ID |
Date |
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Text |
Friday, February 23, 2024, 06:36 |
David Wang | ITE | Maintenance | | | ITE entrance module has been disconnected. | ITE entrance module has been disconnected
per document 190510. Its a preparation job
for next month module moving out to SHC. |
Thursday, March 14, 2024, 14:54 |
David Wang | ITE | Maintenance | | | ITE entrance module has been moved from ITE pit to TCS. | ITE entrance module has been moved from
ITE pit to TCS. The move is smooth.ITE entrance
module top tank flange and o ring slot are |
Monday, March 25, 2024, 10:53 |
David Wang | ITE | Repair | | | ITE entrance module has been moved from TCS to ITE. | ITE entrance module has been moved from
TCS to ITE. The move is smooth. |
Monday, March 25, 2024, 10:55 |
David Wang | ITE | Standard Operation | | | ITE entrance module has been reconnected in ITE pit. | ITE entrance module has been reconnected
in ITE pit per document 190510. |
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 09:49 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | Tm3 has been moved to SHC from silo. | Tm3 has been moved to SHC from silo. the
move is smooth. |
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 09:52 |
David Wang | ITE | Standard Operation | | | ITE entrance module top and module flange o-ing to tank have been leak checked. | ITE entrance module top and module flange
o-ing to tank have been leak checked. no
leak at 0.0xe-9 things are double |
Thursday, March 28, 2024, 09:26 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | Tm3 has been moved from SHC to silo. | Tm3 has been moved from SHC to silo.
The move is smooth. |
Thursday, April 04, 2024, 13:10 |
David Wang | Cooling | Maintenance | | | high active water refurbishment, reinstallation, and test operation. | both high active pumps ITC:MP1 and MP2
are refurbished by RH group Maico and Peter.
Pumps have been installed back to system |
Monday, April 08, 2024, 09:29 |
David Wang | Cooling | Standard Operation | | | HALCW system general inspection. | water are supplied to both ITE and ITW.
I did a general inspection on HALCW system.
Two small leaks on 2" shut off valves |
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 06:07 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM3 | | Tm3 was moved from silo to SHC yesterday. | Tm3 was moved from silo to SHC yesterday.
the move is smooth. |
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 06:27 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Development | TM3 | | TM3 new source tray was transferred into SHC on this Tuesday. | TM3 new source tray was transferred into
SHC on this Tuesday. one hook arm of transfer
jig is very close to optic tray tube when |
Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 12:33 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | | | test TCS water system chillers stage in/out. | Monday and Tuesday, I started TCS water
system and enabled the TCS chillers auto
stage in/out. I saw chiller 2 in/out three |
Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 11:58 |
David Wang | ITE/ITW | Maintenance | | | ITH:MP1S pump inside lubricant was changed today. | ITH:MP1S pump inside lubricant was changed
today. old lubricant is dirty with dark color.
they are stored in sealed waste oil jug and |
Friday, April 19, 2024, 10:44 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Development | TM3 | | TM3 water lines helium spray leak check at SHC. | TM3 water lines helium spray leak check
at SHC is done. No leak has been found on
all lines. seeattachment |
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 10:15 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Standard Operation | TM3 | | TM3 has been moved from SHC to TCS. | TM3 has been moved from SHC to TCS.
The move is smooth. |
Friday, April 26, 2024, 08:56 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Development | TM3 | | TM3 module top helium spray leak test. | TM3 module top helium spray leak test was
done yesterday. No leak on TM3 module
top @ LD base leak rate 0.0 x E-9 |
Friday, April 26, 2024, 08:59 |
David Wang | Conditioning Station | Development | TM3 | | TM3 helium pressure test and electrical check with new source tray at TCS. | TM3 helium pressure test and electrical
check with new source tray at TCS were done
yesterday. The results are excellent. See |
Friday, April 26, 2024, 13:22 |
David Wang | South Hot-Cell | Standard Operation | TM4 | | TM4 has been moved from SMP to SHC. | TM4 has been moved from SMP to SHC. Adam
and I did the move. the move is smooth. |
Monday, April 29, 2024, 14:21 |
David Wang | ITE/ITW | Standard Operation | TM4 | | TM4 has been moved from SHC to ITW. | TM4 has been moved from SHC to ITW. Peter
did the move. Travis helped on him.
The move is successful. |
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 09:20 |
David Wang | ITW | Development | TM4 | | A new SST gas line is using for ITW febiad gas staion in pit. | A new SST gas line with swagelock tube
fittings and VCR fit is using for ITW febiad
gas staion in pit. Gas line is leak checked |