Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall, Page 14 of 18  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Categorydown Type Specific Subject
  131   Monday, December 22, 2014, 14:31 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 2Water LeakDrop in T2 water level

This morning at 5:30am the T2 cooling package expansion tank switched to WARNING LEVEL NOT OK.  There was no change in BL1A vacuum at this time.  The change in level was confirmed by inspecting the water level visually.  Operators suggested it may have happened because the cyclotron was shut off and the temperature of all water systems dropped, however T1 did not experience a noticeable change in level, so I do not think this is the cause.  It is possible there is a leak on the cooling system somewhere, but the evidence does not suggest a leak into the vacuum volume.

At 11:55am the BL1A vacuum spiked tripping off both cooling packages.  Valve 1AV8 is closed.  There is no pumping on the T1 volume, so the pressure is slowly increasing.  T2 is at approximately 50mTorr.  Operators believe it may have been caused by work at M15 or M13.  

This appears to be unrelated to the water loss at T2, but proper diagnosis is not possible because Vacuum Group staff are away for the holidays.  The cooling packages will be left off until proper diagnosis can be performed in the new year.

  139   Monday, February 02, 2015, 16:06 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingT2 MRO Status

- T2-MK2 target (currently in the T2 monolith) purged with air

- All cooling package reservoir o-rings changed
- Target water line #6 Hansen o-rings changed at both ends
- M8 BB / Col. A supply hose Hansen o-rings changed at both ends

- Target water and demin circuit Cuno filters changed
- Used filters double-bagged, labeled, and stored on 1A blocks north of boot box area

- The following Swagelok ball valves removed for service:  Tgt return (X2), Sec return (X2), Demin supply, Demin return (X2), Col A return, Col B return

*** Four #4 Hansen o-rings on package panel still require changing (size was not available from stores)

  186   Monday, January 25, 2016, 16:54 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 MRO Work

The following work was performed at the T1 cooling package and target between January 18-21, 2016:

- Cuno water filters removed (3), and new filters installed
- Target water solenoid, H.E. secondary side solenoid, and Collimator A solenoids removed and replaced with new 24V DC versions
- All thermistors removed and replaced with Type K thermocouples
- All Proteus paddle wheels, o-rings, and paddle wheel pins replaced (5 each)
- Target side #6 Hansen QD fittings replaced because internal seal had failed and fittings were leaking when disconnected (2)
- Profile monitor copper air supply line leak was repaired
- All air QD fittings (6 total) for profile monitor actuation were replaced, the air restricting valves were tuned, and the flexible hose assemblies were checked for gross air leaks
- "T8" temp sensor was found to be located on the CuALCW common return line, not on the Col A supply line as labeled on XTPAGE.  Position was swapped


Total dose for this work was 0.17mSv for Isaac Earle, and 0.10mSv for Keith Ng

  219   Tuesday, April 11, 2017, 17:02 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingT2 Cooling System MRO

 The following work has been completed on the T2 cooling package:

- T2 system drained to South TNF holding tank (completed in Jan 2017, water already released)
- Target water and demin. circuit Cuno filters changed
- Both female Hansen fittings at target end of flexible hose replaced with new SS models (zinc coated steel models (PO# TR207041) were accidentally ordered and installed last shutdown and had black corrosion inside)
- Small leak on pipe thread fitting near target water supply solenoid repaired
- Reservoir o-rings replaced
- System filled and re-started, no leaks observed, no drop in water level over 48 hour run period
- Demin. circuit flow rate tuned to 1.0gpm

  228   Tuesday, August 29, 2017, 12:17 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1TargetT1-MK1 and T2-MK1 Hansen water fittings replaced

 The #6 male Hansen fittings for the T1-MK1 and T2-MK1 targets (both currently stored in the target storage pit) were replaced today with new units.  Some of the target assembly Hansen fittings had shown signs of leaking and the internal seals are not easily replaced.

"120V" warning labels were put on the micro-switch IN and OUT limit sensors for the profile monitors on both targets.  These are the only micro-switches on the assemblies that still run at 120V after the PLC controls upgrade.

  236   Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 11:20 Isaac EarleMaintenanceOtherCoolingT1 and T2 cooling package shutdown MRO work

 The following work was performed on the T1 and T2 cooling packages during the 2018 shutdown:

- T1 and T2 cooling packages both sampled and drained to South TNF holding tank
- Water released after testing and approval from RPG

- T1 high active and M15 filters changed (demin. filter to be changed next year)
- Replaced all T1 Proteus paddle wheels, shafts, and o-rings
- Replaced T1 male and female #6 SS Hansen fittings at the package/hose interface
- Replaced T1 #4 female Hansen fittings for the resin can (now all Hansen fittings on the high active loop have been replaced)
- T1 package filled and started, no change to T1 area vacuum
- Demin flow tuned to ~1.0gpm
- Package inspected while running, no leaks observed

- T2 high active filter changed (demin. filter to be changed next year)
- Replaced all T2 Proteus paddle wheels, shafts, and o-rings
- Replaced T2 male and female #6 SS Hansen fittings at the package/hose interface
- Replaced T2 #4 female Hansen fittings for the resin can (now all Hansen fittings on the high active loop have been replaced)
- T2 resin can changed;  old resin can flushed with water then air in Warm Cell and left to decay
- T2 package filled and started, no change to T2 area vacuum
- Demin flow tuned to ~1.0gpm
- Package inspected while running, no leaks observed


The cooling packages are functioning normally and are ready for the running period.

  237   Friday, April 13, 2018, 14:21 Isaac EarleMaintenanceOtherOtherM20 beam blocker MRO and T1/T2 final checks

The M20 beam blocker main shaft seals were replaced as per the T1/T2 target device maintenance schedule.  Both air cylinders were found to be leaking past the seals, and the blocker would not actuate in the hot cell even with 100psi (max site air) so they were also replaced.  With the new cylinders the blocker actuated smoothly at about 45psi.  It is recommended that the air cylinders be replaced every second service (once per 10 years).  The blocker was returned to the beam line and smooth actuation and limit switch functionality were confirmed.


The following final checks were performed on T1/T2 devices:

- Lower air amplifier started and tuned to 120psi output
- Air amplifier cycle time measured:  70 seconds for two cylinder turn-overs (1 complete cycle)
- T1 and T2 profile monitor actuation checked:  T1 reached in and out limits but speed unknown because target covered;  T2 traveled smoothly in and out and reached limits as expected
- T1 and T2 target ladders were moved to the various targets that could be used this running period (#1 for T1;  #1, 3, and 4 for T2) - No issues


The T1 and T2 targets are ready for the running period.  Shielding can now be replaced over T2.

  247   Thursday, January 10, 2019, 13:51 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 and T2 cooling packages inspected

The T1 and T2 cooling packages were inspected today while running.  No water leaks were observed at either package including the high-active loops and copper active. 

The T1 pump was fairly noisy (video was taken to record the sound).  This is the new pump installed in August 2018 (see E-Log #242).  Maico reports that it had a similar noise when started after installation in August, and they were unsure if it was a normal sound or not.  The pump it replaced ran quietly, as well as the pump currently running at T2.  Further investigation will be performed this shutdown to try and determine the cause of the noise and appropriate action.

Both packages have been turned off and pump contactor control signals disconnected in preparation for MRO work and power outage this weekend.

  249   Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 10:55 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 and T2 MRO work and solenoid valve change summary

The following work was completed between Jan 16 - Feb 19, 2019:

  • T1 and T2 cooling packages drained to South TNF holding tank, water sampled and tested, released after approval from RPG
  • T1 resin can swapped
  • All Cuno filters changed at T1 (3 total)
  • T1 inlet (T1CSPGIN) and outlet (T1CSPGOUT) pressure gauges replaced (archived data on EPICS indicated both starting to fail)
  • T2 target water Cuno filter replaced
  • All T1 and T2 solenoid valves changed to new models without power management circuit which will hopefully solve the problem of frequent failures (SASP0670)
    Parker brass body valve 73218BN4UN00 with solenoid C222C2 solenoid used for T1CSSVSEC and T2CSSVSEC
    STC stainless steel body valve 2S160-1/2-2-D with solenoid 2W200C-2-D used for T1CSSVTGT, T1SVCOL, T2CSSVTGT, T2SVCOLA, T2SVCOLB
    Necessary changes to PLC BOP wiring made by Tony Tateyama
    All new valves confirmed operational and leak tight
    Cyclotron Fault #11955 returned
  • T1 and T2 profile monitor air cyclinder flow control valves replaced with new models tuned to ~1/8 turn open.  Part is Rego F125B (see PO #3044305)
  • T1-MK2 profile monitor air cylinders replaced (both were leaking through the top seal)
  • T1 and T2 profile monitor actuation checked - both move in and out slowly and smoothly
  • M20 BB actuation checked - movement is slow and smooth
  • T1 and T2 ladder movement checked - both ok
  • T1-MK2 male Hansen fittings replaced as well as female Hansens which connect to them (these are the last remaining Hansen fittings to be replaced at T1/T2)
  • Both cooling packages filled and started, now running smoothly.  Inspected for leaks (none found).  No change to 1A vacuum when packages started

Note 1: The T1 package water pump is slightly noisy when running (it has been this way since the replacement pump was installed last year) - Will investigate further at a later date

Note 2: In the week of Feb 11-15 Vacuum Group pressurized the T1 target cooling circuit with 30psi helium to try to find the vacuum load on the T1 volume.  This was done twice with the beamline vented for a few hours in between in case water had frozen at a leak location. The conclusion after testing is that the T1 cooling water is not the source of the vacuum load at T1.  Helium was also sprayed all around the top of the T1 monolith (T1 target and M15 permanent magnet) - there was no response on the leak detector

My total dose for this work was 0.15mSv

  256   Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 14:53 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 & T2 cooling package MRO work completed

 Annual MRO work on the T1 and T2 cooling packages is now complete.  The following tasks were performed:

  • Water from both packages drained to the South TNF holding tank (samples taken)
  • All Proteus paddle wheels, shafts, and o-rings replaced (5 each at T1 and T2)
  • All Cuno filters changed
  • Archived data for all sensor readbacks inspected.  Only faulty sensor was B1A:T1CS:FGDEM
  • Both packages refilled and restarted; Operating smoothly; Inspected for leaks, none found; Demin flow at ~1.0gpm
  • B1A:T1CS:FGDEM readback is fixed with new paddle wheel
  • South TNF holding tank water released after approval from RPG
  • Old filters added to plastic pail with other T1/T2 filters located directly north of the BL1A blocks boot-box area
  • Active water from filter canisters dumped into the RH lab active sink
  257   Monday, February 10, 2020, 14:51 Isaac EarleMaintenanceOtherOtherT1-MK2 target and M9BB moved

 The T1-MK2 target was moved from the hot cell to Hole #5 in the storage pit.  The M9 beam blocker was then moved from the beamline to the hot cell for MRO work.  A field of 14.4mSv/hr was measured at 0.5m from the beam blocker during removal.

  261   Monday, March 23, 2020, 16:13 Isaac EarleMaintenanceOtherOtherM9 beam blocker MRO completed

M9 beam blocker MRO work was completed in the hot cell today.  This included replacement of the main shaft seals and replacement of the air cylinders.  Actuation was tested after replacement and the blocker moved smoothly through the full length of travel with approximately 45psi air pressure.  It is ready for transport back to the beamline.

  269   Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 12:57 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1/T2 MRO summary for 2020 shutdown

The following work was completed during the 2020 shutdown period for BL1A (Jan-Aug 2020):

  • T1 and T2 EPICS data checked for anomalies.  None found, all sensors behaving as expected
  • T1 and T2 cooling package water drained to storage tank, sampled, and released
  • All cuno filters changed (3 for T1, 2 for T2)
  • All T1 and T2 proteus paddle wheels changed
  • T1 and T2 hansen fitting connections inspected: all good, no leaks
  • Both packages refilled, restarted, demin flow tuned to 1gpm, and checked for leaks: very small leak from 3/4" line going into heat exchanger on T1 target loop (not new, tightening doesn't help) 


  • Profile monitor air hoses inspected: ok
  • Air amplifiers inspected: cycle time ok, no leaks
  • M9 beam blocker overhaul completed including new air cylinders
  • M9 and M20 BB actuation checked
  • T1 and T2 profile monitor actuation checked
  • T1 and T2 ladder movement checked
  • XTPAGE 7L updated to indicate which targets spent
  • Target ladder status sheet updated
  • ASCO valves for M9BB, M20BB, T1 prof mon, T2 prof mon all serviced (with rebuild kit)


August 25, 2020 update:

- The cap block was replaced over T2
- Actuation of the M9-T2 and M20 beam blockers was tested.  Both moved fine and limits displayed correctly

  274   Friday, April 09, 2021, 12:42 Matthew GareauMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingChanged the paddle wheel, o ring, and shaft in the Collimator A flow meter at the T2 package

With the assistance of Maico we changed the paddle wheel, o ring, and shaft in the Collimator A flow meter (Q4) at the T2 package.

Flow meter was wiped clean to ensure o ring surface was clean.

Everything was changed without incident, and ops confirmed that the flow rate is now normal.

  276   Thursday, February 17, 2022, 13:03 Matthew GareauMaintenanceTarget 1TargetT1 MK2 wire scanner and protect monitor test removal and reattachment with pin straightening

 this Work was done on 09 Dec 2021.

Since Isaac Earle was leaving Triumf he was giving us (maico, chad, adam, and myself) a demonstration of how to remove targets, protect monitor, and wire scanner. During the removal it was noticed that one of the pins for the wire scanner was bent and it would not be possible to reattach without straightening the pins.

Luckily the fields from the ladder were low enough (374 uSv/h) and we were able to retrieve the wire scanner and manually bend the pins back. The wire scanner was reattached without incident, and now will need diagnostics to check on the target ladder to ensure all is operational.

Attachment 1: IMG_20211207_140443.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20211207_140508.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_20211207_140735.jpg
Attachment 4: IMG_20211207_122631.jpg
Attachment 5: IMG_20211207_142836.jpg
  277   Thursday, March 10, 2022, 11:18 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingChanged paddle wheel, o-ring, and shaft in flow sensors at T2 cooling package

The paddle wheels, o-rings, and shafts were changed at the T2 cooling package for the following sensors:


No major issues were noted. Some residue was observed upon cleaning the sensors. No leaks observed when turning water isolation valves back on.

Two of the sensors, FGCOLA and FGTGT, experienced anomalies during the previous beam run which resulted in faults (#14656 and #14501, respectively). The system is not yet running in order to confirm whether the replacement has resolved the faults.

The schematic which contains these sensors is TBP0902.

Attachment 1: PXL_20220310_173802512.jpg
Attachment 2: PXL_20220310_173759444.jpg
  278   Thursday, March 10, 2022, 13:57 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingChanged paddle wheel, o-ring, and shaft in flow sensors at T1 cooling package

The paddle wheels, o-rings, and shafts were changed at the T1 cooling package for the following sensors:


No major issues were noted. Some residue was observed upon cleaning the sensors. No leaks observed when turning water isolation valves back on.

The schematic which contains these sensors is TBP0902.

  279   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:05 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingO-rings on T1 cooling package water reservoir changed

The four o-rings on top of the T1 cooling package water reservoir were changed as per the recommended 5 year replacement schedule.

  280   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:06 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingO-rings on T2 cooling package water reservoir changed

The four o-rings on top of the T2 cooling package water reservoir were changed as per the recommended 5 year replacement schedule.

  281   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:08 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingFilters replaced: T1 cooling system

All filters were replaced for the T1 cooling system: demineralizing resin circuit, target water system, and M15.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455