Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 9 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Category Type Module Target/Number Subject
  2589   Friday, May 10, 2024, 09:04 David WangITEStandard OperationTM3UCx#44Tm3 has been connected in ITE.

Tm3 has been connected in ITE.  see attachment.

Attachment 1: Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer.pdf
Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer.pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer.pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer.pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer.pdf
  2588   Thursday, May 09, 2024, 13:52 Riley SykesWaste Package/ShipStandard Operation  F308 Service/Inspection

 F308 Inspection and service complete on #06, #08, #13, #15, #16, #19, #20, #21, #22.

All in good condition with new gasket material installed on #20.

Prepped for move to ISAC B3 for storage.

  2587   Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 14:01 Frank SongITWMaintenance  Annual clean up for ITW Faraday cage

The ITW Faraday Cage has been cleaned, this is part of Winter Shut Down job happens in ISAC-1 Electric maintenance room annually.

  2586   Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 12:37 David WangITEStandard OperationTM3UCx#44Tm3 has been moved form TCS to ITE

The move is smooth and successful.

  2585   Wednesday, May 08, 2024, 12:36 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3UCx#44TCS was argon vented this morning between 7:00 to 8:30 am.

TCS was argon vented this morning between 7:00 to 8:30 am before module was moved to ITE.

  2584   Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 12:39 Eric LaheSpent Target VaultRepair  ISAC Storage Vault Re-alignment


ISAC Storage Vault Door Re-alignment (April-May 2024) 


  • Rollers gouging and marking on roller supports, testing shows door shifts at least 185 thou on structural beam when fully open vs. fully closed
  • door misaligned: 1/4" laterally, slight rotation (~1/16" difference across closed door gap).



  • Moved left structural beam (facing front of door) inward 1/4" at post.
  • Loosened drive system to shift door over via crane to average laterally (1/8" shift) towards center,
  • Attempted to fix door rotation with crane, door would not settle down perfectly flush, but got slight improvement 
  • Adjusted limit switches for fully open and closed (due to the adjustments made previously, needed to realign limit switches) - adjusted flag for final close back by ~1/4"; adjusted limit switch at back of vault forward ~1/4" 



  • Unloaded vault door actuation tested multiple times with no issues, door returned to same position every cycle, no interferences during travel
  • Vault Door actuation tested with trays 4 and 6 engaged, no issues
  • All pails accessible when open
  • Tested open and closed limit switches: the open limit switches are working properly; the closing soft and hard limit switches are slightly close together, causing the door to just "bump" the vault when closing, The scale of this is OK for current operation, will be adjusted when the ISAC Target Hall Controls Overhaul is done
  • Tested and reset Emergency override mechanism - works properly


Outstanding Tasks

  • Will paint marks on structural supports to track if problem reoccurs - update ELog when complete 


System State: Operational

See attached file for details



Attachment 1: Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf
Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf Testing_and_updates_to_storage_vault_2024-05-01.pdf
  2583   Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 09:47 David WangITE/ITWMaintenanceTM2 Broken TM2:TP2 has been replaced.

Broken TM2:TP2 has been replaced otday by a new TV-1001 nav pump supplied by vacuum group. replaced pump seris number:201281. new pump series number:IT23431008. TPs replacement history sheet will be updated by Frank. I will put comment on this e fault and let operator to close it.

  2582   Friday, May 03, 2024, 12:20 Travis CaveSpent Target VaultStandard Operation Ta#66Target repacked

 The Ta#66 target was repacked after the parasitic target was removed it was place in a new pail (#290) and place back in spot 5B of the vault. See attached PDF for further details.

Attachment 1: Target_Index_2024-05-03.pdf
  2581   Thursday, May 02, 2024, 18:48 Carla BabcockITWStandard Operation  ITW cage setup

ITW gas lines pumped down to 2e-3Torr on leak detector with leak rate in the low e-7 atm-cc/s. Gas bottles opened at 3psi and labels in epics changed to reflect correct setup. switch box set to cathode mode, checked that anode wire was at HV common.

note ballast is removed from ITW now to be used in ITE so that line is blanked off.

  2580   Thursday, May 02, 2024, 15:23 David WangSouth Hot-CellDevelopmentTM3 Leak check on TM3 new containment box window line VCR fittings.

After new containment box installation on TM3, Chad and I did a helium spray leak check on two VCR fittings on front side water lines. they are leak free.

Helium pressurize window water line to 70 psi for 3minutes. No response on leak detector which is 0.0xe-9 atm.cc/sec.

  2579   Thursday, May 02, 2024, 14:58 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM3UCx#44TM3 with UCx#44 electrical check and leak check.

TM3 with UCx#44 electrical check and leak check are good. see attachment.

HS line 70 psi helium pressure test at TCS: no leak at 0.0xe-9 torr.

Attachment 1: Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(11).pdf
Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(11).pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(11).pdf
  2578   Thursday, May 02, 2024, 14:54 David WangConditioning StationStandard OperationTM3UCx#44TM3 has been moved from SHC to TCS.

TM3 has been moved  from SHC to TCS by David and Frank. The move is smooth.

  2577   Thursday, May 02, 2024, 09:00 David WangITWStandard OperationTM4 Annual ITW water signal interlock check has been done.

Annual ITW water signal interlock check has been done. Renee helped me on it. Everything works fine.

  2576   Wednesday, May 01, 2024, 14:51 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM3 Tm3 has been moved form TCS to SHC.

Travis and I moved TM3 from TCS to SHC this afternoon. The move is smooth.

  2575   Wednesday, May 01, 2024, 09:50 David WangITWStandard OperationTM4 TM4 has been connected to ITW.

TM4 has been connected to ITW. see attachment.

Attachment 1: Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(10).pdf
Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(10).pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(10).pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(10).pdf Scanned_from_a_Xerox_Multifunction_Printer_(10).pdf
  2574   Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 09:20 David WangITWDevelopmentTM4 A new SST gas line is using for ITW febiad gas staion in pit.

A new SST gas line with swagelock tube fittings and VCR fit is using for ITW febiad gas staion in pit. Gas line is leak checked on bench. No leak . it is installed on TM4 in ITW now,

  2573   Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 08:00 Frank SongSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4Lp-Febiad emptyelectrical check/leak check

 David Wang made E/L checking before module moving to ITW. read attachment pls.

Attachment 1: TM4_with_Lp-Febiad_empty_target_checking_on_SHC_2024-04-29.pdf
TM4_with_Lp-Febiad_empty_target_checking_on_SHC_2024-04-29.pdf TM4_with_Lp-Febiad_empty_target_checking_on_SHC_2024-04-29.pdf
  2572   Monday, April 29, 2024, 14:21 David WangITE/ITWStandard OperationTM4 TM4 has been moved from SHC to ITW.

TM4 has been moved from SHC to ITW. Peter did the move. Travis helped on him.   The move is successful.

  2571   Saturday, April 27, 2024, 09:35 Carla Babcock; Alexander ShkuratoffConditioning StationDevelopmentTM3 TM3 source and service tray testing

Saturday, April 27, 2024, 09:35 :

Started ramping up HV, EE and EL together. First small spark at 20.5kV on bias, no reaction in other devices.

Note both BIAS and EL are off in their readbacks. See table below

BIAS set pt BIAS readback BIAS actual EL set pt EL readback EL actual
24 24.4 24.5 14 13.42 14
30 30.52 31 16 15.34 16
35 35.6 36 19 18.2 19
40 40.65 41.5 20 19.16 20
45 45.8 46.5 22 21 22
50 50.8 51.5 25 23.9 25
55 55.9 57 27 25.84 27
60 60.95 62.5 30 28.7  
62  63  64.5      
66 67.1 68.5      
67 68  69.5      
69 70.1 71.5      
70 71.1 ??      
70.5 71.7 73      

Saturday, April 27, 2024, 10:23 :

Spark on HV only at 25.5, couple sparks from here to 33, then at 33 starts real conditioning.

EL is reacting to some of the sparks, not sure if this is just electrical noise or not.

Saturday, April 27, 2024, 18:14 :

lots of trips above 60kV on the set pt. tripping off turbos and gauges. IG2 needed the controller reset.


RESULT: Got to 64.5 (actual) 62 (set point) with quite a bit of sparking over 60kV. Will go the rest of the way to 73 in the next days. Data dumped as isac/data/TM3_HVtests_Apr272024.dat


Sunday, April 28, 2024, 11:23 :

Ramped back up to 60kV reasonably easily, couple sparks and turbo trips.

Went up to 64kV (set point) with a lot of difficulty. Data dumped as isac/data/TM3_HVtests_Apr282024.dat


Monday, April 29, 2024, 14:58 :

Ramped up to set pt 62 easily, went down to 500V then 100V steps after that.

Went to set pt of 67 and left it there for ~40mins. Not perfectly stable but not too bad.


Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 17:12 :

After rebooting the TCS PLC to fix all the non-responsive devices, everything is working fine again.

Ramped easily to 60kV in 1kV steps.

Still got to 67 without too much trouble. Behaving pretty well...

At 70.2 (set pt, 71.3 readback) the water and vacuum gauge both tripped off and cannot be restarted. I am not sure what the real power supply reading is here but in the past it has been 70.5 set pt = 73 real value, which is as high as the power supply goes.

Stopping here since I'm not sure the water is circulating... the off pump says it is and the on pump says its not... left it at 70.2 for 40mins, still sparking going on (20:28 to 21:10)

Data dumped as isac/data/TM3_HVtests_Apr302024.dat


Sunday, May 05, 2024, 10:50 :

Containment box and target installed.

HV conditioning starting at 47kV.

Spark at 58kV knocked out IG1. Continuing with IG2 and IG1S.

Went up to set point of 63, readback 64. Will continue on Monday.

Data dumped: isac/data/TM3_HVtests_May52024.dat


Monday, May 06, 2024, 09:37 :

Ramping system back up.

First sparks at 50kv while raising the EL voltage (not sure if they are related).

AS: Voltage quickly up to 63 kV from 49 kV. Very smooth, no sparks or instabilities. Ramped at around 250 V steps every 10-20 seconds. First signs of instability at ~62.75 kV and definitely at 63 kV. I guess this is where it was conditioned to last. Let sit at 63 kV for a while while doing something else. It sparked once and turned off a turbo after half an hour. Starting ramping again.

AS: Spark at 65.75 kV killed IG1. Carla manually reset at 69 kV. Still working. A spark at 70.25 kV took out IG1 again.

AS: Maximum voltage reached at about 16:45. Setpoint 70.5 kV, readback 71.7 kV, PS itself ~73 kV. Carla reset IG1.

AS: 18:30, spent about 1.5 hours cumulatively at this maximum voltage. During this time it sparked about 15 times. Not long enough to tell if the spark frequency is decreasing. In the middle of this, Carla did something accidentally and caused the voltage to drop a bunch, so I manually set it to 0 V. She then reset TP1S, which was not staying on. Also, the EE and EL stayed at their respective voltages during this downtime (2 kV and 28.7 kV). I ramped the main BIAS voltage back up to the maximum voltage within 5 minutes and it was smooth all the way but sparked again at the maximum voltage. It seems conditioned up to or near the max voltage. Ramped down and turned off BIAS, EL, and EE.

AS: Dumped data to isac/data/TM3_HVtests_May62024_Alexander.dat


Tuesday, May 07, 2024, 10:02 :

Tested the EE - ramped up easily to 7kV, but then had issues maintaining the voltage. No vacuum response. Ramped down since we never use it that high anyway, though cable should be good for 10kV. More investigations later.


EDIT 2024-11-25, Alexander Shkuratoff:

Summary of StripTool data taken during this round of tests:

[   ] TM3_HVtests_Apr272024.dat 2024-04-27 18:56 12M
[   ] TM3_HVtests_Apr282024.dat 2024-04-28 13:16 1.4M
[   ] TM3_HVtests_Apr302024.dat 2024-04-30 21:11 9.0M
[   ] TM3_HVtests_May52024.dat 2024-05-05 13:06 5.0M
[   ] TM3_HVtests_May62024_Alexander.dat 2024-05-06 18:45 9.5M


  2570   Friday, April 26, 2024, 13:22 David WangSouth Hot-CellStandard OperationTM4 TM4 has been moved from SMP to SHC.

TM4 has been moved from SMP to SHC. Adam and I did the move. the move is smooth.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455