Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  Target Production, Page 2 of 8  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Target/No.# Source Station Moduledown Target Oven W.O# Heat Shield W.O# Status Subject
  55   Friday, July 10, 2015, 11:23 John WongUCx#13LP-IG-LISITETM440860-1 ReadyUCx#13 Target description

 Friday, July 10, 2015, 11:15

Attached please find the UCx#13 target description.   

Note:  Target container was coated/sintered with TaC twice.  Would like to see if this will improve the life-span of the target.  


Attachment 1: UCx_13_target_description.PNG
  61   Friday, March 11, 2016, 10:18 Laura LambertTa # 47 ITETM4  SpentTa # 47 target desscription

Friday, March 11, 2016, 10:13 

Ta#47 LP-SIS [new small center block] target description:

Total Ta foils = 470

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 15.05 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4cm [exactly 7.8cm space on both sides]

Total Mass = 51.1533g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Note: Target consists of 350 single discs and 6x20 packs of Ta discs

  71   Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 10:00 Laura LambertUCx#19LP-SIS TM442218-12 ReadyUCx#19 Target Description

 Tuesday, March 07, 2017, 09:54

Attached please find the UCx#19 target description.


Attachment 1: UCx#19_description.jpg
  73   Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 13:18 Laura LambertUCx#20LP-IG-LISITETM442218-1 ReadyUCx#20 Target Description

 Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 13:13

Attached please find the UCx#20 target description.


Attachment 1: target_description.JPG
  75   Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 09:53 Laura LambertTa# 52LP-SIS TM442218-14 In progressTa#52 target description

 Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 09:51

Ta#52 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 400 [4x20 packs + 320 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 14.77 g/cm3

Target length = 2.9cm

Total Mass = 42.8228g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 4 packs]


  80   Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 09:14 Laura LambertSiC#37HP-FEBIADITETM439530-10 ReadySiC#37 target description

 Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 09:13

See attachment for target description.


Attachment 1: Target_Description.JPG
  87   Monday, October 15, 2018, 07:36 Aaron SchmidtTa#57 ITETM441177-3  Ta#57 Target Description.

(Laura Lambert: Evap 2 Elog ID: 404) Tuesday, April 17, 2018, 10:20

Target consists of 470 discs.

Total packed length 3.4cm [exactly 7.8cm space on both sides]

Total mass g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Target consists of 350 single discs and 6x20 packs of Ta discs

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75singles / 1pack / 100singles / 2packs / 100singles / 1pack / 75singles / 1pack


Weight not included. Should be identical to Ta#54 (Below)


Comparable as the foils are all 0.001" & the quantities are the same. 

(Laura Lambert: Target Production Elog ID: 79)

Ta#54 HP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 14.72 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4cm

Total Mass = 50.0372g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

  102   Tuesday, October 06, 2020, 14:25 Aaron SchmidtTa#61LP-SISITETM444508-1 In progressTa#61 Target Description

 Ta#61 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density =  12.76 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4 cm

Total Mass = 43.388 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven=  464 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 2packs / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 1pack

End caps installed (not yet expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added 

  103   Tuesday, October 27, 2020, 12:53 Aaron SchmidtNb#9LP-SISITETM444508-2 ReadyNb#9 LP-SIS target description

 Nb#9 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density =  7.24 g/cm3

Target length = 3.5 cm

Total Mass = 25.343 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven=  425 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

Attachment 1: Nb#9_Target_Loading_data.pdf
Nb#9_Target_Loading_data.pdf Nb#9_Target_Loading_data.pdf
  104   Thursday, November 12, 2020, 11:32 Darwin Ortiz RosalesUCx#31HP-SISITETM44416043822ReadyUCx#31-Target_description

 Target full name ITE-TM4-UC#31-P2N-SIS



Attachment 1: UCx31-target_description.png
  105   Tuesday, March 16, 2021, 17:05 Luca EgoritiITE-TM4-UC#32-P2N-SISHP-SISITETM4--In progressUO2 discs cutting

This afternoon, Darwin prepared in the hot lab fume hood the two UO2 slurries to be cut into P2N target discs. Later, I took over cutting both slurries. A total of 49 annular discs were cut and loaded into the P2N graphite container.

The discs thickness was measured by stacking 5 discs on each other, and measuring their thickness in two points.

#discs = 49

Average disc thickness = 0.453mm

Empty cartridge weight = 9.42 g

Full cartridge weight = 39.86 g

UO2+C weight = 30.44 g

The unused material plus the cutting scrap were left in a zip lock bag on a shelf in the right hand side of the fume hood. The center scraps and the loaded target were placed in a plastic tray on the top shelf. The used tools and scales were left on the right of the working area, the napkins on the bottom were put into the garbage bag (inside the fume hood) and replaced, while the only napkin left is the one with the target information (recorded in attached picture).

Attachment 1: UC32-P2N_material_info.jpg
Attachment 2: Fume_hood.jpg
  108   Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 18:13 Aaron SchmidtTa#62LP-SISITETM444691-4 In progressTa#62 Target Description (2)

 Ta#62 LP-SIS target description: (REPLACEMENT FOR 44139-10)

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 14.29 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4 cm

Total Mass = 48.602 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven= 456 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

  114   Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 18:09 Aaron SchmidtTa#63LP-SISITETM444691-11 In progressTa#63

  Ta#63 LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 15.38 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4 cm

Total Mass = 52.296 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven= 457 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

Attachment 1: Ta#63_Target_Loading_Data.pdf
  116   Thursday, June 02, 2022, 16:55 Aaron SchmidtTa#64LP-SISITETM444691-12 In progressTa#64 Target Description

Thursday, June 02, 2022, 16:54: 

Ta#64 LP-SIS target description: 

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.0254mm (0.0010") Measured.

Target density = 12.005 g/cm3

Target length = 3.35 cm

Total Mass = 40.2166 g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]

Total mass w/ Target oven= 446 g (w/ end caps)

Discs in target are arranged as follows: 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack / 100 singles / 2packs / 100 singles / 1pack / 75 singles / 1pack

End caps installed (Not expanded). No Ta foil heat shield added

Attachment 1: Ta#64_Target_Loading_Data.pdf
  41   Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 16:36 John WongSiC#30HP-FEBIADITETM338481-8 SpentSiC#30 Target description

Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 15:16


This target was built in 2011.  The endcaps were replaced after they got vaporized in Evap#1 during the sintering process, and the target was re-conditioned.

See elogs for more details:


The target was inspected and was good for online use.

Total SiC foils = 555 discs

Total length (packed) = 17.5cm

Total SiC mass (plus graphite foils) = 52.902g

See attachment for density measurements




Attachment 1: SiC#30_density_measurements.xlsx
  52   Wednesday, June 03, 2015, 10:55 Laura LambertZrC#7LP-SISITWTM241177-1 ReadyZrC#7 target description

 Wednesday, June 03, 2015, 10:53

Total length packed = 12.3cm

See attachment for target description.


Attachment 1: target_production_elog_ZrC#7.JPG
Attachment 2: ZrC#7_final_density.xlsx
  53   Monday, July 06, 2015, 12:18 John WongZrC#7LP-SISITWTM241177-1 FailedZrC#7 target description

Laura Lambert wrote:

 Wednesday, June 03, 2015, 10:53

Total length packed = 12.3cm

See attachment for target description.


 Monday, July 06, 2015, 12:10

This target did not pass the test-stand and will not be used for online (unless if it gets approved).  The target container is deformed.  An increase of voltage was observed during the test; perhaps it's a sign of the container being cracked?!  See Test-stand e-log#450 for more details.  

Another target is already prepared and being tested.  (Target Oven WO# 41177-2). 


  54   Tuesday, July 07, 2015, 13:00 John WongZrC#7LP-SISITWTM241177-2 ReadyZrC#7 (backup1) target description

Tuesday, July 07, 2015, 12:36 

Total no. discs = 422

Total packed length = 13.2 cm (measured after the sintering process) 

Note:  The theoretical length (ZrC + graphite foils) is 10.52cm    After the sintering process, the stack of discs expanded in length.  To avoid crushing the materials while inserting the endcaps, the discs are gentally packed to 13.2cm.

(see attachments for more details)


Attachment 1: ZrC#7_backup.PNG
Attachment 2: ZrC_specification_(backup#1_WO#41177-2).xlsx
  72   Wednesday, March 08, 2017, 15:42 Laura LambertTa#51LP-SIS TM241790-4 In progressTa#51 target description

 Wednesday, March 08, 2017, 15:40

Ta#51 LP-SIS target description:

Total Ta foils = 470 [6x20 packs + 350 single discs]

Foil Thickness = 0.025mm

Target density = 14.64 g/cm3

Target length = 3.4cm

Total Mass = 49.7916g [Incl foils + Ta wire on 6 packs]


  74   Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 15:15 Laura LambertSiC#36HP-FEBIAD-CTL TM241369-10 ReadySiC#36 target description

 Tuesday, May 30, 2017, 15:12

See attachment for target description.


Attachment 1: SiC#36_Target_Description.JPG
ELOG V2.9.2-2455