Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 16:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault)
Restored shielding over 1A triplet chase.
Uncovered Q16 and set up RH bridge with lead blankets over Q16.
Cut Q14 and 16 asymmetric steering leads off north side pyrotenax connector block.
C. Ballard unbolted Q16 asymmetric steering lead from Q16 working through RH bridge floor opening.
- Rad levels through RH bridge were 2 mSv/h.
- Vacuumed tops of 1A triplet blocks and T2 area.
- Total time for jobs: 1.5 min, accumulated dose 0.04 mSv.
Monday, January 28, 2013, 16:28, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 6x
Rad survey map from last Friday (25 January) here.
Found exposed thermal switch cable in triplet service chase.
- Fibre glass outer sheath was damaged leaving 5" of exposed cable. See photo below.
- Cable found under corner of shielding block.
- Fixed with black electrical tape, each wire individually taped, 9 wires in total. See photo.
Found Q15 thermocouples were touching water lines near yellow connector was exposed and contacting waterlines.
- Insulated with nomex paper to isolate wire/connector. See photo.
Reconnected thermocouple from 2012 and jammed thermocouple head between water lines. See photo.

Wires were moved again to see if the resistance had changed after applying fixes. Resistance to ground stayed at 4.8 kOhm.
Triplet booster pump turned back on by R. Kuramoto and D. Preddy. No problems.
Q15 power supply was reconnected and tested to 800 A. Regulator voltage at 9 A, load voltage at 60 V.
- Ground fault interlock re-enabled by C. Yee in Q15 power supply.
- Ground current measured at 20 mV (through power supply ground shunt).
D. Preddy feels power supply is okay to operate. Power supply currently off and locked out, booster pump left on. Will prepare to restore service chase shielding and uncover triplet magnets to remove asymmetric steering wires. |
Friday, January 25, 2013, 15:15, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault) 
Today: Uncovered 1A triplet cable chase and reconfigured shielding. D. Preddy will continue with diagnosing ground fault on Monday.

Photo of uncovered cable chase shown below. Note that steel blocks with rust (in middle far left of photo) are contaminated.

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 17:05, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault)  
Continued with work on finding ground fault on 1A triplet;
Uncovered Q15 & 16 to 1AS1 area. See photo below for setup.

Disconnected last years thermocouple cable (coil circuit #9) at connector, no effect on ground fault.
- Removed connector cable rad levels: 10 uSv @ 0.5m 100 uSv on contact. No removable contamination.
- Cable stored in hot block storage.
- Will re-connect in future date and left in 1A service chase.
Q15 ground fault appears to be in the cables running into the triplet service chase. Moving beam spill monitor cable (BMS #57) appeared to have most effect on resistance in ground fault.
- Chase and cables shown in photo.

- Wiggled beam monitor cable, resistance varied from 4800 ohm to infinity.
T. Moskven disconnected BMS #57 at control rack.
- No change to ground fault resistance, at 4800 ohm.
- T Moskven reconnected BSM control cables after days work was completed.
Compared Q16 power supply to ground for reference.
- Disconnected asymmetric steering power leads (1ASM 11A & B) to Q16 and disconnected Q16 power supply.
- Resistance measured at 0.470 M ohm from coil power lead to ground.
- Reconnected magnet power supplies after.
Discovered that the aymmetric steering leads (pyrotenax cable) on north side of triplet magnets feeding Q14 and Q16 are disconnected at Q16 power supply.
- D. Preddy recommends leads are unbolted at magnets. Leads appear above the four bus bars in photo.

Q14 resistance was at 250 ohm, Q15 resistance varied between 4800 ohm and infinity.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 15:51, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair (ground fault)  
Continued work on finding ground fault in 1A triplet magnets;
D. Preddy connected ohmeters to 1AQ14 & 15 power supplies with power leads disconnected. Ohmmeters were connected from magnet power leads to ground (pwr supply chassis).
- Q14 read 250 ohm and Q15 read 3 ohm.
- Disconnected power leads on Q14 and Q16 steering magnets. No change to ground faults.
Systematically moved wires off of magnets to find ground fault
- Moved north side asymmetric steering wire on live bus bars, no change
- Moved beam spill monitor (#57) cable, saw fluctuation in resistance on Q15.
- Moved disconnected thermocouple wire (from last year) on Q15, resistance change was observed.
- Moved thermocouple cable on coil #11, resistance change observed. No change on coil # 5.
- Resistance varied from 3 ohm to infinity.
Replaced RH bridge over Q15 shield block to facilitate re-installation of disconnected thermocouple.
- Removed RH bridge over Q15.
- Re-installed Q15 shield block.
- Re-installed 8' bridge over Q14 space.
- J. McKinnon reconnected thermocouple connectors & bound with Ø1/16" aluminum wire before covering. See photo.
Q14 re-covered with shielding.
- Cover plate on Q14 replaced.
- No water was found on beam line floor.
1AQ14 shielding restored and two lead panels replaced to cover T2 monument. See photo.

- Uncover Q15 # 16 to find ground fault.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 16:02, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair
1.5 day work delay due to plant group unavailable on the 21st of January. Gardner air compressor was being moved.
- Moved bridge off 1AQ14, cleaned and relocated.
- Uncovered 1AQ15, set up bridge over magnets, downstream of 1AQ15. Completed at 14:15.

Radiation survey map here: BL1A Q14 Q15 Uncovered
- Two magnets exposed, fields are higher (1200 uSv/h vs 600 uSv/h). Cover plate still on 1AQ15, see photo.
- Waiting for D. Preddy to complete work.
Friday, January 18, 2013, 14:40, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair
Completed uncovering shielding and RH setup over 1A Q14 triplet area, see photo for RH setup.

- D. Preddy disconnected coil #1 thermocouple on Q14 in an attempt to clear ground fault, fault still present.
- Moved three asymmetric steering magnet cables to see if ground fault cleared, no effect.
- D. Preddy will contact D. Louie for power supply issues, will contact RH when job complete.
Radiation survey map here: Jan 18 1A Triplet Area
Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 17:03, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Repair, 1A triplet repair
Moved 18' blocks away from triplet area in preparation for uncovering triplet. Plastic laid down up stream of t2 target station for short term storage of 6' layered blocks. |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 16:37, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1AVA8 valve o ring replacement
Job completed today and shielding block over valve restored.
- He leak checked valve and accessible up stream joints, no leaks found.
- J McKinnon checked power supplies for nearby steering magnets before and after covering valve. supplies working ok. |
Monday, January 14, 2013, 16:36, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1AVA8 valve o ring replacement
continued with o ring replacement, replaced all relevant o ring seals on valve (valve body seal and actuator arm dynamic seals).
- valve re installed and services reconnected.
- valve cycled and checked; valve, limit switches ok.
- started T1 roughing pump at 15:25, will pump over night.
- RH setup and tools still on beam line, valve area not yet covered. |
Friday, January 11, 2013, 15:44, Keith C Ng, Primary Beamlines, Maintenance, 1AVA8 valve o ring replacement
Assisted vacuum group with removing 1AVA8:
- uncovered valve area and set up remote handling bridge over valve.
- shut off pneumatic supply to valve to render valve in mid position (shut off valve in 1A tunnel). disconnected electrical services and air supply for valve.
- undid the two captive RH bolts holding top half of valve body. valve body was then removed and bagged. note that gate assembly is free of valve body, body is light enough to lift out by hand.
- valve swiped, 300 to 700 CPM found on removed portion of valve. level inside valve at beam line was 6 mSv. fields at bridge not higher than 400 uSv, see survey map.
work will be continued by vacuum group.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 11:53, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 blank off complete
Shielding around m9 t2 restored as of 11:45, vacuum levels still the same since 19 October.
- Work permit returned.
- A dose record of the job is attached as a spread sheet. Total dose for all workers is 1.89 mSv for the job.
- A Small gap in shielding near T1 filled in by plant group in addition to the shielding restoration (neutron radiation). |
Monday, October 22, 2012, 15:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 clean up and shield restoration  
Restoring shielding at M9 T2 area and cleaning up RH setup.
- RH workbench, pole tray and bridges removed from work site.
- 18' x 6' by 3' bridging block removed (at 14:25) to reveal the T2 monument. No apparent change in vacuum, will monitor as shielding is restored.
- Magnet power tests completed by beamlines group, no issues reported.
- Rubber testing ring installed between M9 Q1 and T2, see photo.
- Spring eye gaps appear to be the same as on Friday (after 48h), see photos and video.
Work continues re covering the M9 T2 site tomorrow. |
Friday, October 19, 2012, 18:21, Grant Minor, M9, Development, 8" double-ring test samples of EPDM and BUNA-N (Nitrile)    
Today I picked up two 2FT x 4Ft x 0.125" thick strips of stock EPDM and BUNA-N (Nitrile) material from BC Rubber Supply. A copy of the Packing Slip is attached. Here is the information from the Sample Sheet:
Nitrile 60 Commercial Grade
Type: Moderate Oil Resistance
Temp. Range: -30 to 190 (does not specify C or F... assuming C)
Ozone Resistance: Poor
Tear Resistance: 240 lbs/in.
Elongation: 500%
Tensile Strength: 1700 psi
EPDM AB-563 Premium Grade
Type: Excellent thermal & Chemical Resistance
Temp Range: -40 to 250 F
Ozone Resistance: Excellent
Tear Resistance: 145 lbs/in
Elongation: 500%
Tensile Strength: 890 psi
Sample preparation notes:
- Rectangular cross-section rings of this material were cut by hand using a compass-type rotating blade cutting tool on a work bench. The process of cutting the rings to get the cross section as even as possible all around was finicky and required several attempts.
- The rubber rings cut from the stock material were nominally 8.040" OD X 7.66" ID x 0.125" thick, but this varied likely within +/- 0.020" each on the OD and ID due to the lack of precision in the cutting process.
- In the end, the final rubber rings cut were adequate to fit in the 8" double-sided aluminum carrier ring seal grooves without falling out. For the future, a rule die would be best for cutting the samples and one should be made to prepare the next planned set of test samples.
- The strips were cleaned with Methanol.
- Two 8" double-sided aluminum carrier rings were cleaned and prepared, one packed with EPDM and one packed with BUNA-N (Nitrile).
- Break-away sample coupons for analysis of the neutron flux received by the 6061-T6 aluminum carrier ring material were notched into the carrier ring fins with a bandsaw and deburred. Two coupons nomially 0.25" x 0.25" x 0.125" thk were prepared for each ring. These coupons will be broken off for analysis upon retrieval of these test samples.
- A make-shift lifting yoke to allow us to lower the rings to their resting place over the M9/T2 flange was prepared with and aluminum strip and bail wire (see attached photos).
Our plan for Monday Oct 22nd is to lower the two test samples on their lifting yoke and bail and rest them above the M9/T2 flange before covering up the area with blocks.
The date and time of insertion will be recorded and samples will live there and receive operating dose from the beam and T2 target until the next time the M9 T2 area is uncovered and we can retrieve them for analysis and testing.
The reason the 8" aluminum double-rings are used is because we plan to build a vacuum leak test jig using the standard 8" spring-loaded knife edge flanges typical of the designs at the M9T2 and M20T2 joints.
The irradiated samples will be tested in this jig and compared to samples prepared using the virgin (non-irradiated) material A test plan will be written to encompass the exact set of mechanical tests the samples will undergo to compare them to the virgin baseline.
Friday, October 19, 2012, 16:48, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 Joint Repair cont.  
Cleaned up work site and removed extraneous poles and tooling. Radioactive parts stored in lead flask now located on TNF.
- Two pins, an RH bullet bolt and indium ring (tb22148) were put into lead flask for storage, flask now located on TNF.
- Took photos of spring eye gaps and some video inspection, looks roughly the same as yesterday (see photos).
- Installed a dust cover over the east spring pin (see photos).
Looking at placement of indium rings loaded with EPDM and Buna N at joint for radiation exposure. Will install the test rig on Monday & clean up site for covering up. |
Thursday, October 18, 2012, 16:28, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 joint repair cont. 
Completed leak check of M9 T2 area: joint(s) are He leak tight. Remote He lines checked as well, see attached.
- Indium blank off ring was cut free from the string tethers.
- Removed extra tooling and equipment, West side pin threaded cap installed. East side needs new capping device since the lean of the pin is beyond installation parameters.
- Vacuum pressure still running higher than normal but stable (see previous e log).
- Water leak in the M9 Q2 magnet return header was discovered. Very slow leak (> 10 minutes per drop). See attached photo and videos on RH group drive.
Cleanup continues tomorrow. |
Thursday, October 18, 2012, 08:26, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 joint repair cont.
Installed indium blank off at M9 T2 joint and pumped down at 15:20 to 15:45 overnight. 1ACG7 (T2 vacuum pressure) reads between 6.0E-3mT and 2.0E-2 mT as of 8:15 today.
- Before installing, an attempt was made to set the bellows in a position to correct for some of the misalignment. This was done by closing the joint with no ring and pinning the east flange ear and leaving it for ~1 hour.
- Blank off installation began at 12:30
- A universal joint installation tool was used to install the East pin. This was due to the very small gap available to install the pin on the East side. The east side of the flange was also pried upon in order to close the east side of the joint. As a result the pin leans North once installed. West pin was installed with no issues.
- Installation finished at 14:30 (roughly two hours, not including flange prep work)
- An inspection after installation revealed the lower lug to be in tension an hour after installation of the pins and blank off.
- Spring eye gaps on installation appeared to be 0.05" to 0.06" on the west side and ~0.2" on the east side.
Will be doing inspection and leak check later today. |
Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 19:50, Grant Minor, M9, Repair, M9T2 Joint Repair - Status Update 16 Oct 2012
See attached. |
Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 19:47, Grant Minor, M9, Repair, Inspection of failed double-indium thru-ring TB22148 
See inspection notes attached for failed M9T2 double-indium thru-ring TB22148, inspected on Oct 15th 2012.
Ring was approximately 3 mSv/hr on contact and 100 uSv/hr at 0.5 m.
Total dose accumulated during inspection on dosimeter 122 was 0.1 mSv
Monday, October 15, 2012, 17:03, Keith C Ng, M9, Repair, M9 T2 joint repair cont.
- Removed pins and removed indium through ring. Joint fully open at 14.5 to 15 turns of retraction mechanism.
- Did initial video inspection of T2 and Q1 flanges, some residual indium on knife surfaces, did initial scraping of T2 flange. (see videos on RH group folder)
- One blank off prepared with indium ready for installation.
Will continue tomorrow with Q1 scrape and re inspection. |