Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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ID Date Author Category Typedown Module Target/Number Subject Text Attachments
  822   Monday, December 15, 2014, 13:25 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenanceTM2 BIASSW1 temperature and flow removed from interlock chain


  836   Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 10:42 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenanceTM2 TCS shut down for site wide power outage    
  842   Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 13:13 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  New gas bottle storage rackThe new gas bottle storage rack has been
installed by/for the south hot cell.
  847   Monday, February 23, 2015, 12:28 David WangITEMaintenance  2015 shut down coils and pedal wheels replacement on ITE water flow sensors.Dan and I replaced pedal wheels and coils
on ITE water flow sensors. It is a shut down
job we did every two years. See attachment
  848   Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 10:44 David WangITWMaintenance  2015 shut dwon ITW water sensor coils and pedal wheels replacementDan and I replaced pedal wheels and coils
on ITW water flow sensors. It  is a shut
down job we did every two years. See attachment
  850   Friday, February 27, 2015, 09:34 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellMaintenance  Hot cell Entry February 25 2015See attached report.
Radio problems just before entry
  851   Monday, March 02, 2015, 10:52 David WangITEMaintenanceTM4UCxITE primary and secondary vacuum vessels leak check.Dan and I leak checked ITE primary and
secondary vacuum vessels with TM4  in
ITE. The leak detector was hooked to ITE
  852   Thursday, March 05, 2015, 06:44 David WangITEMaintenanceTM4 5 Shielding blocks have been moved to ITE.5 Shielding blocks have been moved to ITE
for next week TM1 move and RPG Radon test.
  896   Thursday, April 23, 2015, 09:08 David WangConditioning StationMaintenanceTM1UCx12Huge Leak on TM1 contaiment box window.There is a huge leak on TM1 containment
box window. I did a 70 psi helium pressure
test on all TM1 water circuits this morning.
  897   Thursday, April 23, 2015, 12:56 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenanceTM1 IG1 Good Vacuum limit changedChanged by Dave Morris. 
New value is 1E-5 T (old value was
7.09E-5 T)
  903   Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 11:09 Anders MjosITWMaintenance  Resistance measured of TGHT and TBHT lines to ITWThe new TBHT and TGHT power supplies were
brough up to high current; 350 A and 420
A respectively. The TGHT power supply was
  909   Monday, May 04, 2015, 13:32 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenance  TK2 expansion tank topped upCaled cyclotron ops to open P23 and confirmed
penthouse valve open.
Filled up TK2 to 21 in water leve.
  913   Monday, May 11, 2015, 10:45 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenance  RGA electronics box installed The communications chip has been
replaced. The electronics box has been grounded
(see attached pdf).
  973   Thursday, July 02, 2015, 10:22 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenanceTM2 TP1S failed See e-fault 8233. Edi assisted in
diagnosing the problem. The pump will have
to be replaced.
  992   Friday, July 10, 2015, 14:41 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenanceTM1 Replaced roughing pump The roughing pump was replaced with
a more leak tight pump due to the discovery
of Rn-220 migration while roughing on TM1
  1006   Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 12:29 David WangITEMaintenance  target pit Hepa filterTarget pit Hepa filter has been replaced
today. There is 500 counts on swipe which
is taken inside of the replaced filter. The
  1048   Wednesday, August 26, 2015, 09:54 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenance  Topped up water in TCS:TK2 Filled to 24.9 in   
  1058   Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 10:38 David WangITWMaintenanceTM2 ITW top tank flange clean up and r-ring replacement.During last run, ITW dump circuit
had a water leak on an adaptor below the
pressure gauge. The top tank flange, slot,
  1061   Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 16:55 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenance  TBHT power supply remvoed The power supply is needed as a spare
for the failed TGHT p/s in ITW
  1067   Friday, September 11, 2015, 14:31 Anders MjosConditioning StationMaintenanceTM2ZrC#7Vacuum gauge and EPICS read back calibrationThe corelation betwenn the local value
on the gauge controllers and the read back
valiues in EPICS was compared. Data can be
ELOG V2.9.2-2455