ID |
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Friday, March 04, 2016, 16:05 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | vault beamline 4 disassembly |
to remove RH parts between Q1, 2 and monitor |
Monday, February 22, 2016, 16:09 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | 4V CM1 blanking |
indium into new blanking plate turned down |
Friday, February 19, 2016, 14:03 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | 4V CM1 blanking | Continued with work blanking off CM1 flange.
- Placed lead shot on left and right
side of the CM1 flange to lower fields. No |
Thursday, February 18, 2016, 16:34 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | Vault beam line 4V disassembly | Disconnected all 4V beamline joints. Parts
for indium joints removed except for the
Q1 to downstream monitor box and monitor |
Friday, February 05, 2016, 08:48 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Maintenance | 4VVR1 Removal | Returned work permit C2016-01-27-2 due
to tank lid being raised and elevated fields
make the work area un-favourable to work |
Friday, January 29, 2016, 17:08 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Maintenance | 4VVR1 Removal | Today:
Disconnected and removed 4VVR1 gate
valve and removed from beamline. |
Friday, April 17, 2015, 15:11 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Today: Restored filler shielding in T2
M9 Q1Q2 hole.
- Blocks marked with beam direction |
6x |
Thursday, April 16, 2015, 09:17 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Yesterday (Apr 15):
1) Installed TB22265 on to M9 exit
port at 18:48 with no vacuum and left over |
9x |
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 08:31 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Yesterday:
1) Addressed mounting issue with
the 15" alignment jig: removed material |
Friday, April 10, 2015, 16:25 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Continued with installation of target jigs:
1) Craned in equipment for alignment
group. |
Thursday, April 09, 2015, 17:20 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | 1) Vented T2 and removed rubber seal blanking
plate, vacuum level appeared to be at normal
operating ranges prior to the indium seal |
Wednesday, April 08, 2015, 14:18 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | 1) Visual inspection of T2 M9 flange: no
obvious indium deposits on T2 flange knife
edge seen, left over indium from before 2013 |
12x |
Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 16:09 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | work to prepare for installation of alignment
jigs on T2M9 and M9B1 continues:
1) Vented T2 volume and removed M9 |
Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 08:27 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Development | m9 t2 alignment job | Work completed for Thursday:
1) Shielding filler blocks removed
from M9Q1Q2 hole. Highest field was 5mSv/h |
Wednesday, April 01, 2015, 16:07 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Maintenance | T2 M9 area work | 1) Block and bridge setup is mostly complete
for T2 M9 sighting job. Waiting on approving
drawing TB22322 in order to continue with |
Monday, March 30, 2015, 16:10 |
Keith C Ng | M9 | Repair | T2 area uncovering | Started to uncover and create work space
around T2 M9 area, setup is mostly complete.
Some misc items to be craned into position. |
Thursday, March 05, 2015, 08:42 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Repair | 1AT1 area water leak fixes | 1) Quick connect fittings on the rotary
collimator were leaking (the two red collared
fittings in photo below). |
11x |
Thursday, February 26, 2015, 16:22 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | M13Q1Q2 blank off (part of UCN work) | He leak checked T1M13Q1 joint, is leak
- Detected a small leak in |
Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 14:57 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work | Blanking plate with indium between T1 and
M13Q1 flange has been installed, joint will
be He leak checked tomorrow. Vac group informs |
Monday, February 23, 2015, 15:57 |
Keith C Ng | Primary Beamlines | Development | M13Q1Q2 blank off (part of UCN work) | "Hector" shield block installed
into place, Q1Q2 Vacuum box still actuates
normally. It does not appear that the position |