Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Evaporator_2, Page 10 of 34  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Target Material Target Oven W.O#down Source Status Subject
  440   Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 13:55 Aaron SchmidtTa43044-4LP-SISIn progressConditioning Ta#58

Ta#58 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density =  14.16 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4 cm

Total Mass =  48.138 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven=  464 g

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75singles / 1pack / 100singles / 2packs / 100singles / 1pack / 75singles / 1pack

End caps installed (not yet expanded). No Ta heat shield added.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 13:54: Roughing. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 14:01: Turbo pump started. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 14:09: Turbo pump at speed. 

TBHT will be ramped up to 230A at 1.0A/min.

TGHT will be ramped up to 650A at 2.0A/min.

Final desired temperature = 1900C.

OMEGA slope = 0.98.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 08:38: Power / sources on. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 08:43: TGHT manually to 40A. Vacuum @ 1.87e-07T.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 08:45: Auto-ramping TGHT / TBHT @ 2 / 1 A per min to 350 / 180 A. 

Slope found / set. Slope = 0.98. Laser on target, OK.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 11:58: Vacuum @ 4.45e-07T. Temp @ 1120 deg C. TGHT / TBHT @ 350 / 180 A.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 12:02: Auto-ramping TGHT / TBHT @ 2 / 1 A per min to 650 / 230 A.   

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 14:27: Halted auto ramping briefly. Set auto-ramping TGHT @ 2 A per min to 630 A .

Wednesday, April 24, 2019, 14:32:  TGHT / TBHT @ 630 (627.9) / 230 (233.3) A.

Vacuum @ 1.15e-06T. Temp @ 1840 deg C. Hold.

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 06:59: Vacuum @ 2.74e-07T. Temp @ 1860 deg C. Hold. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 08:05: Auto-ramping TGHT @ 2 A per min to 640 A.

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 08:13: TGHT / TBHT @ 640 (636.9) / 230 (233.16) A.

Vacuum @ 9.96e-07T. Temp @ 1878 deg C.

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 08:15: Auto-ramping TGHT @ 2 A per min to 645 A.  

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 08:20: Auto-ramping TGHT @ 2 A per min to 650 A.   

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 08:24: Vacuum @ 9.96e-07T. TGHT / TBHT 653 (650.3) / 230 (233.16) A. TGHT Voltage= 12.760V. Omega: 1902-1903 deg C. Desired temperature = 1900C reached. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019, 14:00: Begin auto-cooling TGHT / TBHT @ -2 / -1 A per min.

Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:29: Power/heaters off. Turbo pumps off. 

Friday, April 26, 2019, 10:42: Venting. 

  415   Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 17:33 John WongEmpty43044-2LP-SISDoneTaC coating/sintering for UCx#24

Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 17:32

Container is coated with TaC and wrapped with 3 layers of Ta heat-shields.

Desired sintering temperature ~1900 C, TGHT is estimated to be ~ 445A (3.3 kW), TBHT set to 230A (as usual).

OMEGA slope set to 0.99

Good vac = 3.0 e-5 Torr, Bad vac = 5.0 e-5 Torr.

Chamber is currently being pumped down.

 Friday, July 27, 2018, 10:32

Vacuum at 9.9 e-7 Torr. 

Autoramp TGHT at 1A/min to 300A and TBHT at 1A/min to 230A. Will monitor temp and adjust TGHT to reach the desire temp.

 Friday, July 27, 2018, 16:31

TGHT reached to 1500 C, and TBHT at 230A, Temp at 1480 C, pressure at 2.e-6 Torr.

Autoramp TGHt at 1A/min to 400A.  Continue monitoring temp.

 Saturday, July 28, 2018, 12:41

TGHT at 400A/6.2V. Temp at 1730 C.  Pressure 7.4 e-7 Torr.

Tapped up TGHT to 450A/7.2V, temp at 1891 C. Holding at this current... Pressure coming down from 1.2e-6 Torr.

 Monday, July 30, 2018, 22:40

Target temp has been held at 1880 C, TGHT at 450A/7.57V, TBHT 230/4.18V, vaccum at 3.8 e-7 Torr. 

Cooling TGHT and TBHT at 2A/min and 1A/min, respectively. 

 Tuesday, July 31, 2018, 10:23

TGHT/TBHT at 0A.  Pressure at 1.5e-7 Torr. 

Process completed. 

Venting chamber.

Target containers looks good.  Transferred to Ar glovebox.


  416   Monday, August 20, 2018, 18:10 John Wongnp-SiC43044-1LP-SISDonenano-SiC final conditioning

Monday, August 20, 2018, 17:58

14.9 g of np-SiC fibrous target discs are loaded into the container (previously coated with TaC and sintered, see elog ID 414).

Total loaded length 9.5 cm. 

A 1.5" width graphite sheet is used as under layer to prevent TaC diffused to the discs; this was observed during the heat treatment, (see dropbox SEM images).

Both end caps are in.  With ionizer pointing out, right cap is expended BUT NOT left cap - will need to expend this after the conditioning.

No Ta heat-shield is used.

Final conditioning temperature:  1500 C (As per e-log 414, TGHT = 450A/7.31V, 3.28kW) 

Keeping TBHT at 0A for now - will ramp up after TGHT reach to the desired temperature. 

OMEGA slope set at 0.99

Good vac = 3.0e-5 Torr,

Bad vac = 5.0e-5 Torr.

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 10:24

Pressure at 1.2e-6 Torr. 

Initiated autoramping at 2A/min for TGHT to reach 400A - monitoring temp and vacuum.

TBHT set at 10A. 

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 15:13

Temp reached to 1350C. TGHT at 400A/6.7V. Pressure at 1.9e-6 Torr after holding at the temp for 100 min.

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 15:28

Tapped up TGHT to 450A/7.8V (3.5kW).  Temp measured at 1465 +/- 5 C.  Pressure coming down from 3.5 e-6 Torr.

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 15:32

Tapping up TBHT to 230A

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 16:25

TBHT at 230A/4.33V.  Pressure started to increase from 150A, and reached to 3.3e-6 Torr after TGHT reached to the setting.

Temperature measured at 1475 C +/- 5C.  Holding at this temperature until vacuum comes to stabilization (est.2-3 hours)

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 16:45

Checked with Mikron (slope set at 0.99); temp on left end-cap measured at 1490 +/- 20C (that's close enough).  Temp on ionizer tube about 1900C

 Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 22:12

Pressure at 1.7e-6 Torr.  Temp holding at 1480C, TGHT at 450/7.7V, TBHT 230A/4.27V.

Cooling down at 2A/min for TGHT and 1A/min for TBHT


  431   Thursday, February 21, 2019, 09:15 Darwin Ortiz RosalesEmpty42464-4HP-FEBIADDone 

Thursday, February 21, 2019, 09:01

Container coated with TaC and wrapped with 2 Ta heat shields.

Desired temperature= 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max). 

Good vac at 3.00e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00e-5 Torr

Chamber pump down was started on Wednesday February 20th; however, this morning IEVAP2:TP1 and IEVAP2:BV1 were found in the OFF position.

There are no abnormal sounds from the roughing pump.

IGP1= 5.6e-2 Torr

Will turn on IEVAP2:BV1 and IEVAP:TP1 from the hot lab and listen for anything out of the ordinary.

 Friday, February 22, 2019, 09:56

Pumped down to IGP1=2.1 e-07

Will tap up TGHT and TBHTmanually and monitor the pressure.

Friday, February 22, 2019, 11:20

Manually tapped up TGHT (V~ 0.90) and TBHT(V ~0.99) to 90A

maximum pressure reached ~7.4e-06 Torr and trended down

Friday, February 22, 2019, 11:25

Initiating Autoramp @ 0.2 A/min for TGHT to reach 450A and TBHT to reach 230A

Estimated temperature for TGHT ~1200 C

 Friday, February 22, 2019, 15:42

TGHT @ 145 A and TBHT @ 138A

Changed Autoramp to 0.1 A/min  so that it will take over the weekend to reach 450A and 230A for TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Monday, February 25, 2019, 08:29

IGP1=1.1e-07 Torr, TGHT= 451.4 A, 6.7 V, TBHT = 233.1 A, 3.1 V

Omega T = 1197 C

Will manually tap up by increasing TGHT current by ~1A/min monitoring pressure.   Will allow system to stabilize ~1400 C.

 Monday, February 25, 2019, 11:14

 Trend forcast 1400 C at TGHT= 566.75 A (Line plot attached)

Actual but not stable ~1445-1452 C at 566 A

Will continue to manually increase current monitoring pressure

 Monday, February 25, 2019, 12:33

Omega T= 1679 C , TGHT = 657.7A, 10.52 V, TBHT = 233.2 A, 3.2 V

IGP1 = 1.4e-05 Torr slightly trending up.

Autoramp @ 1 A/min to a maximum of TGHT 780 A. 

Monday, February 25, 2019, 14:43

IGP1= 3.7e-06 Torr trending down slightly, TGHT = 780.3 A, 12.9 V

Omega T = 1931 C

Monday, February 25, 2019, 15:14

manually tap up to TGHT to 790 A

Monday, February 25, 2019, 15:36

IGP1= 2.9e-6 Torr trending down

TGHT = 784.3 A, 13.01 V

TGHT current set to 790 A

Omega T = 1940 C

Will leave over-night

 Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 08:23

IGP1= 7.85e-07 Torr Stable

TGHT = 784.32 A, 12.54 V

TBHT = 233.3 A, 3.2 V

OMEGA T = 1948 C

Initiating Auto-cool ramp at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 08:10

IGP1 = 3.3 e-08 Torr Stable

TGHT = 0A, 0.05V

TBHT = 0.02A, 0. V

Will begin vacuum release


  450   Monday, June 24, 2019, 08:42 Darwin Ortiz RosalesSiC42464-4HP-FEBIADDoneConditioning of BSiC discs

Monday, June 24, 2019, 08:24

Total number of foils: 484

Total mass in  including container = 1495 grams

Total length packed 17.28 cm

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate outgassing

Two TaC coated Ta wire springs inserted at either end.

Initially will heat via autoramp to OMEGA 1400 C , ramping TGHT at  0.1 A/min to reach 530A A (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature= (Correction to 1800C) 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 700A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT at 0.1 A/min.

Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr

System was pumped down on Friday June 24th, 2019.

IGP1= 3.3 e-07 Torr

(EPICS was down this morning and came back up around 930 a.m.)

Will proceed to manually tap up TGHT and TBHT to 40A as soon as EPICS stability confirmed

Mondayy, June 24, 2019, 15:30

TBHT = 39 A, 0.4V

TGHT=40 A, 0.1V

IGP1= 4.3 e-06 Torr and trending down

Autoramp increments to 0.1 A/min , to 400A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT

Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 08:40

Current has only increased to 53 A and pressure limit reached.  Lowered current back to 51 A on TGHT and TBHT.  Waiting for pressure to stabilize.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 12:16

TGHT 51.3 A, 0.39 V

TBHT 51.1 A, 0.58 V

IGP1 = 1.91 e-05 Torr

Starting autoramp with  increments to 0.1 A/min , to 400A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT

 Saturday, June 29, 2019, 22:45

Autoramp increments for TGHT set to 0.2 A/min

 IGP1=2.4 e-06 Torr

 Sunday, June 30, 2019, 07:46

Autoramp incrementsTGHT set to 0.1 A/min to prevent pressure spike. 

IGP1= 1.5 e-05 Torr

 Sunday, June 30, 2019, 08:26

Set autoramp increments on TGHT back to 0.2 A/min

Sunday, June 30, 2019, 15:47

Set autoramp max on TGHT to 500 A

Sunday, June 30, 2019, 21:15

OMEGA = 1240C

TGHT= 465A, 7.0V

TBHT = 233A, 3.2V

IGP1= 1.6 e-05 Torr

Set autoramp max on TGHT to 600A

Monday, July 01, 2019, 09:48

OMEGA = 1605 C

TGHT = 599A, 9.7V

TBHT = 233A, 3.2V

IGP1= 1.3 e-06 Torr

Set autoramp max on TGHT to 650A

Monday, July 01, 2019, 18:21

OMEGA = 1630 C

TGHT = 650 A, 10.6V

TBHT = 233A, 3.2V

IGP1 = 9.7 e-07 Torr

Set utoramp max on TGHT to 700A

Monday, July 01, 2019, 22:07

OMEGA = 1663 C

TGHT = 682A, 11.4V

TBHT = 233A, 3.2V

IGP1= 1.5 e-06 Torr

Set autoramp max on TGHT to 730A

Tuesday, July 02, 2019, 08:15

OMEGA =1700 C

TGHT = 730A, 12.0V

TBHT = 233A, 3.2V

IGP1= 1.1 e-06 Torr

Set autoramp max on TGHT to 750A and increments to 0.4A/min

Tuesday, July 02, 2019, 09:49

Temperature on OMEGA began dropping.  Changed OMEGA slope to 1.09 (Elog 371) and temperature reading = 1884 C.  Aborted autoramp and lowered TGHT current to 740A.

Tuesday, July 02, 2019, 12:14

Temperature and pressure have dropped at a consistent rate. 

IGP1= 9.6 e-07 Torr

OMEGA = 1715 C

Will tap up manually to 750A on TGHT

No appreciable increase in pressure will tap back down to 745A on TGHT

Tuesday, July 02, 2019, 13:11

OMEGA = 1675 C

TGHT = 745A, 12.4V

TBHT = 233A, 3.2V

IGP1 = 1.03 e-06Torr

 Will start to ramp- down TGHT @ -2.0A/min

OMEGA = 1354 C

TGHT = 495A, 7.01V

TBHT = 233.2A, 3.2V

IGP1= 2.2 e-07 Torr

Continue ramp-down TGHT @ -2.0A/min

Tuesday, July 02, 2019, 17:14

TGHT = 285.5A, 3.4V

TBHT = 232A, 3.1V

IGP1= 1.4 e-07 Torr

Start TBHT ramp-down at -1.0 A/min

Wednesday, July 03, 2019, 08:37

Turned off TGHT and TBHT

IGP1 = 7.8 e-08 Torr

Wednesday, July 03, 2019, 13:18

Final total weight of Target = 1489.5 g

Removed 18 discs after weighing.





  469   Saturday, November 23, 2019, 14:03 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTaC42464-3HP-FEBIADDoneTaC coating/sintering


Saturday, November 23, 2019, 14:00

Container coated with TaC and wrapped with 3 Ta heat shields.

Desired temperature= 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max). 

Good vac at 3.00e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00e-5 Torr

Chamber pump down was started on Friday November 22; however.

No leaks were observed when turning water lines on.

IGP1= 4.6e-07 Torr

 Saturday, November 23, 2019, 15:30

autoramp at 0.5A /min up to 50A for both TGHT and TBHT and maintained for 1 hour.

Saturday, November 23, 2019, 16:15

IGP1= 1.1e-06 Torr

Auto Ramp to 450 A on THGT and 230A on TBHT at 0.5A/min

Saturday, November 23, 2019, 23:44

IGP1= 5.2e-06 Torr

TGHT = 248A, 2.9V  TBHT= 233A 2.9V

Increased ramp step to 1A/min to 620 A

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 00:14

IGP1=1.9e-06 Torr

TGHT = 274.3, 3.3V   TBHT= 233A, 2.9V


Sunday, November 24, 2019, 07:33

IGP1=3.2e-06 Torr

OMEGA= 1490C

TGHT = 619 A, 9.1V   TBHT=233A, 2.9V

Continue ramping THGT at 1A/min to 700 A

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 10:05

IGP1= 2.1 e-05 Torr

OMEGA= 1676 C

TGHT= 700A, 10.6V   TBHT= 233A, 2.0V

Start autoramp to 780A as per regression in attachment

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 13:22

Autoramp to 795A  for TGHT

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 21:16

OMEGA= 1854 C

TGHT= 789.6A, 12.27V  TBHT= 233.A, 2.9V

IGP1= 2.0e-05

Will allow pressure to stabilize lower.

Sunday, November 24, 2019, 22:16

TGHTT= 789.6A, 12.3V TBHT=233.3A, 2.9V


IGP1 = 6.9e-06Torr

Start cooling TGHT at 2A/min and TBHT at 1A/min

  471   Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 15:21 Darwin Ortiz RosalesSiC42464-3HP-FEBIADDoneConditioning of SiC discs (sintering) (RUSH)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 14:53

Total number of foils: 504

Total length packed 17.4 cm

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing

Two TaC coated Ta wire springs inserted at either end.

Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at 1A/min

Then heat manually to OMEGA ~1400 C , ramping TGHT manually and automatically  to reach 530A A (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature= (Correected to 1800C) 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, manually and automatically ramp to 700A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.

Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr

System experienced some vacuum issues due to cooling water leak in a heatshield line. 

Evaluation discs not included because no space.

Total Green disc mass measured = 58.250 g


Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 15:00

IGP1= 7.4e-06 Torr.  No leak issues found after last fix (Anders will add details).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 15:33

TGHT= 52.7A, .22V   TBHT= 49.3A, .52V

IGP1= 7.202 e-06 Torr (trending up so will allow to stabilize).

Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 06:09

left with autoramp waiting for vac to drop but no advance overnight.

Pressure did not seem to drop back below 3e-5 Torr magnitude, therefore not much advance in current ramp.

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 11:15

Continued ramping manually 

OMEGA = 1429 C  (0.99 slope), TGHT = 542A, 7.8V

With slope = 1.08 OMEGA = 1724 C, therefore staying at 0.99 slope

TaC coating sintering  plot suggests 753A to reach 1800C (See attachment 1)

Windows a little bit coated but not enough to disturb laser. 

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 12:17

TGHT =753A, 11.8V since 12:00 noon. 

TBHT= 233.4A, 3.3V

OMEGA= 1735 C (0.99 slope)

 Thursday, November 28, 2019, 13:01

OMEGA = 1860C (1.08 slope)

 Thursday, November 28, 2019, 14:38

OMEGA temperature began to creep up to ~1880.  Tapped TGHT current down to 733.5A, 11.4V

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 15:12

Checked windows and no significant additional buildup of obstructive material.

Temperature creeping up again.  Tap down TGHT current to 729 A, 11.2 V

OMEGA = 1870C at slope 1.08

 Thursday, November 28, 2019, 16:03

Temperature increase to 1880C

Tap down TGHT current to 715A, 10.9V

OMEGA= 1870 C (slope = 1.08)

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 16:22

Temperature creep to 1880 C

Tap down TGHT to 700A, 10.8V

OMEGA= 1845C

IGP1=2.2e-06 Torr

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 16:37

IGP1= 1.9e-06 Torr

OMEGA = 1850C (1.08 slope)

TGHT = 692A, 10.5V  TBHT= 233A, 3.2V


Initiating pressure ramp at -2A/min on TGHT and -1A/min on TBHT

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 16:45

IGP1= 1.28e-06 Torr

OMEGA= 1770 C (1.08 slope)

TGHT = 650A, 9.8V

ramp TGHT at -3.5A/min maintain TBHT at -1A/m in

 Thursday, November 28, 2019, 17:11

IGP1= 1.14e-06 Torr

OMEGA = 1730 C (1.08 slope)

ramp TGHT at -5A/min maintain TBHT at -1A/m

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 17:20

IGP1- 8.9e-07 Torr


ramp TGHT at -6A/min maintain TBHT at -1A/min

 Thursday, November 28, 2019, 17:34

IGP1= 7e-07 Torr

OMEGA= 1500 C (1.08 slope)

ramp TGHT at -8A/min maintain TBHT at -1A/min

TBHT = 183A

 OMEGA 1180C

TGHT =300 A

TBHT = 155A

Initiated -15A/min TGHT and -4A/min TBHT

IGP1= 5.2e-07 Torr

OMEGA below 1000C

begin manual tapdown

Thursday, November 28, 2019, 19:42

Target was dismounted after cooling.  Two graphite discs and end caps inserted.


  472   Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 15:43 Anders MjosSiC42464-3HP-FEBIADProblems resolvedWater to vacuum leak on heat shield line

This morning, the vacuum responded to shutting of the water of the heat shield circuit (leak rate without pumping leveling out). The vacuum chamber was vented and the heat shield with flexible lines was replaced with another heat shield with fixed lines. The chamber was again pumped down and water opened at ~150 mTorr to test the leak up rate without pumping. No leaks apparent, so continued pumping down with turbo pump. At a vacuum of about 1E-6 Torr the water was again supplied to the heat shield circuit and an increase in vacuum could be observed. Stopped the turbo pump and prepared to vent. Two new heat shield lines were brazed in the machine shop and fitted by Maico after lunch. During this time one of the old lines (from heat shield to feedthrough in box) was leak tested and a leak found at a location just above the VCR. The line had been twisted and due to the twist developed a leak. With the two lines replaced, the vacuum was pumped down again and water could be supplied without any increase in vacuum pressure at 1E-6 Torr. To facilitate the new copper tubing, the restraining bracket for the heat shield VCRs was not mounted. It will have to be fitted later. Until then, please contact Anders for help in removing the heat shield to prevent any damage to the new lines.

  473   Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 17:45 John WongSiC42464-3HP-FEBIADDoneConditioning of SiC discs (sintering) (RUSH)

Darwin Ortiz Rosales wrote:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 14:53

Total number of foils: 504

Total length packed 17.4 cm

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing

Two TaC coated Ta wire springs inserted at either end.

Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at 1A/min

Then heat manually to OMEGA ~1400 C , ramping TGHT manually and automatically  to reach 530A A (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature= 1900 C (Correction = 1800 C, NOT 1900 - JW), Omega Slope set = 0.990 (use 1.08, check temp, JW), manually and automatically ramp to 700A (check temp to see if it's matching with the 1.08 slope), TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.

Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr

System experienced some vacuum issues due to cooling water leak in a heatshield line. 

Evaluation discs not included because no space.

Total Green disc mass measured = 58.250 g


Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 15:00

IGP1= 7.4e-06 Torr.  No leak issues found after last fix (Anders will add details).

Tuesday, November 26, 2019, 15:33

TGHT= 52.7A, .22V   TBHT= 49.3A, .52V

IGP1= 7.202 e-06 Torr (trending up so will allow to stabilize).


 Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 17:44

I'll take over from here to step up the target heater, and I'll coordinate it with Darwin. 

 Wednesday, November 27, 2019, 20:36

Note: Sintering temp should be at 1800 C, NOT 1900.  Use Omega slope 1.08 and check temperature.  Correction made on elog #471.

Continue to step up TGHT and TBHT, keeping vacuum below 1.5 e-5 Torr. 

 Thursday, November 28, 2019, 03:06

TGHT reached to 400A/5.29V, TBHT at 230A/3.13V. 

Vacuum coming down from 1.3 e-5 Torr.

OMEGA = 1105 C (slope at 0.99).

Instructions for Darwin:

1.  Confirm temperature - check the temp plot from the TaC coating step. 

2.  Change OMEGA slop to 1.08 - check to see if this matches the temp plot.  If not, bring it back to 0.99.

3.  Continue to step up TGHT, check temp at 1400C (change slop 1.08 and check), 1500 C, 1600 C (check windows for coating - if any coating, then OMEGA is no longer useful hereon)

4.  Use the temp plot and continue to tap up TGHT to reach 1800 C and hold it for at least 4 hours or until the vacuum goes below 1 e-6 Torr then proceed with cooling down.

5.  Use the auto cooling program for TGHT (-2A/min) and TBHT (-1A/min)

Note:  For ramping up TGHT, keep vacuum below 1.5 e-4 Torr and keep tapping up to reach 1800 C.  Above 1100 C, this should be a quick step to get to 1800 C; should take < 2 hrs to get there.  

See the striptool or the attachment below to see how I did it. 

Once the chamber is cool down, take out a few samples for SEM analysis. 

Good luck!


  569   Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 06:27 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTaC42464-2HP-FEBIADDoneTaC coating/sintering

 Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 06:25

Ta HP-FEBIAD was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1800 C , TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 will be pumped down over previous night

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-4 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-2 Torr

IGP1= 1.2 e-06 Torr

Start autoramp @1A/min to 60 A

Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 09:29

 TGHT= 60 A 0.67 V

TBHT = 60A 0.59V

IGP1= 1.77e-6 Torr

autoramp @ 2A/min to 120 A and monitor (both TGHT and TBHT)

Wednesday, March 09, 2022, 10:19

IGP1 was increasing to fast.  Manually lowered current to 105A on both TGHT and TBHT.

Will allow pressure to stabilize

Plant group requested maintenance work for EF12/13

Therefore, keeping system as is until further instructions from plant group.

Thursday, March 10, 2022, 15:18

Will resume ramp up to 120 A for both TGHT and TBHT @ 1A/min

 IGP1= 6.4 e-07 Torr


Thursday, March 10, 2022, 15:30

Increase ramp rate to 2A/min 

Thursday, March 10, 2022, 17:41

@ 245 A TGHT and 230A TBHT ramp back down to 100 A for both as OMEGA not displaying Temperature.  Will need to go in tomorrow to fix OMEGA 

Friday, March 11, 2022, 14:25

Ramping at 2A/min to 230A for both TGHT and TBHT

Friday, March 11, 2022, 15:17

IGP1= 1.23e-6 Torr

Continue Ramping TGHT @ 3A/min to 400 A keep TBHT at 230A

Friday, March 11, 2022, 22:22

@ TGHT 725 A 1800 C was reached on OMEGA

Kept there since 7:20 pm.  Start rampdown at 11:20 pm.


Friday, March 11, 2022, 23:19  

 IGP1= 6.9e-6 Torr

OMEGA= 1805C

TGHT= 725 A, 10.9V

TBHT= 232A, 3.1V

Start rampdown at -2A/min on TGHT and -1A/min for TBHT


  578   Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 07:31 Darwin Ortiz RosalesSiC42464-2HP-FEBIADDoneT-220524 Sintering SiC

Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 07:19

Total number of foils: 403 ( including 5 analysis discs on the right side of the container)

Total weight = 1535.3 g (includes heatshields, spring and T bar)

Total length packed 16.4 cm (excluding 5 analysis discs that will be removed)

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing

Ta coated spring at  front (right) side

Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at 3 A/min

then continue to 80A and slow down ramp when pressure begins to increase

max approx 700A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature = 1800C

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.

Good vac at 3.00 e -4 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-2 Torr

 IGP1= 7.6 e-07 Torr at start of initial ramp.

 Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 11:14

Ramping to 150A on TGHT and TBHT at 1A/min

Ramped TGHT and TBHT to 230A at 2A/min

Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 13:12

Ramping TGHT to 600A at 4A/min

TBHT at 230A, 3.0V

Tuesday, June 07, 2022, 16:41

TGHT= 740 A, 12.1V

TBHT= 232A, 3.0 V

OMEGA reading 1616C but questionable.  Will leave for 4 hours at 740A top TGHT.

Wednesday, June 08, 2022, 22:15

Early Wednesday morning the left TGHT bolt was found damaged.  The target leg was coated with bolt material rendering the Target inoperable.   

The Heatshield assembly was swapped and surfaces cleaned.  A "dummy" FEBIAD was installed to test if the system can withstand high current. 

The system was pumped down and ramped to 740A on TGHT at 4A/min.  It was then left at that current for 4 to 5 hours.

Currently starting rampdown at -2A/min to 0A. 

Photos of the incident attached in *eLog 580*.  IGP1= 5.7e-06 Torr

TGHT= 742A, 11.4V

  535   Tuesday, March 09, 2021, 11:54 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTaC42464-1HP-FEBIADDoneTaC coating/sintering

Tuesday, March 09, 2021, 11:54 

 Container coated with TaC and wrapped with 3 Ta heat shields.

Desired temperature= 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be increased  accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A max).

Good vac at 3.00e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00e-5 Torr

Chamber pump down

Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 08:32

IGP1 = 2.6 e -07 Torr

Start autoramp @ 1A/min to 40 A on both TGHT and TBHT

***Autoramp aborted due to work on EF12 affecting EVAP2***

Will have to resume Thursday or Friday


Saturday, March 13, 2021, 7:54

  IGP1= 3.8e-07 Torr

Initiate heating @ 0.5A/min TBHT and TGHT to 60 A

Saturday, March 13, 2021, 23:01

IGP1 = 2.7e-07Torr

TGHT = 60.5A, 0.7V

TBHT= 60.0A, 0.7V

Initiate ramp @ 1 a/min to 400 A on TGHT and 230A on TBHT

Sunday, March 14, 2021, 08:45

IGP1= 8.2e-07 Torr

TGHT = 400A, 5.6V

TBHT = 232.9A, 3.0V 

OMEGA = 1142 C

Continue ramping to 460 A on TGHT at 1a/min

 Sunday, March 14, 2021, 10:11

IGP1 = 1.0 e-06 Torr

TGHT= 460.4 A, 6.5 V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.0 V

OMEGA = 1239 C

Will ramp up to 500 A at 1a/min on TGHT

Sunday, March 14, 2021, 10:53

 IGP1 = 1.3 e-06 Torr

TGHT= 495 A, 7.2 V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.0 V

OMEGA = 1316 C

Will ramp up to 600 A at 1a/min on TGHT


Sunday, March 14, 2021, 12:45

IGP1 = 3.0 e-06 Torr

TGHT= 604 A, 9.1 V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.1 V

OMEGA = 1610 C

Will ramp up to 660 A at 1a/min on TGHT 


Sunday, March 14, 2021, 17:01

IGP1= 2.4e-06 Torr

TGHT =  664 A, 10V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.1V

OMEGA = 1733 C

tapping TGHT to 740 A

OMEGA = 1883 C

 Sunday, March 14, 2021, 21:45

IGP1= 3.1e-06 Torr

TGHT =  744A, 11.5V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.2V

OMEGA = 1875 C

Start cooling TGHT @-3A/min and TBHT @-1A/min


  412   Thursday, June 21, 2018, 11:38 Aaron SchmidtTa42218-9HP-SISDoneConditioning Ta#56

 Ta#56 HP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 14.01 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4 cm

Total Mass = 47.374 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven= 1469 g

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75singles / 1pack / 100singles / 2packs / 100singles / 1pack / 75singles / 1pack


Thursday, June 21, 2018, 11:430: Ta#56 loaded into Evap 2 

Thursday, June 21, 2018, 11:37: Roughing

Thursday, June 21, 2018, 11:48 : Turbo pump started.

Thursday, June 21, 2018, 11:56 : Turbo pump at speed

Monday, June 25, 2018, 08:00: Vacuum @ 3.35e-07T

Monday, June 25, 2018, 08:05: TGHT/TBHT Power supplies switched on.

Monday, June 25, 2018, 09:35: Vacuum @ 3.23e-07T. Manually bump up TGHT to 40A.

Slope found / set.

TBHT will be ramped up to 230A at 1.0A/min.

TGHT will be ramped up to 650A at 2.0A/min.

Final desired temperature = 1900C

OMEGA slope = 0.98

Monday, June 25, 2018, 11:41: Auto-ramping TGHT / TBHT @ 2 / 1 A per min to 300 / 180 A 

Monday, June 25, 2018, 13:28: Check: Vacuum @ 1.08e-06T. TGHT / TBHT @ 248 / 110 A

Monday, June 25, 2018, 13:50: TGHT ramping halted momentarily. Limit increased to 350 A, continue ramping.

Monday, June 25, 2018, 14:44: Check: Vacuum @ 1.08e-06T. TGHT / TBHT @ 350 / 180 A. (hold till am)

Omega: 1033 deg C

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 08:37: Vacuum @ 3.03e-07T. Auto-ramping TGHT / TBHT @ 2 / 1 A per min to 600 / 230 A . Omega: 1010 deg C (approx)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 11:25: Vacuum @ 1.34e-06T. TGHT / TBHT @ 248 / 110 A. Omega: 1605 deg C (approx) 

Auto-ramping TGHT  @ 2 A per min to 650 A

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 12:06: Limited at 608A ? Display still ramping past the auto-ramp limit. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 12:24 : Auto ramp halted. Display brought to 610 A. Readback 603 A

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 12:41: Voltage limit adjusted to 12.00V. Mnaualy increased TGHT to 620 A. Auto-ramping TGHT  @ 2 A per min to 650 A

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 12:59: Check: Vacuum @ 1.53e-06T. TGHT / TBHT @ 650 / 230 A. 

Omega: 1747 deg C

Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 15:07: Check: Vacuum @ 9.73e-07T. TGHT / TBHT @ 650 / 230 A. (hold till am)

Omega: 1760 deg C

Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 07:49: Check: Vacuum @ 5.06e-07T. TGHT / TBHT @ 650 / 230 A.

Omega: 1796 deg C. Begin auto-ramping TGHT to 700 A @ 2 A per min with pause at 675 A. Monitor.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 08:00: Check: Vacuum @ 5.80e-07T. TGHT / TBHT @ 675 / 230 A.

Omega: 1843 deg C. Begin auto-ramping TGHT to 700 A @ 2 A per min. Monitor.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 08:16: Vacuum @ 7.45e-07T. TGHT / TBHT @ 700 / 230 A. Omega: 1890 deg C (approx). 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 08:23: Vacuum @ 8.53e-07T. TGHT / TBHT @ 707 / 230 A. TGHT Voltage= 10.783V. Omega: 1906-1913 deg C. Desired temperature = 1900C reached.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 13:11: Vacuum @ 6.77e-07T. Omega: 1902-1915 deg C

Wednesday, June 27, 2018, 14:53: Begin auto-cooling TGHT / TBHT @ - 2 / -1 A per min overnight. 

Thursday, June 28, 2018, 07:39: Power supplies off. Turbo pump off.  

Thursday, June 28, 2018, 09:38: Vented. Remove From Evap 2.

  477   Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:21 Darwin Ortiz RosalesSiC42218-8 HP-SISDone Conditioning of SiC discs (sintering) (RUSH)

Friday, March 13, 2020, 13:52

Total number of foils: 493

Total length packed 17.4 cm

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing

Two TaC coated Ta wire springs inserted at both ends.

Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at 1A/min

Then heat manually to OMEGA ~1400 C , ramping TGHT manually and automatically  to reach 530A A (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature = 1800 (C using slope 1.08 at after 1700C manually and automatically ramp to 700A then  TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp).

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.

Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr

Evaluation discs not included because no space.

Total Green disc mass measured = 58.78 g

Friday, March 13, 2020, 14:22

Container loaded and pressuring down started without any pump issues.

Friday, March 13, 2020, 23:26

IGP1= 9.1e-07 Torr

Start auto tap at .25A/min to 50A on both TBHT and TGHT

Saturday, March 14, 2020, 07:09

IGP1=6.9e-6 Torr

TGHT = 49.1 A, 0.58V

TBHT = 49.2A, .49V

Continue ramp to 80 A on both heaters at .0.25A/min (good vacuum 3.0 e-04 Torr, bad vaccum 5.0 e-04 Torr

Saturday, March 14, 2020, 08:22

IGP1=6.8 e-05 Torr

Pressure spike TGHT =63.7 A, 0.77 V; TBHT = 60.0 A , 0.62 V

Aborted ramp alow to stabilize (Tapped TBHT to 63.8 A

Saturday, March 14, 2020, 12:16

IGP1= 8.1e-05 Torr

start autoramp at 0.25A/min

Saturday, March 14, 2020, 17:47

IGP1= 2.9e-05 Torr

TGHT= 78.4A, 1.0 V

TBHT = 79.4A, .88 V

manual and automatic  tap up to 740A TGHT and 230A TBHT then tap manually to 1800 C (mostly at .075 A/min and increasing to 1A /min as pressure stabilizes)

Sunday, March 15, 2020, 22:40

OMEGA = 1711 C

TGHT = 784,6 A, 12.9V (readback)

TBHT = 232 A, 3.5 V

Tap TGHT to 800 A readback set to 815A

Sunday, March 15, 2020, 23:20

OMEGA =1801 C

TGHT = 799.2 A, 13.3 V, TBHT = 232.9, 3.6V

Start gradual tap-down as temperature rising (1810 C at end of this note)

Sunday, March 15, 2020, 23:49

OMEGAA = 1818 C

TGHT = 769.9A, 12.6 V; TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.6 V

Temperature dropping tapped back up to 799 A on TGHT read back (set to 815 A)

Monday, March 16, 2020, 04:10

OMEGA = 1395 C (not reliable)

TGHT = 799.2 A, 13.2 V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.6 V

IGP1 = 2.2 e-06 Torr

Initiate cooling at -1.5 A/min on TGHT to 600A (at 600 A increase cooling rate to 3 A/min ; at 300 A increase cooling to 4 A/min and start TBHT cooling at 1 A/min; at `200 A on TGHT increase cooling to 4 A/min and TBHT 2 A/min)

Monday, March 16, 2020, 09:43

TGHT = 0 A , 0.02V

TBHT = 53,2 A, .56 V  (increase cooling to 4 A/min)

IGP1= 1.12e-07 Torr

Monday, March 16, 2020, 10:37

IGP1= 9.5 e -8 Torr

TGHT and TBHT = 0A, 0V

Will unload container

Monday, March 16, 2020, 12:40

Ten discs removed for evaluation (6 from left side and 4 from right side)

two graphite discs placed at each end as well as two TaC coated and sintered end-caps

total length after sintering = 17.8 cm




  476   Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 09:34 Darwin Ortiz RosalesEmpty42218-8HP-SISDoneTaC coating/sintering

Monday, March 9, 2020, 03:15

Container coated with TaC and wrapped with 3 Ta heat shields.

Desired temperature= 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).

Good vac at 3.00e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00e-5 Torr

Chamber pump down

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 09:17

Starting manual ramp to 50 A @ approximately 2A/min

IGP1 = 3.73e-7 Torr after opening water line pressure slowly incresed to 4.4e-7 Torr

TBHT also has Chiller interlock reached out to controls for removal.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 10:47

Chiller Interlock removed for TBHT.   Started manual ramp to 50A @ approximately 2A/min

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 11:15

allowing to stabilize at 50A on TGHT and TBHT

IGP1= 7.9 e=7 Torr and trending up

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 12:09

Pressure on IGP1 spiked.  Allowing to stabilize.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:36: Stopped By to check. Vacuum @ 3.02e-03T. Turbo pump appears to have tripped. Shut off Both PS. Prepare to vent. - Aaron S.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 14:48: Tightened all fittings (Just in case). HS side & HS waterline at the feed through. Roughing. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 15:06: TP1 @ 38KRPM 1.34e-04T & dropping.  TGHT & TBHT PS on. Monitor before heating. -AS

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 06:25: Vacuum @ 3.39e-07T. TGHT / TBHT PS on. - AS

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 06:26: Manually tapped up TGHT / TBHT to 10 / 10 A. Ok.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 06:28: Auto-ramping TGHT / TBHT @ 4 A per min to 50 / 50 A.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 07:07: Vacuum @ 3.64e-07T. TGHT / TBHT @ 50 A. All appears stable. - AS

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 07:036

Started autoramp  at 2 A/min

IGP1= 3.6e-7 Torr

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 08:06

TGHT=10 5A, 1.3 V       TBHT = 105 A, 1.2 V

pressure rising fast; manual ramp down to 95A on both TGHT and TBHT

 Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 09:54

 IGP1= 4.7e-6 Torr; TGHT = 93.1 A, 1.2 V; TBHT = 95.1 A, 1.1 V

start autoramp at 1A/min (0.5 A/30s)

IGP1= 1.28e-5 Torr

TGHT = 108.3 A, 1.44 V

TBHT = 110 A, 1.29 V

Stop autoramp

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:25

IGP1= 5.9e-5 Torr

manually tapped TGHT and TBHT set-current to  105 A respectively. 

pressure dropping.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 11:18

IGP1=8.0e-06 Torr

manually ramp to set-current 115 A for both TGHT and TBHT at approximately 2A/ min

allow to stabilize before proceeding

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 12:12

IGP1=7.02e-6 Torr

TGHT = 112.7 A, 1.5 V

TBHT = 114.6 A, 1.4 V

Auto-ramping at 1A/min TGHT to 430 A and TBHT top 230A

 Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 18:45

IGP1= 1.2 e-06 Torr

TGHT=421.8 A, 6.2 V

TBHT = 231.9 A, 3.1 V

auto-ramp TGHT at 1A/min to set-current 530A

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 23:08

IGP1= 1.3e-6 Torr

TGHT= 519.9 A, 7.87V

TBHT = 232.0 A, 3.1 V

start autoramp TGHT to 600A at  1A/min

Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 23:36

IGP1= 1.6e-6 Torr

TGHT = 542.9 A, 8.2V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.1V

Set autoramp to 750A on TGHT at 0.5 A/min

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 06:55

The Voltage set on TGHT was too low so current had not increased

IGP1= 1.5e-6 Torr

TGHT = 640 A, 10V

TBHT 232/9A, 3.1V

Oncrease TGHT voltage set to 14.5 and start autoramp at 3A/min to 750 A

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 7:43

TGHT = 735.7 A, 11.8V

OMEGA = 1595C

Auto -ramp set to 780 A for TGHT

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 7:58

OMEGA = 1655 C

TGHT set to 800 A at 3A/min

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 9:42

OMEGA =  1704 C

TGHT = 789.5 A, 13.0 V

Manual tap up to 837 A set on TGHT and 821 A readback

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:00

TGHT readback = 821.0 A, 13.7 V

OMEGA = 1744 C

TBHT same as previous entry.

 Thursday, March 12, 2020, 10:35

 Tapped up TGHT to 832.6 A, 13.8 V

OMEGA = 1759 C

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.6 V

Will not tap further. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 13:22

IGP1 = 5.0 e-06 Torr (stable)

TGHT = 832.7 A readback (849 A set), 13.7V

TBHT = 232.9 A, 3.6 V

OMEGA = 1758 C

Start cooling at TGHT 3A/min

 Thursday, March 12, 2020, 14:08

IGP1= 1.32e-06 Torr

TGHT = 706 A, 11.0 V

TBHT = same as previous

OMEGA = 1583C

Start cooling TBHT at 1A/min continue cooling TGHT at 3A/min

Friday, March 13, 2020, 08:18

IGP1= 3.9e-8 Torr

Will unload sintered container


  488   Monday, June 15, 2020, 14:28 Darwin Ortiz RosalesEmpty42218-7HP-SISDoneTaC coating/sintering

 Monday, June 15, 2020, 13:30

Container coated with TaC and wrapped with 3 Ta heat shields.

Desired temperature= 1900 C, Omega Slope set = 0.990, Auto TGHT at 0.2A/min to reach 400A, TGHT will be tapped up accordingly to reach desired Temp.

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A max).

Good vac at 3.00e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00e-5 Torr

Chamber pump down

 Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 08:55
IGP1= 4.2e-7 Torr
Starting ramp to 50A at 0.2A/min  for both TGHT and TBHT.  Observing pressure behaviour.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 14:14
IGP1 = 9.0e-7 Torr
TGHT = 50.3 A, 0.6 V
TBHT = 49.4 A, 0.54 V
Set TGHT to 400A and TBHT to 230A

Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 16:58
IGP1 = 7.32e-7 Torr
TGHT = 82.3A, 1.0 V
TBHT = 81.8 A, 0.96V
Will try to increase ramp rate to 2 A/min for both TGHT and TBHT

Tuesday, June 16, 2020, 17:30
Pressure spike.  
IGP1 = 2.5e-5Torr
TGHT = 44.1 A, 0.57 V
TBHT = 43.0 A, 0.49 V
Will return to 0.2A/ min ramp rate for both heaters

 Thursday, June 18, 2020, 20:26
Autoramped to 720A , 11.6V on TGHT at 0.2A/min
OMEGA = 1850C
Manually ramped to 740 A , on TGHT while TBHT remains at 230A 
OMEGA= 1885 C
IGP1=4.6e-06 Torr trending down
Will remain at this temperature for next 4 hours
NOTE* Current on TGHT very unstable (oscillates) 

Friday, June 19, 2020, 11:31 
Last night at 00:15 am started cooling TGHT at -2A/min and TBHT at -0.2 A/min
(The elog entry was not submitted and computer restarted overnight so notes were lost).
at 6:30 am Friday June 19, 2020
Increased TBHT cooling to -2A/min  and decreased THGT cooling to -1A/min

Monday, June 22, 2020, 13:54
IGP1= 8.1e-8 Torr
Evaporator vented and container pulled out.  There is slight peeling near one end of the container.  This area should be on the outside of the end-caps so the container should be usable. 
Files to be uploaded later.
  549   Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 11:57 Darwin Ortiz RosalesSiC42218-7HP-SISDonesintering discs for SiC#41 (or back-up for #40)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 11:54

Total number of foils: 449 (not including analysis discs)

Total length packed 16.7 cm

5 extra analysis discs and 2 dr. Blade discs

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing

One Ta disc inserted at front end

Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at0.5 A/min

Then heat manually to OMEGA ~1400 C , ramping TGHT manually and automatically  to reach 530A A (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature = 1800C

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.

Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr


Thursday, April 29, 2021, 10:09

IGP1 = 6.5 e-07 Torr

Start heating at 0.5 A/min to 50 A on both TGHT and TBHT 

Thursday, April 29, 2021, 21:45

 IGP1= 7.7 e-06 

TGHT = 50.3A , 0.59 V

TBHT = 49.4 A, 0.56 V

Pressure is taking a while to equilibrate.  Will wait a bit more to continue heating


Thursday, April 29, 2021, 23:49

IGP1 = 7.2 e-06 Torr

will start ramping at 0.5 A/min to 100 A 

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 20:09 

Friday, April 30, 2021, 08:19

IGP1 pressure higher than bad vacuum.  Stopped autoramp.  Will allow vacuum to come back down and restart ramp. 

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 09:04

Yesterday the system had tripped.  All pumps had turned off and the pressure was found at 0.005 torr

vacuum was restarted.

 Current IGP1= 6.5e-07 Torr

Restarting heaters.  

Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 20A on both TGHT and TBHT

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 10:48

IGP1=5.9e-7 Torr

TGHT = 20.0 A, 0.24V

TBHT = 20A, 0.20V 

 Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 40A both TGHT and TBHT

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 13:26 

TGHT = 40.0 A, 0.47 V

TBHT= 39A, 0.44V

IGP1= 5.5 e-07 Torr

Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 60 A on both TGHT and TBHT

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 20:09

TGHT = 60.0 A, 0.72V

TBHT = 59.4 A, 0.69V

IGP1= 4.4e-07 Torr

Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 100 A on both TGHT and TBHT


Sunday, May 02, 2021, 18:30 

IGP1= 1.7 e-06 Torr

TGHT =100A, 1.3V

TBHT = 99.9A, 1.3V

Autoramp both heaters at 0.25A/min to 120A and monitor 

Sunday, May 02, 2021, 18:45

pressure increase to 4.1e-06 Torr.  TBHT unexpectedly rose to 120A and was manually tapped back down to 104 A.  Will keep both , TGHT and TBHT, at 104 A  for a while. 

Sunday, May 02, 2021, 19:50

Stepping at 0.5A/min to 105A then to 110 A on both TGHT and TBHT

Sunday, May 02, 2021, 22:10 

Will leave both TGHT and TBHT at 110 A until pressure comes back down

currently IGP1= 1.3e-05 Torr

Monday, May 03, 2021, 09:35 

IGP1= 2.2 e-06 Torr

Tapping TGHT and TBHT to 115A 

Monday, May 03, 2021, 11:30

 Tapping TGHT and TBHT to 120A @ 1A/min

Monday, May 03, 2021, 18:38

IGP1= 5.4e-06 Torr

TGHT = 130.3 A, 1.8 V

TBHT = 129.1 A, 1.8 V

Continue gradual ramping at 1A/min in increments of 5 A 

Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 09:27

IGP1= 3.2e-5 Torr

TGHT = 400 A, 6.0V

TBHT = 232 A, 3.6V

OMEGA = 1104 C

waiting for pressure to drop then will continue heating 

Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 17:27

TGHT = 420.1 A, 6.5V

TBHT= 232A, 3.6V

OMEGA = 1139 C

IGP1= 1.15e-5 Torr 

will increase ramp up at 0.5A/min to 430A and hold (TGHT)

Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 22:43

TGHT= 430A, 6.6V

TBHT = 232.8A, 3.6V

OMEGA= 1157 C

IGP1=6.6e-6 Torr

 Set Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 540 A (TGHT)

Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 08:09

IGP1= 7.5e-06 Torr

TGHT = 534 A, 8.5V

TBHT=232 A, 3.7 V 

OMEGA = 1485

Continue ramp at 0.5A/min to to 600 A on TGHT


Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 15:07

IGP1=1.2e-5 Torr

TGHT=601A, 9.6V

TBHT= 232A, 3.7V

OMEGA =1600 C

ramp to 650A on TGHT at 0.5A/min 

Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 20:05

Tapped TGHT to 694A, 11.4 V (manually)

TBHT= 232A, 3.7V

OMEGA =  1790 C

IGP1= 2.5e-05 Torr

Will monitor Pressure and temperature .  Will start 4 hour count.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 22:03

OMEGA = 1765 C 

TGHT = 694A, 11.5V

TBHT = 232A, 3.8 V

IPG1= 1.6e-05 Torr

Manually bumping TGHT to 700 A


  377   Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 16:07 Laura LambertTa42218-6HP-SISDoneConditioning Ta#53

 Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 15:58

Target consists of 470 discs.

Total packed length 3.4cm [exactly 7.8cm space on both sides]

Total mass 50.3105g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Target consists of 350 single discs and 6x20 packs of Ta discs

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75singles / 1pack / 100singles / 2packs / 100singles / 1pack / 75singles / 1pack

1 long Ta Heat shield.

No endcaps inserted, no Rh foil inserted.

Chamber currently pumping down.

TBHT will be ramped up to 230A at 1.0A/min.

TGHT will be ramped up to 600A at 2.0A/min.

Final desired temperature = 1900C

OMEGA slope = 0.98

Vacuum limit stop at 3.0e-5 Torr, backing off at 4.0e-5 Torr.

*Note: container accidentally engraved with WO#412218-6 when it should be WO#42218-6

Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 10:05 

HS water valves opened, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 40A, vacuum stable.

IGP1 = 5.53e-7 Torr

IGP2 = 4.35e-7 Torr

Initiating auto-ramp.

 Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 14:48

TGHT stopped at 575A due to voltage limit sitting at 9V

Increased max setpoint of voltage to 14V.

Re-started auto-ramp starting at 575A.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 15:23  

TGHT = 600A, 8.95V

TBHT = 230A, 3.72V

IGP1 = 1.55e-6 Torr

IGP2 = 1.62e-6 Torr

OMEGA = 1538C

Increasing max setpoint of TGHT to 700A

 Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 16:21

TGHT = 700A, 10.57V

TBHT = 230A, 3.75V

IGP1 = 2.2e-6 Torr

IGP2 = 2.4e-6 Torr

OMEGA = 1730C

Increasing max setpoint of TGHT to 750A

 Friday, June 23, 2017, 15:41

TGHT = 780A, 11.77V

TBHT = 230A, 3.77V

IGP1 = 4.8e-7 Torr

IGP2 = 4.8e-7 Torr

OMEGA = 1890C

Conditioning process complete.

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min for the TGHT and 1.0A/min for the TBHT.

 Monday, June 26, 2017, 10:51

Target vented in air and removed from evap2 today.

Endcaps inserted.

Target looks good!


  556   Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 09:33 Darwin Ortiz Rosales 42218-5LP-IG-LISDoneTaC coating/sintering

Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 09:32

Ta IGLIS tube was coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shields (3 layers)

Desired temperature = 1900 C (expected TGHT ~430 A), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Evap 2 was pumped down over previous night

Good vacuum = 3.00 e-5 Torr

Bad vacuum = 5.00 e-4 Torr

IGP1= 1.12 e-06 Torr

Initiate manual ramp to 50 A @ 1A/min

Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 14:44

 IGP1= 1.25e-06 Torr

TGHT = 50A, 0.58V  TBHT = 49A, 0.56V

Start autoramp to 400 A TGHT and 230A TBHT @ 1A/min

Heated to 1880 C and held for 4 hours.  Log info written down but could not be found in system later.

Coating proceeded without issues.

  418   Monday, September 10, 2018, 15:09 Marla CervantesEmpty42218-3LP-IG-LISDoneTaC coating/sintering for UC target container

 Monday, September 10, 2018, 15:09

Container is coated with TaC and wrapped with Ta heat-shield ( 3 layers)

Desired temp = 1900 C (expected TGHT ~445A/7.5V), TBHT will be set fixed at 230A (max).

Good vac at 3.00-5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.0e-5 Torr.

Chamber is currently being pumped down

 Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 09:27

Pressure at IGP1 8.61e-7 Torr. 

Auto ramping TGHT at 1A/min to reach 400A, and TBHT at 1A/min to reach 230A.

 Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 12:05

Pressure increased to 6.9e-e5 Torr and auto-ramp reduced the current:

TGHT from 94.6 A to 84.86 A

TBHT from 87.8 A to 78.87 A

(see figure EVAP2-_01)

EPICS automatically started ramping up TBHT and TGHT current when the pressure was between the good limit.

 Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 14:29

TBHT current reached ~230 A and EPICS stopped inputting current automatically. 

TBHT current reading on:

EPICS 232.8 A

Power supply: 235 A

 Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 16:53

TGHT reached 400 A, EPICS stopped auto-ramping automatically. (Fig. Heater-ramp and Plot_400A-230A)

Temperature read by OMEGA 1837 C (Fig. Tempeature-at-400A)

 Tuesday, September 11, 2018, 17:40

TGHT current was increased manually to 419 A (power supply current 422 A, EPICS plot 421.6 A) in steps of ~5A/2min

The temperature after ~30 min of being at 419 A is 1898 C.

The container will stay 5 hours at 1898 C 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 09:05 

EVAP2 remained at max setpoints for 5hrs

Auto-cool was set to 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

The automatic ramp decreased the TBHT current to 0A, but not so for TGHT, 

TGHT only reduced to 22 A, the TGHT was manually tapped to 0A

 Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 18:30

Process completed (fig. TaC-coating). 

Chamber was vented.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455