Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
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New entries since:Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Entry  Friday, August 05, 2016, 14:13, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , Preparations for NHC Ventilation Test 

A hole was drilled in the NHC exhaust duct in the east end of the target hall above the hatch to the Ante Room.  This will be used for measuring NHC exhaust flow rate with a thermal anemometer.  The hole was tapped and plugged with an NPT tap.

Flow was measured in the existing hole in the SHC exhaust duct in approximately the same location.  Flow velocity was measured to be 1415 ft/min with the lid on the SHC.  Using duct ID 7.75", and assuming the average flow velocity is 90% of the flow at duct center, the flow rate was found to be 417cfm.  We will attempt to match this figure for the NHC when the ventilation tests are performed.  The tests have been scheduled for the maintenance day on Tuesday August 9th.

The anemometer probe and SHC test port plug were checked for contamination: none found.

Entry  Wednesday, August 10, 2016, 14:38, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , North Hot Cell Ventilation Test Results 

Testing was performed on August 9th on the ISAC nuclear ventilation system to determine if the existing ventilation system can achieve the required cell depressions for both SHC and NHC under all expected configurations and if a proposed modification to the DDC control system can provide acceptable stability and response time for the system.  The proposed control system observes the lower of the SHC depression or the NHC depression + 10% (to avoid stability issues), and adjusts the dampers to try to achieve 250Pa (1.00" WC) depression in the area it is observing.  With the proposed control system the SHC and NHC dampers are programmed to be at the same position, but can be tuned with a bias between them if required to achieve all ventilation requirements. The NHC and SHC dampers are programmed with a limit at 90% of the fully-open position.  There is a damper in the ducting system in the section of duct after the SHC and NHC legs join together;  this is set at 50% open, and was not adjusted during the the tests.  Test summary and results are listed below:

1.  Prior to switching to SHC+NHC control mode, the flow rate and depression of the SHC was measured with the lid on:  266Pa cell depression, damper 47% open, duct flow 417cfm.  The lid was opened and the measurements repeated:  35Pa, damper 90% open, duct flow 630cfm (results in 83ft/min, 0.42m/s average flow velocity across HC module opening)

2. The control system was switched to the new SHC+NHC single control loop system. Measurements were taken with both hot cell lids closed.  SHC:  246Pa, damper 72% open, 350cfm flow rate.  NHC: 257Pa, damper 72% open, 510cfm flow rate.  The ventilation fan speed was then increased from 53Hz to 57Hz (maximum speed is 60Hz).  Measurements were taken with both hot cell lids closed.  SHC:  257Pa, damper 51% open, 353cfm flow rate.  NHC: 257Pa, damper 51% open, 515cfm flow rate.

3. The SHC module port lid was opened and the NHC lid left closed.  SHC: 37Pa, damper 90% open, 462cfm (results in 61ft/min, 0.31m/s average flow velocity across HC module opening).  NHC: 249Pa, damper 90% open, 551cfm.

4. The NHC module port lid was opened and the SHC lid closed.  SHC: 203Pa, damper 90%, 360cfm.  NHC: 33Pa, damper 90%, 648cfm (results in 85ft/min, 0.44m/s average flow velocity across HC module opening).  The fan speed was then increased to 60Hz (max speed) to see if the depression setpoint for the SHC could be achieved in this configuration.  SHC: 231Pa, damper 90%, 389cfm.  NHC: 29Pa, damper 90%, 705cfm (results in 93ft/min, 0.47m/s average flow velocity across HC module opening)

5. Both SHC and NHC module port lids were opened and the fan was left at 60Hz.  SHC: 31Pa, damper 90%, 448cfm (results in 59ft/min, 0.30m/s average flow velocity across HC module opening).  NHC: 29Pa, 90% damper, 669cfm (results in 88ft/min, 0.45m/s average flow velocity across HC module opening)


For all tests the control system arrived at a stable depression value in less than 5 minutes, and thereafter exhibited only minor fluctuations.

It was observed that when the fan speed was increased to 57Hz, and for the duration of the tests, there was negligible change in the depression and damper positions for the mass separator room and target pit area.
The HEPA filter in the SHC leg of ducting has not been changed since commissioning of the facility (~15 years), and the SHC charcoal filters have not been changed since installation approximately 5 years ago.  The SHC pre-fitler located inside the cell was changed in January 2016.  When these are changed (which should be done before commissioning of the NHC ventilation system), the difference between SHC and NHC flow rates should decrease, and the SHC depression with NHC open should increase (likely up to the 250Pa setpoint).
Conclusion: The new SHC+NHC single control loop system effectively controls the system under all conditions tested.  The existing ventilation system achieved the required NHC depression (250Pa, from RS 50, Document #131915) with both cells closed, and with SHC open only.  The same depression for SHC with both cells closed was achieved with both cells closed, but only reached 231Pa w/ NHC open (203Pa at 57Hz fan speed).  It is expected that 250Pa can be easily achieved in the final system because the NHC will be better sealed than in its current condition, the damper in the shared SHC/NHC leg can be opened further, there will be greater flow through the SHC leg after changing the HEPA and charcoal filters, and the system can be tuned to better balance the SHC and NHC flow rates.  RS51 states "the ventilation system should maintain an average air flow velocity of 0.5m/s across the opening into the hot cell".  This is almost achieved with the NHC open, but SHC only had 0.3m/s average flow velocity.  It should be possible to increase both to > 0.5m/s by further opening the shared leg damper and tuning the system to have more balanced flow rates.  At the very least, both SHC and NHC should have > 0.42m/s average flow velocity to match what is currently achieved in SHC only mode (measured in test step #1), which to date has not allowed contamination to escape out the top of the hot cell.  Depending on what flow velocity is deemed acceptable, after commissioning it may be possible to have both the SHC and NHC open concurrently based on the results of Test 5.  At the time of commissioning, the SHC/NHC damper bias and NHC air inlet damper should both be tuned to achieve as similar depression and flow rate conditions as possible for both cells, and to meet all requirements in the RS document.



Duct flow rate was calculated assuming that measured flow velocity at the center of the duct is 90% of average duct velocity.  The duct ID at the sample location is 7.75", the hot cell opening size used for SHC and NHC module opening flow velocity calculations was 33" x 33".

Duct flow velocity measurements were taken using a thermal anemometer (Model number: 9555-P, Serial number: 9555:1108059 Rev. 2.11.0, Last calibrated by Rob Walker on April 29, 2016).

After completion of the tests the system was restored to it's original configuration and the ISAC target hall was swiped for contamination: none found.  No EF12 trips occurred during these tests.

Entry  Wednesday, September 07, 2016, 11:39, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC North / South Wall Gap Measurements 

 Measurements were taken today of the NHC north/south wall gap at the location where the NHC/TCS partition wall will be installed (43.375" from the NHC west wall).  A HILTI PD40 laser range meter was used for the measurements.  They were taken at 10", 34", 62", 90", 118", and 142" from the floor which matches the top of each cross-beam.  The results are below:

10" from floor:  102.44"
34" from floor:  102.40"
62" from floor:  102.48"
90"  from floor:  102.63"
118" from floor:  102.28"
142" from floor:  102.24"


Based on these results a partition wall plate width of 102.00" will be used for the bottom two plates, and 102.25" for the upper three plates in order to keep the gap on each side approximately 1/8"

Entry  Thursday, September 15, 2016, 11:05, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC / SHC feedthrough panel removed original_panel.JPGpanel_removed.JPGtemp_panel.JPG

The sheet metal panel covering the NHC/SHC feedthrough port was removed today using a slide-hammer to pull out the concrete anchors (this oversized panel would have interfered with the NHC partition wall).  50cpm was found on the inside of the panel, 100cpm on the NHC side lip of the feedthrough, and 350cpm on the face of the shielding bricks in the feedthrough.  Various dimensional measurements of the feedthrough were taken which will be added to the partition wall Solidworks model (IRH1609).  The panel was bagged for disposal and a temporary 20"x20" panel was put over the feedthrough and secured with duct tape.  A permanent panel with anchored supports that is compatible with the NHC partition wall will be designed and installed at a later date.  A swipe of the NHC walls and floor picked up 30cpm after completion of the job.  

Entry  Tuesday, November 08, 2016, 14:04, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , Interference check with TCS turbo pump and proposed NHC duct routing IMG_7577.JPGIMG_7583.JPGIMG_7582.JPG

David Wang and I accessed the NHC today to check if the proposed duct routing (IRH1618) will interfere with servicing or replacement of the TCS turbo pump.  A piece of plywood was placed in the future position of the NHC/TCS partition wall (IRH1609), and a ducting elbow was placed at the approximate position of the nearest elbow to the turbo pump.

David concluded that the ducting in the proposed location will not have any significant effect on replacement of the turbo pump, and he does not expect replacement will be difficult to perform after installation of the wall and NHC ducting.  Standing at floor level towards the east side of the TCS space and reaching upwards seemed to be the best way to reach the turbo pump flange bolts.  It was also noted that there was sufficient room in the TCS space for two workers to be in the area.







Entry  Friday, December 09, 2016, 14:58, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC service area floor and top of roof block painted NHC_SA_before_and_after.jpgNHC_roof_before_and_after.jpg

 The concrete floor in the North Hot Cell service area and the top of the NHC roof block in the target hall have been painted with Macropoxy 646 oil based epoxy paint, colour Flint Grey.  Two coats were used for the NHC roof, and one for the service area floor.





Entry  Tuesday, January 17, 2017, 13:45, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC ducting installed IMG_7688.JPGIMG_7716.JPGIMG_7723.JPGIMG_7721.JPG

 The new ducting section connecting the existing duct termination in the TCS space to the NHC partition wall has been installed by Smith Sheet Metal contractors.  The installation drawing is IRH1618.  There was not enough clearance between the duct pipe and the TCS vessel to butt weld the new ductwork as originally intended.  Instead a flange was welded to the existing pipe and also to the new section and the two were bolted together.  Drawings of the modifications have been provided by the contractor, and as-built drawings will be completed at a later date.  There was not time for the contractor to fabricate a gasket for the flanged joint, so one will be installed by TRIUMF at a later date and included in the as-built drawing package.

Entry  Wednesday, January 18, 2017, 11:53, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC partition wall installation complete IMG_7728.JPG

 The final panels of the partition wall were installed today as per drawing IRH1609.  Sealing, finishing, and painting of the NHC walls and floor can now commence.



Entry  Tuesday, February 07, 2017, 15:57, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , Ventilation Ducting Gasket Installed 

 Lead gasket IRH1633 was installed today according to assembly drawing IRH1618 Rev B.

Entry  Thursday, February 09, 2017, 14:07, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , North Hot Cell Shielding Window Gaskets Changed 23x

 The North Hot Cell shielding window gaskets have been changed and the window has been filled with new oil.  Although there was no noticeable oil leaks before starting the job, the gaskets had not been changed since initial installation approximately 15 years ago, so they were done now as part of construction of the new  cell.  The work took place between January 26 – Feb 8, 2017 following the attached PDF “Full procedure for NHC shielding window gasket change” which references “Gasket change procedure from Hot Cell Services” (also attached).

To drain the window a 1/2”polyethylene hose was attached to the drain line using  a Swagelok fitting and routed into a 55 gallon drum.  A vent valve on the expansion tank was opened to allow air to enter  the window.  It took approximately 5 hours to drain the window using this method.  Approximately 50 US gallons were drained from the window, agreeing with the amount specified on Hot Cell Services drawing #96173-100 (attached).

After draining, the window was purged with helium then pressurized to approximately 13” WC with helium.  A pressure drop of 0.6” WC was observed over a 2 hour period.  While pressurized, a Varian G8601-60001 leak detector was  used to sniff for helium around the perimeter of the gaskets on both the hot and cold  sides – no helium leaks detected.  A small leak was found on the pressure gauge used to monitor helium pressure.

The cold side cover panel assembly was  then removed  following the HCS procedure.  From HCS Drawing #96173-100, the weight  of the cold side glass cover panel was estimated to be  approximately 50lbs.  The guide  pins used were McMaster-Carr PN# 93460A385.  The trim frame could be easily removed, however the glass panel was stuck to the window housing.  A putty knife and isopropyl alcohol were used to cut through the gasket to separate the window from the housing.  The alcohol did not damage the paint of the housing – acetone was also tested on a small area and did not cause damage  to the paint.  Two suction cup handles were used to transport the glass panel, and it was easily lifted by two people.  Various methods were attempted to remove old gasket material and gasket adhesive  from the trim frame and housing surfaces – the most successful was using a razor blade scraper to remove the majority of the material, followed by an acetone wipe to remove the remainder of the stuck-on gasket adhesive.  The panel was reinstalled with new gaskets following the attached  procedures - no issues encountered.  After torqueing the trim frame bolts the window was leak checked as before.  A drop of 0.8” WC was observed over two hours, and no helium could be detected around  the perimeter of the new cold side gasket.

The hot side cover panel assembly was changed using the same method as for the cold side.  The glass panel was estimated to be 150lbs.  A small amount of oil (< 0.5 L) remained behind the hot side glass panel after draining which spilled out after removal of the glass. Four suction cup handles were used, and four people were required to remove and reinstall the panel.  After installation the leak check was repeated with a drop of 0.3” WC observed over two hours, and no helium detectable around the perimeter of the hot side gasket.

The replacement gaskets were ordered from Hot Cell Services under PO# 3033973 matching the material and sizes specified on  HCS drawing #96173-100.

The window was filled with Drakeol 10B LT MIN OIL NF, Product  code: PEN1550-00-C-DR, PO #3034657.  The window was filled by lifting the drum onto the walkway leading  to the target hall entrance, and siphoning the oil out of the drum with a 1/2” polyethylene tube connected to the drain fitting, and an air vent open on the expansion tank.  Oil was added until the expansion tank was approximately 80% full.

After filling was complete, the cold side housing was repainted using Macropoxy 646 epoxy paint, 4019 Flint Gray.  When the inside of the NHC is next accessible the hot side trim frame bolts will be re-painted to protect the bare metal exposed from removing and reinstalling them.

Note that a quote for $74,313 ($56,823 USD) (PDF attached) was received from Hot Cell Services for them to do this job.  We were able to  successfully complete this ourselves with approximately $4500 required for the gaskets, $200 for other materials, and roughly 8 FTE days of work.








































Entry  Friday, February 24, 2017, 15:12, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC interior walls/floor/ceiling re-finished, sealed, and painted 8x

The North Hot Cell interior walls, floor, and ceiling were re-finished, sealed, and painted by Omni Coating from Feb 6 - 17 under PO #3036471.  This job required 2-3 people for 4-6 hours per day over the 2 week period.  First the existing surfaces were ground and/or sanded to remove existing coatings and protrusions/sharp edges.  This was followed by a coat of primer to highlight uneven surfaces and improve adhesion of following fillers and coatings.  Metal shims between the cell walls and roof were cut away where they protruded into the cell.  Loose steel cylinders between SHC and NHC spaces were fixed in place using epoxy filler. Epoxy or polyurethane fillers were used to fill all gaps, cracks, holes, etc, as detailed below.  Foam backer rod and polyurethane filler were used to seal all large wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-wall gaps.  An approximate 2cm radius rounded corner was formed at all wall-to-wall and floor-to-wall corners using polyurethane sealant.  The interior of the tool-port, personnel access hatch, as well as the north roof hatch were also re-finished with the same procedure.  After all sealing and finishing work the surfaces were coated with "Mill White"  Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy Paint as per manufacturer instructions.  Note:  this paint is recommended by the manufacturer for nuclear applications and has been tested for decontaminability:  99% water wash; 95% overall as per ASTM D4256/ANSI N 5.12 as well as for radiation tolerance:  Passed ASTM D4082 / ANSI 5.12 with a 525 micron thick coating.


The following products were used as described (data sheets attached):

Sanitile 120 Universal Acrylic Primer - 50-75 micron dry film thickness coat applied over all existing ceiling, walls, and floor surfaces after preparation by sanding

Sika Duochem 8107 Epoxy Paste - Used for filling voids and cracks in concrete surfaces

Sikaflex 291 Polyurethane Elastomeric Adhesive and Sealant - used for caulking joints and cracks in the concrete walls and aluminum panel wall and for creating radiused corners in wall-to-wall and wall-to-floor corners

Macropoxy 646 Fast Cure Epoxy Paint - 4 coats applied on all surfaces using rollers or brushes to create a total thickness of 525 microns as per data sheet









Entry  Tuesday, February 28, 2017, 17:51, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC flanged ducting connection sealed IMG_8012.JPG

 The North Hot Cell ducting (IRH1617) has been sealed with a bead of Sikaflex 1a polyurethane construction sealant where the flanged connection bolts to the NHC/TCS partition wall.  When this sealant shows signs of aging it may be cut away and re-applied without unbolting the flange.



Entry  Thursday, March 02, 2017, 15:02, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC roughing filter installed IMG_8014.JPGIMG_8018.JPGIMG_8019.JPG

 The roughing filter assembly (RFM0001D) has been installed at the ventilation exhaust hole on the NHC partition wall.  The filter used is Model # 332-528-002 supplied by BGE Service & Supply Ltd (see PO # TR123998).  Installation and removal of the filter using the manipulators will be tested after they have been installed.







Entry  Thursday, April 27, 2017, 16:58, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , Right side NHC manipulator installed IMG_0036.JPGIMG_0046.JPGIMG_0054.JPGCRLD-1046-B_rev_1_Installation_Removal_Manual_(July_2013).pdfManipulator_Cart_User_Manual__(CRLD-1003).pdf

 Installation of the NHC right side manipulator was completed yesterday.  The three piece manipulator was assembled in the module assembly area on the manipulator cart which was then craned through the hatch to the NHC service area (the slave end had to be removed for it to fit through the hatch).  The installation went relatively smoothly except for the second (cold side) piece of lead shielding around the thru tube which would not fit because the OD of the two halves were not concentric when assembled (arrived this way from CRL).  The shielding was removed and 0.070" was cut down on the lathe, after which installation could be completed.  The slave end lift bail and the pulley cover panel had to be removed for the manipulator to fit through the thru-tube.  Both these items were reinstalled after the manipulator was in the wall, and it was confirmed that the slave end lift bail aligns with the slave-end removal hatch in the NHC roof.  There was some difficulty getting the slave end to the horizontal position using the Y motion drive, also while preparing the manipulator for installation we noticed one of the Z motion tapes on the master side was sliding to the edge of one of the pulleys and rubbing - both these issues will be investigated at a later date.

We confirmed that it is possible to remove the master end using the manipulator cart.  We will practice doing this at some point before the cell is commissioned.  We will also do a run-through of slave end removal through the NHC roof.

Electronic copies of the Model-N installation and removal manual as well as the manipulator cart user manual are attached for future reference.







Entry  Tuesday, May 02, 2017, 09:48, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC polycarbonate window cover panel installed IMG_0066.JPGIMG_0068.JPGIMG_0071.JPGIMG_0074.JPGIMG_0076.JPG

 The window cover panel has been installed on the hot side of the NHC shielding window according to drawing IRH1638.  It was necessary to drill and tap a hole in the steel frame first to achieve proper grounding for stud welding.  The strength of all studs were checked by installing a nut on the stud tightened against a block up against the steel frame, which was then torqued to a minimum of 10 ft*lbs.  For the final installation the nuts were each torqued to approximately 3 ft*lbs.  Visibility from the cold side of the cell was checked before and after installation by Chad Fisher and Isaac Earle:  no distortion was caused by the new cover panel and with the in-cell work lights aimed in a similar direction to how the permanent lights will be installed (shining down from the roof, and also aimed south from the periphery of the window) there was no significant decrease in visibility of the work space.  A couple of small scratches are visible on the panel surface - these were already there when the panel arrived at TRIUMF.  The panel has been installed in an orientation that will minimize the visibility of these scratches during normal work.  When the work lights were aimed at the window many imperfections in the panel were visible, however this is not expected to occur during normal operation.  After the cell lighting has been installed the visibility will be re-evaluated and a new panel can be procured if necessary.  











Entry  Thursday, May 11, 2017, 16:10, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC roof block to TH north wall gap sealed 

 The gap between the north face of the NHC roof block and the target hall north wall in the area where the NHC inlet ducting will be installed has been sealed with Sikaflex 1a flexible polyurethane sealant applied over foam backer-rod.

Entry  Thursday, June 15, 2017, 11:29, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC inlet ducting installed IMG_0217.jpgIMG_0218.jpgIMG_0219.jpgIMG_0214.jpg

The North Hot Cell inlet ducting assembly was installed today in the target hall at the north end of the NHC roof block.  A small section of the perforated aluminum sheet on the TCS cage had to be trimmed for the assembly to fit (see IMG_0214).  At each end of the assembly it was fastened to the roof structure using a 1/4"-20 tapped hole in the steel roof, and a 1/4"-20 anchor in the north wall of the target hall.  The base flange of the assembly was sealed to the roof structure and TH wall using Sikaflex 1A polyurethane sealant on all sides.









Entry  Friday, June 23, 2017, 17:28, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC module flange and cameras installed IMG_0231.jpgIMG_0234.jpgIMG_0240.jpgIMG_0245.jpgIMG_0240.jpg

 The North Hot Cell module support flange (IRH1152D) was installed on June 21, 2017 using 1/8" rubber sheet as a sealing gasket.  The rubber was glued at the seams with Loctite 495 instant adhesive.  Cameras with all required wiring and connectors were installed on the mounting bars (IGN0325D) and then aligned to provide the same view as at other module installation locations in the target hall.  A cable with 5 video signals, and a camera power cable was routed from the south wall in the target hall (where video line connections are), to the panduit on the north wall.  An additional section of cable will be installed to link to the flange cameras after cable covers are installed on the floor.









Entry  Wednesday, July 05, 2017, 15:36, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Development, , , NHC and SHC nuclear ventilation flow sensors installed IMG_0264.JPGIMG_0265.JPG

 Installation of new flow sensors and transmitters for the NHC and SHC duct lines was completed in the target hall today.  The sensors are Dwyer DS-300-8 in-line sensors for 8" pipe; The transmitters are Dwyer MS0121 magnesense differential transmitters with 4-20mA output.  The transmitters will be wired to the new PLC control system when the upgrade is done.





Entry  Thursday, July 06, 2017, 14:23, Isaac Earle, North Hot-Cell, Repair, , , Slave side Z motion tape snapped on NHC right side manipulator 

The NHC right side manipulator was evaluated today to check if operation was normal through all ranges of motion.  The manipulator was first moved through usual motions without the electric motion drives: the feel was fairly normal, a sound could be heard from the master side Z motion tapes rubbing on the sides of the pulleys, this problem had been identified a few weeks ago however it was significantly reduced since the master side upper and lower Z motion tapes were tensioned yesterday (using CRL repair manual)

The Y motion drive was then tested:  with the master arm close to the window we attempted to move the slave arm close to the slave side window using the Y motion drive; part way through travel the arm stopped moving and would not move any further towards the window.  At this point it was approximately 1 foot from the slave side window.  (I recall that when the manipulator was installed in the wall it was difficult to get the slave end fully horizontal, the arm would travel part way, then stop for seemingly no reason.  Eventually after multiple attempts I got it to reach the horizontal position)

The Z motion was then tested.  The slave end was moved to the fully extended position.  At this point when the Z drive was continued downwards the master side moved up.  Once it reached the upper limit the drive continued which caused the Z motion tape on the slave end to snap.  At this point testing was stopped.


Our plan is to assemble and test the left side manipulator after the manipulator handling cart repair is completed.  If the left side has the same problems it is likely a manufacturer defect.  If not, the problems with the right side may be due to a timing error introduced when we removed the slave end to fit the assembly and cart through the roof hatch from the ISAC-1 experimental hall.  In either case we plan to have  CRL technician come in to address the issues and tune-up both arms before use.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455