Spare source tray build continued.
Initial alignment check in the morning:
- Target mounting plate target: Horizontal: .002, Vertical: -.002
- Ground electrode (bore) target, with un-clamped target: H 0.0 V -.003
- Ground electrode target (with target clamped): H: 0.0, V: .010
@14:10: sighting Master target position WRT sighting axis, calculated using the edges of the brunson target center circle edges calculated to center. Target circle is .02" in diameter.
- Master target mounted with slight finger torque.
- Front of master target, H .002 V -.002
- Rear of master target, H: 0.0 V: .005 (circle target is .020" in diameter)
- Rear of ground electrode target, H: .002, V: 0.011
@14:49: Replace mount plate target.
- Target mounting plate target: H -.001, V .001
- Ground electrode target: H .002, V .011 (rear target was rotated 90 deg from in the morning as a check)
@15:21 Steerer cone re-alignment.
- Undid the six screws holding the steerer cone and steerers to the aluminum flange and adjusted cone tip to RIB axis. The ground electrode bore was deemed not to be adjustable to the RIB axis with the current build order.
*Steerer cone assembly torque is 23 in-lbs
- Steerer cone target, H: .001, V: 0.0
- Steerer cone target, H: .002, V: .002 (after rotating target 180 degrees)
@15:30 Replaced target mounting plate target.
- Mounting plate target, H: .001, V: -0.001
Will go ahead and finish mounting components to mounting plate and final check the alignment after. |