On Aug. 18, 2022, Operations informed RH group that an alarm activated for the full status of the MHESA B1 RCR1 Lab holding tank. Additionally another alarm was reported in the RH control room regarding the RH sump full (Southwest Meson Hall Extension - Remote Handling area). However, there is an alarm signal for the RH sump that was seen as OK at the MHESA Lab HMI.
Upon examining the RH active sump it was clear that the water level was in fact quite high, and the red warning light on the local control box was on.
After sampling and testing by RPG the sump contents were released under work permit C2022-08-19-3 as per the procedure in Document-64834. The approximate volume of the full sump is 7270L.
When the water level was below the warning threshold (i.e. red warning light came off, and green light indicating "sump good" came on), a request was made to the control room to reset the alarm. Operations cleared the alarm at the RCR Lab controls and retired the signal defeat that was in place in the DCR (“RCRL warn” signal was defeated).
Edit (2022-08-23): BL1A holding tank water level was checked - it is empty. |