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Monday, April 28, 2014, 10:20 |
Dan McDonald | Service Bridge | Maintenance | Bridge orbit reduction box |
Noticed oil leaking out of reduction box, scan and swipe, disconnect e motor and all related cables from bridge, remove motor and reduction box assembly with over head crane, disassemble reduction box, grease broken down and separated likely cause of leak. Inspect bearings and internals for wear -all good
re assemble with new grease and gaskets (we added two grease nipples to the bearing housing to aid lubrication), test e motor on its own- good. Mount motor and box as unit adjust chain for tension and final test - good |
Friday, February 05, 2016, 14:57 |
Travis Cave | Service Bridge | Maintenance | outrigger problem |
outrigger 1 had a power failure, bridge was removed power restored and outrigger parked, outrigger will be looked at once the shield are done hopefully. |
Thursday, October 31, 2019, 14:31 |
Adam Newsome | Service Bridge | Repair | Outrigger 2 Vertical Drive Repair |
Outrigger 2 vertical drive repair is complete - ball screws were replaced to resolve a jamming issue (this work was done in the summer).
The outrigger has been recalibrated and all limit switches and feedback signals tested. All ranges of motion were tested multiple times as well.
It has been reinstalled on the bridge and is ready for service for 2020 shutdown. |
Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 09:59 |
Adam Newsome | Service Bridge | Development | Bridge Lift Mechanism Refurbishment (Phase 1 of 2) - Complete |
The following items from Phase 1 of 2 of Bridge Lift Mechanism Refurbishment (O504) are complete:
- Replacement of pneumatic tubing
- Replacement of hydraulic cylinders for lifting, and procurement of spare
The newly refurbished system has been tested by Dan McDonald (June 16, 2021) and verified as functioning.
Phase 2 of the refurbishment will include replacement of the hydraulic pump and creation of pneumatic/hydraulic drawings. This is expected to be complete by end of 2022.
[Edit 2024-10-16]: Phase 2 has been completed. See e-log 191 |
Attachment 1: PXL_20210519_210527283_-_Copy.jpg
Attachment 2: PXL_20210216_175228151_-_cylinder_air_tubing_replaced.jpg
Attachment 3: PXL_20210615_171909579.jpg
Thursday, February 02, 2023, 07:05 |
maicodallavalle | Service Bridge | Repair | Hinged Festoon Rail at Cyclotron |
The Hinged section of the festoon rail at Cyclotron has a piston to keep rail in the up position for shutdown work (Bridge and Trolley in tank work).
A plastic liner for the piston has fallen apart and needs to be replace.
A spare one has been temporarily put into place until another one has been machined and reinstalled.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023, 12:02 |
Nadia Jorgenson | Service Bridge | Repair | Outrigger 1 Failure and Repair |
During the 2023 shutdown outrigger 1 failed. While performing the HE Probe removal we found that the outrigger could only travel vertically about one inch in each direction.
Upon further inspection we found that the linear bearings had been pulled off the ball screws. And 2/3 of the ball screws had been bent. Additionally one of the linear bearings broke and was missing some of the balls, the parts were later found inside the tank.
The event that caused the failure is unknown, but one guess is that while the outrigger was in the home position the shoulder joint was opened before the elbow joint.
The outrigger was repaired on March 21st, using parts from the old outrigger. After the shutdown the parts should be replaced again with new parts. Additionally it was observed that the linear bearings are quite old so they should be replaced on outrigger 2 also. See photo for details on which parts where repairs or replaced.
Update 2023-09-01: Both outrigger 1 and 2 had the linear bearings replaced with brand new bearings. Note that the same brand and part number was used (Thomson super-12-OPN ball bushing), however the quality of the new ones seems to have decreased and likely will not last as long as the previous ones. It is recommended that we review if they need to be replaced again in 5-10 years. |
Attachment 1: Outrigger_1_Repair_2023.png
Thursday, September 07, 2023, 13:21 |
Jason Zhang | Service Bridge | Development | Outrigger #1 and #2 individual testing complete |
Outrigger #1 and #2 have had their controls system overhauled as part of the O503 project. The previous controls enclosure and the elements have been replaced with a new aluminum enclosure which contains DIN rail relays, a 5V power supply, and a +-12V Power supply. The new centrepost slave PLC unit handles the control logic of OR1, OR2, the Bridge and is connected to the main PLC in the control room through Ethernet. Both outriggers were tested individually.
Systems Tested:
Vertical Drive - Up, Down, 5V Position (Inches) Potentiometer
Radial Drive - In, Out, Encoder (Inches)
Shoulder Drive - Home, Out, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)
Elbow Drive - Home, Out, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)
Wrist Drive - Pan Left, Pan Right, Tilt Up, Tilt Down, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)
Camera - Zoom In, Zoom Out, Focus Near, Focus Far
Testing Methodology:
We used the control panel which the Outrigger operator will be using during shutdown to confirm that the buttons translate to correct movements of each individual system. Direction control for the motors is done with relay switching of 24V to flip the polarity applied to the motors. +-12V is used for the zoom focus control of the HCZ-6320N camera. Correct movements was observed for both outriggers.
Position feedback was calibrated by adjusting the potentiometer's voltage to 2.5V at the mid point and spanned from 0V at low end to 5V at high end. Correct positions for both outriggers was observed on the HMI screen.
Next Steps
Testing the bridge orbit drive, orbit encoder, centrepost camera, centrepost light, both OR1 and OR2 simultaneously. |
Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 12:35 |
Jason Zhang | Service Bridge | Development | O503 Bridge and Outrigger integration testing |
Service bridge, Outrigger #1, and Outrigger #2 have had the controls system migrated to PLC controls. The 5069-AENTR control unit is located at the centrepost and will be mounted there after wiring is cleaned up. Preliminary testing consisted of operators simulating a shutdown task was performed today and was a success. Minor adjustments to the encoder logic will be made before the commissioning test. The follow tests were done:
PLC box:
Check Relays toggling over correctly.
Radial In/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate
Vertical Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate
Shoulder Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate
Elbow Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate
Pan CW/CCW & HMI Feedback Accurate
Tilt Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate
Cameras Zoom/Focus
4 movements at once
Random camera restart noted (could be tied to grounding issue. will further investigate)
Radial In/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate (Encoder Swap direction)
Vertical Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate
Shoulder Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate
Elbow Home/Out & HMI Feedback Accurate
Pan CW/CCW & HMI Feedback Accurate
Tilt Up/Down & HMI Feedback Accurate
Cameras Zoom/Focus
4 movements at once
Orbital Motor & Encoder HMI Feedback (Orbital Motor controls using Outrigger CP only active when ORs not selected) (set range to 0 to 360 same direction)
Centerpost Camera PTZF
Speed Control
Vid Trolley:
Test operating video trolley with bridge controls and outriggers
Top/Bot LED
Implement radial speed control using pot
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 12:13 |
Nadia Jorgenson | Service Bridge | Repair | First Festooning Car "H" channel replacement |
Damaged "H" channel removed from the first festooning car, and spare channel was put in place.
Note: it seems like the aluminum channel is not strong enough for the forces its being put under, and is resulting in deformations (See picture "Festooning car H channel deformation"). We suspect this has happened in the past, notches were cut out where the deformation likely occurred and then the part was flipped and put back in place. There was two notches on the bottom face of the part we took out, and there was already one on the spare part. (see picture "Festooning car H channel bottom face"). A new channel needs to be designed out of steel for the first car to prevent this from reoccurring. |
Attachment 1: Festooning_car_H_channel_deformation.png
Attachment 2: Festooning_car_H_channel_bottom_face.png
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 12:38 |
Nadia Jorgenson | Service Bridge | Maintenance | Bridge Orbit Counter Work in 2023 |
All the bearings on both the upper and lower wheel were replace to see if it will improve the accuracy of the orbital position reading. See drawing SK-2489 for list of bearings used.
The encoder was also replaced to match the style used elsewhere. |
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 12:33 |
Riley Sykes | Service Bridge | Maintenance | Center Post Bearing |
Center post bearing on service bridge inspected, turned freely by hand and regreased with Molub-Alloy 777-1 ES |
Friday, May 31, 2024, 11:28 |
Riley Sykes | Service Bridge | Maintenance | Outrigger mechanical inspection |
Both outriggers were inspected and were found to be mechanically sound. No damage to components or hardware visible, will revisit with pre-inspection before shutdown period 2025. |
Friday, June 14, 2024, 10:04 |
Riley Sykes | Service Bridge | Maintenance | Service/ Bridge inspection |
Yearly, 2 Year and 5 Year service completed. All bearings on support frames turn freely and were regreased with Molub Alloy 777-1 ES. Reducer repacked as well. Reinspect pre shutdown and lubricate orbital drive chain before wiping off excess. |
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 11:37 |
Adam Newsome | Service Bridge | Development | Bridge Lift Mechanism Refurbishment (Phase 2 of 2) - Complete |
See previous e-log for phase 1: e-log 134
Phase 2 of the bridge lift mechanism refurbishment was completed. The scope of work for this phase includes replacement of the hydraulic pump (including dump valve) and associated controls hardware, plus some portion of the hydraulic tubing which interfaces with the pump itself. Work was completed by Hyseco under work permit C2024-10-02-2.
The pump was integrated such that existing operator control functionality was maintained, except for one difference: with the new system, the pump does not run all the time when the operator turns the "pump on" switch on. Rather, the pump is turned on during the action of raising/lowering. This was deemed acceptable by operators.
During installation, flow rates were adjusted by Hyseco techs to achieve the desired performance in terms of raising and lowering speed. It has been noted that raised appears to be slightly more smooth and even than previously. Lowering behaves similarly to previous. Furthermore, the new pump is much quieter.
Due to the relative simplicity of this system, a full commissioning report was not created, but the following commissioning tests were performed multiple times between 2024-10-14 and 2024-10-15:
- Turn pump enable on
- Raise bridge to maximum upper limit and confirm it stops automatically
- Lower bridge to rest on centre post support stand
- Dump to fully disengage cylinders
These tests were successfully completed and witnessed by A. Newsome, T. Cave, R. Sykes, J. Zhang, N. Jorgenson, M. Dalla Valle, and the Hyseco techs. Therefore, the system is considered commissioned and operational. Some minor wiring cleanup remains to be done and the system will be tested again multiple times prior to shutdown. A maintenance manual will be requested from the vendor.
The old pump will be kept for ~3 years as a spare.
Update 2024-10-21 [AN]:
For reasons unknown, the system is no longer functioning. There are two issues, which may be related or may not be:
1. Previously during the aforementioned testing the hydraulic pump motor was powered via 120 VAC wall outlet. Now it is being powered from our Carrier (ultimately from the blue power supply box in B2 level). There are large line losses associated with this. We measure approximately 35 VAC drop at the input to the pump when attempting to run the system. Because of this, the 24V supply located in the pump's control box used for enabling the motor and for the relays is dropping out, which turns the pump off immediately and causes chattering. When this 24VDC supply is separately powered from wall outlet, it does not drop out, but still the large line loss voltage issue remains for the pump motor. Based on an estimate of around 100 ft long wiring, the line losses measured suggest an inrush current of approximately 50A. This seems relatively high given the pump's FLA of 10A. This should be investigated further. Perhaps it is related to the second issue listed below, or perhaps the motor should be switched to 240 VAC, or perhaps the wiring should be changed from 14 AWG to 10 AWG to reduce losses.
2. When pressing the "down" button, the system moves up. There is no way to move down aside from dumping. Even when disconnecting the control signals entirely from the valves and manually pushing them in, both valves cause upward motion. Suspect an issue with hydraulic line plumbing or the valves themselves.
Hyseco engineer will be contacted and further troubleshooting will take place this week. This log will be updated accordingly.
Update 2024-10-29 [NJ]
The issue of the system moving up when pressing down is resolved. Hyseco engineer returned to repair. It was determined the the relief valves by nature have some leakage and because the flow control valves were so tight more fluid was travelling through the leakage than the control valve. The relief valve was moved to be before the flow control valve, which seemed to resolve the issue. Additionally one of the pressure gauges was replaced.
Attachment 1: 3081E-REV0_Model_(1).pdf
Attachment 2: 3081H-REV0_Model_(1).pdf
Attachment 3: PXL_20241002_211505502.jpg
Attachment 4: Hyseco_Reference_Documents.pdf
Attachment 5: 3081H_Redline.pdf
Attachment 6: Image.jpeg
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 17:07 |
Jason Kapalka | Probe | Maintenance | LE probe removal simulation exercise |
A simulated removal of the LE2 Probe from the Cyclotron tank was performed by the RH and Probes group using the
service bridge, upper resonator trolley, LE probe attachment, and the (soon to be) attached LE Probe removal
procedure on 2017-02-23. |
Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 12:12 |
Adam Newsome | Probe | Development | LE1/LE2 Probe Frame - Updates |
The LE1/LE2 Probe Frame was mounted on the Upper Resonator Trolley in the mockup with the intention of confirming functionality and making some updates to the probe installation/removal procedure document.
The following updates were made to the LE1/LE2 Probe Frame and the Upper Resonator Trolley:
- Additional holes drilled and grommets installed in the trolley's valve bank mounting plate to support all of the air cylinders on the Probe Frame
- All old brass fittings replaced with quick-connect style fittings
- All air tubing replaced with new polyurethane tubing
- Flow control valves installed
The air cylinder functionality was tested in the mockup and working as expected. In the future, a full mockup procedure will be performed in order to confirm camera views as well as finish updating the procedure document.
Attachment 1: PXL_20220629_175832571.jpg
Thursday, November 05, 2020, 15:38 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | New crane pendant: B1 level crane |
A new remote crane pendant was installed to replace the existing wired pendant on the B1 level of Remote Handling building (electrical lab). Two remote pendants exist (spare). The previously used pendant will be kept, at least temporarily, as a backup if needed.
The pendant was installed by M. Faragher, and tested by M. Faragher, A. Newsome, and T. Cave. It is fully functional.
TRIUMF Work Request 5684 describes the upgrade in more detail. |
Monday, November 09, 2020, 09:17 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | New crane pendant: B2 level crane |
A new remote crane pendant was installed to replace the existing wired pendant on the B2 level of Remote Handling building (basement area - vault access). Two remote pendants exist (spare). The previously used pendant will be kept, at least temporarily, as a backup if needed.
The pendant was installed by M. Faragher, and tested by M. Faragher and T. Cave. It is fully functional.
TRIUMF Work Request 5684 describes the upgrade in more detail. |
Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 12:20 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | Cyclotron RH Control Room: Outlets Installed |
The following outlets were installed by Electrical Services Group in order to facilitate upgrading power supplies for Cyclotron Remote Handling, as per Work Request 5289:
- 2x 15 Amp outlets
- 2x 20 Amp outlets
The four breakers for these outlets are located in the panel adjacent to the main entry door to the electrical lab. The outlets are located in behind the control console. |
Friday, January 27, 2023, 12:12 |
Adam Newsome | Infrastructure | Development | Vault crane - inspection, remote pendant installation |
The vault crane annual inspection was completed by Tom Kauss.
The wired pendant was replaced with a remote pendant by Tom Kauss. |