Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Monday, January 27, 2014, 14:42, Travis Cave, Shielding, Standard Operation, shields and radiation survey  Meeting_Orbital_Counter_Problem_Jan_2014.pdf

The cyclotron radiation survey was aborted due to the orbit not working recording the numbers correctly. One shield has been in installed.

Jan 29th: uploaded meeting minutes from January 28th regarding the orbital counter problem. - Grant Minor


Entry  Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 14:59, Travis Cave, Shielding, Standard Operation, shields  

200's, 400's, 500's, 600's, and a pallet of 700's have been installed

Entry  Thursday, January 30, 2014, 13:47, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, shields 

All shields, pothole covers, and ladders have been installed into the cyclotron.

Entry  Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 15:00, Travis Cave, Shielding, Standard Operation, shields 

Started on the removal of shields.

Entry  Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 14:55, Travis Cave, Shielding, Standard Operation, shields 

More shields have been removed from the cyclotron only 16 remain. I was also noted that the lift trolley is making an odd noise and will be looked at after the shutdown.

Entry  Monday, March 03, 2014, 13:09, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, shields 

all shields, porthole covers and ladder out and copper blockers in. Some conmination was found on the pads of the ladders (about a 1000 count or so) and was removed.

Entry  Friday, February 05, 2016, 14:55, Travis Cave, Shielding, Standard Operation, shadow shields 

all 200, 400, 500, 600, and some 700 series of shield are in.

Entry  Tuesday, February 09, 2016, 14:48, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, shadow shields 

All shadow shields have been installed. Ladders, the pothole covers and the second rad survey will be done tomorrow.

Entry  Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 14:53, Travis Cave, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, shadow shields 

All cyclotron in tank work is completed.

Entry  Friday, February 05, 2016, 14:57, Travis Cave, Service Bridge, Maintenance, outrigger problem 

outrigger 1 had a power failure, bridge was removed power restored and outrigger parked, outrigger will be looked at once the shield are done hopefully.

Entry  Monday, September 30, 2013, 14:02, Travis Cave, Service Bridge, Maintenance, new festooning 

The festooning and bearings for the festooning cars for both outriggers has been replaced and it is in working order.

Entry  Monday, March 21, 2022, 13:14, Adam Newsome, Trolley, Repair, Video Trolley Mk 1 - Radial Limit Switch Replacement 

An issue was observed in which radial motion on the Video Trolley Mk 1 did not respond to commands. After troubleshooting, it was determined that this was due to the "OP LIMIT" interlock - the "OP LIMIT" pushbutton on the console was illuminated in red, and needed to be continuously held down in order to operate the radial in/out motion buttons.


It was determined that the root cause of the issue was a failed radial limit switch which was likely damaged during trolley transport. The limit switch was replaced, and functionality was restored.

Entry  Friday, February 17, 2012, 15:07, Don Jackson, Trolley, Repair, Video Trolley Failed in Cyclotron Tank Stuck_Video_Trolley_Feb_17_2012_005.jpgStuck_Video_Trolley_Feb_17_2012_001.jpg

All control to the video trolley was lost during remote photographing of components in the cyclotron. The control system and cameras on the trolley were still operational leading to the suspicion that a power cable was broken either on the trolley or the bridge festooning. Two trips into the tank were made to evaluate the problem and attempt to push the trolley out of the tank. Pushing the trolley only managed to move the trolley a few feet before jamming. A lift mechanism was used to raise the drive wheel without any success. This device was modified and used successfully to remove trolley completely from the tank.

Three trips by two persons were required to remove the trolley. There was a total dose of 0.5 mSv was received by the two persons going into the tank. An additional 0.18mSv was receive by 3 persons outside of the tank.
The trolley will not be used in the cyclotron until the problem is diagnosed and repaired. This trolley is not critical to any upcoming remote handling operations.
Entry  Friday, January 27, 2023, 12:12, Adam Newsome, Infrastructure, Development, Vault crane - inspection, remote pendant installation 

The vault crane annual inspection was completed by Tom Kauss.


The wired pendant was replaced with a remote pendant by Tom Kauss.

Entry  Thursday, April 01, 2021, 13:47, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Vault Shield Door Closed 

The vault shield door has been closed and seal inflated. The operation was performed with no issue.

Entry  Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 11:31, Nadia Jorgenson, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Vault Shield Door Closed 

 The vault shield door has been closed and seal inflated. The operation was performed with no issue.

Entry  Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 11:19, Adam Newsome, Cyclotron, Standard Operation, Vault Shield Door Closed 

The vault shield door has been closed and seal inflated. The operation was performed with no issue.

Entry  Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 15:04, Adam Newsome, Trolley, Repair, Upper resonator trolley: cylinders for Ex 2C tasks 
Cylinder 4 on the upper resonator trolley was not fully functional when removing Ex 2C during 2020 shutdown. It worked occasionally. Upon inspection it was determined that it was binding when extend was attempted. This cylinder was replaced Feb 5, 2020 (model: American Cylinder 562SVS-2.00).
The other three cylinders were inspected and all of their shafts appear significantly bent. Replacement cylinders will be ordered and these will be replaced to prevent further issues.
Edit: all cylinders have been replaced as of Oct 8, 2020

Note: the solenoid valves that control these cylinders are quite dated and are leaky. The layout, plumbing, and wiring could also be improved. One of the cylinders' default position is extended which suggests a wiring/plumbing issue. I will look into replacing these as well, and creating pneumatic circuit documentation.

This e-log will be updated when replacement is completed.
Entry  Tuesday, August 31, 2021, 14:28, Adam Newsome, Trolleys serviced, Development, Upper Resonator Trolley - Finger Cylinders Replaced new_fingers.PNG

The two support fingers on the upper resonator trolley were bent due to excessive loading during cylinder toggling.

Fingers were bent back into position such that they are vertical when the cylinder is retracted.

The cylinders used to actuate these fingers were replaced (one was leaking) - replacement allowed for the opportunity for upgrade. The following changes were made:

  • Changing reverse spring-return cylinders to double-acting cylinders (formerly American Cylinder 750RVS-2.00, replaced with SMC NCDMB075-0200C)
  • Addition of in-line flow controls for both extension and retraction motions
  • Tuning of flow control to achieve smooth operation and prevent further damage to the fingers during actuation

 The new finger configuration has been tested and is working.

Entry  Monday, June 03, 2024, 14:29, Riley Sykes, Trolleys serviced, Maintenance, Upper Resonator Trolley 

 24 Month, 60 month service completed. Bearings for drive motor wheels regreased and observed to move freely without load. Reducers repacked with Molub Alloy 777-1 ES. Vertical ball screw mechanism inspected and bearing change postponed due to lack of major usage, recommend change within next 5 years or service. All mechanically sound.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455