Today the T1MK2 target was moved from Position 4 to Position 0 to lower the Rad fields for the 1AM7 repair in the 1A Tunnel. The Rad levels were still to high only dropping by 1000uSv/Hr to 5000uSv/Hr, so the 1AM7 repair is planned for next Tuesday's maintenance day on Oct 6th. 1A will be off till then giving a longer cool down.
The target was then moved moved back to Position 4 with the Pot ratio reading 0.699. The target was moved using the portable Control box. The "power on light" on the Control box needs to be replaced.
Note: The MS connector on the 1AT2 cable needs to be tighten before using. It became loose when swapping the portable Control box cable to the 1AT1 cable.
The cooling package turned on ok after the vacuum was established.
Don Jackson assisted me with this operation and was appriciated....