Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 27 of 139  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Typedown Module Target/Number Subject Text Attachments
  751   Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 11:49 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4UCx #10TM4 has been disconnected in ITE.TM4 has been disconnected and moved to
SHC from ITE. ITE was vented with argon before
  752   Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 12:24 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4Ta#44Ucx10 removed Ta#44 installedUcx#10 has been removed from TM4 and placed
in a pail with argon.
Ta#44 has been installed onto TM4
  753   Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 13:31 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4UC#10, Ta#44Electrical checkElectrical checks of TM#4 with UC#10 post
beam and Ta#44 before beam see attached PDF
for details.
  754   Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 10:41 Travis CaveITEStandard OperationTM4Ta#44module moveTM#4 with Ta#44 has been moved from the
south hot cell to the east target station.
  755   Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 15:03 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4Ta#44Leak check on TM4 HS water line with new Ta#44 target. at SHCThis morning Chad and I leak checked TM4
HS line with new Ta#44 target installed.
I calibrated LD before the check. Before
  756   Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 15:16 David WangITEStandard OperationTM4Ta#44Reconnected TM4 in ITE.TM4 has been reconnected back to ITE. I
started all turbo pumps on ITE and TM4. The
ITE TP4s was extremely difficult to start.
  757   Friday, September 26, 2014, 10:56 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation UC#10Spent target moveUC#10 has been moved from the south hot
cell to the spent target vault. It was placed
in Pail #119 and in slot 8B. For further
  758   Wednesday, October 08, 2014, 09:39 Travis CaveConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3no targetmodule moveTM#3 has been moved from the North West
Silo to the conditioning station.
  760   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 11:51 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ZrC#6module moveTM#1 with ZrC#6 has been moved from ITW
to the south hot cell.
  761   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 11:52 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ZrC#6Electrical checkTM#1 with ZrC#6 post beam electrical check
see attached pdf for results.
  762   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 12:19 David WangITWStandard OperationTM1 TM1 was disconnected in ITW.TM1 was disconnected in ITW this morning.
Heat shield circuit is purged.
  763   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 13:31 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1no targetElectrical checkElectrical check of TM#1 with no target
attached at the south hot cell see attached
PDF for details.
  764   Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 17:19 Anders MjosConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3No targetHigh Voltage ConditioningWednesday, October 14, 2014
 The BIAS voltage was brought
up between 1:30pm and 5pm. Sparks tripped
  765   Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 12:55 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1no targetmodule moveTM#1 with no target has been moved from
the south hot cell to the south west silo.
  772   Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 14:53 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation ZrC#6Spent target moveZrC#6 has been moved from the south hot
cell and into storage. It was placed in pail
120 in slot 5C of the vault. For more details
  775   Monday, November 03, 2014, 10:27 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1no targetmodule moveTM#1 has been moved from the south west
silo to the south hot cell.
  776   Monday, November 03, 2014, 11:16 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ThO#1ThO#1 InstalledThO#1 has been installed onto TM1 and is
ready for leak and electrical checking. High
current fasteners torqued to 130 in lbs.
  777   Monday, November 03, 2014, 13:47 Travis CaveSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ThO#1Electrical checkTM#1 with ThO#1 electrical check see attatched
PDF for details.
  778   Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 11:05 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ThO#1Leak check on TM1 HS water line withThO#1 installed.Chad and I leak checked HS line on TM1
with ThO#1 target installed. The LD pumped
down to base leak rate 0.0xE-9 atm.cc/sec,
  779   Tuesday, November 04, 2014, 13:17 chad fisherSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM1ThO#1TM1 w/ ThO#1 readyTm1 with ThO#1 is buttoned up and ready
for transport.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455