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Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 16:15 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | M9 Q1 Q2 removal, rad waste pit prep | Radioactive waste pit uncovered, red barrel
with unknown contents taken out for assessment.
R. Ralea from RPG determined barrel was too |
Friday, March 01, 2013, 15:28 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | Radadioactive Waste Pit Organizing | Successfully stacked old m20 q2 q2 magnet
assembly on top of old M9 Q1 Q2 magnet and
M11 septum magnet. See photos. |
Monday, March 04, 2013, 16:48 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | M9 Q1 Q2 removal, preparation | Preparing for M9 Q1,2 move:
1. Re-arranged/organized cables on
top of magnet. |
6x |
Tuesday, March 05, 2013, 14:15 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | M9 Q1, 2 removal | Removed M9 Q1 Q2 from beam line 1A via
crane and transferred from beam line to radiation
waste storage. |
7x |
Thursday, March 07, 2013, 08:35 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | M9 T2 flange blank off | Work on blank off of M9 T2 started: Cleared
away blocks making up bagging bunker. R.
Kuramoto took some initial photos of the |
Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 16:33 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | M9 T2 flange blank off, preparation | Scraped M9 T2 flange, removed what little
indium was left on flange.
- Completed two passes, some indium |
Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 16:21 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | M9 T2 blanking off preparation | 1. Re-scraped M9 T2 flange after reviewing
video of flange.
- Some indium remains on inside of |
Tuesday, March 26, 2013, 09:04 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | M9 Q1Q2 void inspection | Yesterday: did visual, video inspection
and still imaging of T2 M9 Q1Q2 void. G.
Morris came down to work site for visual |
Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 16:41 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 exit port blank off | Blanked off T2 M9 exit port with indium
seal blank off.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 16:20 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | M9 T2 flange blank off | Continued with work on T2 M9 exit port
and area; Vacuum started after 13:00 hours
(due to vacuum pump issues at T2). He leak |
Thursday, April 11, 2013, 15:43 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | T2 M9 exit port temporary shielding | Installed shielding stand (TSH0094) for
T2 M9 exit port as per drawing TSH0095; three
steel blocks in total were lowered into the |
10x |
Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:10 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | T2 area uncovering | Started to uncover and create work space
around T2 M9 area, setup is mostly complete.
Some misc items to be craned into position. |
Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 16:07 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 area work | 1) Block and bridge setup is mostly complete
for T2 M9 sighting job. Waiting on approving
drawing TB22322 in order to continue with |
Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 08:27 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Work completed for Thursday:
1) Shielding filler blocks removed
from M9Q1Q2 hole. Highest field was 5mSv/h |
Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 16:09 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | work to prepare for installation of alignment
jigs on T2M9 and M9B1 continues:
1) Vented T2 volume and removed M9 |
Wednesday, April 08, 2015, 14:18 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | 1) Visual inspection of T2 M9 flange: no
obvious indium deposits on T2 flange knife
edge seen, left over indium from before 2013 |
12x |
Thursday, April 09, 2015, 17:20 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | 1) Vented T2 and removed rubber seal blanking
plate, vacuum level appeared to be at normal
operating ranges prior to the indium seal |
Friday, April 10, 2015, 16:25 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Continued with installation of target jigs:
1) Craned in equipment for alignment
group. |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 08:31 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Yesterday:
1) Addressed mounting issue with
the 15" alignment jig: removed material |
Thursday, April 16, 2015, 09:17 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Yesterday (Apr 15):
1) Installed TB22265 on to M9 exit
port at 18:48 with no vacuum and left over |
9x |