It was noted on Nov. 9 that a squeaking noise was present when the turntable was rotated CCW with a module present.
Upon inspection, it appears the issue could be due to drive chain misalignment and improper tension. Furthermore, it was noted that a shaft collar on one of the existing chain tensioners was broken (a replacement was ordered).
Repairs will be performed on Nov. 19 to resolve these issues by re-aligning the chain, and resetting the tensioners. The turntable will be tested. This e-log will be updated once the work is complete and the system is returned to a functioning state. See Work Permit I2021-11-09--3
Edit, Nov. 19: the aforementioned repairs were completed and the turntable has been tested and is operating correctly. No squeaking noise is present. It is suggested to increase the diameter of the two chain tensioner shafts (and thus modify related bearing and shaft collar components) in order to prevent bending of the shaft which was observed. This will be done in the near future. |