Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Friday, April 17, 2015, 15:11, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, m9 t2 alignment job 6x

Today: Restored filler shielding in T2 M9 Q1Q2 hole.

- Blocks marked with beam direction on this installation. Active faces point toward target monument.



- Checked spring eye spacing after installation under vacuum overnight, appears to be equal on both sides. 1/16" spacing.



- Remote handling equipment has been removed from work area and restoration of shelding around T2 has begun as of 15:00.

Entry  Monday, January 30, 2017, 12:01, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 leak check with vac group 

Week of Jan 23 to 27:


- Uncovered shielding around T2 M9 area.

- Initially set up remote handling bridge thing but stopped because of the stacked 12 x 2 x 3 blocks, looks precariously tall, wobbly. Suggested to postpone leak checking work and configure bridge to a more usual setup for safety.

 - Moved some bridges around, put some lights in cable tray area.

- Beamlines tied in M9 floor markings to the meson hall grid on the 18th

- Beamlines tied in B1 alignment to meson hall grid on 26th

- He leak checked around T2 area with Dimo and Edi, nothing found. Suspicious leak at M20 scraper area but cannot rule out drift toward the collimator joint. Will need to reassess later on in the shutdown when we go to that area.

- Doug and electricians looked around the cable tray feeding to M9, via tunnel and mezzanine.

Entry  Wednesday, February 01, 2017, 15:34, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 Setup t2m920170201_143714_1032.jpg

Finished setting up work area around T2 M9 front end.


Entry  Friday, February 03, 2017, 14:57, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, Removing shield blocks and leak check results. t2m920170203_140114_0604.jpgt2m920170203_120314_0686.jpgLocal_leak_check_Jan_27_2017.pdf

Removed temporary shielding blocks from M9 hole and placed in temporary bunker. Capped with 18' shielding block. Blank off ready to be removed and target jigs ready to be installed, weather permitting.

Raw leak check results from vacuum group attached as pdf.


Entry  Tuesday, February 07, 2017, 15:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 job 20170207_rh_shutdown_log.pdf

 - Removed blank off from t2 m9 port, had to pry off with screw driver via spring ears. Clean removal it seems.

- Blank off is 200 uSv @ .5 m, 5000 CPM above bg.

- looks like 2 knife steps all around with oozing on the left and right, 0 and 180 deg positions. 0 and 180 look like 2.5 steps. Looks like it took one turn to remove/loosen blank off.

- Junk indium at bottom of exit port still present, indium knife edge seems clean. Ribbon stayed in blank off.

Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 16:14, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 alignment 20170209_t2m9alignment_P1030588.JPG20170209_t2m9alignment_P1030586.JPG

Prepared m9 and b1 flanges for accepting their target jigs. The target jigs need to be reset by alignment group, 15" was bumped and 8" lost 2 of the target balls into the beam line. Reflector balls were recovered with a magnet on a stick, contaminated with 250 CPM, need alignment group to decontaminate and clean them before use and reset the two jigs.

Syd installed two springs on the 8" target jig and only one spring is needed.

Entry  Friday, February 10, 2017, 15:53, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 job 20170210_t2m9alignment_P1030604.JPG

Installed all jigs and Alignment group did their shoots successfully. Used individual pins on the 15" target jig and worked ok. 8" target jig has some previously undiscovered issues from the previous shoot from 2015 but did not affect this shoot.

Entry  Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 16:08, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 2015 vs 2017 comparison 20170214_t2m9alignmentflangecomparison.pdf

Attached a quick comparison of M9 exit port flanges WRT indium remnants: looks roughly the same. Will attempt to install blanking plate tomorrow morning.

Entry  Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 15:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 blank off 20170215_shutdown_log_photos.pdf

Installed the blank off on the T2 M9 exit port:

Blank off 2013 installation procedure: 2.5 turns of the preload nut, after pins are engaged and springs are at free length.

Blank off 2015 installation procedure: 1.5 turns of the preload nut, after pins are engaged and springs are at free length. (one less turn for insurance?)

2017 (this year) installed blanking plate via hammering/tapping pins into place:

  1. Spring eyes were set at spring free length and then placed down
  2. Pins did not slide through eyes as was expected.
  3. Nuts were then backed off roughly 1 turn, then pins were lightly tapped down into place
  4. Nuts then turned back to zero/starting position
  5. Then alternating east west by .5 turn tightened to 1.5 turns, 1/2 turn indicated by half bar pen marking.

This year different than prior years due to tapping pins into place rather than backing off eyelet nuts and sliding pins into place *then* tightening to zero point and then tightening to preload.

Blank off installed at 11:15, vacuum group not able to pump on T2 until tomorrow.

Entry  Friday, February 17, 2017, 13:33, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, T2 M9 vacuum 

Leak checked the blank off at T2 M9 exit port with Dimo Y. and Edi D.V. (Vac Group) and they confirm it is leak tight. Blank off installed on the 15th, pumping started on morning of the 16th and leak checked today in the morning on the 17th.

Starting to clean up work area.

Entry  Monday, February 20, 2017, 15:58, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, t2 m9 job wrap up 20170220_t2m9alignment_P1030616.JPG20170220_t2m9alignment_P1030621.JPG

Restored shielding to T2 M9 void, blocks seem more crooked compared to previous years.

Entry  Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 15:36, Keith C Ng, M9, Standard Operation, m9 alignment work dms.jpg

Set up shielding canyon for M9 laser tracker job.



Fill shielding blocks are not removed yet, to be done tomorrow.


Entry  Thursday, March 15, 2018, 15:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, m9 t2 alignment job 

Blank off removed this morning, video recorded the T2 flange,B1 flange and B1 vacuum box interior. Blank off is 150 uSv/h @ .5m, 3 mSv/h on contact at the spring eye ears. Not swiped yet, not tagged. Currently tucked between an 18' shield block and the ME27 block.

Waiting for beam lines to install the target spheres on the target jigs, expecting to install them tomorrow.

Entry  Friday, March 16, 2018, 13:39, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, t2 m9 port inspection 2018_t2m9flangeinspection2.jpg2017_t2m9flangeinspection.jpg

Video imaged T2 port post blank off removal, looks roughly the same as last year. Knife edge looks clean.

Attached composite photo of flange face, ring is a stand off to maintain focus distance to camera. Also attached partial composite image of 2017 video inspection.

Entry  Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 15:22, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, t2 m9 laser tracker jigs 20180321_t2m9_P1030966.JPG20180321_t2m9_P1030967.JPG20180321_t2m9_P1030968.JPG

Installed the remaining laser tracker jigs for beam lines. No issues. Made sure 8" target the mounting poles did not interfere with each other and pin drive was engaged with no issues.


Entry  Monday, March 26, 2018, 15:57, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, t2 m9 laser tracker alignment 

Removed all Leica tracker targets from M9 pit, I will proceed with blanking off T2 exit port sometime this week. Alignment group has taken possession of their laser equipment and the target jigs.

Entry  Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 15:08, Keith C Ng, M9, Standard Operation, t2 m9 port blank off 20180327_t2m9_P1030978.JPG20180327_t2m9_P1030979.JPG

1. Blank off installed 11:40 with Dan McDonald, east spring ear looks 'deeper" than west.

- Reused all hardware from last install, most active hardware was around 10 mSv/h on contact

- Zero point was at the 1/2 turn marker pen mark

- Installed at 1.5 turns from "finger tight" zero.


2. Spring eye zero set on a spare flange with spare pins.

- backed off 1/2 turn then mounted to exit port.

- tightened .5 turn to get to zero, then 1.5 turns on east and west sides to seal, in increments of .5 turns alternating.


3. Called Edi to start pumping on T2 at 12:50

Entry  Thursday, March 29, 2018, 15:15, Keith C Ng, M9, Maintenance, t2 m9 port blank off 

Today leak checked the M9 exit port with Edi and we found no leaks. The usual delayed helium response in the M20/Collimator B/ M8(?) area is still persistent, however Edi says the vacuum level at T2 is the same as before.

Shielding should be restored next week.


Entry  Tuesday, June 11, 2019, 14:56, Keith C Ng, M9, Development, M9 B1 seal notes from 1988 m9_b1_seal_deans_notes_page_1.pdfM9_B1_seal_Deans_Notes_Page_2.pdf

 Found original installation notes for the initial installation of M9 Q1Q2 generation 2 in 1988.

Dated May 17th there is a notation that the 15 inch indium ring was loaded with "Gummy Mag". Note that the rationale for using an elastomer seal in an indium knife application is still unknown.

Entry  Monday, February 24, 2020, 15:13, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, m9 q1q2 repair laser tracker shoot 20200224_m9project_P1040686.JPG20200224_m9project_P1040688.JPG

Beamlines shot the position of the M9 T2 port and B1 flange for setting the M9 test stand flanges today. We removed the target jigs after this was done.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455