The following work was completed between Jan 16 - Feb 19, 2019:
- T1 and T2 cooling packages drained to South TNF holding tank, water sampled and tested, released after approval from RPG
- T1 resin can swapped
- All Cuno filters changed at T1 (3 total)
- T1 inlet (T1CSPGIN) and outlet (T1CSPGOUT) pressure gauges replaced (archived data on EPICS indicated both starting to fail)
- T2 target water Cuno filter replaced
- All T1 and T2 solenoid valves changed to new models without power management circuit which will hopefully solve the problem of frequent failures (SASP0670)
Parker brass body valve 73218BN4UN00 with solenoid C222C2 solenoid used for T1CSSVSEC and T2CSSVSEC
STC stainless steel body valve 2S160-1/2-2-D with solenoid 2W200C-2-D used for T1CSSVTGT, T1SVCOL, T2CSSVTGT, T2SVCOLA, T2SVCOLB
Necessary changes to PLC BOP wiring made by Tony Tateyama
All new valves confirmed operational and leak tight
Cyclotron Fault #11955 returned
- T1 and T2 profile monitor air cyclinder flow control valves replaced with new models tuned to ~1/8 turn open. Part is Rego F125B (see PO #3044305)
- T1-MK2 profile monitor air cylinders replaced (both were leaking through the top seal)
- T1 and T2 profile monitor actuation checked - both move in and out slowly and smoothly
- M20 BB actuation checked - movement is slow and smooth
- T1 and T2 ladder movement checked - both ok
- T1-MK2 male Hansen fittings replaced as well as female Hansens which connect to them (these are the last remaining Hansen fittings to be replaced at T1/T2)
- Both cooling packages filled and started, now running smoothly. Inspected for leaks (none found). No change to 1A vacuum when packages started
Note 1: The T1 package water pump is slightly noisy when running (it has been this way since the replacement pump was installed last year) - Will investigate further at a later date
Note 2: In the week of Feb 11-15 Vacuum Group pressurized the T1 target cooling circuit with 30psi helium to try to find the vacuum load on the T1 volume. This was done twice with the beamline vented for a few hours in between in case water had frozen at a leak location. The conclusion after testing is that the T1 cooling water is not the source of the vacuum load at T1. Helium was also sprayed all around the top of the T1 monolith (T1 target and M15 permanent magnet) - there was no response on the leak detector
My total dose for this work was 0.15mSv |