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Tuesday, August 23, 2022, 14:36 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Other | Other | BL1A Holding Tank - Level Check |
The water level inside the BL1A active water holding tank was checked today (Aug. 23, 2022). The tank is essentially empty at this time. |
Monday, August 22, 2022, 09:01 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Other | Active Sump | Active Sump Draining |
On Aug. 18, 2022, Operations informed RH group that an alarm activated for the full status of the MHESA B1 RCR1 Lab holding tank. Additionally another alarm was reported in the RH control room regarding the RH sump full (Southwest Meson Hall Extension - Remote Handling area). However, there is an alarm signal for the RH sump that was seen as OK at the MHESA Lab HMI.
Upon examining the RH active sump it was clear that the water level was in fact quite high, and the red warning light on the local control box was on.
After sampling and testing by RPG the sump contents were released under work permit C2022-08-19-3 as per the procedure in Document-64834. The approximate volume of the full sump is 7270L.
When the water level was below the warning threshold (i.e. red warning light came off, and green light indicating "sump good" came on), a request was made to the control room to reset the alarm. Operations cleared the alarm at the RCR Lab controls and retired the signal defeat that was in place in the DCR (“RCRL warn” signal was defeated).
Edit (2022-08-23): BL1A holding tank water level was checked - it is empty. |
Thursday, July 28, 2022, 12:51 |
Adam Newsome | Repair | Other | Hot Cell | Meson Hall Hot Cell - Nuclear Ventilation Issue |
It was reported today by Peter Bratt that the nuclear ventilation system for the hot cell is not functioning. At this time, the cause of the issue is unknown. Remote Handling and Electrical Services are investigating. This e-log will be updated when the issue is resolved.
Update: the issue was caused by worn belts which had been smoking. The belts must be replaced. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 12:52 |
Adam Newsome | Other | Other | Hot Cell | Potential hot cell window oil leak |
Some oil was noticed around the hot cell window, on the control panel, and on the ground below the control panel. A leak is suspected.
Suggest tightening all bolts to specified torque along the window, and monitoring overflow oil level (position today was marked). If the problem persists, the gasket must be replaced. Note that the gasket should likely be replaced anyway as it has not been done for some time. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 12:49 |
Adam Newsome | Repair | Other | Hot Cell | Hot Cell - Helium wand tubing broken |
The tubing for the helium wand inside the hot cell is broken and needs to be replaced. More tubing has been ordered and the job will be completed in the coming weeks. |
Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 12:49 |
Matthew Gareau | Repair | Other | Other | Helium line damage, and hotcell window oil leaking |
Today myself and Adam Newsome started the leak detection steps for a target exchange and notice that the Helium line was not connected/broken from inside the hotcell.
A new line will need to be installed and the line attached to the helium wand.
This will need to be done when the target has been removed.
We will be installing a temporary line so that we can complete the target exchange first.
The temporary line will be put through the tool port as this seems the most practical and least likely to interfere with operations.
After will will have to schedule some time to install a permanent helium line with some newer flexible tubing.
Also notice at the operator side that there is a small oil leak that appears to be coming from the hotcell window oil.
We have added an indicator(tape with pen marking) to the oil level to see how much we are loosing.
We will have to check the torques of the window bolts to ensure they are adequate.
If there is still an issue we may have to look at replacing the window seal.
Also Chad Fisher was consulted about the possible solutions |
Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 08:59 |
Adam Newsome | Other | Target 2 | Cooling | T2 flow rate sensor (BL1A:T2CS:FGTGT ) - warning and trip limits adjusted |
See fault 14966: https://web.accel.triumf.ca/ncr/dbfault.pl?faultgroup=CYCLOTRON&faultno=14966&btn_submit=Getfault
The flow rate sensor for T2 target cooling was exhibiting some instantaneous drops below the warning threshold, causing nuisance warnings. It was also dropping quite close to the trip limit. The reason for this unknown and this is unexpected since the sensor was recently replaced this winter shutdown.
Until the problem can be figured out and resolved, Ops has lowered both the warn and trip threshold values to 3.0 gpm and 2.8 gpm, respectively. This was done mid-day on June 7. This has been done in the past and is deemed safe to do as it is still within normal operating parameters (and a defeat is not required). The main reason for doing this is to reduce the chance of an accidental trip if the flow rate were to drop below the previous trip threshold of 3.0 gpm. These noisy blips do not seem to be dropping below 3.0 gpm, although they are close (see attached screenshot of June 6-8 data). The sensor history will be examined weekly, and if there are no drops below 3.0 gpm, these thresholds should be adjusted back to their regular values.
Attachment 1: After_Adjustment.PNG
Attachment 2: Sensor_data_around_June_6-8.PNG
Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 10:16 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Target 2 | Target | T2-MK2 moved: from storage location to hot cell |
Target T2-MK2 was moved from the storage location (formerly position 3) to the hot cell in preparation for replacement of end of life targets. |
Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 10:15 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Target 1 | Target | T1-MK2 moved from hot cell to storage area |
The T1-MK2 target was moved from the hot cell to the storage area, in position 5. Note: manual nudging of the flask was required to get it to align with guide pins properly. |
Thursday, May 05, 2022, 14:39 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Target 1 | Target | T1-MK1 and T2-MK1 profile monitor actuation test |
The profile monitor actuation tests were completed for T1 and T2. No abnormalities were noticed in vacuum during either test.
Note: an issue was observed with T2-MK1 - see e-log 290. The issue was resolved. |
Thursday, May 05, 2022, 14:38 |
Adam Newsome | Maintenance | Target 2 | Controls | T2-MK1: profile monitor actuation check and repair to connector |
An attempt was made to actuation the T2 profile monitor, however it showed up in EPICS as being not present. Furthermore, the "Remote" indicator light on the physical controller was not lit up despite the switch being in remote mode. The limit switch indicator light was working.
Upon troubleshooting with Erwin Klassen, it was determined that a jumper was missing on the profile monitor control connector (on the target end, rear of bulkhead). The jumper shorts pins A and G on the mil-spec connector on the controller end, which is for 120 VAC supply, to indicate that the device is connected. T1-MK1 was checked - this jumper was present on T1-MK1, across pins E and F of the mil-spec connector, but was not present on T2-MK1. Otherwise the connectors were identical. It is suspected that it was accidentally omitted during maintenance in the past. Regardless, a new jumper was soldered in-place on T2-MK1 across pins E and F to replicate T1-MK1. The system functioned normally after this.
Attached photo shows the completed solder job - the current state of the connector on the rear side of the target bulkhead panel. |
Attachment 1: T2-MK1_prof_mon_connector_-_rear_-_after_fix.jpg
Wednesday, May 04, 2022, 11:27 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Target 2 | M9 | M9 and M20 Beam Blocker Actuation Test |
The beam blockers for M9 and M20 were actuated, and vacuum was monitored to ensure no disruptions. Both actuation tests were successful. Motion was observed and no abnormalities noted. Cabling and air connections checked: OK.
Note: there was a safety interlock issue with M9 which prevented actuation - a relay or fuse was temporarily removed from the safety system ~10 years ago but it was not replaced. It was replaced for the purpose of this test, and then removed again. |
Thursday, April 14, 2022, 14:38 |
Adam Newsome | Other | Target 2 | Diagnostics | Issue with Protect Monitor SHV Cable |
Diagnostics group (Shengli Liu) noted a lack of connectivity between control panel and T2 Protect Monitor via the high voltage cable. Upon inspection it was noted:
- The cable was very brittle due to radiation exposure and it was cracking in multiple places
- In the SHV connector, the pins were slightly bent (bending them back into position seemed to rectify the connectivity issue).
- The cable was bent at the strain relief junction
RH Group has advised that Diagnostics replace the entire cable as soon as possible. For now it appears to be working. |
Attachment 1: PXL_20220414_210238000.jpg
Attachment 2: PXL_20220414_210053641.jpg
Attachment 3: PXL_20220414_210037717.jpg
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 12:33 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Target 2 | Target | T2-MK1 moved: from storage area to target station |
The T2-MK1 target was moved from the storage area (formerly position 4) to the target station. Services were reconnected in order to prepare for normal operation. |
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 12:31 |
Adam Newsome | Standard Operation | Target 2 | Target | T2-MK2 moved: from target station to storage |
The T2-MK2 target was moved from the target station to the storage area (position 3). Upon removal, it was measured with a pole monitor at 0.5 m to be 960 mSv/h. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 14:16 |
Matthew Gareau | Standard Operation | Other | Cooling | T1/T2 water packages drained to B1A AWHT, tested, and released. Also solenoid valve SV1 broken |
The T1/T2 water packages were drained into the B1AAWHT (280L), the water was sampled and tested by RPG, results included in elog.
Once given the all clear myself and Maico released the water from the B1AAWHT (300L).
It was discovered that the solenoid valve SV1 which is located in the RH lab beside the sump, is broken and will need replacing, picture included in elog.
Having the solenoid broken caused the draining to go slower then normal. |
Attachment 1: 11_Mar_2022_Tritium_Records_T1_T2_from_RPG.pdf
Attachment 2: solenoid_valve_SV1.jpg
Monday, March 14, 2022, 14:09 |
Adam Newsome | Maintenance | Target 2 | Cooling | T2 cooling system: filled, tuned, leak-checked |
The T2 cooling system was refilled with water via the expansion tank until the tank level read approximately 38 cm.
The system pump was restarted. All sensors displayed acceptable nominal values. Demin flow was tuned to 1.0 gpm.
No leaks or abnormalities observed - system running normally. |
Monday, March 14, 2022, 14:08 |
Adam Newsome | Maintenance | Target 1 | Cooling | T1 cooling system: filled, tuned, leak-checked |
The T1 cooling system was refilled with water via the expansion tank until the tank level read approximately 38 cm.
The system pump was restarted. All sensors displayed acceptable nominal values. Demin flow was tuned to 1.0 gpm.
No leaks or abnormalities observed - system running normally.
NOTE: the needle valve for demin flow control adjustment was behaving strangely - it needed to be tapped when loosening to increase flow in order for results to be observed. Suggest replacement next shutdown (2023) - a calendar reminder was set to do this. |
Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:09 |
Adam Newsome | Maintenance | Target 2 | Cooling | Filters replaced: T2 cooling system |
All filters were replaced for the T2 cooling system: demineralizing resin circuit and target water system. |
Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:08 |
Adam Newsome | Maintenance | Target 1 | Cooling | Filters replaced: T1 cooling system |
All filters were replaced for the T1 cooling system: demineralizing resin circuit, target water system, and M15. |