Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-Meson Hall, Page 13 of 18  Not logged in ELOG logo
New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Thursday, March 02, 2023, 07:04, maicodallavalle, Maintenance, Target 2, Cooling, Refilled Expasion Tank 

I have filled the water package on T2 with DI water. The expansion tank is at 38.1cm. This may change when the pump is turned on.

Entry  Friday, October 02, 2015, 17:25, Ron Kuramoto, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, Raise Target to lower Rad levels for 1AM7 repair 

Today the T1MK2 target was moved from Position 4 to Position 0 to lower the Rad fields for the 1AM7 repair in the 1A Tunnel. The Rad levels were still to high only dropping by 1000uSv/Hr to 5000uSv/Hr, so the 1AM7 repair is planned for next Tuesday's maintenance day on Oct 6th.  1A will be off till then giving a longer cool down. 

The target was then moved moved back to Position 4 with the Pot ratio reading 0.699. The target was moved using the portable Control box.  The "power on light" on the Control box needs to be replaced.

Note: The MS connector on the 1AT2 cable needs to be tighten before using.  It became loose when swapping the portable Control box cable to the 1AT1 cable.

The cooling package turned on ok after the vacuum was established.

Don Jackson assisted me with this operation and was appriciated....



Entry  Friday, May 01, 2015, 16:01, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Other, RH Warm Cell Used by Beamlines Group for TNF Heat Exchanger Leak Check IMG_1510.JPGIMG_1511.JPGIMG_1512.JPG

The Meson Hall RH Lab Warm Cell was used by Beamlines Group for hydrostatic testing of the TNF heat exchanger.  The location was chosen because of access to a water supply, active drain, and the heat exchanger has removable contamination.  The work took place on April 30th and May 1, 2015.  New plastic sheet was placed over the 6 foot block in the center of the warm cell which was used as a work area.  The plastic was removed after completion of the job.  The floor around the block was swiped and 100cpm contamination was found.

See attached photos.

Entry  Friday, April 22, 2016, 14:45, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, RH MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump Water Released 

The Remote Handling Hot Cell Lab Active Sump has been released to city sewer following the procedure in Document-64834.  The water was close to the sump high limit switch (approximately 5800L).  Before release the water was sampled, tested, and approved for release by RPG.  The tritium analysis form has been filled out and returned to RPG,.

It took approximately 5 hours to empty the sump with all valves fully open and the water flowing through the 10" Cuno filter.

Entry  Tuesday, June 28, 2016, 08:32, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, RH MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump Overflow 

 A call was received from the MCR at approximately 21:30 on Monday June 27th to report that active drains in the east end of the Meson Hall were backing up and overflowing.  I came in and found the leak coming from a broken spray nozzle in a sink in the rad waste area.  The leak was stopped at which point there were puddles between 1-2m diameter around the active sump top flange, the drain directly south of the warm cell water windows, and the drain in the counting room south of the clean room.  There was lots of water on the floor in the rad waste area as well.  No water was found in the TR-13 area.  A swipe was taken from the puddle around the active sump top flange, which was not above background level.  Robin Swanson (ops) contacted Joe Mildenberger who gave permission for the sump to be pumped out after a water sample was taken.  Robin took a water sample and left it for analysis by RPG, the sump pump was started and ran overnight.  At approximately 8am the next morning the sump was almost empty and the pump was stopped.  Floor swipes were taken where there had been puddles which were now dry - no contamination found.  The areas in the hot cell lab which had been wet were mopped.

Entry  Tuesday, June 28, 2016, 16:28, Isaac Earle, Other, Other, Active Sump, RH MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump High Level Sensor Test 

 The high level sensor for the Meson Hall Hot Cell Lab Active Sump was tested today and worked as expected.  When the sensor is tilted (as occurs when the water level rises above it) an audible alarm sounds in the hot cell lab, and the Safety Panel in the MCR also alarms with "MHESA B1 RCR1 RM 6 WARN" displaying NOT OK.  This alarm sounds every 3 minutes in the MCR until the PLC outside of the RCR lab is reset.  When the sensor was tested on the RCR lab PLC there was a message indicating that the MH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump is full.

It is still unclear why the operators did not receive this alarm when the sump filled and overflowed last night (or possibly they did receive it, but it was ignored or silenced).  The operators from that shift are currently off until this Saturday, so they will be contacted next week to try to learn more.


UPDATE (Sept 8, 2016):  Further testing revealed that the electronics for the high level switch were wired incorrectly which resulted in the RCR PLC only seeing sump level high when the "silence" button on the electronics box for the switch was pushed.  This was not discovered during previous tests because the "silence" button was pushed each time shortly after triggering the switch.  The new electronics for the switch will address this issue.

Entry  Thursday, March 22, 2018, 17:24, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Other, Active Sump, RH Lab active sump released 

 The RH Lab active sump level reached the high limit yesterday due to an overflow of the ultrasonic cleaner in the Rad Waste Area.  The sump was sampled by RPG, and after analysis the water was approved for release.  The water was pumped out today.  Local and MCR alarms functioned as expected.

Entry  Friday, September 07, 2012, 16:39, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Target, RH Lab Crane Repaired 

 The "west" button on the crane pendant was broken, and the crane would occasionally continue moving west when the button was released.  The button was replaced by a Gordon Crane technician, who also did a crane inspection.  The hoist in the target flask is also due for an inspection, but it was not possible to do it this visit.  Neil Wong will try to have it done next time a crane technician is in.

Entry  Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 14:30, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Other, Active Sump, RH Lab Active Sump pumped out 

 The RH Lab Active Sump reached the high level sensor at some point overnight before the April 8th work day.  Maico Dalla Valle noticed the alarm in the morning and notified RPG and myself.  I also received a notification by e-mail from Vicky Hannemayer who had been contacted by Ops because of the RCR alarm.

After sampling and testing by RPG the sump contents were released under work permit C2021-04-08-5 as per the procedure in Document-64834.  The approximate volume of the full sump is 7270L.

Entry  Thursday, November 22, 2012, 17:22, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Active Sump, RH Lab Active Sump Released 

 On Wednesday November 21 at approximately 9am the level of the Remote Handling active sump was inspected and found to be at approximately the 7000L level.  The high level alarm sounds at approximately 5800L.  The high level alarm had been silenced by somebody, and RH staff had not been notified.  It is unknown when the high level alarm was reached.  The total sump volume is 7200L (which if exceeded will cause active water to spill on the lab floor).  The sump was previously inspected about 3 weeks prior, and the level was observed to be well below the high level sensor.  The recent increase in volume was from the RCR lab in the MHESA basement.

The sump contents were sampled and approved for release by RPG.  Sump contents were released on November 22nd using the procedure written in Document #64834.

A sign was put up next to the high level alarm silence button indicating that RH staff must be contacted if the alarm is silenced.

The high level sensor was tested and found to be working properly.

Entry  Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 14:05, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Active Sump, RH Lab Active Sump Level Sensor Inspected 

A notification was received that the RH lab active sump level sensor is due for annual inspection.  The sensor was tested and is working properly.

The water level was observed to be only a few inches below the sensor level.  Ken Buckley was notified and someone from his group will sample and drain the tank according to the procedure in Document-64834

Entry  Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 10:52, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Active Sump, RH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump Released 

Release of the Remote Handling Hot Cell Lab active sump water was completed today by Hua Yang.  During the procedure fields of up to 0.50 micro Sv/hr were measured around the newly installed filter housing.  After completion the filter was removed and replaced.  The filter measured 450cpm on the RM-14 monitor and ~5000cpm on the 44-2 monitor (both on contact).  RPG has been notified and the filter has been bagged, labeled, and left for pick-up by RPG.

Entry  Monday, September 28, 2015, 10:29, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Other, Active Sump, RH Hot Cell Lab Active Sump High Level Sensor Tested 

 The RH hot cell lab active sump high level sensor was tested as part of the yearly scheduled inspection.  High water level was simulated by tilting the sensor sideways with a long pole sample scoop.  The Main Control Room and Hua Yang from Nuclear Medicine were notified before the test.  The alarm sounded as expected, and a message was received in the main control room.  This is a latching signal, so a Control Room operator will go to the MHESA RCR lab to reset the alarm.  The water level was approximately 12" below the high level sensor, so the sump may need to be sampled and emptied soon.

Entry  Monday, January 16, 2023, 15:06, Adam Newsome, Repair, Other, Active Sump, RH Active Sump - draining flow rate sensor repair 

The flow rate sensor used to monitor the drain rate from BL1A holding tank to active sump, located in the active sump area, was repaired. The paddle wheel, o-ring, and shaft were replaced. This part was significantly worn prior to replacement.


It is recommended to change the filter adjacent to it as it is suspected that this filter is partially clogged, resulting in low flow rate when draining the tank.

Furthermore, it is also recommended to change solenoid valve SV1 as it is suspected that it does not work.

Entry  Tuesday, March 06, 2012, 15:27, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Target, Quick Connect Fittings on T1 Target 

 The air hoses for the profile monitor supply line were inspected and no cracking was found (was found on T2).  The quick connect fittings for the bottom air assembly were sticky/corroded and not actuating properly.  Replaced fittings with new parts.

Entry  Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 16:50, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 2, Controls, Preliminary Testing of T2 Control System Complete T2_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_16_2016.pdf

Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T2 target, T2 cooling package, T2 collimators, and T1 thermocouples.  All systems behaved as specified.

Review of the commissioning plan is currently underway.

A scanned copy of the test plan is attached.

Entry  Monday, March 07, 2016, 18:22, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Controls, Preliminary Testing of T1 Control System Complete T1_Testing_Checklist_-_Complete_-_March_7_2016.pdf

 Preliminary testing of the new PLC control system and EPICS interface was completed today for the T1 target, T1 cooling package, and T1 collimator.  All systems behaved as specified.  This test did not include testing of any T1 thermocouples which will be included as part of the T2 test program to follow.  This is not considered system commissioning, which will follow after all preliminary testing is complete and the commissioning plan document has been released.

A scanned copy of the T1 test plan with notes is attached.

Entry  Friday, May 31, 2013, 16:07, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Target, Power Supply Fan Failure IMG_1440.JPGIMG_1441.JPGIMG_1442.JPG

 Today (May 31, 2013) I was contacted regarding a burning smell and high temperatures around the T1/T2 controls racks.  Erwin Klassen, Bill Rawnsley, Graham Waters and myself investigated and found that the cooling fans for two power supplies on the T1/T2 control racks had failed and both units were warm to the touch.  The power supplies are labeled "T1 Power Supply" and "T2 Power Supply" in racks 1-F and 1-A respectively.  Bill Rawnsley measured temperatures as high as 90*C inside the power supply boxes using an infrared thermometer.

Small AC fans, supplied by Operations Group, were attached to each power supply behind the failed fans as a temporary measure (see photos).  Large box fans were also placed in front of the racks.  After setting up the fans the exterior of the power supplies were cool to the touch, and temperatures of about 50*C were measured inside the boxes.

The operators are aware of the situation and will check on the power supplies twice a shift over the weekend.  Repairs will be attempted on the next maintenance day.







Entry  Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 12:52, Adam Newsome, Other, Other, Hot Cell, Potential hot cell window oil leak 

Some oil was noticed around the hot cell window, on the control panel, and on the ground below the control panel. A leak is suspected.


Suggest tightening all bolts to specified torque along the window, and monitoring overflow oil level (position today was marked). If the problem persists, the gasket must be replaced. Note that the gasket should likely be replaced anyway as it has not been done for some time.

Entry  Friday, June 19, 2015, 17:11, Isaac Earle, Development, Other, Controls, PLC Test of Ultrasonic Level Sensor Overnight_Level_Sensor_PLC_Test.jpg

The new T1/T2 level sensors (Omega LVCN414) were hooked up to the PLC and the test performed on June 11 was repeated.

The water level above the base of the bucket was measured using a tape measure, as well as with the level sensor at various intervals as the bucket was filled and then drained:

Tape Measure Level (cm) --- Reading from Ultrasonic Level Sensor (cm)

Empty --- 0
3.3 --- 3.3
6.7 --- 6.7
12.2 --- 12.2
20.5 --- 20.3
29.2 --- 28.5
36.6 --- 36.3  (Last measurement on June 17, left overnight, see graph below)
36.6 --- 35.6 (First measurement on June 18)
31.3 --- 30.2
22.0 --- 21.9
13.1 --- 12.3
7.3 --- 6.5
Empty --- 0


Data was recorded while the sensor was left overnight (see attached plot).  After approximately 2 hours, the sensor stabilized and then fluctuated less than 0.1cm for the next 12 hours.  Overall these tests proved that this sensor will be suitable for the intended application and the parameters used for configuration are appropriate.


ELOG V2.9.2-2455