated. Upon closer observation the air cylinders appear to work, unsure if the "retract" and "extend" port markings work as labeled.

- The brace appears not to be removable, further investigation of this piece is required.




- It is believed the piece is two plates attached to a ring surrounding the central bellows with a bar on the top to facilitate rotation of this blocking device.




Entry  Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 16:15, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 Q1Q2 blank off work 20150210_ucnbuild_IMG_1244.JPGvlcsnap-00014.jpg

RH beam line work for UCN continues at T1.

- Attempted to scrape t1 flange, narrow scraping tool does not fit into space because of the headers on the water system of the magnet. Decided to continue installing blanking plate with rubber anyway.


- Installed blanking plate between T1 and M13Q1 with rubber.

  • Q2B1 joint was closed up and pins driven down to anchor the vacuum box in place.
  • Joint was opened and then blanking plate was inserted into place against T1 flange. Q1Q2 vacuum chamber was extended to preload the plate.
  • The flange needed to be adjusted into place slightly and then the pins driven down to load the plate further where it then needed to be pried into position. After this the pins could be driven down completely.
  • Bolt stops on the Q1 flange that brace against the magnet were seen in video inspection. Also bolt lugs like as on the M9 and M20 vacuum box were seen although without bolts present in them.


- Q2B1 joint was disconnected again. Spring eyes are still not fully clear enough to lift away B2 magnet.




Entry  Friday, February 06, 2015, 16:01, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work 20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1242.JPG20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1241.JPG20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1238.JPG20150206_ucnbuild_IMG_1236.JPG

T1 M13Q1Q2 work continued:

- Removed T1 Q1 indium seal ring, collapsed center vacuum box bellows using pneumatic cylinders. The bellows restraint was able to be rotated slightly so that the cylinders could be retracted. The brace/restraint bar could only be rotated until the bar made contact with the electrical connectors on Q1.

- T1 Q1 pins driven back down to anchor Q1 vacuum box.

- Separated Q2 B1 joint: Q2 vacuum box spring eyes are still partially trapped. Vacuum box cannot fully retract due to the bar from the bellows bracing/restraint contacting the field plate on Q1 magnet. The joint will have to be manually separated with some other means.



Entry  Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 16:46, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work vlcsnap-00010.jpgvlcsnap-00013.jpg20150211_ucnbuild_IMG_1258.JPG20150211_ucnbuild_IMG_1253.JPG

work continues on T1 M13 area for UCN.

- He leak checked T1 M13Q1 joint (sealed with rubber) and surrounding uncovered area, no leaks found.

- Moved back B1 jaws box enough to clear the spring eyes on the Q2 vacuum box.

  • Removed and vacuumed bags of lead shot that were placed on the vacuum box between jaws box and bender magnet coils. Some loose shot fell on the floor.
  • Did this by loosening the restraining screws of the vacuum box on either end of the magnet (on top only)
  • Removed 2 C clamps holding the jaws box down to the magnet subframe (J. Chak and L. Lee pried clamps off)
  • J. Chak pried downstream end of vacuum box to shift the jaws box by the required 1/4 inch


- Tidied work area in preperation for removing the bridge setup and to remove the B1 magnet.

- The water line to the T1(?) water cooled indium ring is leaking water near the top of the target station, water system was shut off. The leaking swage lock fitting must be replaced.


Entry  Thursday, February 12, 2015, 14:29, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work 20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1266.JPG20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1268.JPG20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1271.JPG20150212_ucnbuild_IMG_1275.JPG

Removed M13 B1 magnet from beam line without issues, Q2 vacuum box is covered with bag and vacuum box "extended" with air off. Field is now 3000uSv @ 1/2m from the open vacuum box where B1 magnet was.



Entry  Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 14:57, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work 20150225_vlcsnap00010.jpg

Blanking plate with indium between T1 and M13Q1 flange has been installed, joint will be He leak checked tomorrow. Vac group informs that pumping of T1 volume will start this afternoon going over night.

- The spring eyes on Q2 vacuum box are ~0.2" above the pin supports, the gap changes by 0.05" between open and closed positions.

- Pin drives were driven down to 34 turns (left a 1/8" gap between the bar and the top of the T1 flange)


- A thermocouple wire was attached to the blanking plate, leads are not yet connected however.

Entry  Friday, February 03, 2017, 14:57, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, Removing shield blocks and leak check results. t2m920170203_140114_0604.jpgt2m920170203_120314_0686.jpgLocal_leak_check_Jan_27_2017.pdf

Removed temporary shielding blocks from M9 hole and placed in temporary bunker. Capped with 18' shielding block. Blank off ready to be removed and target jigs ready to be installed, weather permitting.

Raw leak check results from vacuum group attached as pdf.


Entry  Friday, March 01, 2013, 15:28, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, Radadioactive Waste Pit Organizing 20130301_radwastepit_P1020865.JPG20130301_radwastepit_P1020869.JPG20130301_radwastepit_P1020873.JPG

Successfully stacked old m20 q2 q2 magnet assembly on top of old M9 Q1 Q2 magnet and M11 septum magnet. See photos.

- Done to create room for current m9 Q1,2 magnet.

- Used 6' remote handling bridge on north end of open pit for shielding.

- Fields around railing/pit were around 460 µSv/h.


Old blank off, taper pins and dust cap were placed into lead flask.

- Radiation levels of pins not measured at this time.

Entry  Wednesday, January 31, 2018, 15:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, Q15 repair 

Beamlines has changed out another 2 insulators on Q15 after discovering two additional leaks. Insulators #2 & #4 were replaced. One of them failed on installation (broken ceramic?)  and was replaced by another stocked replacement. Magnet was pressure tested and now enegerized as part of power testing. Doug P. expects repairs to be complete and to cover up the area by tomorrow.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455