Thursday, June 11, 2020, 09:56
Previous day (Wednesday June 10, 2020)
Container coated with TaC and wrapped with 3 Ta heat shields.
Desired temperature= 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.
TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).
Good vac at 3.00e -5 Torr
Bad vac at 5.00e-5 Torr
Chamber pump down
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 10:19
IEVAP2:IGP1=1.06e-6 Torr
ramping to 40A (TGHT and TBHT) at 1A/min
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 12:35
IEVAP2:IGP1=1.8e-6 Torr
TGHT = 39.8 A, 0.45V
TBHT=38.5 A, 0.48V
Manually rampted to 45A on both TGHT and TBHT
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 12:58
IEVAP2:IGP1=1.6e-6 Torr
TGHT = 34.8 A, 0.52V
TBHT=44.2A, 0.55V
Start Autoramp at .5A/min to 400A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT
Thursday, June 11, 2020, 17:14
Irregular pressure profile. Cooling . Need to check for leak.
TGHT = 99 A 1.3 V
TBHT = 99 A 1.4 V
Friday, June 12, 2020, 12:59
Restarting ramping
IGP1= 4.98e7 Torr
Autoramp at 1A/min to 400A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT
(pressure and TGHT current and voltage profile seem normal compared to previous coating sintering with the same power supply)
Friday, June 12, 2020, 14:40
Paused ramping
TGHT = 90A
After a few minutes the profile (noise) was still there. Continue autoramp at 0.5A/min to 400 A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT
Friday, June 12, 2020, 15:21
IGP1= 1.97e-06 Torr trending down
TGHT = 111.5 A , 1.5 V
TBHT = 112.9 A, 1.9 V
Increase ramping speed to 1A/min to 400A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT
Friday, June 12, 2020, 20:50
OMEGA = 1754 C
IGP1= 2.5e-6 Torr
TGHT = 394.1 A, 6.6 V
TBHT = 232.8 A, 4.0 V
Tapping to 1900 C
Friday, June 12, 2020, 21:00
OMEGA =1901 C
IGP1= 5.6e-6 Torr
TGHT = 448.3 A, 7.5 V
TBHT = 232.8 A, 4.1 V
Saturday, June 13, 2020, 00:51
OMEGA = 1898 C
IGP1 = 2.0e-6 Torr
TGHT = 447.2 A, 7.5 V
TBHT = 232.9 A, 4.1 V
Start cooling at -2A/ min for TGHT and -1A/min for TBHT
Thursday, February 10, 2022, 08:52
Total number of foils: 528 ( including 10 analysis discs)
Weight without springs = 1521.9 g (includes heatshields and T bar)
Total length packed 18.1 cm (including 10 analysis discs that will be removed)
container has 3 Ta heat shields.
No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing
Ta coated spring at ends
Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at0.5 A/min
Then heat automatically heat to OMEGA ~1400 C , then continue to max 530A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT (Omega slope set = 0.990)
Then temperature = 1800C
TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max). TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.
Good vac at 3.00 e -4 Torr
Bad vac at 5.00 e-2 Torr
IGP1= 1.0 e-06 Torr at start of initial ramp
IGP1 = 5.7 e-06 Torr
TGHT = 50.0 A, 0.6 V
TBHT = 50.0A, 0.5 V
continue to ramp up at 0.5A/min to 200A
Friday, February 11, 2022, 07:59
IGP1=3.0e-07 Torr and stable
TGHT= 201A, 2.8V
TBHT = 201A, 2.6V
continue autoramp at 1A/min to 230A on TBHT and 450A on TGHT
Friday, February 11, 2022, 12:41
IGP1= 6.6e-05 Torr
TGHT= 450A, 6.5V
TBHT= 232A, 3.1V
OMEGA = 1258C
Allowing pressure to drop. Will continue ramp up when [pressure around 9-e-6 Torr
Friday, February 11, 2022, 13:59
IGP1= 2.4e-05 Torr
Will ramp up at 1A/min to 550A on TGHT
Friday, February 11, 2022, 15:54
IGP1= 2.4e-05 Torr
TGHT= 551.0A, 8.3V
TBHT=232A, 3.2V
OMEGA= 1426 C
ramp to 600 A @ 2A/min
Friday, February 11, 2022, 16:23
TGHT= 600.1A, 9.3V
TBHT= 232A, 3.2V
OMEGA = 1612C
ramp to 689 @2A/min to 1800 C as projected in regression plot attached
Friday, February 11, 2022, 21:20
Evap has been at 1800 +/- 20 C for 4 hours and 10 minutes
OMEGA 1802 C
TGHT = 689 A, 11.0V
TBHT=232.8 A, 3.26V
IGP1= 1.3e-05 Torr and stabilizing.
will start cool down at -2A/min TGHT and -1A/min TBHT