Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 105 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 09:24, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Development, , , Target module window cooling lines at TCS. 
Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 14:07, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , North Hot Cell Shielding Window Gaskets Changed 23x
Entry  Friday, February 10, 2017, 09:56, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Standard Operation, , , water has been refilled to TCS:TK2  
Entry  Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 12:07, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , Manipulator 'Z' motion cable replacement preparation status 20170215_113609.jpg
Entry  Friday, February 24, 2017, 15:12, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC interior walls/floor/ceiling re-finished, sealed, and painted 8x
Entry  Monday, February 27, 2017, 14:23, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Repair, , , Manip. 'Z' motion cable run through 
Entry  Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 17:51, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC flanged ducting connection sealed IMG_8012.JPG
Entry  Thursday, March 02, 2017, 15:02, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC roughing filter installed IMG_8014.JPGIMG_8018.JPGIMG_8019.JPG
Entry  Monday, March 06, 2017, 08:01, David Wang, Cooling, Repair, , , HALCW resin tank replacement. 11x
Entry  Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 09:25, David Wang, ITW, Repair, , , ITW HALCW 2" return line ball valve seals replacement. 
Entry  Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 14:41, David Wang, ITE, Maintenance, , , ITE dump plug water circuit is closed for ITE IG1S small surge. 
Entry  Wednesday, March 08, 2017, 14:09, David Wang, ITE, Maintenance, TM2, , ITE IG1S increasing. ITE_IGIS_surge.pngITE_IG1S_and_PNG4.pngITE_IG1S_back_to_normal_overnight.pngITE_IG1S_behavior_from_Feb_08th_to_Mar_10th.png
Entry  Friday, March 10, 2017, 09:19, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, , , South Hot Cell Field Measurements 
Entry  Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 07:34, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , Hot Cell Fields 
Entry  Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 11:46, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , 'Z' motion cable dry run 
Entry  Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 07:45, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , South Hot Cell Fields 
Entry  Thursday, March 16, 2017, 10:32, David Wang, Spent Target Vault, Repair, TM4, , TM4 and its silo rust photos 13x
Entry  Thursday, March 16, 2017, 12:24, chad fisher, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, , , West 'Z' motion cable replacement 
Entry  Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 10:05, Travis Cave, Spent Target Vault, Standard Operation, , , Spent target assay. Vault_Storage_March_20_2017.pdf
Entry  Tuesday, March 21, 2017, 11:59, David Wang, Conditioning Station, Repair, TM4, , Rust inpsection on TM4 service cap inside surface and shielding plug surface.  11x
ELOG V2.9.2-2455