Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Cyclotron  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 194     Entry time: Monday, January 20, 2025, 13:55
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: Elevation Jack 
Type: Maintenance 
Subject: Elevating System MRO - 2025 

Elevating System MRO was started Jan. 16 by R. Sykes, M. Dalla Valle, P. Hall-Patch under work permit C2025-01-16-3.

The plan for this year includes:

  • Remove station 5 from service and move to shop for maintenance
  • Remove station 7 (spare) and move to station 5
  • Replace station 7 with its original jack assembly which is currently in the shop
  • Service station 5 upper bearings
  • *potentially* replace station 5 synchro... more likely to be done if needed during lid up operation
  • Check station 1 coupler for leaks
  • Check station 3 left jack and right gearbox for leaks
  • Check station 4 left gearbox for leaks
  • Check station 8 worm shaft housings for leaks
  • Check station 10 right worm shaft housing for leaks
  • Check station 11 for missing yoke washers, replace
  • Check station 12 for consistent gap with other stations and check for synchro slippage
  • Fill out pre-operation inspection checklist before lid up job


Radiation survey results show that the work area on the left side of Station 5 is around 400 uSv/h. Lead blankets were placed on the 2C equipment responsible for much of the shine (see attached, configuration slightly changed since pic). Workers were advised to exercise caution when working in this area, monitor dosimeters often, take turns to split the dose between multiple people, and minimize time spent in the area each day.

Progress as of 2025-01-20:

  • Pre-inspection form filled [see attached]
  • Inspection tasks listed above complete
  • Station 5 unbolting of motor and gearbox couplers complete
  • Station 7 fully removed and replaced with its original jack assembly
  • Jack assembly 13 removed from station 7 and staged to transport


Progress as of 2025-01-24:

  • Jack assembly 13 (spare) is currently in the RH hot shop, ready for maintenance during 2025
  • Jack station 7 has been fully replaced with its original assembly.
  • Jack station 5 has been removed, and jack assembly 14 (spare) has been placed in its position. Jack assembly 5 is currently in the RH hot shop, ready for maintenance during 2025.
  • Jack station 5 upper bearings service is complete.

As of 2025-01-24 the job is considered complete. Motors are being reconnected at present.

Attachment 1: Elevation_System_Checklist_-_2025.xlsx  23 kB
Attachment 2: PXL_20250117_171031446.MP.jpg  616 kB  | Show | Hide all
Attachment 3: Cyclotron_Jacks_History_-_updated_2025-01-24.xlsx  24 kB  Uploaded Friday, January 24, 2025, 10:47
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