Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Target Production, Page 3 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wednesday, August 01, 2012, 09:37, Pierre Bricault, ITE-TM4-UO#3, LP-FEBIAD, ITE, TM4, , , Problems/Solutions, Short has developed while lowering the cathode heater 

 On tuesday July we lower the cathode heater to swap the anode-cathode bias. While lowering the cathode heater a short on the anode developed. 

The polarity swap was not possible because the target/tube assembly has also a short to common. 

We return the configuration has it was and we added two 100 Ohms: 5 W resistor between the common and the heaters to prevent current to flow back to the common. 

The anode short disappear during the cathode and target heating. 

Entry  Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 14:52, John Wong, UCx#5, LP-SIS, ITW, TM4, 39165-5, , Failed, UCx#5 target description  UCx#5_specifications.PNG

Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 14:50

UCx#5 target description, see attachment#1

The target is currently undergoing the final conditioning in the Evaporator #1. 

 Wednesday, December 05, 2012, 15:46

This target was broken right before the end of the final run.  The target was inspected today inside the Hotcell and the pictures can be found here: http://documents.triumf.ca/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-9357

Looks like the protective layer (TaC coating) was worn out over the course of the run time. 

We need to improve the target coating so this can be prevented in the future.

More info about this later...


Entry  Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 01:53, John Wong, Nb#7, LP-SIS, , , 39165-6, , Spent, Nb#7 target description Nb#7_target_description.jpg

 Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 02:10

Nb#7 target description: 

Total Nb foils = 400 discs

Total Nb mass (Nb foils + Ta wires) = 26.529g 

Total length (after filled) = 4.6cm 

(see attachment #1) 

Entry  Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 13:32, John Wong, SiC#28-RFQ, LP-SIS, , TM4, LP-RFQ (NEW), , Spent, SiC#28-RFQ target description SiC#28_RFQ_density_measurements.xlsx

 Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 12:28

SiC#28 - RFQ target description: 

Total SiC foils = 325 discs

Total SiC + C-grv foils = 38.48 g 

Total length = 10.9cm 

Average mass of SiC/disc (without graphite foil) = 0.083 g

Average thickness of SiC (without graphite foil) = 0.18 mm 

No Rh foil added

See attachment #1:  SiC#28 RFQ density measurements 

See link for more details:  https://documents.triumf.ca/docushare/dsweb/View/Collection-9771



Entry  Thursday, April 11, 2013, 14:30, John Wong, Ta#39, LP-SIS, ITW, TM1, 39165-7, , Spent, Ta#39 target description 

Ta#38 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 16.69 g/cm3

Target length = 4.1cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 43.15g

Disc area = 2.12 cm2

Ta thickness = 20.354g/cm2

See link for more details:



Entry  Friday, October 25, 2013, 17:35, John Wong, Ta#41, HP-SIS, ITW, TM4, 38817-10, , Spent, Ta#41 target description 

Friday, October 25, 2013, 17:35

Ta#41 HP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 16.69g/cm3

Target length = 4.0cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 42.19g


Entry  Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 17:56, John Wong, UCx#8, LP-IG-LIS, ITE, TM4, 39814-IV, , Spent, UCx#8 target description  UCx_8_specification.PNG

Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 17:49

UCx#8 target description - see attachment#1


Entry  Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 16:36, John Wong, SiC#30, HP-FEBIAD, ITE, TM3, 38481-8, , Spent, SiC#30 Target description  SiC#30_density_measurements.xlsx

Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 15:16


This target was built in 2011.  The endcaps were replaced after they got vaporized in Evap#1 during the sintering process, and the target was re-conditioned.

See elogs for more details:


The target was inspected and was good for online use.

Total SiC foils = 555 discs

Total length (packed) = 17.5cm

Total SiC mass (plus graphite foils) = 52.902g

See attachment for density measurements




Entry  Friday, June 06, 2014, 14:09, John Wong, UCx#9, LP-SIS, , , 39165-9, , Ready, UCx#9 - Target description  UCx#9_target_description_1.JPG

 Friday, June 06, 2014, 14:08

See attachment for the target description


Entry  Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 10:54, Laura Lambert, Ta # 43, LP-SIS, ITW, TM1, 40282-2, , Ready, Ta # 43 Target Description 

 Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 9:45

Ta#42 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 16.69 g/cm3

Target length = 4.9cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 45.920g







Entry  Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 11:01, Laura Lambert, UCx # 10, LP-SIS, ITE, TM4, 39165-10, , Ready, UCx#10 Target Description UCx_10_target_description.PNG

Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 10:58

See attachment for target description 

Entry  Monday, July 28, 2014, 15:57, John Wong, ZrC#6, LP-SIS, ITW, TM1, 40282-3, , Spent, ZrC target description  ZrC#6.JPG

 Monday, July 28, 2014, 15:52

See attachment#1 for ZrC target description. 

Target is currently undergoing the sintering process


Entry  Monday, August 18, 2014, 14:39, Laura Lambert, ThO2 #1, LP-SIS, , , , , , ThO2 #1 Target Description ThO2#1_target_description.JPG

Monday, August 18, 2014, 14:53

See attachment for target description


Entry  Thursday, November 06, 2014, 13:35, Laura Lambert, UCx # 11, LP-SIS, ITE, TM4, 40282-5, , Ready, UCx#11 Target Description UCx_11_target_description.PNG

 Thursday, November 06, 2014, 13:29

See attachment for target description


Entry  Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 11:27, Laura Lambert, Ta # 45, HP-SIS, , , 38817-5, , In Use, Ta#45 target description 

 Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 11:25

Ta#45 HP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 13.48 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4cm

Total Mass (400 foils + Ta wire) = 45.8181g

Entry  Friday, April 17, 2015, 16:00, Laura Lambert, UCx # 12, LP-SIS, ITW, TM1, 41177-2, , Ready, UCx#12 Target Description UCx_12_target_description.PNG

 Thursday, April 16, 2015, 14:07

See attachment for target description

Entry  Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 15:39, Laura Lambert, SiC#31, HP-SIS, , , 38817-7, , Ready, SiC#31 Target description final_density_measurements.JPGdensity_measurements.xlsxSiC_density_Jan_10_'14_cast_-_Copy.xlsxSiC_density_Oct_31_'14_cast.xlsx

 Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 15:30

SiC#31 HP-SIS target description: 

Total SiC foils = 520 discs 

Total mass SiC + C_grv foils = 60.2441 g (before sintering, expecting ~13% loss of organic mass after burnt off) 

Average mass SiC/disc (without C_grv) = 0.0853g

Average thickness SiC (without C_grv) = 0.2093mm 

Total packed length = 17cm

See attachment #1 for the density measurement.  


Entry  Wednesday, June 03, 2015, 10:55, Laura Lambert, ZrC#7, LP-SIS, ITW, TM2, 41177-1, , Ready, ZrC#7 target description  target_production_elog_ZrC#7.JPGZrC#7_final_density.xlsx

 Wednesday, June 03, 2015, 10:53

Total length packed = 12.3cm

See attachment for target description.


    Reply  Monday, July 06, 2015, 12:18, John Wong, ZrC#7, LP-SIS, ITW, TM2, 41177-1, , Failed, ZrC#7 target description  

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Wednesday, June 03, 2015, 10:53

Total length packed = 12.3cm

See attachment for target description.


 Monday, July 06, 2015, 12:10

This target did not pass the test-stand and will not be used for online (unless if it gets approved).  The target container is deformed.  An increase of voltage was observed during the test; perhaps it's a sign of the container being cracked?!  See Test-stand e-log#450 for more details.  

Another target is already prepared and being tested.  (Target Oven WO# 41177-2). 


Entry  Tuesday, July 07, 2015, 13:00, John Wong, ZrC#7, LP-SIS, ITW, TM2, 41177-2, , Ready, ZrC#7 (backup1) target description ZrC#7_backup.PNGZrC_specification_(backup#1_WO#41177-2).xlsx

Tuesday, July 07, 2015, 12:36 

Total no. discs = 422

Total packed length = 13.2 cm (measured after the sintering process) 

Note:  The theoretical length (ZrC + graphite foils) is 10.52cm    After the sintering process, the stack of discs expanded in length.  To avoid crushing the materials while inserting the endcaps, the discs are gentally packed to 13.2cm.

(see attachments for more details)


ELOG V2.9.2-2455