Outrigger #1 and #2 have had their controls system overhauled as part of the O503 project. The previous controls enclosure and the elements have been replaced with a new aluminum enclosure which contains DIN rail relays, a 5V power supply, and a +-12V Power supply. The new centrepost slave PLC unit handles the control logic of OR1, OR2, the Bridge and is connected to the main PLC in the control room through Ethernet. Both outriggers were tested individually.
Systems Tested:
Vertical Drive - Up, Down, 5V Position (Inches) Potentiometer
Radial Drive - In, Out, Encoder (Inches)
Shoulder Drive - Home, Out, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)
Elbow Drive - Home, Out, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)
Wrist Drive - Pan Left, Pan Right, Tilt Up, Tilt Down, 5V Position Potentiometer (Deg)
Camera - Zoom In, Zoom Out, Focus Near, Focus Far
Testing Methodology:
We used the control panel which the Outrigger operator will be using during shutdown to confirm that the buttons translate to correct movements of each individual system. Direction control for the motors is done with relay switching of 24V to flip the polarity applied to the motors. +-12V is used for the zoom focus control of the HCZ-6320N camera. Correct movements was observed for both outriggers.
Position feedback was calibrated by adjusting the potentiometer's voltage to 2.5V at the mid point and spanned from 0V at low end to 5V at high end. Correct positions for both outriggers was observed on the HMI screen.
Next Steps
Testing the bridge orbit drive, orbit encoder, centrepost camera, centrepost light, both OR1 and OR2 simultaneously. |