Monday, May 25, 2015, 12:48, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Controls, T1/T2 Controls System Crash
At 9:15am this morning BL1A tripped off due to loss of the watchdog signals for the T1/T2 control system. Graham Waters investigated and the problem was found to be a corrupted initialization file. The error was corrected, and BL1A was started by 11:30am.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 21:20, Grant Minor, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, T1 & T2 Targets moved from pos. 0 to pos. 4
Grant moved the T1 and T2 targets from position 0 to position 4 this evening at around 9pm.
The position 4 selector button on the T1 rack was not working. The manual control box had to be used with the adapter cable and military connectors for both T1 and T2 to achieve position 4 on both targets. |
Friday, May 08, 2015, 09:48, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Other, Other, BL1A Blocks Restored
Replacement of the BL1A blocks was completed yesterday (May 8, 2015) in preparation for first beam down 1A on May 12th. The attached PDF shows a photograph of the current arrangement, and also the block arrangement at the beginning of the 2014 running period for comparison. |
Friday, May 01, 2015, 16:01, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 1, Other, RH Warm Cell Used by Beamlines Group for TNF Heat Exchanger Leak Check
The Meson Hall RH Lab Warm Cell was used by Beamlines Group for hydrostatic testing of the TNF heat exchanger. The location was chosen because of access to a water supply, active drain, and the heat exchanger has removable contamination. The work took place on April 30th and May 1, 2015. New plastic sheet was placed over the 6 foot block in the center of the warm cell which was used as a work area. The plastic was removed after completion of the job. The floor around the block was swiped and 100cpm contamination was found.
See attached photos. |
Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 15:55, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Target, Target Version Jumper Wires Installed for T1-MK1 and T2-MK1
The T1-MK1 and T2-MK1 targets have been re-wired to allow version identification. Work was performed in the target storage pit. Approximate field around the targets in the pit was 100microSv/hr. Disposable coveralls were worn for the job and had 800cpm of contamination on completion. All nylon cable ties on the targets were replaced with PEEK cable ties. Total dose received was 0.06mSv by Isaac Earle. This modification has now been completed for all T1 and T2 target assemblies. |
Friday, April 24, 2015, 11:53, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Target Info Sheet & Elevations
T2-MK2 target information sheet, beam spot measurements, and elevations were updated and delivered to Operations. PDF copy attached.
No work was done to T1-MK2 (placed in storage pit for 2015 shutdown duration to lower fields), so the sheets will not be updated. |
Thursday, April 23, 2015, 16:29, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, T1 & T2 Profile and Protect Monitors Electrical Check Completed
An electrical check has been completed for the T1 & T2 Profile and Protect Monitors by Dave Cameron and Mike Russell. They report that all results look normal. |
Thursday, April 23, 2015, 13:40, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 2, Other, T2 Protect Monitor Elevation Adjustment
- T2 Protect Monitor moved from the beam line to the hot cell on Monday April 20th
- Elevation of the plate center measured at 1839.0mm from the base of the vacuum flange
- Old monitor cassette photographed (attached). Heat mark noticed on exit side approximately 10mm above and 5mm south of plate centers (cause unknown, and no matching mark on entrance side)
- Old monitor cassette removed, new one installed. New elevation 1836.1mm (2.9mm upward shift - 3.0mm was requested)
- Electrical check performed by Probes Group on April 22 - They reported that it looks normal
- T2 Protect Monitor returned to the beamline April 22 in the evening. Cables plugged in and flange bolts installed
- Vacuum pumped down normally on April 23 in the morning
- Probes group repeated the electrical check after installation from the 1A mezzanine - They reported that it looks normal
- The old monitor cassette will be left in the hot cell for possible future use |
Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 15:17, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Target, T1-MK2 wired for version identification
The T1-MK2 target was wired for automatic target version detection by the new PLC control system (A to C jumper in POT/CAM MS connector). T1-MK1 and T2-MK1 targets still need to be wired which can take place after the shutdown without moving them from the storage pit. |
Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 15:15, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Cooling, T1 and T2 Cooling Packages Ready
Both cooling packages are running steadily with the targets in Position 0.
The demin flow (Q2) for both was tuned to approximately 1.5USgpm.
A defeat was applied to T2Q1 flow to prevent high level nuisance trips. This will remain in effect for the 2015 running period.
T2P1 Sensor (water inlet pressure) has a noisy signal. This was not improved by replacing the sensor. It is not expected to cause issues during operation and will be addressed (if still present) after the 2016 upgrade to PLC/EPICS control.
The expansion tank for both packages was topped up to approximately 1/4" above the top nut of the warning level sensor. |
Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 09:46, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Target, Water Sensors Installed on T1 Monolith
Four water sensors have been installed on top of the T1 monolith. These water sensors were wired and brought to the area during the 2014 shutdown, but installation was delayed so that the top of the monolith could be painted first. The sensor labels (attached to the sensor cable) are: T1, T2, T6, and T8. The location of each sensor is documented on the diagram below. Two photos of the top of the monolith are also attached. Doug Preddy has been notified.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 13:38, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, Air Amplifier Started. T1 & T2 Profile Monitor Actuation Checked
The lower air amplifier has been started, and air supplied to the T1 and T2 areas by opening the appropriate ball valves beneath the amplifier. The amplifier is cycling normally and the barrels are cool to the touch (indicating no significant air leaks).
Actuation of both profile monitors was checked from the control room. Both reach the in and out limits as expected, with no change in vacuum level in the respective volumes. |
Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 12:59, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 1, Target, T1-MK2 target moved from storage pit to beam line
The T1-MK2 target was transported from the storage pit to the beamline. The target measured approximately 10mSv/hr at 0.5m. All target services were hooked up and the cooling package was started (no change in T1 vacuum). |
Monday, April 20, 2015, 11:42, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Target & T2 Protect Moved
The T2-MK2 target was moved from the hot cell to the beam line. The T2 Protect Monitor was moved from the beam line to the hot cell. The T2-MK2 assembly measured 136mSv/hr at 0.5m, and the protect monitor was 8mSv/hr. Total dose incurred by Isaac Earle: 0.18mSv. No dose to other workers |
Thursday, April 09, 2015, 13:56, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 target wired for version identification, cable ties replaced, ready for use
The "POT/CAM" MS connector on the T2-MK2 has been wired to allow automatic target version number identification by the new T1/T2 control system. Pin A was jumpered to Pin C. (MK1 targets will use Pin A to Pin B jumper).
The nylon cable ties on the target assembly were found to be very brittle and fragile, they have been replaced with PEEK cable ties.
The T2-MK2 target is now ready to be moved to the beamline. |
Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 17:40, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Thermistors Replaced
The Inlet (T1), Outlet (T2), Col.A (T6), and Col. B (T7) thermistors at the T2 cooling package all gave intermittent faulty readings at various times between Oct - Dec 2014. It is suspected that this was caused by a water leak in the area causing the terminals to get wet. Inspection of the sensors revealed that they are in poor shape and that the readouts sometimes fluctuate when the probe or connectors are handled. All four thermistor probes have been replaced. The plastic interior of the Lemo connectors were found to be crumbling, and were replaced with crimp connections. All T2 thermistors now appear to be functioning normally. The T2 cooling package was started (with a bypass instead of the target assembly). Flow through Collimators A and B has also been started. The T2 package was inspected while running and no leaks were found.
Cyclotron Fault #7722 has been returned. |
Thursday, March 12, 2015, 10:51, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T2-MK2 Pos'n 4 Elevation Measurements
Elevation measurements of the T2-MK2 target were taken in the hot cell to confirm previous records in preparation for the T2 Protect Monitor adjustment that will take place later this shutdown. Potentiometer readings were also checked for ladder position 2mm above and below nominal in case we decide to run the target in an offset position again.
Entrance Side:
Ladder moved until potentiometer at 16.19kΩ (nominal position 4)
- Measurement on tape: 1838.7mm
At elevation 1836.7mm: 16.04kΩ
At elevation 1840.7mm: 16.27kΩ
Exit Side:
Ladder moved until potentiometer at 16.19kΩ
- Measurement on tape: 1837.9mm
At elevation 1835.9mm: 16.04kΩ
At elevation 1839.9mm: 16.29kΩ
The elevation measurements at nominal position agree with those taken in May 2014.
The T2-MK2 target is now ready to be returned to the beam line after completion of the M9-T2 work.
Keith C. Ng and Isaac Earle both received .02mSv dose during this procedure.
Wednesday, March 04, 2015, 18:08, Isaac Earle, Repair, Target 2, Cooling, T2 Cooling Package MRO Update
The following work was done today at the T2 cooling package:
- Remainder of #4 Hansen o-rings replaced (see E-log from Jan 30, 2015)
- Installed the following ball valves which have been rebuilt & tested with 100psi air: target outlet 3/4" (x2), resin can outlet filter isolation 1/2" (x2), heat exchanger secondary side outlet 3/4" (x2), collimator A outlet 3/4", collimator B outlet 3/8"
- Installed the following ball valve which has been tightened & tested with 100psi air (no rebuild kit available): resin supply side 1/2"
- Disassembled the target water inlet thermistor probe assembly to check compatibility with thermocouple probes purchased for T1/T2 controls upgrade
- Misplaced a fitting that the probe inserts through, plugged thermistor port as a temporary measure (the outlet thermistor still functions as machine protection)
- Filled cooling package and opened CuALCW supply and return valves to T2 area in BL1A tunnel
- Started package, inspected for leaks, tightened various Swagelok fittings to stop minor leaks
- Tightened valve stem packing compression nut on Col.A/M8BB shut-off valve and Col B. shut-off valve on cooling package front panel to stop drip leaks from the valve stems
- Inspected again for leaks while cooling package running: none observed
The T2 cooling package is ready for a interlock response timing test which will be performed tomorrow (part of T1/T2 controls upgrade).
Before the T2 cooling package is ready for operation, the target water inlet thermistor must be reinstalled, and the thermistor connectors must be replaced (if the thermistors are not replaced with thermocouples as part of the controls upgrade)
Total dose:
Isaac - 0.08mSv
Keith - 0.01mSv
Friday, February 27, 2015, 18:06, Isaac Earle, Development, Target 1, Target, T1 Rotary Collimator Water and Air Line Investigation
Ron Kuramoto, Keith Ng, John McKinnon, and myself spent some time today investigating water and air lines related to the T1 Rotary Collimator (Col. A). We discovered the following:
- There is a panel on the back (south) side of the T1 cooling package with 3 air lines for Col. A actuation, Col A cooling water supply & return, and the Col. Shield water cooling supply and return
- The air lines coming from the panel were decomissioned in 2003 by Tom Lyth, and at least 2 out of 3 were replaced with CuALCW water from the M13 header in the BL1A tunnel
- Motion / actuation of the rotary collimator was disabled in Oct 1994 and it is now used only in one position
- The two water lines coming from the M13 header (which connect to the actuation cylinder) will be disconnected, capped, and tagged. The M13 header can then be completely removed
- It is suspected, but not yet 100% confirmed that Col. A and the Collimator Shield are still cooled by the lines passing through the panel at the back of the cooling package
- A flow test will be performed to confirm this, which will also confirm that the Q4 flow meter at the cooling package measures cooling water flow to Col. A |
Friday, February 20, 2015, 13:55, Isaac Earle, Standard Operation, Target 2, Target, T1 & T2 Target Moves
- The T1-MK1 target was moved from the hot cell to storage pit hole #3 (ready as T1 spare)
- The T2-MK2 target was moved from the beam line to the hot cell for inspection and in preparation for T2/M9 work this shutdown
- The target measured up to 90mSv/hr at approximately 1m while being lifted
- Beam spots on the target will be measured and recorded to determine ideal offset (if any) for next running period
- A 10mSv/hr collimated field was measured coming from the T2 monolith hole
- An aluminum blank-off was installed over the hole followed by a stack of circular steel discs for shielding which reduced the max field in the area to 700uSv/hr |