Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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IDdown Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subject
  1396   Tuesday, November 08, 2016, 14:45 David WangITEMaintenanceTM4 TM4 has been moved to ITE and connected there.

All ITE and TM4  turbo pumps are started. The east station pumping down is good so far.

  1395   Tuesday, November 08, 2016, 14:04 Isaac EarleNorth Hot-CellDevelopment  Interference check with TCS turbo pump and proposed NHC duct routing

David Wang and I accessed the NHC today to check if the proposed duct routing (IRH1618) will interfere with servicing or replacement of the TCS turbo pump.  A piece of plywood was placed in the future position of the NHC/TCS partition wall (IRH1609), and a ducting elbow was placed at the approximate position of the nearest elbow to the turbo pump.

David concluded that the ducting in the proposed location will not have any significant effect on replacement of the turbo pump, and he does not expect replacement will be difficult to perform after installation of the wall and NHC ducting.  Standing at floor level towards the east side of the TCS space and reaching upwards seemed to be the best way to reach the turbo pump flange bolts.  It was also noted that there was sufficient room in the TCS space for two workers to be in the area.







  1394   Tuesday, November 08, 2016, 10:23 Travis CaveITEStandard OperationTM4Ta#50module moved

TM#4 with Ta#50 has been moved to the east target station.

  1393   Tuesday, November 08, 2016, 07:47 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4 TCS water and vacuum pumps are switched off

TCS is vented. TM4 is disconnected and TCS.

  1392   Monday, November 07, 2016, 10:35 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation SiC#34Spent Target move

Spent SiC#34 was moved on the 3rd of November and  placed in the spent target vault. See attached pdf for details.

Attachment 1: Vault_Storage_November_3_2016.pdf
Vault_Storage_November_3_2016.pdf Vault_Storage_November_3_2016.pdf Vault_Storage_November_3_2016.pdf Vault_Storage_November_3_2016.pdf
  1391   Thursday, November 03, 2016, 09:01 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4 TCS water system has been started for TM4.

The system works fine. All water signals to TM4 at TCS are normal. HV cover is installed on to TM4 at TCS.

  1390   Thursday, November 03, 2016, 08:57 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4 Helium pressure test on TM4 HS line at TCS

70 psi helium ,2minutes to  TM4 HS line. LD base leak rate 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec. No leak.

  1389   Wednesday, November 02, 2016, 13:41 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4 TM4 has been connected at TCS.

All turbo-pumps are started. The pumping down is good so far.

  1388   Wednesday, November 02, 2016, 09:12 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard OperationTM4Ta#50module moved

TM#4 with Ta#50 has been moved from the south hot cell to the conditioning station.

  1387   Tuesday, November 01, 2016, 14:58 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4 SHC, TM4 leak check on HS line.

Chad and I did a leak check on TM4 HS line with new Ta target installed. Base leak rate 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec. base pressure 0.0XE-4.   splayed 2 helium to each VCR joints and did 10 seconds helium flush. No response on LD during the test. The HS line is leak free so far. It will be helium pressurized at TCS later.

  1386   Tuesday, November 01, 2016, 14:54 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 TM4 was disconnected at ITE

TM4 was disconnected at ITE this morning. It was moved to SHC  after. No alpha alarm issue has been happened during and after move. The ventilation pumping down procedure on ITE was fulfilled during the move.

  1385   Tuesday, November 01, 2016, 14:53 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4 TM4 was disconnected at ITE

TM4 was disconnected at ITE this morning. It was moved to SHC  after. No alpha alarm issue has been happened during and after move. The ventilation pumping down procedure on ITE was fulfilled during the move.

  1384   Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 12:33 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM2 Target Hall schedule for beam schedule 131(Sep-Dec, 2016)

Update TH schedule after job delay on TM2 Febiad target. Everything should be back to schedule on last two targets. See attachments.

Attachment 1: Target_Hall_shedule_131__Sep_to_Dec_2016.pdf
Attachment 2: Target_Hall_shedule_131_Sep_to_Dec.mpp
Attachment 3: Target_Hall_shedule_131_Sep_to_Dec.pdf
  1383   Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 15:10 David WangITWStandard OperationTM2 TM2 has been connected at ITW

All turbo pumps are started. Two gas valves for Febiad run are opened. Pumping down is good so far.

  1382   Monday, October 24, 2016, 14:56 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2SiC#35Electrical Checks

Results of the electrical check of TM#2 with no target after the repair and with the SiC#35 mounted on the module.

Attachment 1: TM2_elechk_notgt_SHC_repair.PDF
Attachment 2: TM2_elechk_SiC35_SHC.PDF
  1381   Monday, October 24, 2016, 14:54 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2 SHC, TM2 leak check on HS line.

Chad and I did the leak check on TM2 heat shield line. LD base leak rate:0.0xE-9atm.cc/sec. Base pressure:0.0X E-9 torr. The line is leak free.

  1380   Monday, October 24, 2016, 14:44 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2SiC#35SiC#35 installed

Sic#35 has been installed onto TM2. High current fasteners torqued to 130 in lbs.

Mating of the 9 pin connector was extremely problematic but in the end I was able to get it to mate properly. Noticed left (when facing module in hot cell) febiad coil left twisted a bit when torqued up.

Attachment 1: 20161024_141155.jpg
  1379   Monday, October 24, 2016, 12:22 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepair  TM2 Insulator replacement

conductor insulators itd0053 and 54 have been replaced on TM2. All fasteners (1/4-20 x 1 1/4 vented) torqued to 60 in lbs.

  1378   Monday, October 24, 2016, 11:34 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM2no targetmodule moved

TM#2 has been moved from the south west silo to the south hot cell.

  1377   Monday, October 24, 2016, 10:10 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellRepair  Manipulator Repair Complete

Maico entered the hot cell and re-strung the skipped cable back onto the pulleys this morning. Manipulator is now operational.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455