Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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  ID Date Author Category Type Specific Subject Text Attachments
  283   Monday, March 14, 2022, 14:08 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1 cooling system: filled, tuned, leak-checkedThe T1 cooling system was refilled with
water via the expansion tank until the tank
level read approximately 38 cm.
  282   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:09 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingFilters replaced: T2 cooling systemAll filters were replaced for the T2 cooling
system: demineralizing resin circuit and
target water system. 
  281   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:08 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingFilters replaced: T1 cooling systemAll filters were replaced for the T1 cooling
system: demineralizing resin circuit, target
water system, and M15. 
  280   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:06 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingO-rings on T2 cooling package water reservoir changedThe four o-rings on top of the T2 cooling
package water reservoir were  changed as
per the recommended 5 year replacement schedule.
  279   Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:05 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingO-rings on T1 cooling package water reservoir changedThe four o-rings on top of the T1 cooling
package water reservoir were changed as per
the recommended 5 year replacement schedule.
  278   Thursday, March 10, 2022, 13:57 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingChanged paddle wheel, o-ring, and shaft in flow sensors at T1 cooling packageThe paddle wheels, o-rings, and shafts
were changed at the T1 cooling package for
the following sensors:
  277   Thursday, March 10, 2022, 11:18 Adam NewsomeMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingChanged paddle wheel, o-ring, and shaft in flow sensors at T2 cooling packageThe paddle wheels, o-rings, and shafts
were changed at the T2 cooling package for
the following sensors:
  276   Thursday, February 17, 2022, 13:03 Matthew GareauMaintenanceTarget 1TargetT1 MK2 wire scanner and protect monitor test removal and reattachment with pin straightening this Work was done on 09 Dec 2021.
Since Isaac Earle was leaving Triumf
he was giving us (maico, chad, adam, and
  275   Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 14:30 Isaac EarleStandard OperationOtherActive SumpRH Lab Active Sump pumped out The RH Lab Active Sump reached the
high level sensor at some point overnight
before the April 8th work day.  Maico
  274   Friday, April 09, 2021, 12:42 Matthew GareauMaintenanceTarget 2CoolingChanged the paddle wheel, o ring, and shaft in the Collimator A flow meter at the T2 packageWith the assistance of Maico we changed
the paddle wheel, o ring, and shaft in the
Collimator A flow meter (Q4) at the T2 package.
  273   Wednesday, March 31, 2021, 16:15 Matthew GareauStandard OperationTarget 1TargetT1-MK1 target exchange March 29 Monday
- moved T1-MK1 target from beamline
to hotcell  (field from target 15mSv/hr
  272   Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 10:39 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherUCNUCN Target Cask TestingA trial run of remote removal of the UCN
target was performed using the shielded target
cask (TTA0335) developed in 2020.  The
  271   Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 15:10 Isaac EarleStandard OperationTarget 2TargetAdditional targets added to T2-MK1 ladder The following work on the T2-MK1
target was completed sporadically over the
last few months:
  270   Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 14:01 Isaac EarleRepairTarget 2CoolingT2 Collimator flow meter paddle wheel replacedThe T2 Collimator A flow meter signal (B1A:T2:FGCOLA)
began fluctuating and occasionally reading
0gpm on Sunday Oct 25 causing BL1A trips
  269   Wednesday, August 19, 2020, 12:57 Isaac EarleMaintenanceTarget 1CoolingT1/T2 MRO summary for 2020 shutdownThe following work was completed during
the 2020 shutdown period for BL1A (Jan-Aug
  268   Thursday, July 09, 2020, 06:44 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherM9Alignment of M9 Q1Q2 magnets complete Mike Vogel reported that alignment
of the Q1Q2 assembly w.r.t. the T2 and B1
flanges was completed on July 7.  This
  267   Tuesday, July 07, 2020, 15:13 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherM9M9 Q1Q2 service stand Lemo connector wiringThe diagram below shows the wiring for
the two connectors on the service stand (the
wires running from the stand to the power
  266   Tuesday, July 07, 2020, 13:22 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherM9M9 Q1Q2 The M9 Q1Q2 magnet assembly lift
beam has been installed according to drawing
TB23401.  The side-to-side as well as
  265   Friday, June 12, 2020, 13:54 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherM9M9 Q1Q2 water header installedThe Q1Q2 water header (TB23481) was mounted
this morning as per installation drawing
  264   Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 08:58 Isaac EarleDevelopmentOtherM9T2-M9 and M9-B1 flange scan data Laser tracker scan data from 2017
and 2019 attached as a backup.  Original
files from Beamlines Group who also keep
ELOG V2.9.2-2455