Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Evaporator_2, Page 28 of 35  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Target Material Target Oven W.O# Source Status Subject Text Attachments
  141   Monday, June 23, 2014, 09:47 Laura LambertSiC39530-8HP-FEBIADIn progressConditioning SiC#31 target


  140   Friday, June 20, 2014, 16:22 John WongSiC39530-8HP-FEBIADIn progressConditioning SiC#31 target


  139   Friday, June 20, 2014, 12:01 Laura LambertSiC39530-8HP-FEBIADIn progressConditioning SiC#31 target Friday, June 20, 2014, 11:14
Made from batch's: oct 23/2013, oct
31/2013 and june 2012
  138   Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 13:20 Laura LambertEmpty39530-8HP-FEBIADDoneSintering TaC coating container for SiC#30 part 2 Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 13:11
Target container is coated with TaC.
Container is wrapped with 3x Ta-heat
  137   Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 10:14 Laura LambertTa40282-2LP-SISDoneConditioning Ta#43 target


  136   Monday, June 16, 2014, 17:42 John WongTa40282-2LP-SISIn progressConditioning Ta#43 target


  135   Friday, June 13, 2014, 14:57 Laura LambertTa40282-2LP-SISIn progressConditioning Ta#43 target Friday, June 13, 2014, 14:53
Container is filled with 400 discs
of Ta foils; target length = 5.2cm;
  134   Monday, June 09, 2014, 17:15 Cameron Hodgins  TARGET BOATIn progressSintering several carbides on tantalum foil backing Target boat is now being cooled at
1 A/min from the starting point (616 A) down
to 0 A. 
  133   Monday, June 09, 2014, 13:56 Cameron Hodgins  TARGET BOATIn progressSintering several carbides on tantalum foil backingManually changed current from 500 to 615
A, monitoring the temperature. Temperature
went from 1657 C up to 1838 C. Pressure increased
  132   Friday, June 06, 2014, 16:01 Cameron Hodgins  TARGET BOATIn progressSintering several carbides on tantalum foil backingAuto-ramp started. Max current = 500 A,
voltage = 11.05 V. Current is being increased
at 2 A/min. In the first 20 minutes, the
  131   Friday, May 30, 2014, 13:15 Cameron Hodgins   In progressSintering several carbides on tantalum foil backing Pressure down to 7.1e-7 Torr. Water
valve to heat shield was opened; pressure
remained stable. 
  130   Thursday, May 29, 2014, 18:16 Cameron Hodgins  TARGET BOATIn progressSintering several carbides on tantalum foil backingPurpose: Sinter one sample of each of TiC,
VC, Cr3C2, ZrC, NbC, Mo2C, TaC, and WC on
5x10 mm tantalum foil to see if the samples
  129   Thursday, April 24, 2014, 18:13 John Wong  TARGET BOATDoneTests: Sintering carbon Mesh coated with WC Thursday, April 24, 2014, 17:25
The purpose of this experiment is
to see if the carbon mesh is suitable for
  128   Thursday, March 27, 2014, 18:04 John Wong  TARGET BOATIn progressStudying WC sintering on Ta surfaceThursday, March 27, 2014, 17:38
WC slurry was prepared in non-aqueous
  127   Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 18:23 John WongTiC38817-8HP-SISDoneSintering TiC#4


  126   Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:07 Laura LambertTiC38817-8HP-SISIn progressSintering TiC


  125   Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:18 John WongTiC38817-8HP-SISIn progressSintering TiC  Friday, March 21, 2014, 16:09
Target container is loaded with 360
Discs of TiC.  
  124   Monday, March 10, 2014, 11:52 John Wong   Problems resolvedThe Chiller is downMonday, March 10, 2014, 11:45
The chiller tripped off on March
7, 2014.
  123   Monday, March 10, 2014, 11:45 John Wong   MaintenanceReplaced Backing Pump hoseMonday, March 10, 2014, 11:44
Rick replaced the backing pump hose
from 1.5" to 2.0" for better flow. 
  122   Friday, March 07, 2014, 22:25 John Wong 40282-3TARGET BOATProblemsSintering TaC coated end caps


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