Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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Entry  Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 17:09, Ron Kuramoto, Cyclotron, Development, EX4N new housing installation dspage07994143927104268192.pdfExtr_4N_Final_instalation_-_gimbal-pipe-valve.docxIMG_1886.JPG
The new EX4N housing assembly drawing TEC0071 (unfinished) was installed and connected to the EX4 tank side port flange over a 3 day period from Feb29
– Mar 2, 2016. This was a hands on installation spread amongst 5 people with the total accumulated dose was 2.97 mSv.  See W/P C2016-02-29-5
Entry  Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 14:33, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day two of in tank work 
All copper blocker removed from the cyclotron and first radiation survey done. Shields start tomorrow.
Entry  Thursday, January 29, 2015, 14:53, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day three of in tank work 
Over 50% of the shields are in some 700's left and the monitor box covers.
Entry  Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 14:40, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day one of in tank work 
Day one of RH in tank work for the cyclotron (shields and blockers stuff like that) many pictures were taken.
Entry  Friday, January 30, 2015, 15:02, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day four of in tank work 
All shields, ladders and pothole covers are in. One rad survey left to do.
Entry  Monday, February 02, 2015, 14:28, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Day five of in tank work 
Final Radiation Survey done. All in tank work completed bridge removed from the tank.
Entry  Wednesday, February 03, 2016, 08:16, Dan McDonald, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron lid up  lid_up_2016.pdf
Lid up procedure Started at  12:00pm. Initial numbers. # 1-47,2-49,3-45,4-47,5-47,6-47,7-49,8-45,9-50,10-50,11-51,12-49. After a number of unsuccessful
attempts at jogging the system and trouble shooting it was decided to suspend operations record numbers  and resume on Feb 2nd. Final numbers for
Feb 1st #1-1289,2-1297,3-1288,4-1295,5-1283,6-1298,7-1287,8-1289,9-1290,10-1296,11-1287,12-1296.
Entry  Friday, July 04, 2014, 07:21, Dan McDonald, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron lid down July-2- 2014 
Cyclotron lid down was successfully completed on July 2 2014. Lid went partially down before jack nine had to be jogged to catch up to system. After
thirty min of continual system trips Maico Dalla Valle and I Jogged all stations to 42745. Still encountering continual system trips Gord Roy and Dan Louie
removed and reset all relays in system, lid proceeded to lower with out problem. Final jack position recording done at 19:45.
Entry  Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 13:43, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron in tank work 
 All cyclotron in tank work has been completed.
Entry  Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 12:37, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Cyclotron Vacuum Cleaning Tool - Initial Test IMG_20200205_093927.jpg
The vacuum cleaning tool (TRH1366, vacuum cleaning configuration) was tested in the cyclotron tank. The following test were performed: 

1. Access to areas of interest - are we able to reach certain areas? 
Entry  Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 12:44, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Cyclotron Small Object Retrival Tool - Intial Test IMG_20200205_112703.jpg
The small object retrieval tool was tested in the cyclotron tank for the first time. At this time, there are no known accessible objects that were requested
to be retrieved. The tool was tested in order to gain confidence in functionality for future tasks, when needed. 
Entry  Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 12:20, Adam Newsome, Infrastructure, Development, Cyclotron RH Control Room: Outlets Installed 
The following outlets were installed by Electrical Services Group in order to facilitate upgrading power supplies for Cyclotron Remote Handling, as per
Work Request 5289: 
Entry  Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:57, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Development, Cyclotron Mockup: Orbital Position Pendant Upgrade Before.jpgAfter.jpg
The pendant used for controlling the orbital motion of the bridge mockup was upgraded. Features of the new pendant include:

    One cable to controller (formerly two cables required)
    Ergonomic and robust form factor of pendant
modifiable button/contact setup, with spare button space
    Extended cable to reach anywhere in the room

Pictures attached show
Entry  Monday, March 18, 2013, 15:12, Isaac Earle, Cyclotron, Maintenance, Cyclotron Magnet Face Gap Measurements 8x
Measurements of the cyclotron magnet face gap were taken on March 15, 2013 at two locations around the tank with the cyclotron lid in the fully raised
position (the lid had been raised until the upper limit switches caused the control system to stop travelling).  The purpose of the measurements is
to establish an independent means of verifying correct lid height before beginning in-tank remote handling activities at the start of a shutdown period.
Entry  Wednesday, July 02, 2014, 16:46, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up Report for 27 June 2014 
The cyclotron lid was raised on June 27th, 2014.  Start time was 1:05pm end time was 2:17pm (good!) Dan McDonald collected and recorded numbers
from the mechanical counters for the lid up sequence, I am entering the data into the e-Log on his behalf.
Below are the mechanical counter values from the start and finish of the lid-up job:
Entry  Thursday, January 23, 2014, 18:47, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up Report - 22 Jan 2014 6x
Yesterday Grant Minor (me), Maico Dalla Valle, Dan Louie, and Arthur Leung worked with Operations to perform the Cyclotron Lid-Up task for the 2014 winter
Work Permit 2014-01-22-2 was issued for this job.
Entry  Thursday, March 26, 2015, 15:48, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Up 26 March 2015 
Lid was raised today (2nd time during 2015 shutdown) for additional inflector work.
Dan and Maico report that the lid went up smoothly and no jogs were required.  The operation took about 30 minutes.
- Grant
Entry  Monday, March 03, 2014, 15:07, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid-Down Report Monday 3-March-2014 
The Cyclotron Lid Down was successfully completed today on Work Permit C2014-03-03-6.
The system only tripped twice on the way down.  Both trips were at Station 9, at the following Master Syncro readings: 43194, 39198.
Oil was observed on the Jack #1 platform, but it was determined that it was coming from the crane when it's parked in the beam-on position, and
Entry  Monday, January 08, 2018, 09:04, Maico Dalla Valle / Jason Kapalka, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Cyclotron Lid Up Cyclotron_Elevation_Maintenance_Rotation_Record_20180223.xlsx
Remote Handing is ready for January, 8 2018 Cyclotron lid up. Elevating system service has been completed.

A Cyclotron Lid raise was attempted on Monday, January 8 at 12:00, however this attempt was aborted after lifting the lid several millimeters due the motor
Entry  Thursday, April 16, 2015, 15:26, Grant Minor, Elevation Jack, Maintenance, Cyclotron Elevating System Maintenance Rotation Record - Updated 16 Apr 2015 Cyclotron_Elevating_System_Maintenance_Rotation_Record_16Apr2015.pdf
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