Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Evaporator_2, Page 8 of 34  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Monday, October 25, 2021, 11:53, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 42218-4, HP-IG-LIS, Done, TaC coating/sintering 

 Monday, October 25, 2021, 11:52

Ta IGLIS tube was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1900 C (expected TGHT ~430 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down over previous night

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-3 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

Initial total weight = 439.0 g

Final weight after sintering = 438.8 g

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 07:18 

IGP1= 9.2 e-07 Torr

Will ramp to 50A at 1A/min on both TGHT and TBHT.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 08:37 

IGP1= 3.0 e-05 Torr

TGHT= 50.2 A, 0.6 V

TBHT = 49.4 A, 0.5 V

Will allow pressure to drop further then start further ramp up

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 14:36

TGHT =  100 A, 1.3 V

TBHT = 99 A, 1.0 V

IGP1 = 3.e-5 Torr

ramp up TGHT to 400 A and TBHT to 230 A at 1.5 A/ min

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 18:46 

 Will keep at 430A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT for 4 hours.

OMEGA reading = 1653  C is suspicious based on previous coating.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 23:05

TGHT = 430.5 A, 6.9 V

TBHT = 232.09A, 2.8 V

IGP1= 8.8e-06 Torr

Start cooling THGT at -2A/min and TBHT at -1A/min 

Entry  Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 11:09, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, Ta, 44691-3, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating/sintering 

 Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 11:07

Monday, October 25, 2021, 11:52

Ta LPSIS tube was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1900 C (expected TGHT ~430 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down over previous night

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-3 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

Initial total weight = 464.8 g

Final weight after sintering = 

 Thursday, October 28, 2021, 07:46

IGP1= 7.4e-07 Torr

Initiating autoramp to 40 A on both TGHT and TBHT

ramp rate = 1 A/min

Will keep at 40A for approximately 1 hour or until pressure below 1e-05 Torr


 Thursday, October 28, 2021, 09:41

IGP1= 1.9e-06 Torr TGHT = 40.3 A, 0.48 V TBHT = 39.0 A, 0.48V

Autoramp @ 1A/min to 100A on both TGHT and TBHT


 Thursday, October 28, 2021, 12:57

IGP1= 1.1e-06 Torr

TGHT = 100 A, 1.3 V

TBHT = 100 A, 1.2 V

Start autoramp at 2A/min to 400 for TGHT and 230 for TBHT


The current from the plot (below) required to reach 1900 C seems too high.

Will take to 430 A as previous.  The slope was chequed previously.  Need to check OMEGA.

Thursday, October 28, 2021, 20:08

IGP1=  3.34 e-06 Torr

TGHT = 430A , 7.2 V

TBHT = 233A, 4.1V

OMEGA  = 1628C

Start ramp down at -2A/min for TGHT and -1A/min for TBHT











  44691-3 TaC coating        
    TGHT   TBHT     Temperature (C) Current (A)                      
  Temperature ( C ) Voltage (V) Current (A) Voltage (V) Current  (A)   1900 512.88                      
  1250 3.90 255.0       1700 434.06                      
  1302 4.30 279.0       1800 473.47                      
  1343 4.60 294.0                                
  1423 5.10 325.0                                
  1484 5.7 348.0                                
  1555 6.2 377.0                                
                    Slope 2.537                
                    Y intercept 598.66                
                    R2 0.999                






Entry  Monday, November 01, 2021, 07:39, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, Empty, 44508-3, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating/sintering 211101-TaC_coating.png

 Monday, November 01, 2021, 07:37

Ta tube was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Note* on the leading end of the assembly I placed tantalum foil heatshield similar to what I previously observed there.  I believe it may impact temperature at the entrance of the container tube. 

Desired temperature = 1800 C (expected TGHT ~430 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 was pumped down over the weekend

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-03Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-02 Torr

Monday, November 01, 2021, 07:39

Starting autoramp at 1 A/min to 40 A on both TGHT and TBHT 

IGP1= 3.5 e-07 Torr

Monday, November 01, 2021, 09:08

 IGP1= 1.6 e-06 Torr

TGHT = 40A, 0.99 V

TBHT = 39A, 1,2 V

Start autoramp @ 1A/min for both TGHT and TBHT to 400A and 230A respectively.

Monday, November 01, 2021, 14:33

OMEGA= 1545 C

TGHT =  354 A, 6.0 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.8 V

IGP1= 1.7 e-05 Torr

increase ramp rate to 2A/min


Monday, November 01, 2021, 14:44 

OMEGA= 1585C

TGHT =  367A, 6.3 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.8 V

IGP1= 1.7 e-05 Torr

Monday, November 01, 2021, 14:49

OMEGA= 1604 C

TGHT =  377A, 6.5V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.8 V

IGP1= 2.1 e-05 Torr 

Monday, November 01, 2021, 14:53 

OMEGA= 1624C

TGHT =  384 A, 6.6V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.8 V


Monday, November 01, 2021, 15:00

OMEGA= 1660C

TGHT =  400 A, 6.8V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.8 V

IGP1= 2.4 e-05 Torr 

Monday, November 01, 2021, 15:17

Initiate autoramp to 430A on TGHT @2A/min

Monday, November 01, 2021, 16:34 

 OMEGA = 1750 C

TGHT = 430 A, 7.3 V

Better heat insulation than before.  Next time need to place a Ta heatshield at the other end on the copper assembly.  Will raise T to 435 A and keep until 1930  hours.

Monday, November 01, 2021, 20:23

IGP1= 1.6 e-05 Torr

Omega = 1760 C

TGHT= 436 A, 7.4 V

TBHT = 232 A, 4.8 V

* Note: kept a approx 1 hour extra hoping that pressure would drop further

Started ramp down at -2A/min for TGHT and -1A/min for TBHT

Coating looks reasonably good.  




Entry  Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 09:24, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, Empty, 44691-10, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating/sintering 

 Ta tube was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Note:  placed tantalum foil heatshield on both sides of the copper heatshield assembly.

Desired temperature = 1800 C (expected TGHT ~430 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 was pumped down yesterday

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-03Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-02 Torr

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 09:27

Start autoramp at 1A/min to 40A on both TGHT and TBHT

IGP1 initial:  5.3 e-07 Torr

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 10:22

IGP1= 1.1 e-05 Torr

TGHT = 40 A, 0.5 V 

TBHT= 38.5 A, 0.41 V

Will keep while monitoring pressure at 0.5 A/min to 60A

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 10:35

IGP1 pressure trending down

IGP1= 6.7 e-06 Torr 

Start ramp up to 60A at 0.5A/min

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 11:24

IGP1 2.6 e-06 Torr and trending down

Start ramp up to 400A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT at 1A/min

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 13:28 

 IGP1= 1.4e-05 Torr and trending down slowly.  Will increase ramp speed to 1.5A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to the same final current as before.

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 15:56 

 IGP1= 2.1 e-05 Torr

TGHT = 400 A,  6.9 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.1 V

 OMEGA = 1645 C

Will manually ramp up to 1800 C

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 16:43 

 TGHT = 450 A, 7.9 V

TBHT = 233 A, 4.1 V

OMEGA = 1770 C

IGP1 increasing in Pressure.  Will leave for 4 hours at this current.

Wednesday, November 03, 2021, 20:48

IGP1= 1.0 e-05 Torr

TBHT= 233A, 4.1 V

TGHT = 450 A, 7.9 V

OMEGA = 1751 C

Starting ramp down at -2A/min on TGHT and -1A/min on TBHT


Entry  Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 06:27, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 42464-2, HP-FEBIAD, Done, TaC coating/sintering 

 Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 06:25

Ta HP-FEBIAD was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1800 C , TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down over previous night

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-4 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

IGP1= 1.2 e-06 Torr

Start autoramp @1A/min to 60 A

Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 09:29

 TGHT= 60 A 0.67 V

TBHT = 60A 0.59V

IGP1= 1.77e-6 Torr

autoramp @ 2A/min to 120 A and monitor (both TGHT and TBHT)

Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 10:19

IGP1 was increasing to fast.  Manually lowered current to 105A on both TGHT and TBHT.

Will allow pressure to stabilize

Plant group requested maintenance work for EF12/13

Therefore, keeping system as is until further instructions from plant group.

Thursday, March 10, 2022, 15:18

Will resume ramp up to 120 A for both TGHT and TBHT @ 1A/min

 IGP1= 6.4 e-07 Torr


Thursday, March 10, 2022, 15:30

Increase ramp rate to 2A/min 

Thursday, March 10, 2022, 17:41

@ 245 A TGHT and 230A TBHT ramp back down to 100 A for both as OMEGA not displaying Temperature.  Will need to go in tomorrow to fix OMEGA 

Friday, March 11, 2022, 14:25

Ramping at 2A/min to 230A for both TGHT and TBHT

Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:17

IGP1= 1.23e-6 Torr

Continue Ramping TGHT @ 3A/min to 400 A keep TBHT at 230A

Friday, March 11, 2022, 22:22

@ TGHT 725 A 1800 C was reached on OMEGA

Kept there since 7:20 pm.  Start rampdown at 11:20 pm.


Friday, March 11, 2022, 23:19  

 IGP1= 6.9e-6 Torr

OMEGA= 1805C

TGHT= 725 A, 10.9V

TBHT= 232A, 3.1V

Start rampdown at -2A/min on TGHT and -1A/min for TBHT


Entry  Monday, April 01, 2019, 16:35, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, , 43630-4, , Done, TaC coating/graphite/sintering 

Monday, April 01, 2019, 16:35

Container was coated with TaC and a roll of graphite inserted inside the tube.   A couple of TaC coated Ta springs inside to keep graphite pressed against walls of cylinder.

Container wrapped with 2 Ta heat shields.

Desired temp = 1900 C, Omega slope set = 0.990, Auto ramping TGHT at 1A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

Good vac at 3.00-5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.0e-5 Torr.

Chamber is currently being pumped down.  Sintering will proceed tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019, 06:27

IGP1 = 4.37e-7 Torr

Current is manually tapped to 40 A

Tuesday, April 02, 2019, 08:12 

Pressure increased to IGP1 = 1.15e-5 Torr

and it stabilized to IGP1 = 2.32e-6 Torr after ~1.5 hrs

Autoramp is set to 1 A/min to 400 A

Tuesday, April 02, 2019, 08:45

Autoramp stopped momentarily, to stop current reduction

When pressure reduced to ~4e-5Torr, current was tapped manually to 50 A

Autoramp is set again, the conditions are

IGP1 = 2.5e-5 Torr

TGHT = 58.87 A, 0.36 V

Tuesday, April 02, 2019, 09:31

Autoramp stopped momentarily, to avoid current reduction

When pressure reduced, autoramp is set again,

the conditions are:

IGP1 = 2.9e-5 Torr, TGHT = 0.52 V, 71.5 A 

 Tuesday, April 02, 2019, 15:32

 Autoramp stopped momentarily, to avoid current reduction

conditions: IGP1=4.99e-5 Torr, TGHT = 0.78 V, 85.9 A

When pressure reduced, autoramp is set again,

 Tuesday, April 02, 2019, 22:37

Camera conexion was lost

Autoramp reached 400 A

the current was manually raise to 425 A to allow the completation of the process

Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 00:27

Camera connection still off

The current was reduced to 410 A to match with the estimated temperature 

Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 06:56

Camera connection is back, temperature reading is 1786 C

IGP1  5.01e- Torr

TGHT = 6.93 V, 412.22 A

Autoramp was set to -1A/min to 0A

Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 11:01

IGP1 = 1.67e-7 Torr

TGHT = 2.25 V, 179.53 A

Autoramp changed to -2 A/min 

Wednesday, April 03, 2019, 16:54

The tube was removed from the EVAP2,

The coating has a different color than regular coatings, but it doe not seem like the graphite adhered as expected. 

Entry  Monday, September 09, 2024, 19:08, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, , LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering LP-SIS with gas line 

Monday, September 09, 2024, 19:06

The coated container was wrapped in 4 Ta foil heatshields.

Vacuum IGP1 initial =2.6 e-06 Torr

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1800-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230 A

Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 1A/min on  TGHT   and TBHT until outgassin peak passed

Then at 1A/min  to =400 A TGHT and 230A TBHT

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-04 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-02 Torr

Monday, September 09, 2024, 19:08

Peak passed around 70A will continue ramp up at 1A/min to 400A on TGHT and 230A TBHT

Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 13:13

Was ramped down at -2 A/min TGHT and -1 A/min TBHT


Entry  Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 09:35, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 44692-11, TARGET BOAT, Done, TaC coating sintering (second coating on same tube) 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 09:29

The coated container was wrapped in 4 Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 2 hours

Final Current TBHT= N/A

Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 2A/min(1A/30s) on  TGHT  100A

Then at 4A/min  to =400 A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-04 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-02 Torr

 IGP1 initial =2.2e-06 Torr


 Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 10:25

IGP1= 2.31e-06 Torr

TGHT 98.0 A (RD), 1.35 V

Start ramping at 2A/min to 400A


Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 11:54

Reached 1860 @ TGHT = 353A, 6.16V (RD)  Will leave for 2 hours

Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 14:07


TGHT = 353 A, 6.2 V (RD)

IGP1= 2.88E-06 Torr

Starting ramp-down at -2A/min


Saturday, August 26, 2023, 09:37

Note: the coating looks really good .  The second sintering on the second coating was 2 hours.  Will test the coating during graphite material conditioning.

Entry  Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 09:04, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, Ta, 37978-1, HP-FEBIAD, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 08:47

Ta HP-FEBIAD was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1800 C , TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down over previous night

OMEGA slope= 0.990

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-4 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

IGP1= 1.2 e-06 Torr

Start autoramp @2A/min to 80 A then autoramp heat @1A/min to 150 A.  Then autoramp TGHT to 675A and TBHT to 230A.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 08:49

IGP1= 0.13 Torr

*had timed out and it was off.  I RST and turned back on.*

Will wait for the pressure to drop to start heating

 Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 09:36

IGP1= 9.4e-06 Torr

Start autoramp @2A/min to 80A

Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 11:27

IGP1= 8.7 e-06 Torr Trending down. 

TGHT= 146A, 1.6V

TBHT= 146A, 1.7V

Has been ramping at 1A/min

Change ramp rate to 2A/min to 700A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT

Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 14:48

Change final current on TGHT to 675A, according to plot.  May change again. 

Currently TGHT=  537A, 7.7V 

IGP1= 4.4e-06 Torr

Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 18:46

Top temperature was 1825 Celsius at TGHT = 675A

Will start rampdown at 8:00 pm


 Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 20:01

TGHT= 675A, 10.3 V

TBHT= 230A, 3V

OMEGA= 1815C

IGP1= 3.9e-06 Torr

ramping down @-2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT

Entry  Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 10:12, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 44692-10, HP-FEBIAD, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 10:07

Ta HP-FEBIAD was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1800 C , TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down over previous night

OMEGA slope= 0.990

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-4 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

IGP1= 1.2 e-06 Torr

Start autoramp @2A/min to 80 A then autoramp heat @1A/min to 150 A.  Then autoramp TGHT to 675A and TBHT to 230A.1

Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 10:13

Chamber isolation performed and no change of pressure observed.

Water leak test performed and no pressure change detected.

Starting ramp up

Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 13:23

Ramping to 675A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT @ 2A/min

Ramped TGHT to 680A, 10.6V  and held for 4 hours

Wednesday, June 29, 2022, 21:52

Started rampdown @-2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT

Entry  Thursday, September 01, 2022, 12:32, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 44691-13, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering MicrosoftTeams-image_(13).png

Thursday, September 01, 2022, 10:34

The coated container was wrapped in three Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~420A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 2A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to 40A

Then at 1A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-05 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

Thursday, September 01, 2022, 12:39

Has been stabilizing at 40A on both heaters.

Starting 1A/min autoramp to 80A


A discrepancy between setpoint and readback currents was observed for both TGHT and TBHT.  The difference is substancial and warrants investigation.  This process will be paused until further notice

Tuesday, September 06, 2022, 14:45

Controls has been troubleshooting EVAP2.  In the process TBHT has been damaged. Arthur will take a look at it ASAP and his group will try and fix it tomorrow. 

Regarding our initial problem, it appears that when an electrical safety box was installed, the copper water lines connected to output terminals of the power supply, were moved so that they were in contact with the evaporator cage.  See the figure below.

Thursday, September 08, 2022, 12:47

 Target has been removed and a new test target (HP-FEBIAD) has been placed inside.  System left to generate enough vacuum and then testing will be performed.

Friday, September 09, 2022, 15:58

System was tested and all seems good.  This coat/sintering will continue after conditioning of graphite material


Saturday, September 24, 2022, 09:13

Continuation of process. 

IGP1= 4.3e-07 Torr

ramping @ 1A/min to 230 A on both TGHt and TBHT

Saturday, September 24, 2022, 16:28

ramped to 430A, 7.2V on TGHT and 233A, 4.2V on TBHT.  Will leave until 7 pm.


Saturday, September 24, 2022, 19:44

Starting rampdown @-2A/min TGHT -1A/min TBHT

camera offline

IGP1= 1.2e-6 Torr


Monday, September 26, 2022, 09:41

IGP1=2.2e-07 Torr.  Shutting off TBHT and TGHT.

Thursday, September 29, 2022, 09:53

Final notes: coating looks good .  Probably 3 hours at final temperature is better to prevent material degradation.

Entry  Monday, October 17, 2022, 11:32, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 45220-2, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Monday, October 17, 2022, 10:03

The coated container was wrapped in 4 Ta foil heatshields. (The 4 shields appear to work well)

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~420A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp started at 2A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to40A

Then at 1A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-04 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-02 Torr

Monday, October 17, 2022, 12:45

Autoramping @4A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to 400 and 30A respectively

Monday, October 17, 2022, 12:56

slowed ramp to 2A/min on both heaters as pressure was increasing too fast.  (1A/30s).

Monday, October 17, 2022, 13:30

increased ramp rate to 4A/min on TGHT as TBHT is already at 230A

Monday, October 17, 2022, 14:16

leaving at TGHT : 393A, 6.5V ; TBHT  233A, 4.2V

OMEGA reads 1864C.  Will start rampdown at 6:17 pm

Monday, October 17, 2022, 18:16

OMEGA read 1875C at max and now reads 1856C

starting ramp down at -2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT

Final IGP1= 1.4e-06 Torr

Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 09:37

IGP1= 2.72e-7 Torr

Turning heaters off on epics and turning vacuums off. 

Entry  Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 12:25, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 44139-15-SK, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 12:18

Container wrapped in 4 Ta foil heatshields

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~420A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp started at 2A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to40A

Then at 1A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-04 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-02 Torr

Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 07:07

IGP1= 7.5e-7 Torr

start ramp at 2A/min to 40A

Ramped at 1A/min to 120A then held until pressure drop.  Then ramped @ 4A/min to 400A on TGHT.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 14:09 

Manually rampted TGHT to 415A, 6.9V will hold for 4 hours 

OMEGA reads 1870 C initially

Thursday, October 27, 2022, 09:44

was held for 5 hours due to technical issues but should be ok.

OMEGA @ time of rampdown = 1830C

Rampdown @-2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT

IGP1= 3.5e-07 Torr


Entry  Friday, October 28, 2022, 07:59, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 45220-6, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Friday, October 28, 2022, 07:58

The coated container was wrapped in four Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~420A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 4A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to 40A

Then at 1A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-02 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

 IGP1 initial = 4.5e-07 Torr

Friday, October 28, 2022, 10:50

after reaching 120A and leaving until pressure drop, autoramp at 2.5A/30s (5A/min) towards 400A TGHT and 230A TBHT.

Friday, October 28, 2022, 11:22

OMEGA= 1890 @ 412A, 7.1 V on TGHT

Leaving for 4 hours


Entry  Monday, November 07, 2022, 14:26, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 44139-4, TARGET BOAT, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Monday, November 07, 2022, 14:24

The coated container tube was wrapped in four Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours


Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 4A/min to 40A

Then at 1A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-02 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

 IGP1 initial =

Entry  Thursday, November 10, 2022, 07:40, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 45220-13, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Thursday, November 10, 2022, 07:40

The coated container was wrapped in four Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 4A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to 40A

Then at 1A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-02 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

 IGP1 initial = 2.8e-07 Torr

Thursday, November 10, 2022, 10:31

 TGHT 230A 3.4V and TBHT at 230A , 3.9V

Continue ramp up for TGHT at 4A/min (2A/30s) to 380A

Thursday, November 10, 2022, 11:30

OMEGA =1886 C @ 430A, 7.1V TGHT; will leave for 4 hours

Thursday, November 10, 2022, 15:43

rampdown at -2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT

Entry  Thursday, November 17, 2022, 08:14, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 44692-12, TARGET BOAT, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Thursday, November 17, 2022, 08:11

The coated container was wrapped in four Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1850-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= N/A

Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 4A/min on  TGHT  40A

Then at 2A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-02 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

 IGP1 initial = 2.7e-07 Torr

Thursday, November 17, 2022, 10:41

OMEGA=1897C at 358A, 6.0V

Will ramp down at 230 pm

Thursday, November 17, 2022, 14:34

starting rampdown at -2A/min

OMEGA reads 1865C and IGP1=7.6e-07 Torr


Entry  Friday, November 18, 2022, 15:13, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 45220-1, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Friday, November 18, 2022, 15:08

The coated container was wrapped in four Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1860-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 4A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to 40A

Then at 2A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-02 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

leaving to pressure down over weekend


Sunday, November 20, 2022, 12:11

start heatup IGP1=1.63e-07 Torr


Sunday, November 20, 2022, 14:21

OMEGA= 1900 at 395A, 6.6V on TGHT

Will leave until 6;20 pm

Entry  Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 14:59, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 45220-12, LP-SIS, Done, TaC coating sintering 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022, 14:58

The coated container was wrapped in four Ta foil heatshields.

Target temperature on OMEGA= 1860-1900 C

OMEGA slope:= 0.990

Target time at max temperature = 4 hours

Final Current TBHT= 230A

Final TGHT current= ~400A (adjustable)

Heating autoramp starged at 4A/min on both TGHT and TBHT to 40A

Then at 2A/min on both heaters to 120A.

Good vacuum = 5.0 e-02 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.0E-04 Torr

leaving to pressure down. 

 Wednesday, November 22, 2022, 19:10 

OMEGA = 1942 C @ 396A on TGHT

lowered to 386A to 1900 and left for 4 hours.

After four hours, started rampdown at-2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT



Entry  Thursday, February 23, 2023, 18:24, Darwin Ortiz Rosales, TaC, 45441-2, HP-FEBIAD, Done, TaC coating sintering WO_45441-2.png

Thursday, February 23, 2023, 18:20

Ta HP-FEBIAD was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers) and 1 under layer that doesn't cover the middle section.

Desired temperature = 1800 C , TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down to 5e-06 Torr range

OMEGA slope= 0.990

Good vacuum = 5.00 e-4 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

IGP1=2.5 e-06 Torr

Start autoramp @1A/min to 80 A then autoramp heat @1A/min to 150 A.  Then autoramp TGHT to approx 675A and TBHT to 230A.1


Friday, February 24, 2023, 09:10

heated overnight @0.5 A/min to 400 A.  Then started heating at 1A/min to 600 A while taking readings for current/Temp regression.

regression so far points to 682A to get to 1800C.  Will continue taking readings and possible heat to 1850 C. 

Friday, February 24, 2023, 09:43

autoramping to 690A at 1A/min

Friday, February 24, 2023, 11:24

ramping manually to 690A from 650A

Friday, February 24, 2023, 11:32

4 hours at 330pm

TGHT 492A, 10.6V

TBHT = 230A, 3.2V

IGP1=5.11e-06 Torr

OMEGA =1840 C

Friday, February 24, 2023, 15:36

TGHT = 692A, 10.6V

TBHT = 230 A, 3.2V

OMEGA = 1835 C

IGP1= 2.4e-06 Torr

Starting rampdown at -2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT

ELOG V2.9.2-2455