Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Beamlines, Page 5 of 7  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Category Type Subject
  49   Thursday, March 07, 2013, 08:35 Keith C NgM9RepairM9 T2 flange blank off

Work on blank off of M9 T2 started: Cleared away blocks making up bagging bunker. R. Kuramoto took some initial photos of the M9 T2 area post Q1Q2 removal; See Remote Handling network drive for photos.

G. Morris posted photos of M9 Q1Q2 just after removal from beam line 1A. Click here for link: http://trshare.triumf.ca/~gmorris/BL1A/M9/2013.3.5/

  48   Tuesday, March 05, 2013, 14:15 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1, 2 removal

Removed M9 Q1 Q2 from beam line 1A via crane and transferred from beam line to radiation waste storage.

Magnet craned out of position in front of T2 monolith and then placed into bunker next to work site.

- Bunker pre-lined with plastic enough to envelope magnet.



Magnet craned over to radioactive storage and landed in south end of storage pit.

- Magnet did not sit on pit floor.

- Supported by a length of pipe on west of pit floor, Q1 leaning against south of pit wall and alignment bracket braced against a magnet on the east side of pit. See photos.






Attachment 6: 20130305_m9q1q2remove_IMG_0329.JPG
  47   Monday, March 04, 2013, 16:48 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation

Preparing for M9 Q1,2 move:

1. Re-arranged/organized cables on top of magnet.



2. Re-configured bagging bunker for walk around access.


3. M. Kinakin replaced bullet bolt that was used for assaying.

- Removed new bullet bolt from magnet and decontaminated


4. Fully collapsed M9 Q1,2 vacuum box

- Q1 front flange up against T2 flange, appx .25" clearance between Q2 spring eyes and B1 vacuum box.

- Helium line appears to be sticking out under B2

- See above and below photos.



5. Disconnected some kind of electrical line from M9 Q2.

- Was secured and pulled off from magnet; see photos below, before & after.


  46   Friday, March 01, 2013, 15:28 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceRadadioactive Waste Pit Organizing

Successfully stacked old m20 q2 q2 magnet assembly on top of old M9 Q1 Q2 magnet and M11 septum magnet. See photos.

- Done to create room for current m9 Q1,2 magnet.

- Used 6' remote handling bridge on north end of open pit for shielding.

- Fields around railing/pit were around 460 µSv/h.


Old blank off, taper pins and dust cap were placed into lead flask.

- Radiation levels of pins not measured at this time.

  45   Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 16:15 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, rad waste pit prep

Radioactive waste pit uncovered, red barrel with unknown contents taken out for assessment. R. Ralea from RPG determined barrel was too active to be removed from pit and therefore replaced into storage pit.

M. Kinakin took the aluminum samples from the two indium test rings and the stainless steel bolt taken from Q1 for analysis. Will return the stainless steel bolt when finished.

  44   Monday, February 25, 2013, 16:37 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, Q2 seal disassembly

Removed Q2 15" indium seal ring, discovered seal contained rubber on both sides instead of indium.

- Some kind of oil residue seen at the bottom of the sealing ring and inside of the Q2 vacuum box. (Note: Oil residue was from downstream vacuum roughing pumps. They were connected when T2 M9 joint was leaking. Oil got into the vacuum pump back streamed into the beam line.)

- Probing of rubber seal showed it was still soft at the top and bottom while brittle on the sides near the beam plane (Small pieces broke away when pressure was applied).

- Ring measured 11 µSv on contact, 0.7 µSv @ 1/2 meter, no removable contamination.



Removed a stainless remote handle-able bolt from Q1 cover plate for assaying.

- Bolt removed from South East corner of top cover plate. See photo for location of removed bolt.

- Removed bolt measured 600 µSv on contact, 11 µSv @ 1/2 m, no removable contamination. Bolt placed in a marked lead vial for storage.

- Replaced with identical remote handling bolt in same location.




  43   Friday, February 22, 2013, 17:27 Keith C NgM9RepairM9 Q1 Q2 removal, Q2 joint dissassembly

M9 Q2 15" pin drive was removed and disconnected.

- Pin drive retention screw had to be completely removed to be able to remove pin drive completely.

- Had to make tools to remove pin drive and retention screw, see photos.

- Retention screw removed with 3/4" hex socket with .010" shim inside to cause interference with 3/4 hex bar. Hex socket was then jammed on to screw to retain it. Part was then unscrewed and carried away with socket. 80 µSv on contact, 10 µSv @ 1/2 m, no removable contamination.


- Pin drive removed with double hook tool, left on stand next to steel blocks at magnet elevation.

- 93 turns to fully retract pin drive, 4 turns to completely remove retention screw.

- Q2 joint was pried open with a screwdriver wedged between B1 flange and indium ring. See photo for final result.


  42   Thursday, February 21, 2013, 17:02 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, joint dissassembly

CUALCW system water loss was not from 1A triplet. Q15 Q16 held static pressure at 90 psi since 9 am until 17:00. Holding with very minimal change in pressure. Q14 reading 64 psi as of 17:00. D. Preddy informs all other systems leak tight.


M9 Q1 joint disassembled, blank off and pins removed.

- M9 Q2 joint pin drive retracted but was not removed. Pin drive did not contain the roll pin that aids extraction of the drive.



  41   Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 16:46 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation

Determined M9 Q2 service stand supply connector was slowly leaking.

- Ball valve to the supply was leaking through allowing trace amounts of water through.

- System was bled again and pressure relieved, leak appears to have stopped.





Inspected M9 Q1 joint bottom bellows bolt lug and spring eye gaps.

- Bottom bolt is in tension, tried to move with tool and did not move.

- Observed spring eye gaps: 1/32" or less on West spring eye, 0.200" on East spring eye.


Cleaned up RH setup in preparation for moving bridge setup tomorrow.

  40   Monday, February 18, 2013, 16:24 Keith C NgM9RepairM9 Q1 Q2 removal, electrical and water disconnected

Today, re-arranged electrical wiring on Q1 Q2 magnet away from Q2 indium joint. Cable bundles were bundled as neatly as possible.

- One of the klixon thermal switch wires broke off while the cable bundles were being organized. See photo.




Completed disconnecting water services from services stand to Q2.

- Supply connector (the connector that did not come off last week) came off with some effort, return connector came off with no effort.

- Appears to be a slow leak from the male hansen fitting supply side; leaking @ one drop every 11 sec. Also observed a very slow leak (> 2 min) on Q1 return side on magnet stand.


  39   Friday, February 15, 2013, 14:29 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation

Beam lines group purged M9 Q1 Q2 magnets and water lines in preparation of disconnecting water services to those magnets, done in morning.

- Note: Q15 protueus paddle wheel was replaced after finding it was worn


Water connections at service stand partially disconnected.

- Q2 water lines disconnected, 1 Q1 water line is disconnected but stuck on hansen fitting. with continue on Monday.



- Photo showing stuck fitting shown below (fitting on the right).


  38   Thursday, February 14, 2013, 15:43 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation

Removed 8" rubber test rings from M9 T2 joint. Rings moved to RH warm cell. Radiation levels were 70 µSv on contact 1.7 µSv @ 1/2 m.



Bagging bunker was setup west of the T2 M9 work area, see photos.



Began disconnecting M9 Q1 Q2 services: Electrical and thermal switch connectors disconnected from service stand, water service lines for Q1 and Q2 remain to be disconnected.


  37   Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 15:49 Keith C NgM9MaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation

Local and remote leak checks on M9 T2 area were done today to confirm leak; Leak was still present at T2 M9 joint. M9 Q1 and Q2 power supply leads were disconnected (C. Yee). Next task is to find the ground fault on the Q1 magnet.

Indium one piece blank off plate (TB22267) for blanking off assembly (TB22265) was submitted into shop today.

  36   Friday, February 08, 2013, 15:31 Keith C NgM9RepairM9 Q1 Q2 removal, site prepration

Completed remote handling/shielding setup over T2 M9, see photos for setup.

- Rad levels at 16' above Q2 were 1.2 mSv/h. Shielding was built up to 20' level, same as the opposite side to minimize exposure.



  35   Thursday, February 07, 2013, 16:02 Keith C NgM9RepairM9 Q1 Q2 removal, site prepration

Started work on removing M9 Q1 Q2 magnets; area clean up and preparation, removing shielding above Q1 and Q2 and remote handling setup over magnet (moving blocks).


1. Covered T2 cooling package and top of monolith with plastic sheeting.

- In addition covered 1A triplet shielding as well.

- Installed 1AS1 18' shield block after sheeting was laid down.



2. Discovered 1A Q14 indium ring thermocouple (TW# B1-378) & thermocouple coil circuit #1 (TW# B1-379) had cable insulation damage. Damage was down to bare wire.

- Wires located under east side of cooling package. See photo.

- Wires repaired with black electrical tape.



3. Vacuum started on T2 volume @ 10:47, roughing pump only.

- @ 11:15 vacuum pressure leveled off at 1.5 T (1ACG4 reading). 11:15.

- @ 13:30 the roughing pump blower package was turned on.

- @14:45 vacuum level steady at 250 mT (1ACG4 reading) .


4. Uncovered and partially set up over T2 M9, Q1 Q2.

- This setup is similar to 2011 and 2012 setups.

- 1A Q12 and 13 were uncovered during setup and a visual check for water leaks was done. None were found.

- Setup uses two 12' x 6' x 4' blocks with 18' x 6' x 4' resting on top, spanning the joint; See photo.

- Will continue with set up next day.



  34   Wednesday, February 06, 2013, 16:33 Keith C NgPrimary BeamlinesMaintenancet2 monolith measurements

Beam lines took measurements of top of T2 using Leica Total Station. Required no crane activities over 1A blocks.


Attachment 1: 20130206_t2alignmeas_IMG_0140.JPG
  33   Tuesday, February 05, 2013, 16:12 Keith C NgPrimary BeamlinesMaintenance1A triplet repair (ground fault) (Completed)

Today: D. Preddy completed another power test on 1A Q14, 15, 16 after all iron/steel shielding was restored. Magnet power and steering supplies were checked and O.K.ed. R. Kuramoto deems triplet repair job completed.


Tomorrow: B. Gasbarri and J. McKinnon want to take measurements of the T2 monolith to verify its position and compare with past data, no crane activities are to occur while this is being done.

  32   Monday, February 04, 2013, 16:04 Keith C NgPrimary BeamlinesRepair1A triplet repair (ground fault)

Restored 1A triplet shielding and removed RH shielding.


1. Moved severed asymmetric steering cable on Q14 so as not to touch the coils underneath and the cover plate above it.

- Job done through RH bridge through floor tile and 6' tongs.

- Cable end pictured in center of photo toward left of magnet.

- Replaced cover plate, checked for water leaks, none found.



2. Restored Q14 shield block.

- J. McKinnon performed power test on triplet (Q14, 15, 16). Tested okay.


3. Restored triplet shielding. See photos.

- 1st layer restored.



- 2nd layer restored.



- Photo of temporary bunker for triplet shielding. Bunker was located East of T2.



  31   Friday, February 01, 2013, 14:15 Keith C NgPrimary BeamlinesMaintenanceM9 Q1 Q2; storage pit assessment

Uncovered radioactive waste storage pit to see contents. Assessing viability of moving contents inside to facilitate storage of M9 Q1 Q2 magnet. See below for some photos.



Additional photos are on the remote handling group drive.

  30   Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 16:46 Keith C NgPrimary BeamlinesRepair1A triplet repair (ground fault)

Cut and removed asymmetric steering cables from Q14 and 16, cables are no longer resting on magnet power bus bars.


Cut short sections left on magnet and connector block. North connector block left in place. Short cable section on magnet insulated with fiber glass insulation, see photo.

- J. Mckinnon severed cables and removed unused sections. Accumulated dose for job: 0.27 mSv.

- Respirator cartridge dropped into beam line trench, see photo (on top right corner of Q14 magnet photo).

- Rad fields were the same as before. See previous survey maps for levels. Q14 rad levels, Q15 rad levels, Q16 rad levels.



Photos of Q15 before and after cable removed, note bus bars at top of photo.



D. Preddy performed power test, ground fault persists at same resistance (magnets now at 250 Ohm Q14, 3.5 kOhm Q15). Doug deems it okay to run triplet in this state.


No water was found on magnets during final inspection. All three magnets were uncovered and visually checked for water before replacing dust covers.

- Booster pump was running.

- Q15 & 16 shield blocks back in place.

- Q14 left uncovered at this time, remote handling bridge still present in area. Shielding still needs to be fully restored.

Attachment 1: 20130130_tripletrepair_P1020683.JPG
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