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Message ID: 119     Entry time: Wednesday, February 05, 2020, 15:04
Author: Adam Newsome 
Category: Trolley 
Type: Repair 
Subject: Upper resonator trolley: cylinders for Ex 2C tasks 
Cylinder 4 on the upper resonator trolley was not fully functional when removing Ex 2C during 2020 shutdown. It worked occasionally. Upon inspection it was determined that it was binding when extend was attempted. This cylinder was replaced Feb 5, 2020 (model: American Cylinder 562SVS-2.00).
The other three cylinders were inspected and all of their shafts appear significantly bent. Replacement cylinders will be ordered and these will be replaced to prevent further issues.
Edit: all cylinders have been replaced as of Oct 8, 2020

Note: the solenoid valves that control these cylinders are quite dated and are leaky. The layout, plumbing, and wiring could also be improved. One of the cylinders' default position is extended which suggests a wiring/plumbing issue. I will look into replacing these as well, and creating pneumatic circuit documentation.

This e-log will be updated when replacement is completed.
ELOG V2.9.2-2455