OLIS Logbook General
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Entry  Tue Nov 25 07:49:50 2014, Brian Minato, Other, General, MCIS and SIS Update 


the Se was loaded into the oven last friday (21st).  During the weekend the presence of 76Se +11 to +15 was verified.

NOTE- the oven p/s on the cart is broken.  An attempt was made to remove it on friday.  It may be possible to remove, if the rack it is mounted on is loosened and turned.



the Ionizer p/s control cable was removed to allow for local operation.  Keerthi tested the power supply in local mode on the weekend and found that the voltage did fluctuate.  This was confirmed by changes in the beam current.

Set-up pictures are located in -

M:\OLIS\OFF LINE ION SOURCE\SURFACE SOURCE\Single Source - Purchased Box\PICTURES\2014-11-21 Voltage Fluctuation setup

Ionizer Power supply + is connected to the common on the SIS source

Ionizer Power supply - is connected to the Ionizer on the SIS source

a cable is connected from the SIS main, bias plate to the negative terminal on the p/s.

Entry  Tue Nov 25 12:23:28 2014, Keerthi Jayamanna, Routine, General, 76Se+13 tune saved 

141125_1159_OLIS_76Se+13.snap is saved in reference directory.





Frequency = 14.44765GHz

Amplitude = -10.880

TET FP= 9.8W

TWT RP = 1.8W


Entry  Mon Apr 20 08:09:03 2015, Brian Minato, Routine, General, OLIS Shutdown Update 

The OLIS 1 week shutdown has been completed (WP 2015-04-13-1).


Y-Box insulators were inspected and look good.  Beamline optics were inspected.


The La disk was removed.  Source housing was cleaned and re-asssembled with a beaker installed. 


The cart was installed in the HV cage.  Kr gas pack was installed on the cart and the transfer tube was opened up to MCIS vacuum.


Source PE and EE assembly was removed and opened up for inspection.  A new source was assembled (1/4 Ta tube and 0.040 Ta Oven & Ionizer wires) and installed.  Lithium Nitrate Anhydrous (ALFA #13405 TR#205938) was inserted in the oven.


Additional details-



OLIS MWS is currently running an producing 22Ne2+


Entry  Mon Sep 14 11:21:16 2015, Keerthi Jayamanna, Routine, General, 20Ne+2 beam saved 

20Ne+2 beam optics saved as 150914_1117_ios0iosfc6.snap

Entry  Fri Oct 24 10:50:20 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, OLIS Update 

The nitrogen bottle needs to be replaced.



Does not appear to be producing very much Se.  There is a lot of calcium and potassium.

Cart is removed.  Unplugged CPI amplifier.   No extra time for investigation.  Set-up required for MWS.

note:  one cart wheel is damaged.  will need to service, or replace in s/d.  other wheels will need to be check as well.



Changed to Be plasma electrode for upcoming experiment.

Entry  Tue Oct 28 13:30:47 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, MCIS Update 


the cleaning has been completed.  The oven assembly is removed and the gate valve closed.

The quartz tubes on the ground electrode have been installed with the larger diameter tube pushed as far downstream (toward the optics box) as possible.  The smaller tube has been positioned to extend 1-3/4" into the plasma chamber w.r.t. the insulator flange.

Currently the turbos are running and the source is pumping down.


there was a Controls problem when trying to operate the source.  They tracked the problem down to a bad ethernet communication cable.  A temporary cable is in place while a new one is being prepared.

Entry  Thu Oct 30 13:14:51 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, OLIS Update 


a new oven assembly was installed on the MCIS yesterday.  The cart has been installed in the cage and is connected.

The power is connected to the cart oven as is the MCIS bias.  it is currently on and being tested for Se


Keerthi removed the Be electrode and installed the quartz beaker.  There is quite a bit of a copper coating inside the source.


Entry  Fri Oct 31 20:39:56 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, OLIS Update 


the MWS Bias and PE have been moved on to the MCIS (the MCIS connections have been removed).

The plug in power to the HP Signal generator has been moved to a continuous source (Removed from the source controlled by the SSW).


a test filament assembly has been installed in the SIS.  No chemicals have been loaded or alignment done on the oven / ionizer.  It has been installed just as a test.

Entry  Thu Nov 6 08:37:52 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, OLIS Update 


the source is off.  It is under vacuum and in the HV cage.


the test filament assembly has been removed for inspection and the port blanked.  Ray D. noticed that the Swagelok connections for the water manifold are extremely close to each other (potential short).  Yesterday, when reducing the current on the ionizer the voltage varied significantly.  The currently on the FC also changed.

The temporary collimator installed in the 4-1/2 CF port has been modified.  the through hole opening has been increased from 3mm diameter to 6mm diameter.


Entry  Thu Nov 13 16:31:54 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, SIS 

A new SIS source has been installed.  The oven has been loaded with Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate (Alfa Aesar 10863) and Rubidium Nitrate.

Pictures are located in 2014-11-13 Source and PS Pics

Entry  Thu Nov 13 16:34:29 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, MCIS Update 

The ethernet cable from the CPI TWT amplifier has been temporarily moved to the Alga 50W amplifier.  The Alga had been experiencing loss of communication.  This has not been an issue with the CPI so this cable will be tried with the Alga.  A signal generator is not connected to the Alga.

Entry  Wed Dec 17 13:17:13 2014, Brian Minato, Other, Other, MCIS Update 

The MCIS was vented with nitrogen yesterday.  The Se oven was drawn back into the tuner.  It was removed with the tuner and blanked.

The standard quartz window was removed and replaced with a ceramic, test window supplied by CPI. (p/n VWU2054).  The system is currently pumping down.

Entry  Wed Apr 29 07:48:22 2015, Brian Minato, Other, Other, Repair- Water leak inside HV cage 

A water leak was reported inside the HV cage (FR#8079).  The cage was accessed to determine the source of the leak (WP#I2015-04-27-1).

The WMS cusp cooling line was leaking.  It was close to the MCIS cart (at ground) and had sparked through.  The hose was cut at the puncture location and re-connected. to the fitting.  It was re-routed to be further away from the MCIS cart.

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