Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 11:00, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1VQ4 & 1VQ6 beamtube removal (WR #2686)
Disconnected and removed beam tube from 1VQ4, 5, 6.
- Q6 end had transition end removed with pin drive driven into the retracted position and left behind but indium joint was still intact.
- Retracted the pin drive from Q4 end and proceeded to drive apart joint using reversed pin drive. The joint was stuck and did not come apart using the drive out mechanism. The beam tube end was then pried apart leaving some indium stuck on the knife edge of the beam tube. The indium had to be "severed" to removed the beam tube. The aluminum carrier ring was left on to the adjacent device (IVM3). The hook collar was then removed and beam tube with transition flange (v flange to 4" indium) was then fully removed at this point.
- Aluminum carrier ring was then pried off the flange of the adjacent device, IVM3. The "fin" on the carrier ring was mostly bent after this operation. Most of the indium remained on the ring. Some scraping and cleaning of the flange and knife was needed.
- The beam tube + stuck on transition flange and indium carrier ring are being stored in the vault basement. Fields were 30 µSv @ 1/2m.
- A pin drive and hook flange were left behind bagged under the staircase near the 1VQ4,5,6 area for the subsequent installation of the new beam tube section.
Link to RPG survey map of work area here:
Fields around joint were 140 µSv on the south side of the joint, 850 µSv on the north side. |
Friday, January 23, 2015, 15:21, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1VQ4 joint section (WR #2686)
1VQ4 & 1VQ6 beamtube was installed by UCN group. RH provisonally installed aluminum indium carrier ring with no indium into joint space with clamping collar and pin drive. Joint is currently connected but not vacuum tight. Joint will be sealed with indium at a later date, tbd.
Tuesday, February 03, 2015, 16:35, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, UCN T1 shutdown work
RH bridge has been set up over T1 to Q1Q2 area, see images for radiation survey of work area. Joint is still intact, work will commence tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 04, 2015, 16:12, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, UCN T1 shutdown work
UCN T1 work continues:
- Retracted Q1 T1 pindrive, took 34.5 turns. Pins left bolted to T1 monument.
- Freed Q1 to T1 indium joint ring. Tried to collapse Q1Q2 vacuum box with pneumatic system and it did not work. Air cylinder appears to leak through the piston ie. connect air line to one port, air is heard coming through the other port with no motion.
Indium sealing ring currently left loose between T1 and T1 flanges while a method is found to collapse the vacuum box. |
Thursday, February 05, 2015, 16:06, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 Q1Q2 blank off work
Work continues on T1 M13Q1 joint:
- Discovered some sort of vacuum box brace restricting the collapse of the vacuum box when the air cylinders were actuated. Upon closer observation the air cylinders appear to work, unsure if the "retract" and "extend" port markings work as labeled.
- The brace appears not to be removable, further investigation of this piece is required.
- It is believed the piece is two plates attached to a ring surrounding the central bellows with a bar on the top to facilitate rotation of this blocking device.
Friday, February 06, 2015, 16:01, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work
T1 M13Q1Q2 work continued:
- Removed T1 Q1 indium seal ring, collapsed center vacuum box bellows using pneumatic cylinders. The bellows restraint was able to be rotated slightly so that the cylinders could be retracted. The brace/restraint bar could only be rotated until the bar made contact with the electrical connectors on Q1.
- T1 Q1 pins driven back down to anchor Q1 vacuum box.
- Separated Q2 B1 joint: Q2 vacuum box spring eyes are still partially trapped. Vacuum box cannot fully retract due to the bar from the bellows bracing/restraint contacting the field plate on Q1 magnet. The joint will have to be manually separated with some other means.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 16:15, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 Q1Q2 blank off work
RH beam line work for UCN continues at T1.
- Attempted to scrape t1 flange, narrow scraping tool does not fit into space because of the headers on the water system of the magnet. Decided to continue installing blanking plate with rubber anyway.
- Installed blanking plate between T1 and M13Q1 with rubber.
- Q2B1 joint was closed up and pins driven down to anchor the vacuum box in place.
- Joint was opened and then blanking plate was inserted into place against T1 flange. Q1Q2 vacuum chamber was extended to preload the plate.
- The flange needed to be adjusted into place slightly and then the pins driven down to load the plate further where it then needed to be pried into position. After this the pins could be driven down completely.
- Bolt stops on the Q1 flange that brace against the magnet were seen in video inspection. Also bolt lugs like as on the M9 and M20 vacuum box were seen although without bolts present in them.
- Q2B1 joint was disconnected again. Spring eyes are still not fully clear enough to lift away B2 magnet.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 16:46, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work
work continues on T1 M13 area for UCN.
- He leak checked T1 M13Q1 joint (sealed with rubber) and surrounding uncovered area, no leaks found.
- Moved back B1 jaws box enough to clear the spring eyes on the Q2 vacuum box.
- Removed and vacuumed bags of lead shot that were placed on the vacuum box between jaws box and bender magnet coils. Some loose shot fell on the floor.
- Did this by loosening the restraining screws of the vacuum box on either end of the magnet (on top only)
- Removed 2 C clamps holding the jaws box down to the magnet subframe (J. Chak and L. Lee pried clamps off)
- J. Chak pried downstream end of vacuum box to shift the jaws box by the required 1/4 inch
- Tidied work area in preperation for removing the bridge setup and to remove the B1 magnet.
- The water line to the T1(?) water cooled indium ring is leaking water near the top of the target station, water system was shut off. The leaking swage lock fitting must be replaced.
Thursday, February 12, 2015, 14:29, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work
Removed M13 B1 magnet from beam line without issues, Q2 vacuum box is covered with bag and vacuum box "extended" with air off. Field is now 3000uSv @ 1/2m from the open vacuum box where B1 magnet was.
Friday, February 13, 2015, 15:10, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, IVM3-IVQ4 indium joint section (WR #2686)
Installed 4" indium seal at 1VM3 to IVQ4. No real problems with installation.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 16:02, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 vacuum box anchor (part of UCN work)
The replacement pin drive anchor (see TB22300) for M13 Q1Q2 vacuum box lowered into initial position. The original B1 base plate was able to rock when weight was placed upon it; A concrete block was used to counterweight the base while the new pin drive was being installed. The pindrive has not been adjusted into final position. |
Friday, February 20, 2015, 16:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 vacuum box anchor (part of UCN work)
Installed Q1Q2 pin drive and attempted to align it to the vacuum box. Spent majority of the day trying to align the pin drive/anchor.
- Pneumatic drive does not actuate smoothly, appears to be binding/catching, possibly due to some kind of misalignment, issues with the pneumatics. A 1" space between T1 and Q1 flanges has been set but has a slight taper, starting 1" wide on the north east side tapering down by ~1/16 (to 15/16") to the west.
- Gap has been set as a comprimise between smooth pneumatic operation and alignment of the flanges. The alignment of the flanges is independant of the axis of the vacuum box due to the front end alignment bellows. |
Monday, February 23, 2015, 15:57, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 blank off (part of UCN work)
"Hector" shield block installed into place, Q1Q2 Vacuum box still actuates normally. It does not appear that the position of the pin drive has shifted. Some additional shielding steel is to be placed on top of the shield block once RH setup is removed.
Remote handling equipment installed around T1 ready to install indium blanking plate between T1 and M13Q1. |
Wednesday, February 25, 2015, 14:57, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, T1 M13Q1Q2 blank off work
Blanking plate with indium between T1 and M13Q1 flange has been installed, joint will be He leak checked tomorrow. Vac group informs that pumping of T1 volume will start this afternoon going over night.
- The spring eyes on Q2 vacuum box are ~0.2" above the pin supports, the gap changes by 0.05" between open and closed positions.
- Pin drives were driven down to 34 turns (left a 1/8" gap between the bar and the top of the T1 flange)
- A thermocouple wire was attached to the blanking plate, leads are not yet connected however. |
Thursday, February 26, 2015, 16:22, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, M13Q1Q2 blank off (part of UCN work)
He leak checked T1M13Q1 joint, is leak tight.
- Detected a small leak in nearby M15 slits box. 4.3x10E-9 atm cc/sec was highest leak rate recorded (Vac group says is small leak, okay to run).
- Will be tearing down bridge setup and cover up area. |
Thursday, March 05, 2015, 08:42, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1AT1 area water leak fixes 11x
1) Quick connect fittings on the rotary collimator were leaking (the two red collared fittings in photo below).
Replaced quick disconnect connectors on rotary collimator with compression fitting unions and bypassed the bulk head on the collimator, water hoses are hanging loose.
- (top) supply line has an additional union + spliced line 90deg section
- (bottom) is return line
The hoses should be shut off at their supply and then disconnected by undoing the fittings, if the collimator is to be removed.
2) Replaced leaking fitting on 1AQ9 water cooled indium joint. Copper refrigerator tubing that runs down the shielding block cable chase that feeds T1 from the water package. Replaced both return and supply section as they were corroded (joined) together. Unsure which is supply or which is return line, or if it matters.
Final state of top of collimator area in picture below, inlet and outlet tagged (2015 mar 5).
2015 mar 6: the replaced supply joint was leaking a small amount of water through one of the union joints, decided to remove both the suspect union joints and connect the metal hose to the copper line. Appears to be okay/dry.
Friday, January 29, 2016, 17:08, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 4VVR1 Removal
Disconnected and removed 4VVR1 gate valve and removed from beamline.
- Pin drives removed and stored in bags near by
- Hook collar removed and stored in separate bags. The hook collar used at CM1 was marked with an "X".
- Indium rings also removed and stored in separate bags. Indium appeared to not stick on to the flange during removal on the tank side flange. A closer inspection will be needed at a more convenient date.
- Craning out the valve proved difficult as the shiv block was interfering with the motor lift. Lifting the valve on to the combination magnet, adjusting the sling length shorter and then final craning was the procedure used.
Cyclotron tank flange entrance at combination magnet has been covered with plastic bag and taped off. Valve was then transported to the north tunnel alcove for intermediate storage as per instructions from RPG.
Note that during cart transport, the valve tipped and fell off the cart. No visible damage could be seen on initial inspection.
Friday, February 05, 2016, 08:48, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 4VVR1 Removal
Returned work permit C2016-01-27-2 due to tank lid being raised and elevated fields make the work area un-favourable to work in. Work will resume to blank off the combination magnet flange when the tank lid is closed in March.
Tasks remaining:
- Inspect combination magnet flange, document valve stand
- Clean indium off of flange (if necessary)
- Install indium blank off and helium leak check |
Thursday, February 18, 2016, 16:34, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, Vault beam line 4V disassembly
Disconnected all 4V beamline joints. Parts for indium joints removed except for the Q1 to downstream monitor box and monitor upstream to Q2 due to access issues (no space for ingress). Removed pin drive and collars currently piled on top of the beam line stands near the concrete shielding block on the north side of the vault. These need to be sorted for storage as waste or spares. Indium ring carriers were all bagged and left in the area waiting for a storage location. |
Friday, February 19, 2016, 14:03, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Development, 4V CM1 blanking
Continued with work blanking off CM1 flange.
- Placed lead shot on left and right side of the CM1 flange to lower fields. No significant change, went from 2.8 mSv to 1.9-2 mSv.
- Inspected indium flange, some residue on 3 and 9 (left and right) clock sides of knife flange. No significant indium stuck on, some small cleanup done.
- Spare blank off test fitted, did not fit: rocking felt from side to side. CM1 flange seems to be ovalized. Test fitted an aluminum carrier ring (B-3471), fit. Difference in OD sizes is 5.560 vs 5.550 (indium carrier ring is smaller). Will skim blanking plate to 5.550" and reassemble blank off.
Work to continue next week. |