Logbooks Lab Maintenance Evaporator_1 Evaporator_2 Laser cutter Target Production Test-Stand RH-ISAC RH-Cyclotron RH-Meson Hall RH-Beamlines RH-ARIEL
  RH-ISAC, Page 49 of 138  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry  Wednesday, June 09, 2021, 10:48, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, , TM2 containment box leak check.  

Chad installed containment box back to TM2 yesterday. We leak checked VCR joints on window line.    No leak.

Entry  Thursday, July 08, 2021, 11:45, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, Ta#62, TM4 Ta#62 leak check and lectrical check result at SHC and TCS.  Ta#62_Tm4_elecrical_check_and_leak_check_result_at_SHC.pdf

At SHC: HS line no leak . electrical check result is fine. At TCS: helium pressurized HS line to 70psi, 3 minutes. LD  leak rate 0.0xE-9atm.cc/sec , no response.

Entry  Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 10:16, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Repair, , , West Entrance Module Move to South Hot Cell 

The West Entrance Module has been moved to the South Hot Cell for repair.

Entry  Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 09:18, Travis Cave, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM4, SiC#40, Module move 
TM#4 with SiC#40 has been moved from the east target station to the south hot cell.
Entry  Tuesday, November 09, 2021, 14:35, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, UCX#36, Module Move 

TM#2 was moved from ITW to SHC, then moved back to ITW.

Entry  Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 08:29, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#36, electrical check IMG_4322.JPG

 An electrical check of TM2 with target UC#36 and no external connections was finished at SHC. 

Entry  Monday, November 15, 2021, 12:15, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Repair, , , Squeaking noise during turntable rotation - chain misalignment and improper tension PXL_20211119_190640081.jpg

It was noted on Nov. 9 that a squeaking noise was present when the turntable was rotated CCW with a module present.


Upon inspection, it appears the issue could be due to drive chain misalignment and improper tension. Furthermore, it was noted that a shaft collar on one of the existing chain tensioners was broken (a replacement was ordered).


Repairs will be performed on Nov. 19 to resolve these issues by re-aligning the chain, and resetting the tensioners. The turntable will be tested. This e-log will be updated once the work is complete and the system is returned to a functioning state. See Work Permit I2021-11-09--3


Edit, Nov. 19: the aforementioned repairs were completed and the turntable has been tested and is operating correctly. No squeaking noise is present. It is suggested to increase the diameter of the two chain tensioner shafts (and thus modify related bearing and shaft collar components) in order to prevent bending of the shaft which was observed. This will be done in the near future.

Entry  Friday, November 19, 2021, 12:48, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Development, , , Vertical motion limit switch installation PXL_20211119_172142852.jpg

A rotary limit switch was installed, attached to the shaft adjacent to the drive motor for the vertical drive system. This limit switch is not yet wired to the control system and operational - this will be done at a future date and the e-log will be updated.

Relevant electrical drawings: IRH2083 to IRH2085


Edit (2022-03-02): see e-log https://elog.triumf.ca/TIS/RH-ISAC/2309

Entry  Tuesday, November 23, 2021, 10:58, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, , TM4 Move 

TM4 was moved from ITE to SHC. Shield plug installed in ITE.

Entry  Wednesday, November 24, 2021, 07:17, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, Ta #63, TM4 SIS with Target and No external Connections IMG_4469.JPG

the TM4 with new target Ta #63 installed in SHC and an electric check was made by David. 

Entry  Monday, January 17, 2022, 10:44, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, UC#36 (the target removed), TM2 electrical check without Target. TM2_without_UCx36_at_SHC_(2).jpg

 An electric check was done right after module moving from SMP to SHC. 

Entry  Friday, February 25, 2022, 10:22, Adam Newsome, South Hot-Cell, Development, , , Addition of E-Stops and Turntable Vertical Motion Limit Switch 

Two changes have been made to the control system to the South Hot Cell:

  1. Addition of two emergency stop buttons: one located in the Target Hall on the wall adjacent to the hot cell, and one located on the control panel adjacent the operator station.
  2. Addition of limit switches to the turntable's vertical drive system to prevent over-travel at both the upper and lower limits.


The emergency stops will both stop all turntable motion: vertical and rotational.

An update to operating procedures: in order for the vertical motion system to function, the limit switch cable must be plugged in. When plugging in the vertical drive motor to the wall outlet as per normal operating procedure, it is now required to also connect the limit switch (which is mounted near the motor on the driveshaft) to the cable coming from the appropriately labelled junction box on the South wall (M12 connector).


These changes are based on electrical drawings IRH2083 - IRH2085 and mechanical assembly drawing ITA6739. The changes have been commissioned according to commissioning plan Document-218490. The commissioning report will be uploaded to DocuShare. The work permit for this upgrade was I2022-02-15--3.


Entry  Monday, April 04, 2022, 10:44, Nadia Jorgenson, South Hot-Cell, Repair, , , Turntable Chain Repair Hot_Cell_Chain_1.jpgHot_Cell_Chain_2.jpg

 Last week we repaired the South Hot Cell turntable chain/sprocket. Chain was loose and there was a few section where the chain was not lining up properly with the sprockets.

3 issues were discovered:


-        One of the pins was bent. It’s been replaced but is a temporary fix. Need to replace them with stronger pins.


-        The smaller sprockets near the motor were too far from the main turntable sprocket which was causing the links to not immediately line up with the teeth on the turntable sprocket. With too much slack in the chain, it’s likely that this is were the misalignment was starting. This was fixed by adjusting the motor position and the position of the yellow plate bolted to the floor.


-        The yellow plate that is bolted into the floor has oversized holes relative to the bolts/washers used. This allows us to adjust the position, but the washers are to thin and are being bent/pulled into the holes. Should be replaced with thicker washers that can withstand the tension and this will help prevent the plate from sliding out of position.

Entry  Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 11:54, Carla Babcock, South Hot-Cell, Maintenance, TM2, , EZL cable change MicrosoftTeams-image_(25).png

Chad changed the EZL cable and plugs on TM2. New cable runs along the cable trays.

Entry  Thursday, April 21, 2022, 13:29, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, Febiad TEST, TM2 FEBIAD WITH A TEST TARGET TEST_FEBIAD_TARGET_E_CHECK.jpg

 A Test Febiad Target was installed and checked at SHC. 

Entry  Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 13:52, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM4, UCx#37, electrical check  1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg

 The TM4 with installed target #UCx37 had been electric checked at SHC. PICs attached.

Entry  Monday, June 06, 2022, 14:15, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#42, TM2 FEBIAD with Target and No external Connections TM2_with_FEBIAD_SiC_42_electrical_check.jpg

 An electrical check was done at SHC for TM2 with FEBIAD SiC #42 Target. 

Entry  Thursday, June 09, 2022, 09:47, Matthew Gareau, South Hot-Cell, Repair, TM2, SiC#42, containment box repair, Einzle lens, multi pin 

On June 2 2022, while attempting to install target SiC#42 a gasket fell off the water line. I attempted to remove the target to have the gasket reattached, however the multi pin connector guide pin was loose and was preventing the target from being removed. During the attempt to remove the target it was noticed that an electrical cable in the back of the module had become loose and was dangling. The target was then secured to the module, and then the module was moved to the SHC to complete the job/repairs.

June 3 2022, containment box was removed, Einzle Lens cable reattached and tested, and the multi pin guide pin was retightened.

On June 6 2022, the containment box was damaged while lifting the containment box back onto the module.

The left rear corner of the box caught on the module and the corner weld snapped and folded the corner down about 90 degrees.

With help from Chad, we were able to restraighten the corner with a C-clamp, enabling the box to be reattached to the module.

However the 2 bolts that were on the corner that attach to the module were not able to be aligned and were not used.

The target was reattached to the module, and to save time was brought directly to ITW, skipping the conditioning station. 

Entry  Monday, June 20, 2022, 18:03, Frank Song, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, Sic#43, electrical check TM2_with_SiC43.jpg

 TM2 with new target SiC#43 was electrical checked at SHC. please see attachment.

Entry  Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 09:14, David Wang, South Hot-Cell, Standard Operation, TM2, SiC#42 and SiC#43. , Three of TM2 moves related to SiC#42 to SiC #43 target switching job.  

Monday morning June 20th: TM2 with SiC # 42 was moved from ITW to NHC.

Monday afternoon: TM2 with no target was moved from NHC to SHC due to 10 pin connector guide pin loose issue. The guide pin has to be moved out in SHC due to NHC manipulator configuration limit .

Monday afternoon: TM2 with SiC # 43 was moved from SHC  to ITW.

all module moves are smooth.

ELOG V2.9.2-2455