The North Hot Cell interior walls, floor, and ceiling were re-finished, sealed, and painted by Omni Coating from Feb 6 - 17 under PO #3036471. This job required 2-3 people for 4-6 hours per day over the 2 week period. First the existing surfaces were ground and/or sanded to remove existing coatings and protrusions/sharp edges. This was followed by a coat of primer to highlight uneven surfaces and improve adhesion of following fillers and coatings. Metal shims between the cell walls and roof were cut away where they protruded into the cell. Loose steel cylinders between SHC and NHC spaces were fixed in place using epoxy filler. Epoxy or polyurethane fillers were used to fill all gaps, cracks, holes, etc, as detailed below. Foam backer rod and polyurethane filler were used to seal all large wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-wall gaps. An approximate 2cm radius rounded corner was formed at all wall-to-wall and floor-to-wall corners using polyurethane sealant. The interior of the tool-port, personnel access hatch, as well as the north roof hatch were also re-finished with the same procedure. After all sealing and finishing work the surfaces were coated with "Mill White" Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy Paint as per manufacturer instructions. Note: this paint is recommended by the manufacturer for nuclear applications and has been tested for decontaminability: 99% water wash; 95% overall as per ASTM D4256/ANSI N 5.12 as well as for radiation tolerance: Passed ASTM D4082 / ANSI 5.12 with a 525 micron thick coating.
The following products were used as described (data sheets attached):
Sanitile 120 Universal Acrylic Primer - 50-75 micron dry film thickness coat applied over all existing ceiling, walls, and floor surfaces after preparation by sanding
Sika Duochem 8107 Epoxy Paste - Used for filling voids and cracks in concrete surfaces
Sikaflex 291 Polyurethane Elastomeric Adhesive and Sealant - used for caulking joints and cracks in the concrete walls and aluminum panel wall and for creating radiused corners in wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor corners
Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy Paint - 4 coats applied on all surfaces using rollers or brushes to create a total thickness of 525 microns as per data sheet
