The annual elevating system maintenance for the 2023-2024 shutdown following Document-220322,
Work done after electrical lockout of elevating system and motors electrically disconnected:
Work done on Station #1:
- Note readings on station counter (71) and gap clearance on yoke (5/8" wrench thickness)
- Remove all spares(#13) from station 1 (two jacks, two highfield gear reducers and one electric motor)
- Reinstall complete serviced original station into station 1
- Set yoke gap and counter to same as previously recorded
Work done on Station #7:
- Note readings on station counter (71) and gap clearance on yoke (9/16" wrench thickness)
- Remove originals from station (two jacks, two highfield gear reducers and one electric motor)
- Install Spare elevating system (station #13) into station #7
- Set yoke gap and counter to same as previously recorded
- Inspected and serviced upper bearing: OK
- the removed originals are taken to the Remote Handling Active Machine shop where each component will be inspected and serviced to be reinstalled next shutdown
Electric motors have been reconnected at stations #1 and #7.