Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Cyclotron, Page 8 of 10  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wednesday, January 31, 2024, 15:06, Eric Lahe, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Elevating System - Annual Station Swap 2023-2024 

 The annual elevating system maintenance for the 2023-2024 shutdown following Document-220322, 

Work done after electrical lockout of elevating system and motors electrically disconnected: 

Work done on Station #1: 

  • Note readings on station counter (71) and gap clearance on yoke (5/8" wrench thickness) 
  • Remove all spares(#13)  from station 1 (two jacks, two highfield gear reducers and one electric motor) 
  • Reinstall complete serviced original station into station 1
  • Set yoke gap and counter to same as previously recorded

Work done on Station #7: 

  • Note readings on station counter (71) and gap clearance on yoke (9/16" wrench thickness) 
  • Remove originals from station (two jacks, two highfield gear reducers and one electric motor) 
  • Install Spare elevating system (station #13) into station #7 
  • Set yoke gap and counter to same as previously recorded 
  • Inspected and serviced upper bearing: OK 
  • the removed originals are taken to the Remote Handling Active Machine shop where each component will be inspected and serviced to be reinstalled next shutdown


Electric motors have been reconnected at stations #1 and #7.


Entry  Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 17:09, Ron Kuramoto, Cyclotron, Development, EX4N new housing installation dspage07994143927104268192.pdfExtr_4N_Final_instalation_-_gimbal-pipe-valve.docxIMG_1886.JPG

The new EX4N housing assembly drawing TEC0071 (unfinished) was installed and connected to the EX4 tank side port flange over a 3 day period from Feb29 – Mar 2, 2016. This was a hands on installation spread amongst 5 people with the total accumulated dose was 2.97 mSv.  See W/P C2016-02-29-5

Attached are;

- Rad field survey map.
- Updated installation procedure (rev4) with additional notes/comments during the installation  Revisions in Red.  Competed steps in Green. 
- Photo of the EX4N housing assembly.

Recent photos, are on Dimo's S drive :S\dyosifov\Extraction 4\Photos 2016

Entry  Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 14:33, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day two of in tank work 

All copper blocker removed from the cyclotron and first radiation survey done. Shields start tomorrow.

Entry  Thursday, January 29, 2015, 14:53, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day three of in tank work 

Over 50% of the shields are in some 700's left and the monitor box covers.

Entry  Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 14:40, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day one of in tank work 

Day one of RH in tank work for the cyclotron (shields and blockers stuff like that) many pictures were taken.

Entry  Friday, January 30, 2015, 15:02, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day four of in tank work 

All shields, ladders and pothole covers are in. One rad survey left to do.

Entry  Monday, February 02, 2015, 14:28, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day five of in tank work 

Final Radiation Survey done. All in tank work completed bridge removed from the tank.

Entry  Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 08:16, Dan McDonald, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron lid up  lid_up_2016.pdf

Lid up procedure Started at  12:00pm. Initial numbers. # 1-47,2-49,3-45,4-47,5-47,6-47,7-49,8-45,9-50,10-50,11-51,12-49. After a number of unsuccessful attempts at jogging the system and trouble shooting it was decided to suspend operations record numbers  and resume on Feb 2nd. Final numbers for Feb 1st #1-1289,2-1297,3-1288,4-1295,5-1283,6-1298,7-1287,8-1289,9-1290,10-1296,11-1287,12-1296.


Feb 2nd commence lid up operations at 11:30 am .When Maico Dalla Valle and my self arrived Dan Louie and Arther Leung had attempted to trouble shoot elevating issues and lowered the lid in hopes that raising would be smoother . The counter numbers on our arrival where as follows station   # 1-2856,2-2858,3-2848,4-2857,5-2855,6-2861,7-2856,8-2857,9-2852,10-2862,11-2860,12-2859. After Discussion between Grant Minor, Dan Louie and all involved it was decided to lower the lid re gap the yokes and reset counters to base numbers ensuring they correlated with master synchro. lowered lid numbers #1-55,2-59,3-55,4-57,5-57,6-54,7-50,8-54,9-59,10-59,11-58,12-59.

At this point we re gapped to .250" with counters at #1-119,2-177,3-123,4-144,5-137,6-120,7-123,8-111,9-127,10-148,11-128,12-117. After comparison with Dan L and the Master Synchro, stations #2,3,4,5,10 where jogged to better match the average on the counters and synchro these stations where put at 120 on the station counters. Once this was completed we started final lid up operations stopping at 5" to check tank seal, once it was confirmed the seal was not sticking we continued uninterrupted  to final lid up position. #1-16947,2-47366,3-47351,4-47365,5-47362,6-47365,7-17495,8-47358,9-47360,10-47366,11-47362,12-47363. Counters #1 #7 appear to be failing, they will be changed out and indexed to match as needed.


Entry  Friday, July 04, 2014, 07:21, Dan McDonald, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron lid down July-2- 2014 

Cyclotron lid down was successfully completed on July 2 2014. Lid went partially down before jack nine had to be jogged to catch up to system. After thirty min of continual system trips Maico Dalla Valle and I Jogged all stations to 42745. Still encountering continual system trips Gord Roy and Dan Louie removed and reset all relays in system, lid proceeded to lower with out problem. Final jack position recording done at 19:45.



Jack   Start Finish  Jog 1   All jacks reset to 42745 from these positions    
1   47366 44     42755            
2   47399 46     42739   Lid down start 18:32      
3   47354 42     42746   Jack reset at 19:00      
4   47398 46     42738   Finished at 19:45      
5   47372 45     42754            
6   47395 44     42744            
7   47372 46     42751            
8   47390 42     42732            
9   47390 46 42755/42739 42739            
10   47397 48 42741   42741            
11   47370 48     42741            
12   47396 48     42743            
Entry  Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 13:43, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron in tank work 

 All cyclotron in tank work has been completed.

Entry  Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 12:37, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Cyclotron Vacuum Cleaning Tool - Initial Test IMG_20200205_093927.jpg
The vacuum cleaning tool (TRH1366, vacuum cleaning configuration) was tested in the cyclotron tank. The following test were performed:

1. Access to areas of interest - are we able to reach certain areas?
- Magnet face: yes
- Inside cryopanels: yes (checked around swipe mark # 32)
- D-gap: yes, plenty of clearance and simple radial move to vacuum
- Ex 1A area: yes
- Tank seal: yes

2. Vacuum cleaning of metal debris underneath Ex 4:
- Some debris that had been present in the tank for many years was vacuumed
- The task was performed with ease by Travis Cave and Adam Newsome

3. Vacuuming of tank seal test:
- Starting at 0 degrees, the tank seal was vacuumed while orbiting until 180 degrees
- It was determined that the vacuum nozzle fit within the physical confines of the area in question, and a rotation function need not be added
- The vacuuming was performed with ease by Travis Cave, with only orbital motion and radial adjustments to account for the D-shape of the tank (as was done with the previous vacuuming method)
* See attached photo. Duct tape and 3D printed part used as described below. Future vacuuming to be done with proper nozzle part. *

Overall the consensus is that this vacuum cleaning tool will be used going forward. The only adjustment deemed necessary at this time is revising the nozzle shape to be smaller in length to fit easier into the areas in question. This was tested with a 3D printed prototype with drawings to be released for this change before next shutdown.
Entry  Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 12:44, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Cyclotron Small Object Retrival Tool - Intial Test IMG_20200205_112703.jpg
The small object retrieval tool was tested in the cyclotron tank for the first time. At this time, there are no known accessible objects that were requested to be retrieved. The tool was tested in order to gain confidence in functionality for future tasks, when needed.

The test performed involved navigating to a bucket full of extraction foils, inserting the tool inside the bucket, grabbing a foil and raising it, then releasing it back into the bucket. The tool/cameras were operated by Travis Cave and Adam Newsome.

Testing was deemed successful, with no proposed modifications for the tool.

This tool has multiple suction cup attachments that can be used in order to retrieve various objects. Other groups will be advised to contact Remote Handling prior to performing a retrieval task so that we can test picking up a similar object on the mockup and verify that it will work. Examples of some objects that have been tested in the mockup include: small screws, cable ties, gloves, foam pieces, plastic pieces, papers, rulers, and pens.
Entry  Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 12:20, Adam Newsome, Infrastructure, Development, Cyclotron RH Control Room: Outlets Installed 

The following outlets were installed by Electrical Services Group in order to facilitate upgrading power supplies for Cyclotron Remote Handling, as per Work Request 5289:

  • 2x 15 Amp outlets
  • 2x 20 Amp outlets

The four breakers for these outlets are located in the panel adjacent to the main entry door to the electrical lab. The outlets are located in behind the control console.

Entry  Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:57, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Cyclotron Mockup: Orbital Position Pendant Upgrade Before.jpgAfter.jpg

The pendant used for controlling the orbital motion of the bridge mockup was upgraded. Features of the new pendant include:

  • One cable to controller (formerly two cables required)
  • Ergonomic and robust form factor of pendant
  • Easily modifiable button/contact setup, with spare button space
  • Extended cable to reach anywhere in the room

Pictures attached show before and after.

Entry  Monday, March 18, 2013, 15:12, Isaac Earle, Cyclotron, Maintenance, Cyclotron Magnet Face Gap Measurements 8x

Measurements of the cyclotron magnet face gap were taken on March 15, 2013 at two locations around the tank with the cyclotron lid in the fully raised position (the lid had been raised until the upper limit switches caused the control system to stop travelling).  The purpose of the measurements is to establish an independent means of verifying correct lid height before beginning in-tank remote handling activities at the start of a shutdown period.

The height of the lid at the time of measurement was confirmed to be adequate for the bridge to perform a full orbit without any interference between the bridge or cable tray and devices on the lid.

Measurement locations were labelled using permanent marker.  A plumb-bob was used to ensure the measurement location on the upper and lower faces were aligned vertically.  The measurements were performed using a tape measure hung from the upper magnet face and read at the lower magnet face as shown.


Location #1: RH bridge entry/exit point (~50° position), Measured gap: 46-1/2" +/- 1/16"

Location #2: East side of jack station #1 (~215° position), Measured gap: 46-9/16" +/- 1/16"


Photographs of the upper limit switches on jack stations #1 and #10 were taken as shown below:

 IMG_1245.JPG    IMG_1244.JPG



At this lid height, the reference stick on the top of the cyclotron lid was found to be touching the concrete ceiling, but was not bowed.  See photo below.



 The distance between the cyclotron tank lid and the RH bridge was then measured using a meter stick attached to the lift trolley.  The trolley was moved into the tank, and the stick raised until it contacted the tank lid.  This position was recorded, the stick was lowered, the trolley was removed from the tank, then the stick raised again to the recorded position.  A piece of aluminum angle was used to translate the measurement from the center of the trolley to the edge of the bridge as shown below:


 IMG_1254.JPG IMG_1262.JPG

IMG_1260.JPG IMG_1267.JPG

Total Distance from RH Bridge Rail to Cyclotron Tank Lid: 15-7/16" + 6-5/16" = 21-3/4" +/- 1/8"


Entry  Wednesday, July 02, 2014, 16:46, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up Report for 27 June 2014 

The cyclotron lid was raised on June 27th, 2014.  Start time was 1:05pm end time was 2:17pm (good!) Dan McDonald collected and recorded numbers from the mechanical counters for the lid up sequence, I am entering the data into the e-Log on his behalf.

Below are the mechanical counter values from the start and finish of the lid-up job:

Mech. Counter Values
Jack Start Finish
1 32 47366
2 33 47399
3 28 47354
4 32 47398
5 32 47372
6 32 47395
7 33 47372
8 30 47390
9 33 47390
10 35 47397
11 34 47370
12 32 47396

There were 5 local jogs made to the jacks during the lid up process: 

Jog #1
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 1403 -
9 1387 1407
10 1408 -


Jog #2
Station Before Jog After Jog
2 - -
3 2769 2808
4 2808 -
8 - -
9 2766 2799
10 2798 -


Jog #3
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 6766 -
9 6759 6772
10 6772 -


Jog #4
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 22771 -
9 22764 22770
10 22770 -


Jog #5
Station Before Jog After Jog
8 - -
9 46764 46800
10 46800 -


Entry  Thursday, January 23, 2014, 18:47, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up Report - 22 Jan 2014 6x

Yesterday Grant Minor (me), Maico Dalla Valle, Dan Louie, and Arthur Leung worked with Operations to perform the Cyclotron Lid-Up task for the 2014 winter maintenance.

Work Permit 2014-01-22-2 was issued for this job.

In general, the lid up operation was rough at the beginning.  The system began to trip-out within about 500 counts on the mechanical counter, just when the jacks started taking the load, then continued to trip within the first ~ 3 inches of travel.  Multiple station jogs, complete lowerings, and complete raisings were required to get beyond the rough spot. 

I tried as best as possible to record the mechanical counters for each trip event, as well as confirm the master synchro count and culprit station with Arthur.  The data I collected is summarized below:

Start of Operation: All stations were indexed with yoke gaps within .005" and .010" of the .250" nominal shim stock (see previous e-logs).  Mechanical counters were all set to 100 counts (each count is approximately .001").

1. First lid up attempt tripped at less than 1" of travel.  Station 9 was found to be lagging adjacent stations.  It as jogged in local mode as shown:

Table 1
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 699  
9 576 705
10 706  

2. Lid was raised again and stalled.  Station 11 was found to be lagging and was jogged:

Table 2
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 724  
9 715  
10 735  
11 668 725
12 728  

3. Lid was raised again and stalled.  The decision was made to lower completely and raise again.  All station counters were recorded before lowering:

Table 3
Jack Stn. # Count
1 804
2 812
3 795
4 811
5 805
6 808
7 804
8 797
9 783
10 809
11 802
12 801

4. Lid stalled on the way down.  Station 9 was found to be lagging and was jogged:

Table 4
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 550  
9 672 555
10 559  

5. Lid was lowered completely and then raised again.  It tripped at Station 9.  It was examined and found not to be lagging a great deal.

Table 5
Jack Stn. # Count
8 589
9 577
10 594

6. System was reset and lid was raised further.  It continued to trip.  Station 9 was examined and not found to be out.

Table 6
Jack Stn. # Count
8 812
9 807
10 818

7. Lid was lowered completely and then raised again.  It tripped again, and Station 9 was found to be out.  It was jogged with some intentional overshoot.

Table 7
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 855  
9 814 870
10 862  

8. Lid was raised again and tripped.  The decision was made to lower lid completely.  Some counter values were recorded when the lid had reached the lower limit, for comparison to the starting reference.

Table 8
Jack Stn. # Count
8 035
9 041
10 039

9. Lid was raised again and traveled more smoothly until tripping at around 850 counts.  6 counter values were recorded.  Station 9 was found to be lagging and was jogged:

Table 9
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 826  
9 826 836
10 835  
11 853  
12 852  
1 854  
2 836  

10. Lid was raised again and tripped.  Station 9 was found to be lagging and was jogged:

Table 10
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 965  
9 932 973
10 973  

11. Lid was raised again and tripped.  Station 9 was found to lag very slightly (but within the normal variation band), and was jogged:

Table 11
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
7 998  
8 988  
9 984 998
10 994  

12. Lid was raised further and tripped again.  Four of the counters recorded and the group broke for lunch (approximately 1 hr).  The lid was left at this position over lunch.

Table 12
Jack Stn. # Count
8 1033
9 1025
10 1042
11 1035

13. After lunch, the lid was raised up to about 1090 counts with 4 trips.  Counters were read as below:

Table 13
Jack Stn. # Count
8 1089
9 1088
10 1097

14.  Lid was raised but tripped almost immediately.  Decision was made to lower again.  Counters at bottom limit were read again:

Table 14
Jack Stn. # Count
8 0038
9 0046
10 0043

15. Lid was raised with 3 trips.  Station 9 was found to be lagging and was jogged:

Table 15
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 1202  
9 1107 1216
10 1212  

16. Lid was lowered completely, then raised.  It went up fairly smoothly and tripped out at about 1350 counts.  All counters were recorded:

Table 16
Jack Stn. # Count
1 1347
2 1354
3 1337
4 1354
5 1347
6 1352
7 1350
8 1339
9 1334
10 1349
11 1350
12 1350

17.  A few more attempts were made to raise the lid with a few more trips.  The system traveled in longer bursts and more smoothly between trips.  Counters were recorded and stations 9 and 11 were jogged:

Table 17
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
8 1956  
9 1901 1972
10 1967  
11 1938 1968
12 1969  

18. System was reset and lid was raised again with a few more trips close together.  The decision was made to lower the lid completely and raise again.  Master synchro was recorded at 2285 before lowering.

19. Lid was lowered completely and raised fairly smoothly up to a master count of 2363 before tripping out on stations 1 & 9.

20. A few attempts were made to lower the lid slightly (not all the way) and then raise again.  This did not seem to reduce the frequency of trips.  The system tripped out around 2820 and all counters were recorded before taking a short break to allow the contactors to cool down:

Table 20
Jack Stn. # Count
1 2809
2 2822
3 2805
4 2827
5 2803
6 2822
7 2809
8 2817
9 2806
10 2823
11 2810
12 2826

21. After the break, there was a raise and lower cycle within about 3600 counts that I was not present for.  When I had returned the system was still rising in small bursts and tripping out on station 9 mostly.  Over a span of 5 trips, Station 9 was jogged 5 times by between 20 and 50 counts, with 20-count overshoot.

22. The master synchro passed 3600 counts and then the system tripped.  Stations 9 and 10 were recorded and Station 9 was jogged:

Table 22
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
9 3612 3665
10 3645  

23.  The master passed 3800 counts, and then they system went up smoothly for the first time by about 1500 counts before stopping. Some counters were recorded:

Table 23
Jack Stn. # Count
8 5396
9 5385
10 5405
11 5405

24.  Lid was raised again and stopped around 6350.  The group paused to check the tank seal and all counters were recorded:

Table 24
Jack Stn. # Count
1 6377
2 6338
3 6334
4 6336
5 6342
6 6348
7 6346
8 6346
9 6319
10 6333
11 6343
12 6347

25. The lid was raised further with 2 trips at station 9.  Stations 9 and 10 were checked and station 9 was jogged:

Table 25
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
9 7178 7224
10 7204  

26. Lid was raised again with 2 trips initially and then smooth travel up to a Master count of 9600.  After 3 more trips and resets, I began recording just the station trips and master counts at each trip.  No jogs were required during this period.

27. Jacks 1 & 5 tripped at 10,200 counts on the master.

28. Jacks 1 & 9 tripped at 11,500 counts on the master.

29. Jack 9 tripped at 13,400 counts on the master.  Several trips occurred immediately after this.  Counter readings were taken and station 1 was jogged:

Table 29
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
1 13,409 13,500
2 13,508  
3 13,461  
4 13,501  
5 13,410 13,500
6 13,498  
7 13,444 13,500
8 13,489  
9 13,436 13,500
11 - 13.500
12 13,496  

30. Lid was raised again with trips at station 1, 5, 7 & 9.  Master synchro count was 15,600.

31. Lid was raised again with trip at stations 1 & 7.  Master synchro count was 18,800.

32. Lid was raised again with trips at stations 5, 7, and 9.  Master synchro count was 21,650.

33. Lid was raised again with trips at stations 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.  Master synchro count was 23,360.

34. Lid was raised again with trips at stations 1, 5, 7, 9. Master synchro count was 23,700.

35. Lid was raised again with trip at station 9.  Master synchro count was 25,420.

36. Lid was raised again with trip at station 7. Master synchro count was 27,700.

37. Lid was raised again with trip at station 5.  Master count was 27,700.

38. Lid was raised again with trip at station 7. Master count was 30,300.

39. Lid was raised again with trip at stations 1 & 3. Master count was 33,650.

40. Lid was raised with trip at station 7.  Master count was 37,400.

41.  A moaning / groaning noise was heard from the structure around 38,000 counts.  This noise was also observed during the 2013 lid-up.

42. Lid was raised with trip at station 7. Master count was 39,722.

43. Lid was raised with trip at station 1.  Master count was 41,600.

44. Lid was raised with trip at station 9.  Master count was 42,857.

45.  All counters were read and selected stations were jogged:

Table 45
Jack Stn. # Count Jog Val.
1 42,774  
2 42,797  
3 42,751 42,808
4 42,799  
5 42,769 42,808
6 42,794  
7 42,731 42,800
8 42,812  
9 42,761 42,801
10 42,800  
11 42,769 42,803
12 42,815  
Master Sync 42,857  

46. Lid was raised but tripped at station1.  Station one count was found to be behind and was jogged from 42,804 to 42,880.

47. Lid was raised until limit switches were contacted.  All final counter readings were recorded:

Table 47 - Final Counts
Jack Stn. # Count
1 47,396
2 47,410
3 47,402
4 47,403
5 47,396
6 47,409
7 47,399
8 47,401
9 47,400
10 47,403
11 47,39? (misread?)
12 47,400


Photos of the limit switches and the reference "stick" relative to the roof beam are attached.  The stick appears to be between 1/16" and 1/8" clear of the roof beams.

Entry  Thursday, March 26, 2015, 15:48, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up 26 March 2015 

Lid was raised today (2nd time during 2015 shutdown) for additional inflector work.

Dan and Maico report that the lid went up smoothly and no jogs were required.  The operation took about 30 minutes.

- Grant

Entry  Monday, March 03, 2014, 15:07, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Down Report Monday 3-March-2014 

The Cyclotron Lid Down was successfully completed today on Work Permit C2014-03-03-6.

The system only tripped twice on the way down.  Both trips were at Station 9, at the following Master Syncro readings: 43194, 39198.

Oil was observed on the Jack #1 platform, but it was determined that it was coming from the crane when it's parked in the beam-on position, and not actually from the elevating system.

The final counter readings after the lower limit was reached were recorded:

Final Lid-Down counter readings
Station Reading
1 32
2 33
3 28
4 32
5 32
6 32
7 33
8 30
9 33
10 35
11 34
12 32

The Master Syncro was recorded at 28.  All station yoke gaps were very loose on the .25" shim, which makes sense, as they are about 70 thou lower than the starting position before lid-up this year (100 counts at each station).

The system was NOT re-indexed.  The decision was made to wait until lid-up next year to re-index.  The lit should be raised until the Master is at about 100 counts, then the yoke gaps checked and adjusted as required.



Entry  Monday, January 08, 2018, 09:04, Maico Dalla Valle / Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid Up Cyclotron_Elevation_Maintenance_Rotation_Record_20180223.xlsx
Remote Handing is ready for January, 8 2018 Cyclotron lid up. Elevating system service has been completed.

A Cyclotron Lid raise was attempted on Monday, January 8 at 12:00, however this attempt was aborted after lifting the lid several millimeters due the motor
brake on Station #9 that would not release properly. After troubleshooting the elevating system for several hours, motor brake wires were disconnected from
the motor terminal block at the station and pulled through the vertical conduit down the B2 level below the Cyclotron for further inspection. The inspection
showed severe damage to the wire insulation and conductor over an 18" interval, which corresponded to the position directly across the mid-plane of the
cyclotron. New wires were spliced to the existing wires at the bottom of the vertical conduit section, which were run through the conduit and reconnected to
the motor terminal block.

The motor drive wires on Station #9 were also removed for inspection, which revealed major damage to the wire insulation over the same 18" interval;
however, the conductor remained intact and was covered in electrical tape and re-run through the conduit vertical and reconnected to the terminal block. The
elevating system was then tested and the motor brake on Station #9 released as expected.

The Cyclotron Lid was successfully raised on Monday, January 8 at 20:00. The initial station readings are shown below:

00075 - Master
00045 - Station #1
00044 - Station #2
00042 - Station #3
00045 - Station #4
00044 - Station #5 
00044 - Station #6
00045 - Station #7
00044 - Station #8
00044 - Station #9
00047 - Station #10
00048 - Station #11
00045 - Station #12

The final lid-up station readings are shown below:

47422 - Master
- Station #1
- Station #2
- Station #3
- Station #4
- Station #5 
- Station #6
- Station #7
- Station #8
- Station #9
- Station #10
- Station #11
- Station #12

The Cyclotron Lid was lowered on Tuesday, February 20, between 11:30 and 12:00. The final station readings are shown below:

00081 - Master
00086 - Station #1
00089 - Station #2
00054 - Station #3
00016 - Station #4
00087 - Station #5
00087 - Station #6
00085 - Station #7
00083 - Station #8
00086 - Station #9
00087 - Station #10
00089 - Station #11
00088 - Station #12

While lowering the lid, the following observations were made:

- The left High Field gear reducer on Station #1 made noise intermittently during the middle of the lid lowering operation
- The right High Field gear reducer on Station #2 made noise intermittently during the end of the lid lowering operation
- The right High Field gear reducer on Station #11 made noise intermittently during the beginning of the lid lowering operation
ELOG V2.9.2-2455