Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Evaporator_2, Page 1 of 34  Not logged in ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Target Material Target Oven W.O# Source Status Subjectdown
  173   Thursday, December 11, 2014, 10:20 Laura Lambert   Maintenancewater supply shut off for lab closure over holidays

 Thursday, December 11, 2014, 10:17

water supply and return valves closed for lab closure over the holidays.

all taps leading into evap2 have been closed.

evap2 was fully flushed leaving no water left inside the system.


  67   Friday, April 19, 2013, 09:39 Rick MaharajEmpty  Donethermocouple Feedthru

 A thermocouple feedthru was installed via 9 pin sub-D connector. It runs from the the conflat cross on the top of the evaporator to the upper 9 pin connector of the target mounting plate.

  171   Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 15:10 Laura LambertEmpty39530-2LP-FEBIADDonetest#1. direct voltage and OMEGA temperature measurements

 Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 15:10

currently pumping down

 Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 15:28

container is wrapped with 3 x Ta-heat shield

leak check done

Starting voltage = -0.017mV

TGHT = 0A, 0V

TBHT = 0A, 0V

IGP1 = 1.7e-6 Torr

 Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 16:33

Tapped TGHT up manually to 100A

DV [direct voltage] = 0.33V

TGHT = 109A


IGP1 = 1.3e-6 Torr

Initiating auto-ramp of TGHT to 400A at 2A/min

 Thursday, November 20, 2014, 09:49

DV = 3.47V

OMEGA = 1645C

TGHT = 401A, 6.49V

TBHT = 0

IGP1 = 4.5e-7Torr

TGHT finished auto-ramping ~19:00 last night

initiating manual tap up to 2000 celsius or 580A [whichever is higher] and recording activity

 Friday, November 21, 2014, 12:50

TGHT was ramped up to 580A yesterday and left overnight.

In the picture attached one can see the TGHT current has remained constant at 578A [red = TGHT current, green = TGHT voltage]

The vacuum has slowly gone down as expected.

However, the DV, TGHT voltage and temperature have deviated. They have dipped up and down several times throughout the night. The first deviation was observed ~3.5hours after it reached its target of 580A.

DV reached 6.02V [when TGHT initially hit 580A] and increased to 6.27V after 3.5hrs and is currently sitting at 5.94V

OMEGA reached 2111C [when TGHT initially hit 580A] and increased to 2154C after 3.5 hrs and is currently sitting at 2094C

TGHT voltage reached 10.4V [when TGHT initially hit 580A] and increased to 10.6V after 3.5hrs and is currently sitting at 10.3V

 Friday, November 21, 2014, 17:59

EVAP2 sat at max setting: TGHT = 580A and TBHT = 230A for ~4hours

Initiating auto-cool TGHT 2A/min, TBHT 1A/min

 Monday, November 24, 2014, 14:28

Vented and opened this morning.

No notable changes on target container.

[See attachments for more detailed information of results]


Attachment 1: test#1_TGHT_[without_vacuum].JPG
Attachment 2: test#1_excel.JPG
Attachment 3: test#1_graph1.JPG
Attachment 4: test#1_graph2.JPG
  263   Monday, November 23, 2015, 14:36 Laura LambertEmpty39530-9HP-FEBIADDonetemp measurements with no h.s on HP-FEBIAD container

Monday, November 23, 2015, 14:29

No heat shields.

Container empty.

Loaded into evap2 and currently pumping down.

 Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 09:36

HS water valves opened this morning, no leaks detected.

IGP1 = 4.5e-7 Torr.

Changed slope of OMEGA IR to 0.98 for empty container.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

IGP1 = 4.7e-7 Torr.

Vacuum stable, initiating auto-ramp at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints: TBHT = 230A, TGHT = 300A

Will tap up manually to 2000C

 Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 14:00

TGHT = 300A, 3.75V

TBHT = 230A, 3.08V

IGP1 = 4.7e-7 Torr

No reading yet on the OMEGA.

Re-initiating auto-ramp to final setpoint TGHT = 450A

 Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 09:11

IGP1 = 3.0e-7Torr.

TGHT = 450A, 6.37V

Tapping up manually to 2000C

 Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 15:31

container was tapped up manually to 650A, slope/emissivity settings were checked.

ramped back down to 450A and tapped up manually while recording data up to 1800C [legs = 2000C]

once reached 1800C, tapped TBHT down manually to see relation of TBHT to temperature/ TGHT

remained at 1800C for ~1hr [while tapping down TBHT] before initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min for the TGHT

see attachment for raw data.

 Thursday, November 26, 2015, 10:08

Vented in air and took out this morning.


Attachment 1: temp_measurements.xlsx
  262   Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 14:34 Laura LambertSiC41077-3LP-SISDonetemp measurements with 3xTa h.s on LPSIS (small block) container with SiC

 Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 14:20

Container previously sintered with TaC coating and temperature measurements taken [see elog ID# 256, 257, 258]

3x Ta heat shields

2 packs of 5 SiC discs ~2inches from the end of the right side wrt ionizer tube into page.

Loaded into evap2 and currently pumping down.

see photos attached.

 Monday, November 16, 2015, 11:24

HS water valves opened up this morning, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Vacuum stable.

IGP1 = 3.4e-7 Torr.

Initiating auto-ramp at 1.0A/min and 0.5A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints: 250A for the TGHT and 230A for the TBHT

Monday, November 16, 2015, 13:29

Vacuum too high.

IGP1 = 2.9e-5 Torr.

Decreasing ramping rate down to 0.5A/min and 0.2A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 09:12

IGP1 = 1.45e-7 Torr.

TGHT = 250A, 3.28V

TBHT = 230A, 3.33V

OMEGA = 1194C

Tapping up manually to 1900C

 Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 11:22

Tapped up manually to 1800C, realized SiC should only be tapped up to 1700C, backed off immediately down to 415A from 460A/ 1800C.

See attachment for photo of striptool/ time spent above 1700C [~20min].

 Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 15:46

TGHT remained at 1700C for ~4hrs.

TGHT = 420A, 6.44V.

IGP1 = 2.3e-7 Torr.

Initiating cool-down at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

See attachment for raw data of temperature measurements.

 Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 13:32

Vented in air and took out this morning.

Looks good, no visual changes with the container.


Attachment 1: Evernote_Camera_Roll_20151110_110128.jpg
Attachment 2: Evernote_Camera_Roll_20151110_110129.jpg
Attachment 3: striptool_screenshot_above_1700C.JPG
Attachment 4: temp_measurements_on_LPSIS_(small_block)_container.xlsx
  258   Monday, November 02, 2015, 16:29 Laura LambertEmpty41077-3LP-SISDonetemp measurements with 3xTa h.s on LPSIS (small block) container

 Monday, November 02, 2015, 16:28

Container previously sintered with TaC coating and temperature measurements taken with 1x Ta heat shield [see elog ID# 256] and 2x Ta heat shield [see elog ID#257]

3x Ta heat shields on this container.

Loaded into evap2 and currently pumping down.

 Tuesday, November 03, 2015, 10:37

HS water valves opened up this morning, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Vacuum stable.

IGP1 = 6.8e-7 Torr.

Initiating auto-ramp at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints: 250A for the TGHT and 230A for the TBHT

 Tuesday, November 03, 2015, 13:09

IGP1 = 7.7e-7 Torr

TGHT = 250A, 3.42V

TBHT = 185A, 3.0V

OMEGA = 1237C

Increasing ramping rate of TBHT to 2.0A/min.

 Tuesday, November 03, 2015, 13:47

Reached final setpoints.

IGP1 = 8.7e-7 Torr.

Tapping up manually to 1900C

 Tuesday, November 03, 2015, 15:45

Tapped up manually to 1900C

TGHT = 450A, 7.26V

IGP1 = 1.6e-6 Torr

Will remain at 450A overnight and ramp-down in the morning.

 Wednesday, November 04, 2015, 10:00

TGHT remained at 450A for ~18hrs.

IGP1 = 6e-7 Torr.

OMEGA = 1908C

See attachment for raw data of temperature measurements and picture showing voltage movement at max setpoint.

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Wednesday, November 04, 2015, 16:43

Vented and took out this afternoon.

Container looks good.

No visible changes to container compared to 2xTa heat shield temp measurements.


Attachment 1: temp_measurements_on_LPSIS_(small_block)_container.xlsx
Attachment 2: 3xTa_h.s_-_striptool_voltage.JPG
  257   Monday, October 26, 2015, 16:17 Laura LambertEmpty41077-3LP-SISDonetemp measurements with 2xTa h.s on LPSIS (small block) container

 Monday, October 26, 2015, 16:16

Container previously sintered with TaC coating and temperature measurements taken with 1x Ta heat shield [see elog ID# 256]

2x Ta heat shields on this container.

Loaded into evap2 and currently pumping down.

 Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 10:07

HS water valves opened up this morning, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Waited ~10min, vacuum stable

Initiating auto-ramp at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints: 300A for the TGHT and 230A for the TBHT

 Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 13:54

Reached final setpoints.

IGP1 = 5.3e-7 Torr.

Tapping up manually to 1900C

Tuesday, October 27, 2015, 16:42

Tapped up manually to 1900C

TGHT = 455A, 7.66V

IGP1 = 9e-7 Torr

Will remain at 455A overnight and ramp-down in the morning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 09:32 

TGHT remained at 455A for ~17hrs.

IGP1 = 4.3e-7 Torr.

OMEGA = 1888C

See attachment for raw data of temperature measurements.

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 16:32

Vented and took out this afternoon.

Container looks good. 

See photos attached.


Attachment 1: temp_measurements_on_LPSIS_(small_block)_container.xlsx
Attachment 2: 20151102_145643.jpg
Attachment 3: 20151102_145753.jpg
Attachment 4: 20151102_145825.jpg
Attachment 5: 20151102_145837_1.jpg
Attachment 6: 20151102_145906.jpg
  583   Monday, June 20, 2022, 14:52 Darwin Ortiz RosalesEmpty  Donesoftstart of new TP

Monday, June 20, 2022, 14:50

A new Turbo pump was installed this morning and it was soft started.  It has operated correctly and it is ready for use.  Derek O.  installed it.

Previous pump had issues at start-up and was diagnosed as finished by Edi/


  536   Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 08:29 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTaC TARGET BOATDonesintering of TaC on Caps and springs

 Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 08:28 

Each endcap is separated with a disc of graphite foil and rolled into packs of 5 within a foil envelope in a target boat.

There are also 4 coated springs, one in between endcaps and three on the ends

The boat is wrapped with 3-layers of Ta heatshields.

Chamber pumping down

OMEGA slope = 0.99

Will ramp TGHT up to 40 A then autoramp to 400A at 1A/min.

Final desired temperature on OMEGA (tap)= 1800C

Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 11:22

 IGP1= 3.5e-06 Torr

TGHT = 40A, 0.4V

Will ramp up at 1A/min to 400 A

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 08:06

IGP1=  2.98 e-07 Torr

TGHT = 400 A, 4.3V

OMEGA shows no temperature reading.  Will ramp up to 450A at 1A/min


Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 08:58

OMEGA still shows no reading

IGP1= 4.2e-07 Torr

ramping to 470A @ 1A/min 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 09:21

OMEGA no reading

IGP1 = 4.4 e-07 Torr

TGHT = 470 A, 5V

ramp up to 490 A at 1A/min

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 11:05 

TGHT at 490 A, 5.2 V since 10 am.  Will start cooling at 2 pm.  

Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 13:47

TGHT = 493A, 5.3V

IGP1= 3.2e-07 Torr and stable

Start ramp down at -2A/min

Thursday, March 18, 2021, 11:20 

The boat was dismounted but the materials had not sintered properly.  The boat looked very twisted.  Everything was transferred to a new boat with uncoated Ta caps at either end.  

It was left overnight to establish vacuum.

Friday, March 19, 2021, 08:23

IGP1= 2.2 e-07 Torr

initiate heating at 1A/min on TGHT to 60 A

Friday, March 19, 2021, 10:04

IGP1= 3.6 e-07 Torr

TGHT = 60 A, .73 V

Ramp up to 450 A @ 2A/min


Friday, March 19, 2021, 14:26

OMEGA 1895 at 455A, 8.4 V

manually ramp down to 1800C

OMEGA 1800C at 416A, 7.6V

will leave like that for 3 hours more

Friday, March 19, 2021, 17:12

OMEGA 1795 C

 TGHT = 415A, 7.6V

IGP1= 6.8e-07 Torr

Start ramp down at -2A/min

Monday, March 22, 2021, 23:07 

Marla removed from Evap 2.  Sintering vwas very good.  The container with Ta caps is better for sintering these pieces.


  549   Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 11:57 Darwin Ortiz RosalesSiC42218-7HP-SISDonesintering discs for SiC#41 (or back-up for #40)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 11:54

Total number of foils: 449 (not including analysis discs)

Total length packed 16.7 cm

5 extra analysis discs and 2 dr. Blade discs

container has 3 Ta heat shields.

No endcaps inserted to facilitate out-gassing

One Ta disc inserted at front end

Initially to ramp TGHT and TBHT to 50A at0.5 A/min

Then heat manually to OMEGA ~1400 C , ramping TGHT manually and automatically  to reach 530A A (Omega slope set = 0.990)

Then temperature = 1800C

TBHT will be set fixed at 230 A (max).  TBHT heated manually and automatically to max.

Good vac at 3.00 e -5 Torr

Bad vac at 5.00 e-5 Torr


Thursday, April 29, 2021, 10:09

IGP1 = 6.5 e-07 Torr

Start heating at 0.5 A/min to 50 A on both TGHT and TBHT 

Thursday, April 29, 2021, 21:45

 IGP1= 7.7 e-06 

TGHT = 50.3A , 0.59 V

TBHT = 49.4 A, 0.56 V

Pressure is taking a while to equilibrate.  Will wait a bit more to continue heating


Thursday, April 29, 2021, 23:49

IGP1 = 7.2 e-06 Torr

will start ramping at 0.5 A/min to 100 A 

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 20:09 

Friday, April 30, 2021, 08:19

IGP1 pressure higher than bad vacuum.  Stopped autoramp.  Will allow vacuum to come back down and restart ramp. 

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 09:04

Yesterday the system had tripped.  All pumps had turned off and the pressure was found at 0.005 torr

vacuum was restarted.

 Current IGP1= 6.5e-07 Torr

Restarting heaters.  

Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 20A on both TGHT and TBHT

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 10:48

IGP1=5.9e-7 Torr

TGHT = 20.0 A, 0.24V

TBHT = 20A, 0.20V 

 Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 40A both TGHT and TBHT

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 13:26 

TGHT = 40.0 A, 0.47 V

TBHT= 39A, 0.44V

IGP1= 5.5 e-07 Torr

Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 60 A on both TGHT and TBHT

Saturday, May 01, 2021, 20:09

TGHT = 60.0 A, 0.72V

TBHT = 59.4 A, 0.69V

IGP1= 4.4e-07 Torr

Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 100 A on both TGHT and TBHT


Sunday, May 02, 2021, 18:30 

IGP1= 1.7 e-06 Torr

TGHT =100A, 1.3V

TBHT = 99.9A, 1.3V

Autoramp both heaters at 0.25A/min to 120A and monitor 

Sunday, May 02, 2021, 18:45

pressure increase to 4.1e-06 Torr.  TBHT unexpectedly rose to 120A and was manually tapped back down to 104 A.  Will keep both , TGHT and TBHT, at 104 A  for a while. 

Sunday, May 02, 2021, 19:50

Stepping at 0.5A/min to 105A then to 110 A on both TGHT and TBHT

Sunday, May 02, 2021, 22:10 

Will leave both TGHT and TBHT at 110 A until pressure comes back down

currently IGP1= 1.3e-05 Torr

Monday, May 03, 2021, 09:35 

IGP1= 2.2 e-06 Torr

Tapping TGHT and TBHT to 115A 

Monday, May 03, 2021, 11:30

 Tapping TGHT and TBHT to 120A @ 1A/min

Monday, May 03, 2021, 18:38

IGP1= 5.4e-06 Torr

TGHT = 130.3 A, 1.8 V

TBHT = 129.1 A, 1.8 V

Continue gradual ramping at 1A/min in increments of 5 A 

Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 09:27

IGP1= 3.2e-5 Torr

TGHT = 400 A, 6.0V

TBHT = 232 A, 3.6V

OMEGA = 1104 C

waiting for pressure to drop then will continue heating 

Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 17:27

TGHT = 420.1 A, 6.5V

TBHT= 232A, 3.6V

OMEGA = 1139 C

IGP1= 1.15e-5 Torr 

will increase ramp up at 0.5A/min to 430A and hold (TGHT)

Tuesday, May 04, 2021, 22:43

TGHT= 430A, 6.6V

TBHT = 232.8A, 3.6V

OMEGA= 1157 C

IGP1=6.6e-6 Torr

 Set Autoramp at 0.5A/min to 540 A (TGHT)

Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 08:09

IGP1= 7.5e-06 Torr

TGHT = 534 A, 8.5V

TBHT=232 A, 3.7 V 

OMEGA = 1485

Continue ramp at 0.5A/min to to 600 A on TGHT


Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 15:07

IGP1=1.2e-5 Torr

TGHT=601A, 9.6V

TBHT= 232A, 3.7V

OMEGA =1600 C

ramp to 650A on TGHT at 0.5A/min 

Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 20:05

Tapped TGHT to 694A, 11.4 V (manually)

TBHT= 232A, 3.7V

OMEGA =  1790 C

IGP1= 2.5e-05 Torr

Will monitor Pressure and temperature .  Will start 4 hour count.

Wednesday, May 05, 2021, 22:03

OMEGA = 1765 C 

TGHT = 694A, 11.5V

TBHT = 232A, 3.8 V

IPG1= 1.6e-05 Torr

Manually bumping TGHT to 700 A


  678   Wednesday, October 02, 2024, 19:24 Darwin Ortiz RosalesTiC LP TUBEDonesintering TiC Experiment

Wednesday, October 02, 2024, 19:21

Ta endcup at front end of container

End-caps on the graphite cartridge have holes for outgassing. 

initial heating @ 2A/min to 85 A then 2A/min to 120A TGHT.  Allow pressure to drop and then ramp to 400 A at 2A/min, leave 4 hours and start ramp down.

OMEGA slope = 0.99

Vacuum limits up to 400A: 5.0e-04 Torr -- 1.0e-02 Torr

Max current~400A (1900 C)


Wednesday, October 02, 2024, 19:25

Starting IGP1 = 6.65e-06 Torr

Thursday, October 03, 2024, 05:09

Starting rampdown.  Pressure stable at 4.5 e-06 Torr

Top temperature 1850 C on OMEGA

ramping down at -2A/min

  350   Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 15:21 Laura LambertEmpty42218-1LP-IG-LISDonesintering TaC coating on UCx#20 container

Tuesday, February 21, 2017, 15:19

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique' and let dry overnight.

Cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, no coating inside ionizer tube

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

OMEGA slope = 0.98

Good vac at 3.0e-5, bad vac at 4.0e-5 Torr.

 Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 09:41

HS water valves opened, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A

Waited ~45min

Vacuum stable.

IGP1 = 1.2e-6 Torr

Initiating auto ramp for TGHT @ 0.2A/min to a max setpoint of 350A

Initiating auto ramp for TBHT @ 0.1A/min to a max setpoint of 230A

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

Friday, February 24, 2017 by Anders

Continue manually to 1900 C

Friday, February 24, 2017, 16:24: TGHT at 400 A 6.35V IG1 = 4.5e-7 Torr 1660 C

Friday, February 24, 2017, 16:57: TGHT at 410 A 6.6 V IG1 = 5.0e-7 Torr 1700 C

Sunday, February 26, 2017 by Anders

Sunday, February 26, 2017, 14:13: TGHT at 425 A 6.9 V IG1 = 2.5e-7 Torr 

Lab closed for weekend. No access to temp reading.

 Monday, February 27, 2017, 16:12

Tapped up manually to 1900C this morning.

TGHT = 490A, 8.14V

TBHT = 230A, 2.98V

MIKRON = 1911C

OMEGA = 1904C

evap2 has remained at max setpoints for ~6hrs

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 11:57

Container finished sintering.

Vented in air and opened up this morning.

Container looks good 


Attachment 1: IMG_1562.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_1564.JPG
  340   Thursday, December 01, 2016, 16:08 Laura LambertEmpty42218-12LP-SISDonesintering TaC coating on UCx#19 container

 Thursday, December 01, 2016, 16:06

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique' and let dry overnight.

Cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, no coating inside ionizer tube

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

OMEGA slope = 0.98

 Friday, December 02, 2016, 11:24

Opened up HS water valves, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Waited ~25min, vacuum stable.

IGP1 = 1.65e-6 Torr

Initiating auto-ramp at 0.2A/min for the TGHT and 0.1A/min for the TBHT.

Max setpoints set for 350A and 230A for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

 Monday, December 05, 2016, 09:38

TGHT = 350A, 5.38V

TBHT = 230A, 4.03V

OMEGA = 1550C

IGP1 = 3.2e-7 Torr

Tapping up to 1900C...

 Monday, December 05, 2016, 14:11

OMEGA = 1905C

TGHT = 475A, 7.63V

TBHT = 230A, 4.07V

IGP1 = 8.5e-7 Torr

 Tuesday, December 06, 2016, 08:41

TGHT = 475A, 7.76V

TBHT = 230A, 4.07V

IGP1 = 3.9e-7 Torr

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016, 08:46 

Evap2 was vented in air and opened up yesterday afternoon.

Container looks good, coating fully sintered.


  308   Monday, June 27, 2016, 11:08 Laura LambertEmpty41790-3LP-SISDonesintering TaC coating on UCx#17 container

 Monday, June 27, 2016, 11:07

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique'.

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block - new method of each layer being one long single Ta foil covering entire container incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

 Monday, June 27, 2016, 13:23

HS water valves opened

Tapped up manually to 35A

Waited ~1hr, vacuum stable

IGP1 = 1.8e-6 Torr

Initiating auto ramp for TGHT @ 0.2A/min to a max setpoint of 400A

Initiating auto ramp for TBHT @ 0.1A/min to a max setpoint of 230A

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

 Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 11:33

IGP1 = 1.9e-7

TGHT = 400A, 6.0V

TBHT = 223A, 3.9V

OMEGA = 1885C

Remained at these settings for ~13hrs

Increased TBHT max voltage to 4.3V to achieve 230A

TBHT = 230A, 4.1V

OMEGA = 1890C

Tapped up to TGHT = 405A, 6.17V to achieve 1900C...OMEGA reached 1915C

Lowered TGHT to = 403A, 6.12V

OMEGA = 1905C

Measured ~1870C with the mikron, same window the OMEGA measurements are taken out of.

IGP1 = 2.1e-7

 Thursday, June 30, 2016, 08:44

TGHT = 403A, 6.07V

OMEGA = 1886C

Tapped back up to 1900C

TGHT = 410A, 6.22V

OMEGA = 1911C

Thursday, June 30, 2016, 16:01

OMEGA = 1911C

Container has remained at ~1900C for ~1.5 days

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Monday, July 04, 2016, 09:59

Vented in air and opened up this morning.

Container looks good.

Confirmed coating fully sintered with J.Wong.

Photos attached.


Attachment 1: LP-SIS_post_sintering_TaC(3).jpg
Attachment 2: LP-SIS_post_sintering_TaC(4).jpg
  291   Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 13:50 Laura LambertEmpty40860-2LP-IG-LISDonesintering TaC coating on UCx#16 container

Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 13:32

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique'.

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block - new method of each layer being one long single Ta foil covering entire container incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

 Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 10:25

IGP1 = 2.6e-7 Torr.

HS water valves opened, no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A.

Waited ~35min

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 6.7e-7 Torr

Initiated auto-ramp at 0.2A/min for the TGHT with a final setpoint of 400A

Final desired temperature = 1900C

 Thursday, April 28, 2016, 14:41

Previously TBHT not on when sintering IGLIS container [since no ionizer tube] - John decided will turn on for this round

Tapped up TBHT manually to 140A, 1.69V

IGP1 = 4.5e-7 Torr

OMEGA = 1635C

TGHT = 382A, 5.8V

Initiating auto-ramp of TBHT at 0.1A/min with a final setpoint of 230A.

Friday, April 29, 2016, 08:40

IGP1 = 2.22-7 Torr

TGHT = 400A, 6.1V

TBHT = 233A, 2.9V

OMEGA = 1719C

Tapping up manually to OMEGA = 1900C

Friday, April 29, 2016, 15:22

IGP1 = 3.0e-7 Torr

TGHT = 460A, 7.52V

TBHT =230A, 2.93V

OMEGA = 1904C

Target container has remained at max temperature setpoint of 1900C for 4.5hrs.

Initiating auto cool for TGHT and TBHT at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min respectively.

 Monday, May 02, 2016, 08:35

Vented in air and opened up this morning.

Container looks good.

See attached photos.


Attachment 1: TaC_coating_sintered1.jpg
Attachment 2: TaC_coating_sintered2.jpg
Attachment 3: TaC_coating_sintered3.jpg
  327   Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 17:09 Laura LambertEmpty41790-6LP-SISDonesintering TaC coating on UCx container

 Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 17:08

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique' today, cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, no coating inside ionizer tube

Dried by blowing air into tube

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block - new method of each layer being one long single Ta foil covering entire container incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

 Thursday, September 29, 2016, 11:11

HS water valves opened

Tapped up to 35A

Waited ~45min, vacuum stable

IGP1 = 1.4e-6 Torr

Initiating auto ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Max setpoints for TGHT = 350A and TBHT  = 230A

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

 Friday, September 30, 2016, 10:51

IGP1 = 7.8e-7 Torr

TGHT = 315A, 4.57V

TBHT = 174A, 2.8V

Increasing ramping rate to 1.0A/min and 0.5A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Friday, September 30, 2016, 11:44

Changed OMEGA slope to 0.98

IGP1 = 1e-6 Torr

TGHT = 350A, 5.2V

TBHT = 201A, 3.4V

Increasing ramping rate of TBHT to 1.0A/min

OMEGA = 1625C / MIKRON = 1625C

 Friday, September 30, 2016, 15:45

IGP1 = 1.1e-6 Torr

TGHT = 430A, 6.79V

TBHT = 230A, 4.07V

OMEGA = 1903C

Will remain at max setpoints over weekend.

See attached link for raw data of manual tap up.

Also see attached photos of screenshots showing oval - not circular - tube of target container at two different temperatures...

 Monday, October 03, 2016, 13:28

IGP1 = 1.79e-7 Torr

TGHT = 430A, 6.87V

TBHT = 230A, 4.06V

OMEGA = 1892C

MIKRON = 1847C

Attached is a picture taken through the MIKRON, the slight oval shape appears to be a minor bend in the target container:

With the ionizer tube facing into the page, the bend appears to be in the center with both ends of the container bent slightly towards the page

This possible bend in the container gives the appearance of the oval shape through the camera while it is being heated, due to the angle of the camera

Remained at max setpoints over weekend.

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Tuesday, October 04, 2016, 13:40

Vented in air and opened up this morning.

Container done, TaC coating looks good.

Waiting further inspection...

 Tuesday, October 04, 2016, 14:48

Container placed on jig and inspected.

Approved to go ahead for use online by Anders and Friedhelm.


Attachment 1: sintering_TaC_coating.xlsx
Attachment 2: sintering_TaC_coating.JPG
Attachment 3: sintering_TaC_coating2.JPG
Attachment 4: sintering_TaC_coating-combo_of_both_pics.JPG
  314   Wednesday, August 17, 2016, 17:31 Laura LambertEmpty39814-V2-1LP-IG-LISIn progresssintering TaC coating on SiC#34 container...round2

 Wednesday, August 17, 2016, 17:30

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique', cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, so no coating inside ionizer tube

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

Thursday, August 18, 2016, 10:14 

HS water valves opened...leak detected  see attachment for photo from archives

Vented and opened up.

Anders performed leak check, nothing found.

Replaced all seals with blue seals.

Pumping down now

 Thursday, August 18, 2016, 16:12

HS water valves opened...leak detected again  see attachment for photo of striptool

Vented and opened up.

working with Anders on finding leak...

 Monday, August 22, 2016, 10:38

leaks FIXED!

HS water valves opened, NO leaks detected!

Tapped up manually to 70A

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 2.5e-6 Torr

Initiating auto ramp for TGHT @ 0.2A/min to a max setpoint of 350A

Initiating auto ramp for TBHT @ 0.1A/min to a max setpoint of 230A

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

 Monday, August 22, 2016, 14:58

TGHT = 115A, 1.3V

TBHT = 89A, 0.97V

IGP1 = 4.1e-7 Torr.

Increasing ramping rate to 1.0A/min and 0.5A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Monday, August 22, 2016, 16:01

IGP1 = 1.25e-6 torr

TGHT = 174A, 2.2V

TBHT = 118A, 1.4V

Lowering ramping rate to 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively for overnight ramping.


Attachment 1: leak.JPG
Attachment 2: water_leak.JPEG
  316   Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 12:15 John WongEmpty39814-V2-1LP-IG-LISDonesintering TaC coating on SiC#34 container...round2

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Wednesday, August 17, 2016, 17:30

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique', cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, so no coating inside ionizer tube

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

Thursday, August 18, 2016, 10:14 

HS water valves opened...leak detected  see attachment for photo from archives

Vented and opened up.

Anders performed leak check, nothing found.

Replaced all seals with blue seals.

Pumping down now

 Thursday, August 18, 2016, 16:12

HS water valves opened...leak detected again  see attachment for photo of striptool

Vented and opened up.

working with Anders on finding leak...

 Monday, August 22, 2016, 10:38

leaks FIXED!

HS water valves opened, NO leaks detected!

Tapped up manually to 70A

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 2.5e-6 Torr

Initiating auto ramp for TGHT @ 0.2A/min to a max setpoint of 350A

Initiating auto ramp for TBHT @ 0.1A/min to a max setpoint of 230A

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

 Monday, August 22, 2016, 14:58

TGHT = 115A, 1.3V

TBHT = 89A, 0.97V

IGP1 = 4.1e-7 Torr.

Increasing ramping rate to 1.0A/min and 0.5A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Monday, August 22, 2016, 16:01

IGP1 = 1.25e-6 torr

TGHT = 174A, 2.2V

TBHT = 118A, 1.4V

Lowering ramping rate to 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively for overnight ramping.


 Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 12:14

Initiate TGHT autoramping to 400A at 2A/min.  Vac 3.5e-7 Torr. 

 Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 14:48

TGHt tapped up to 420A/7.01V.  Local temp read at ~1900C.  Will sinter at this temp for a few hours before cooling down.

 Tuesday, August 23, 2016, 17:20

TGHT at been at 420A/7.01V for over 4 hours.  Vac at 4.8e-7 Torr.

Cooling TGHT and TBHT at 1A/min.

 Wednesday, August 24, 2016, 10:35


Venting chamber.

Container looks good.


  309   Friday, July 15, 2016, 11:52 Laura LambertEmpty40860-3LP-IG-LISDonesintering TaC coating on SiC#34 container

 Friday, July 15, 2016, 11:49

Container previously coated with TaC using 'flushing technique', cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, so no coating inside ionizer tube

Wrapped with 3 x Ta heat shields, incl center block - new method of each layer being one long single Ta foil covering entire container incl center block

Currently pumping down in evap2

 Friday, July 15, 2016, 14:35

Turbo pump broken 

Currently being replaced...

 Friday, July 15, 2016, 17:04

Turns out its not the turbo pump...TP controls and pump replaced, problem still happening.

Took out heat shield and used a closed loop to rule out leak in chamber, emptied all water lines - turbo pump now on.

Took v.long time to pump down. TP will remain on over wknd.

BP turns on, PV1 turns on, RV turns on - then takes very long time for vacuum to drop ~45min? before BV and TP can be turned on.

Possibly problem with threads on heat shield and not creating proper seal?

Will continue monday with evap2 mystery problem solving...

Monday, July 18, 2016, 16:14

Replaced heat shield and copper seals.

Container re-loaded.

Turbo pump on and good vacuum achieved! YAY!

Finished pumping down, opened HS water valves - no leaks detected.

Tapped up manually to 35A

Vacuum stable, IGP1 = 3e-6 Torr

Initiating auto ramp for TGHT @ 0.2A/min to a max setpoint of 400A

Initiating auto ramp for TBHT @ 0.1A/min to a max setpoint of 230A

Once max setpoints achieved, will tap up manually to final desired temperature of 1900C

 Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 09:21

TGHT = 242A, 2.76V

TBHT = 162A

IGP1 = 5.05e-6 Torr

Increasing ramping rate to 1.0A/min and 0.5A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

 Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 13:04

TGHT = 400A, 4.4V

TBHT = 230A, 2.6V

OMEGA = 1120C

Reached max setpoints ~1hr ago.

Tapping up manually to 1900C...

Tuesday, July 19, 2016, 16:32

MORE problems with evap2 

TGHT reads 460A, 5.1V, 1170C - a lot of power is being lost somewhere...

Comparison from elog i.d. 291 [the last IGLIS container sintering of TaC coating] the TGHT read 460A, 7.5V, 1900C

Another problem: the read out on the power supply and read out on epics of the TBHT reads 215A; however, the 'current set' says 177A - two very different numbers?!

Ramping down evap2 at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively to further inspect chamber and hopefully solve this...

 Wednesday, July 20, 2016, 13:34

Chamber was vented in air and opened up for inspecting.


One of the steel plates used to stop reflection onto the door of the chamber was inserted improperly, resting on top of the 2 negative copper lines to the target leg, this was causing a short.

There was also a short from the right target leg touching the copper heat shield, the heat shield has been shaved down and corrected. It is no longer touching.

There were also 2 brackets that had fallen behind evap2 inside the cage, one was touching the positive lines - it wasn't quite touching the ground, but may have grounded it, causing another possible short.

The chamber was pumped back down and the HS water valves re-opened. No leaks detected.

Evap2 was tapped up manually to 35A.

Vacuum stable = 1.0e-6 Torr.

Initiating auto-ramp at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints are TGHT = 400A and TBHT = 230A

 Wednesday, July 20, 2016, 16:25

TGHT = 315A, 4.5V

TBHT = 174A, 2.1V

IGP1 = 2e-6 Torr

OMEGA = 1518C

Lowering auto-ramp to 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT overnight while unable to keep watch on the vacuum.

 Thursday, July 21, 2016, 09:09

Evap 2 reached max setpoints ~7.5hrs ago.

TGHT = 400A, 6.3V

TBHT = 230A, 2.9V

IGP1 = 5.1e-7 Torr.

OMEGA = 1882C

Tapping up manually to 1900C...

 Friday, July 22, 2016, 16:18

Container has remained at ~1900C for ~31hrs

TGHT reached 405A/1900C - then after ~23hrs dropped in temperature down to 1895C so was tapped up further to 410A/1910C for another ~8hrs.

TGHT = 410A, 6.57V

IGP1 = 3.1e-7 Torr

TBHT = 230A, 2.9V

Initiating auto-cool at 2.0A/min and 1.0A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Will remove from evap2 after the weekend.

 Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 16:49

vented in air.

container looks good, fully sintered.

will update with photos tomorrow...


Attachment 1: Evernote_Camera_Roll_20160524_134232.jpg
Attachment 2: Evernote_Camera_Roll_20160524_134233.jpg
Attachment 3: Evernote_Camera_Roll_20160524_1342331.jpg
Attachment 4: Evernote_Camera_Roll_20160524_1342332.jpg
Attachment 5: snapshot_of_striptool_sintering_TaC_coating.JPG
  300   Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 11:40 Laura LambertEmpty41369-4HP-SISIn progresssintering TaC coating on SiC#33 container

 Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 11:37

Container coated with TaC using 'flushing technique' [cleaned ionizer tube with acetone, so no coating inside ionizer tube]

Wrapped with 2 x Ta heat shields - one full height of Ta foil wrapped around cooling fins twice

Currently pumping down in evap2

 Thursday, May 26, 2016, 09:28

Tapped up manually to 40A

IGP1 = 6.6e-7 Torr

Initiating auto-ramp at 0.2A/min and 0.1A/min for the TGHT and TBHT respectively.

Final setpoints for TGHT = 650A and TBHT = 230A

Once max setpoints reached will continue to tap up manually while monitoring temperature to 1900C


ELOG V2.9.2-2455